lif'i I" l ti Mr -. - . iy jmv . -. .in wi .ffi)intuiiin;mmjmyinii i'i i. 1 y Hpp1' ,,... i mi ii wwiwiiwiwf'wH'UM'W1 inWrwnl lff!WHl tWfgajaCT""M"wi'r t .. n iiwiikii()" W"'JGR " P't'-' w'v 'sjf ' vt, '" " ;'Hf "" 'g'i ftyy 'i";" iy "iw" rwaf! v t V t I 1 )" - " vi ,v, . - , i ii w i ii i r i .-. aEUtiffufuvjtiKbuCAi'CtfMyiMUi n,'nr!U rvtiu. . .. A if ft WJ . v- & SrN i ' l S K Al 157 P V V: K fc Si P THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska PUBLISHED EVERY 'JHUHSDAY Entered In the I'tistclllcc lit HnU limit,. Ncl. m Hcconrt I'lnM Matter 0 11. HALE l'UM.i4in:ii wo to- T6B ONI.V DKMOl'llATiU PAP Kit IN WKIISTKK COUNTY While wo arc not n candidate for tliu position of city marshal, nor do 'possess any malice or hard felling ward the present ineiimherent, In fact, believe he is a good man for the place, and while not endeavoring to conduct his affairs, yet wo suggest that he take walk up toward Washington school park some evening and put an end to the dutch lunches, etc . which have lately been held at tills place. We can't believe that the said park is an ideal location fr Mich banquet, situ atcd as it Is so near the heait of tlio city, and believe a stop should bo put to this practice before it becomes chronic. A real dutch lunch, in a real Rood place, Is really real enjoy able, to some, but surely this tenot a real good place. The baud concert given on last Thursday evening from the new band stand which has been erected In Wash ington 6chool park, was a huge suc cess from a musical stand point, but showed plainly that to make an entire auccess of these popular concerts in the future, some means should be adopted In order to do away with the noise made by the hundreds of child ran who gather around the band stand. We are ever loyal to the old legion, 'You can not make a man out of a boy until he gets to be one," and be lieve also that the band concerts are uch as can be appreciated by the children as well as the older people, but In order that they may be enjoyed by everyone, the noise must cease The Chief believes thut this matter can best be adjusted by the parents of these boys and girls, and by way of a suggestion would ask that they request their children to be more quiet during the next concert and to consider that there were people there who were anxious to hear the music, and It was their duty to remain more quiet. The aauslc is delightful but the music and noise together is painful. What's The Use? Did It ever occur to you that a man's life Is full of contradictions? He comes Into the world without his con sent, and goes out against his will, ami the trip is exceedingly rocky. The rule of contraries Is one of the features of this trip. When he is little the big girls kiss bin; when be Is big the little girls kiss him. If he is poor be is a bad wauager; If he 19 rich, he is dishonest; if he seeds credit he can't get it; if he 1b prosperous, everybody wants to do him a favor. If he Is in politics its a graft; if he is oat of politics he is no good to his ooantry. If he does not give to charity ha Is a stingy cuss; if he does It is fur bow. If ha is actively religious, he is a hypocrite; if he takes no iuterest in mllgioD, he is a hardened sinner. If he Rives affection, he is a soft jtfeclmenj.lf he cares for no one he is cold-blooded. If he dies young there m a great future before him; If be lives to an old age he missed bis call-fa. If he saves money he is a grouch; If ha apends It he is a losfer; if he gets It he's a grafter; if be doesn't be is a bam. 80 what's the use? comes to prices of corn and cattle and hog during Cleveland's admlulstrn Hon, I advise "widow women" about their ttlfahH. I lend tho chronically Impecunious sums ranging from CO cents to M and always e,et it back. I head tho list and help carry the paper to tpko n Mibscrlptloti for &omeouc In distress. Our oillce gets tho freak vegetables and big corn and lino fruits. We never get any knocks. No one never comes around to tell us what to print. Our town lias no joints. Wc havo one drug store and It bells no booze. If our druggist should Invest in a gov ernment license he knows and his wife knows, because I told him, and ho told his wife, that an item would be made of such a license being granted. Tho only wrangling I ever have is with tho preacher. This town has six churches-count them six, and there Is only room for one. All tho preach ers are on the frco list. Hut 1 hardly ever attend chinch and when they bring around a half column of dope about their particular church 1 take it and boil It down to a single paragraph and that makes them sore. And they send the presiding elder around when he comes to town to talk to mo and to admonish me that 1 am wasting a wonderful opportunity to do real work for the master. And I come back by telling the presiding elder that our paper is doing more to tuake the town a decent little hamlet In a week thau all the preachers do in a year. The last one to haul mo over the coals demanded to know why I did not attend church, and I told him. Told him of the church ridden towns of the makeshift pastors wc had for twenty live years of the pltable Irony of having a young man who could not grow a decent beard and whs hardly dry behind the ears from college, ,uu dcrtake to tell grown men who had met a good many phases of life its temptations and wickedness and sin how to live on Sunday, and through the week lived his life apart from the common herd of men and women who have trials and heartaches aud joys and sorrows. A little country town like this needs a man for spiritual adviser. A man like that and one church iu a town could pull down 92,000 a year aud do an immense amount of good, while as it is tho women give suppers and hold a bazaar and take freak ways of earn ing a dollar in order that the pastor may have bread and butter and a roof over him aud ralumeut to put on. - Of course a young man must begin somewhere, but he should begin In mission, work In a city where he meets sin aud shame aud crime and poverty iu all its hidoousuess. and1 then he would probably be qualified to go out to preach to country people. Kansas City Star. An Interesting Letter From ;E A Dayton Flood Victim 5 c Frem a Ceantry Etfiter. The Star takes the liberty to re produce these passages from the pri vate letter of a country editor. It is th snore -vivid because it was not written with the thought of publica tion. I know everybody in the whole oantry rouudabouts by his first name. .There are a thousaud things to make Ufa a joy. The youngsters in school oaae to the office for my opinion in dlsVcalt things In their lessons. 1 Agare out the contents of stacks, of alfalfa and prairie bay for farmers. I asa the court of last resort when it Decoration Day On Sunday, May 23th, all soldiers and sailors of the Civil and Spanish Ameri can wars, and members of the W. R.C., are requested to meet at the O. A. K., hall at 10 o'clock, a. m. From this place they will march to the opera house where union servlcos will be held. Sermon Rev. Cole Music Baptist church choir Remarks Rev. Dayne. On Friday, May 30th, all comrades of the Q. A. R. and W. R. (J., with all soldiers of the Spanish-Amerioan war, will meet at the O. A. R. hall, at 1 o'clock, p. m , where line of march, commanded by J. V. MoCraoken, will form on Webster street and march south and west to the cemetery, head ed by the Red Cloud Concert Hand. Details will be assigned by the post commander and president of the W. R. (J., to decorate graves of comrades and members of the W. R. C. After decorating the irraves. the line of march will form a hollow square at the monument of the Unknown Dead, where there will be exercises by the W. R. O. and comrades of the O. A. R. Renediction. After which the column will march to the opera house, where the follow ing program will he given: Music oy tue nana. Invocation Rev. Rates. Music. Reading Lincoln's Address at Get tytburg, Chaplain Royoe. Male Quartet Inavale. Music-Choir. Reading List of Dead ComradeB 8. B. Kizer. Male Quartet Inavale. Address Pied E. Maurer. Song America. Benediction. v-vt . ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure TO titty Baking Powdar mmdm A-oaf RmyaSarmpmGrmmm ofTmrtmr NO ALUM, NO UME PHOSPHATE Mrs. X. W. McDowell line leceived tho following lt-tter fioin her sister .May, which describes the lloodat Day ton", Ohio, in a vivid way. Wo re-produce tho letter this week, and would have did so n few weeks ago, but owing to luck of space It was crowded out. Sr. Lot'n, Mu., Apill lMth., 113. Dear Sister Lottie: Your good letter came duly and we all thank you so much for it. Yes, my dear folks, we have had a most trying time. It simply poured all the way to Day ton, Ohio, aud when we got there at 11:20 p. in. tho Conductor would not cross tho bridge, as It was unsafe, so we were still standing on the track near tho depot, when the Hood came. If I could write for hours I could not begin to tell you of all tho honors of It. The train crew were brave noble fellows or wc would have had a poor sliow. All day wo saw the waters creep up higher and higher. The crews made rafts and rescued many from their homes. One family they could not reach anyway, but by get ting on top of a big lumber building (brick) nud making a pulley and a basket seat of rope they took them up to tho top unci then dowu thto the building to our train. The train had been pulled up three times on dry laud, and on" the rafts some were pull ed in at the I'ullmaa windows. Toward night they decided to get us down to the Depot and up to the 2nd lloor, the lower lloor being uuder water sluce morning. We were all put. in a coach and pulled down and just got to the sheds when the engine died (the water put the lire out) our car tilled with water aud we had to get iu it, be pulled out on top of shed aud tip to the porch covers and then in thru windows. Tlnce of us got out at back of car windows aud had -to walk the length of the car too. Had to dry our things ou us, and were huddled in like sheep, all kinds and conditions (dogs, niggers, etc ) for two nights aud days. Thou the rain turned to snow and u cold west wind and the water began to go down. Tue3td day they took us dowu with ladders and we were ivery comfortablo iu the l'ullmaus aud .had a coach to eat In, when the second otliclal warning came, there would be another Hood, three times worse than the other, so we walked four miles up the river, on the Levee, across two bridges to the Highlands, where we were kept in what was luxury after the hardships aud oh how good whs thut first night's sleep iu bed. While we were marooned in tho Depot, we had little to cat. They fished up barrels of apples, crates of oranges, olives aud other things as the wateia receded. Of -course the women ami children came first, but there were lots of mean men us so many were ol the low down type, we had only one Policeman for six huudred people, but there was all our passengers aud train crew, and some more noble meu, so we got thru It all, but nothing to me but tho dear Lord's care aud love ever took us thru. We were until Saturday when our Conductor seut word out that they would try aud take us out of Dayton and to be at the train by four o'clock. We were taken down in a Red Cross wagon thru the wreck and ruin of Dayton and at 8 p. m ,' they started and were four hours going five miles, it being over newly made track. Was very dangerous, but at the end of two miles they came in and told us the worst was over, we just crept along and at midnight we arrived at Xenia fourteen miles from Dayton. Staid there till Monday and were treated royally by the people. Then on to Columbus, where wevcould only get within six miles of the Uniou station on the traiu and were trans ported by carriages and bus' thru the most' awful devastation, by flood, 1 ever want to Bee. That night on to Chicago and the next ou to St. Louis taking 8 days and nights in makiDg what 1b ouly a 14 Jf hour trip. I meant to tell you while we were in the cars we saw houses burn on the water and folks waving from windows in distress, horses drowning, eto. In the first floor of the Depot there were seven horses with their beads just above water. All the time we could look down on them, they all lived but one, It broke bis leg and bad to be shot. But oh the sights after the water weut down. We all send love' to you all. Sistkii Mat. Farmers Uiing Sulphur Many of the farmers are using sul phur in their lister aud com plauter boxes this spring, putting it into the ground right along with the seed corn to prevent the red ants from workiug In the roots of tho com plant later ou. Those who have tried the experiment in former years bay It Increases the lyjold wonderfully. Its uot uncommon to see tho laimets taking out sulphur iu llfty and seventy-five pound quanti ties and it it docs what it, is claimed to do It will prove a great boon to the fanning Industry. Ksbo n, (Kus.) Times. Extra Special 25 Per Cent Discount k- m m We are making a discount of 25 Per Cent on all Spring and Summer Coats and Suits and 20 Per Cent Discount on all Skirts. These are Big Cuts and mean Big Savings to you in addition to the low prices the goods are marked. These Goods are going fast so do not wait, but come with out any. delay. We are continuing our regular custom of offering The Bargain of all Bargains and all should take advantage of our Regular and our Bargain Day Offerings. 1 Miner Bros. Co. fg- General Merchants -S The Store That Sells Wooltex 69 tt A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" jjE iVn s For Clothes For All Sorts of Uses Business or outings, dress functions or sports, young men who want the quality that endures, the style that keeps shape, the tailoring that lasts, and the fit that's just right, ought to come to us and ask for our Hart Schaf f ner & Marx clothes. They're right in every way; all-wool fabrics; and the highest class workmanship. Wt'll tit you, whafvr your slzo or hap: Spoolal voluos at S20 ana $25 PAUL STOREY RED CLOUD, 1Al 1usBvvvbm l vwvug3i I THE CLOTHIER NEBRASKA 2 8 T 0 P HI A " $ ft : S v. ! I I. V rmgA m it Tttr wjgiyinfrWT ttW fa t wniytTiaaMiTwy