The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 22, 1913, Image 2

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The Chief
Last Year' Crop Had a Caih Vntue ot
Over $21,000,000 President WIN
on and Secretary Bryan
Have Conference.
Washington. Announcement by
Chairman Simmons of tho finance com
mittee Hint subcommittees consider
ing the various schedules of tho Under
wood tariff bill had determined to
grant more tlmo to protesting manu
facturers than was at llrat Intended
has nroiiscd considerable Interest nt
the capital. Although tho effort of
senate republicans to force public
hearings wub defeated by a vote ot 30
to 41, tho minority lenders see in the
chnnged tactics of tho democrats n
concession which they claim resulted
from tho denunciation ot secret consid
eration of tho bill.
Hold Lengthy Conference.
Washington President Wilson spent
his Saturday "holiday" closeted all af
ternoon In nn important conference
with Secretary of State Bryan. They
dlsciiBsed everything from alien land
bill to zeal ot democrats in seeking
patronage, from shortly after 2 o'clock
until 5. "A multltudo of subjects was
discussed during the first opportunity
the president has had for a good long
talk with Mr. Ilryan," was tho state
ment given out at tho White House
after tho confnb.
Second In Alfalfa Crop.
Lincoln. Alfalfa might bo ttccn of
Nebraska if corn is to bo king, accord
ing to tho Btnto board of agriculture.
Kansas 1b first in production and Ne
braska Bccond, with nil other state
trailing along well In tho renr. Re
garding this valuable crop In Nebras
ka, tho department says: Alfalfa has
become one of the sturdy supporters of
King Corn in Nebraska. In tho year
1912, according to figures on fllo with
tho state board of agrlculturo, tho al
falfa crop had a cash valuo of $21,188,.
490. Nebraska 1b tho secpnd state in
tho union in production. Kansas
takes first placo with an acreage of
Crop Prospects Brightest Ever.
Lincoln. Tho week ending Satur
day night brought reports from every
section of Nebraska indicating that
the f prospects nfter throe weeks of
closely observed growth still Indicate
a crop larger than has been harvested
In years. At no time, within compara
tively recent ycarB nt least, have the
prospects been as bright as they are
now. Corresponding periods In these
yenrB never before, ns they do now,
promised a crop ranging from 115 to
120 per cent of nn average crop.
Norrls Denounces Valorization Scheme
Washington. Tho International
bankers who furnished tho money for
the Drazllinn coffee valorization
chemo wore denounced by Senator
Norrls during tho tariff debate. He
declared thoy had sought to stand at
tho door of every homo demanding an
unjust tribute from "God's poor." "In
ray opinion a man who has wealth and
would do that Imb more to answer for
than tho man who violates man-made
lawa," said tho senator.
Mine Explosion Entombs Sixteen.
Caldwell, O. A double explosion in
tho Imperial mlno nt licllo Valley, four
miles north ot here, caused tho worst
mine disaster in the history of tho dis
trict. At least sixteen men nro en
tombed, and it is b lloved thoy aro
dead. One man, a member of tho res
cue trip, is dead. Two minors escnped
(from tho pit more dead than nllve.
New Head of Lincoln Police.
Lincoln. James Mnlone, formerly
city detective, later chief of police and
'for Bomo years at tho head of tho
(Burlington Beorot sorvlco with head
quarters In Lincoln, 'has been selected
by Commissioner King to servo as
hlef of police for this city.
Favors Government Owned Railroad.
Washington. Secretary Lane of tho
Interior department has placed him
self on record as favoring a railway
.system In Alaska constructed, owned
and'opernted by tho government.
Telephone Wire Deals Death.
Johnstown. Pa. Paul Acken, n mlno
foreman, Is dend, and Dr. C. B. Jones
Is dying in a hospital here, tho result
of an. electric feed wlro crossing a tel
ephone lino.
Lincoln. Rev. John M. McDonnld.
retired Presbyterian minister, died
Thursday afternoon as the- result of
Injuries received when ho wns struck
by the Rock Island passenger train
near Twenty-seventh and A streets.
Mr. McDonnld was seventy-five yenrs
of ago. Although he. was conscious
when picked up nfter tho accident and
removed to tho hospltnl, not much
hope of saving his life was enter
tained by tho physicians in charge.
His left arm had been completely sev
ered from the body nnd his chest was
crushed onto 1!b lungs.
The Injured Are Getting Along
Famously Three services Held
Saturday No Appeal For
Outside Assistance.
Seward. Among tho tornadoi vic
tims who have thus far been able to
leave tho hospital arc thu little Stein
beck girl and William Hasslngcr. Tho
rest of tho Injured nro getting nlong
ns well as could bo expected, consider
ing tho seriousness of their Injuries.
Tho funeral of Mm. llasslnger wns
held from tho Presbyterian church
(Saturday forenoon and that of 'Mrs.
Wassorman was held from tho Luther
an church ut 2 o'clock In tho afternoon.
Samuel Crlm was buried nt 4 p. m.
- ' , , ' '
sH I kkVdKJHhl saat " "? aV'j 'vTfcs!!3iti''?lBS
Wreck of home of Henry Flgard. Barn was blown into house, but family
escaped serious Injury.
from tho homo of his brother, George Miller of the commercial club, Sheriff
Crim, a mile north of tho city, and ! QH'an, W. H. Smith and a number of
k , i ..... 0-..-i- ....i other business men, took a hurried
daughter was hold Sunday at 2
o'clock from tho German church.
Another meeting of tho citizens was
held at tho Commercial club rooms
Friday night and a survey of tho work
dono and to bo done wns gono over.
As a mark ot sympathy and respect
for all who wero bereft by the tornado,
11 business houacB und public offices
wero closed from 1:30 until 3 o'clock
Saturday afternoon.
In the days that have elapsed since
tho Btorm much has been dono for tho
relief ot tho destitute, and the rebuild
ing ot homes. Seward peoplo have
contributed liberally, and tho commit
tee having charge ot the work Is mak
ing a careful computation and esti
mate ot the amount that will bo neces
sary. No appeal has been made for
outsldo aid, but numerous checks
have been received from individuals,
und notably from wholcsalo houses,
through their customers In this city.
Assistance coming In this manner has
been gratefully rocelved by tho com
mittee, and all such funds will bo put
to tho bout UBe. About $t",OJ0 has so
far been subscribed by Seward people.
York, Nob. Travelers In tho path of
tho tornado In the southern part of
York county havo witnessed countless
freaks ot tho wlud. One country homo
near Uluo Valo was lifted Just abovo
tho lloor line. Tho floor was left In
tact. A lone rocking chair was left In
the mlddlo ot It. Thu rest of the house
-Tnnd tho furniture wore blown away. A
largo barn on tho farm of Ned Rua,
near McCqol was blown away. Efforts
have boon made to tlnd portions of tho
structuro but without avail. Not i
single board or oven u shlnglo can bo
found. Trees nlong tho country high
ways aro twisted luto all sortb of
Seward, Nob. Eight peoplo were
killed and mnny injured by a tornado
which swept through Seward at supper
tlmo Wednesday. The eight dead aro
all that havo been recovored, although
tho list may bo greater than that.
Homes wore torn up nnd hurled long
.distances and tho Injured will prob
ably bo largo.
Tho storm hit tho city near the fair
grounds park, and sweeping in a
northeasterly direction, toro a path
Severe Hall at Valparlso. '
Valparaloo, Neb. Ono of tho sever
est hall and wind storms of tho sea
son, accompanied by a heavy downpour
of rain, struck Valparaiso and vicinity
Wednesday about 5:30. Tho Btorm
came up from the southwest, accom
panied by a terrific roar, and for a
little whllo It was feared that there
would bo a bad tornndo. People took
refuge in their collars and caves. Hall
fell bo thick that tho ground was cov
ered In a short time. There wero lots
ot hall stones an Inch 'In diameter,
which did lots ot damage to tho fruit
from one to two blocks wide. From
here i( tore across country in the di
rection of Germantown, northeast of
The storm struck the fair grounds,
northwest of town, where It did minor
damage. It then followed the line of
the Northwestern tracks through tho
north edge of the city, .finally veering
off toward tho northeast as it trailed
out of tho city limits.
Approximately one-fifth of the town
was in the path of the storm. Twenty
two houses were totally wrecked and
n huge list of barns and other out
buildings was added to the toll of
property ruined by the wind's fury.
It was shortly after 5 o'clock that
tho big storm clouds formed In the
west. Many people hurried home, but
others pronounced the clouds harm
less nnd did not mnko nny prepara
tions for n storm. At 5:30, however,
the clouds appeared moro ominous,
and twenty minutes later tho storm
was sweeping on Its course through
the town. Had It como hnlf an hour
or an hour Inter It would hnvo claimed
a greater toll than It did.
Seward, Neb. Awakoidng to a reali
zation of tho cntnBtropho which
pounced upon their city Wednesday
evening, Seward people began Immedi
ate plans for clcnulng up tho wind
Bwept district iftul for providing
shelter for thoso whoso homes wore
wrecked by tho tornado.
Mayor Calder, seconded by President
I Eurvey of the damage wrough
Eurvey of the damage wrought by the
storm and then announced that they
would endeavor to bear their burden
alone. Cleanlng-up squads were
planned and activities wero under way
all day In connection with the housing
of the homeless.
The day's reports ot tho patrols,
who have been In the district continu
ally since an hour after the storm,
showed that no moro Injured persons
had been reported, no pilfering had
been Indulged In and that all suffer
ers wero bearing their losses as optim
istically ns could be expected ,under
such trying circumstances.
Devastation Grows.
Tho devastation resulting
Ruins of home of F. C. Frlcke. His
among ruins,
Wednesdny night's tornado grows as
tho ruins nro carefully surveyed by
families and friends of tho sufferers.
The cloud had tho usual cyclonic ap
pearance, accompanied by the roar
which made known Its nature. Tho
fact that a lnrgo number took retugo
In oellnrs and caves accounts for the
comparatively small number of fatali
ties. Near the fair grounds park and
tho Northwestern railroad Is located
the Scholz home, whore two members
of the family lost their lives. This is
where tho cloud Bcoma to have first
dipped and close observers say that it
raised and lowered in Us mad passago
up tho little valley.
and bent the gardens down even with
tho ground. Rain fell In torrents for
about fifteen or twenty mnutcs after
tho hall.
Eugene ' T. Lies. roDrcsentntlvo of
Bsj ' iK bLhVuA-'B!. Jl sBs S"SJBBsBWSMQgj l1. . Vl. Vv ijik, B fc I
tho National Red Cross society, nr-! pieces, tho, side of the house blowing
rived from Omaha at noon Thursday. ' away and tho contents of the room be
lle chanced to bo In Omnha In con-.lng left Intact. Other members of the
nectlon- with tho relief work thero family In nnother room were left un
when tho news of tho Sewnrd disaster harmed on account of tho roof lodg
reached him. He went over the field ing In nn angular position. A number
nnd snys ho Is rondy to make any rec- of the victims were burled In the de
ommendatlon to tho Red Cross for re- brls and dug their way qut with only
lief funds that tho ense may warrant ' slight Injuries.
,.... ....; ,. trtrSirtMrrl
Gustav Schols and family started
for the cave, but were struck before
getting far. Mr. Sofeols waa found
with bis head crushed and a seven-year-old
daughter dead from flying
Rushed to Cellar.
Many people saw the tornado com
ing and rushed to cellars. Others
thought nothing of the dark clouds
which came rolling up and were at
supper when the twister hit Crashing
through houses and tearing up trees
it swept through the cltyand those
who had not been watching the clouds
had no time to flee before the storm
was upon them.
All the doctors In the city have been
busy nnd a call was sent out for un
dertakers from Lincoln to help the lo
cal men take care of tho bodies, Prac
tically the entire population Ib on tho
scene of tho accident, working in the
wreckage. A number of people are yet
to be accounted for.
Hnd tho storm struck a llttto further
south It would have crashed through
the heart of tho city. As It was. It
.swept through a portion more thinly
settled than tho romnlnder of tho
town. This will probably hold the
loss of llfo down.
Only One, Fire Started.
Twenty-two houses were totully do
etroyed by the storm and numberless
barns nnd outbuildings. Only one fire
started In the pathtR the storm, that
being at the residence of K. C. Frnmp
ton. It wns quickly extinguished by
neighbors, however, without the aid
of tho fire department. A fire In tho
kitchen stove where supper was cook
ing Ignited n bundle of papers in the
kitchen. Tho fire spread rapidly to
the wreckage roundabout but was dis
covered by people who wero starting
out to aid In relief work.
The Btorm wnB heard approaching
for n considerable time. Darkness
fell nnd the usual roaring accompany
ing a tornndo gave many people warn
ing to go to their cellars or tornado
caves. Many lives were saved in this
way. '
Tho storm was of short duration.
Then followed a scene of great ex
citement. The people rushed from tho
mnln part of tho t.own to give assist
ance to thoso who had been more un-
fortunnte. The sight that met their
eyes In tho northern part of town wns
terrible. Houses wero wrecked, trees
wero uprooted 6r denuded of leaves.
Many houses not in the direct path
of the storm wero Injured. Some of
them lost roofs nnd projections.
Formed West of Sutton.
Sutton, Neb. The tornado which is
reported to have dono considerable
damage farther east and north of here,
seems to have formed almost directly
west of Sutton. The clouds accom
panying the storm were a very unusual
sight and wero watched by hundreds
of people. When it was west ot Sut
ton, masses of clouds were flying in
all directions, sometimes sinking and
sometimes rising. Only once, how
ever, was there anything In the form
of a funnel observed from town and
that was when a great mass of clouds
seemed to suddenly sink to tho ground.
For a time the main part of the storm
seemed to bo coming directly toward
town, but later changed Its course, go
ing north and seemingly following tho
Blue river. When the storm had
passed to the northeast the funnel of
tho tornado was plainly visible to
wife was found unconscious in cellar
but uninjured.
many from hore, but seemed to bo
several miles north. Excepting n few
gusts there was absolutely no wind in
Cloud Was Umbrella Shaped.
ThoBo who watched tho storm de
scribe it as umbrella shaped and whlto
in color. A roaring noise accompanied
its approach and many of the town
peoplo took refuge in cellars and
caves. This safeguard wns the means
of saving, the lives of most who re
sided In its path who were not killed.
Trees were uprooted and those left
standing were stripped bare or twisted
out by tKo roots.
Accompanying Mr. Lies were two
trained nurses, Miss Florence Clark
and Miss Alice Bnrker.
TTnnrv Prnlchtnn war lvlne nn R hftd
' in his house when the house went to
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented In
Condensed Form to Our
Will Try Merit System.
Warden Fenton will Introduce tho
merit system at the state penitentiary
provided it meets with the approval
penitentiary if It meets the approval
of the board of control. The custom
of throwing a prisoner In the "hole"
and stringing him up by tho arms or
any other kind of cruel punishment
is a thing of the past nt the state
prison. A few men hnvo been placed
in tho "nolo" since ho has been there,
but he hopes in tlmo to be able to
abolish this practice entirely. For six
weeks not a prisoner has been sent
to tho "solitary." Warden Fenton ex
plained that the merit system means
that the prisoner will bo put In a po
sition whefo If he disobeys the prison
rules ho punishes himself. For every
month that the convict's record is
good he will bo given a merit mark.
It he breaks a rulo ho will be deprived
of this mark and will be required to
work another month beforo the mer
it will be granted and his conduct dur
ing tho second month must be above
reproach. For n serious infraction of
the rules no merits .will be given for
a period of six months or more.
Many 8urvlvors of Gettysburg.
A count of the men who fought In
the nrmics of either the blue or the
grey nt tho bnttle of Gettysburg and
who aro now residents of this state
shows that there are more Nebraska
survivors of that engagement than
oven the Btato Grand Army depart
ment hnd cognizance of a few weeks
ago. The number has now reached
260 nnd replies are still coming in, In
dicating thnt more aro yet to bo lo
cated. The Increase, It Is believed,
will give the commission nppolnted to
apportion the.M.000 for payment of
railroad fares back to tho memorial
a deal of trouble before the matter Is
satisfactorily adjusted. Tho appropria
tion was made by the late legislative
session on the supposition that not
more than ninety or n hundred vet
erans could be found who would be
eligible to take the trip.
Sealer of Weights and Measures.
Food Commlsloner Harmon, who
finds himself busied daily with attend
ing to tho duties of the food, drug,
dairy and oil departments of the state.
Is soon to become state sealer of
weights and measures under a bill
lately enacted. He has started to pre
pare for his work along this line and
has acquired a miscellaneous lot of
standards which tho government
shipped to the state a quarter of a
century ago. The paraphernalia has
been In the possession of the univer
sity for many years past and much of
It 1b too antique for use. The old
standards will be exchtfnged for new
under an agreement entered Into with
the federal government.
Board of Mediation.
Governor Morehead has named the
members of the board of mediation
In industrial dispute's, according to a
new law passed by the recent legisla-.
ture. The nro: F. M. Coffey ot Lin
coln, Robert Cowell ot Omaha, now
a member of tho tornado relief com
mission, and H. E. Relsche of Chad
ron. Mr. Coffey represents the em
ployes, Mr. Cowell the employer, and
Mr. Relsche represents neither. The
law requires this division in tho com
mission. Tho board has no other pow
er than to try to effect reconciliations
In strike problems nng to force testi
mony In reaching tho fncts In the mat
ter before them. Its members also
havo the power to spend $2,000 In the
next two years, f 5 a day and expenses
each being their personal reward.
Early Closing Races.
The enrly closing races for tho Ne
braska Stnto Fair, held Sept. 1 to 5,
close on May 19, and. are n 2:30 nnd
2:20 trot, ench for a purso of $1,000;
a 2:25 and a 2:14 pace, each for $1,000,
nnd a 2-yonr-old and 3-year-old trot,
the Inttor for colts cllglblo to the 2:25
class, nnd a 2-year-old and a 3-year-old
paco, tho latter for colts eligible
to the 2:25 class, each for $500. Tho
entry fee Is 3 per cent, 1 per cent
with nominations.
Low Shoes Barred. ,
Adjutant General HalL of the Ne
braska national guard, has Issued an
order barring low shoes in the state
encampment of the guard to be held
this summer. The order relates only
to shoes worn by members of the
Nebraska national guard. "Low shoes
are absolutely forbidden," says tho
order. 'Members of tho guard are to
be required to wear well fitting russet
leather shoes, laced, high topped and
heavy soles, which must have been
worn at least two weeks.
Cash Prizes for Com Growers.
Contestants who nro Interested In
(he Boys' Acre Corn Contest should
not fail to forward their names to Sec
retary W. R. Mellor of the state board
of agriculture, Lincoln, Neb. This
should be done without delay as the
time limit for entering fits contest
expires May 20, 1913.
Plans are being made at the unlver
ilty for the entertainment of some
three hundred visitors from ovor the
stato who will attend the tffllverslty'i
annual fete day.
Backache Is aWarning
Thousands suffer
kidney ills unawares
not knowing that
the backache, head
aches.and dull.ncrv
ous, dizzy, all tired
condition are often
due to kidney weak
ness alone.
Anybody who suf
fers constantly from
backache should sus
pect the kidneys.
Some irregularity
of thesecretions may
give just the needed
Doan'a Kidney
Pills have been cur
ing backache and
sick kidneys for over
fifty years.
Enry Tlttutt
A MlntiMota Cat
Mn. Anna Iio9nl. 7tSyonmoroSt., Bt, Paul,
linn., kntui "1 itiTi-rpd trrrlhlr and tloctnrii
i-niildnt liclp mp. 1 win bo urlplrsft nit ti tho
Mln In my Imck I mitliln't mm In bed. I grew
ililnnnil had terrHloiHtrrniHill. Dunn' Klilnr
riUscurudmoamltoilar I am In perfect health."
Get Doan'a at Anr Store, BOe Bos
. W sSC. Ft.. aisMisT
jNs-Njsv Lone M eitt
.7.r. """ hwi rioj
STROMHHUn" .,. B. ,.n.
UJ kmpiwI Irt.d l,aa, t ,.,
,r Ui trait mult fonda. Rant
to fin IOD Mrrlrt and irt.Ur mil..
M m rouih roxlt tad to with
it.nd htavy ttrtln. kamIekt
VtJi", "'"KUT f'lntlrlt. Ilun.
!H? i," ",own '-10 " "
'?." .'V,.1!, d',c, "" onr wilt.
II,,roflUfOloat. Ht
due yuiit tlr. bin, lnd know r.l
VHV.'Alt.'."ja if """t STHONU-
THUD THUS. Thouind In um.
Un Tire tk
Mil 1 1 IB t?i
tlM Tin TO.
10. tu in
Mil II Ml Mil
JU4 2t. 4.U
IW 1JH 4.M
Kill MM tt
IMtlMI 321
uraa. UuUrileotthaMplii(a. OBUIKNOW.
Str ttwa K.bWCa., Paawtawt tt, DajUo, Okl
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 21-1913.
Lack of Drapery Would Seem to Have
Furnished Excellent Incentive for
Maternal Slipper.
A mother In Worcester, Mass., who
had orthodox views, had told her chil
dren the Gardon of Eden story. The
children wero greatly Impressed. One
afternoon, returning from town, the
mother found tho palms and ferns had
disappeared from tho veranda. Going:
into the darkened living-room she saw
one of the boys, minus clothing, re
clining under a big fern, while anoth
er, equally clotheslcss, was Btandtng by
a palm. They enlightened her by ex
plaining that they were playing Adam,
and Eve in the garden.
At thSt' minute her youngest boy,.
Dot threo, came Into the room as na
turo had first given htm to the world,
except that he wore a silk bat on his
head and carried a cane
"And pray whp are you?" abked the.
. The little ono looked up nt her andt
smiled aB ho said: " "I am the Lord
Dod Almighty walking in the darden
In tho tool of tho day." .
Life's Tearfulness.
"Did you ever cause your wife any
tears?" "I don't think so. Certainly
not as many as leading actors and
actresses at matinees have caused
Man's Preference.
"Men In youth, or nge, or middle
ago, will sooner kiss a pretty moutbi
than a clever brow any day, or every
day." "Wilsam," by 8. C. Nethersole.
But you can't Judge a man's true
worth by the amount of Insurance he
carries. r
Sweet Bits
of Corn
Skilfully cooked
At Your Service.
Ready to eat direct
from . tightly sealed
sanitary package.
From our ovens to
your table Post Toast
ies are not touched by
human hand.
Delicious with cream
and sugar or fruits.
For sale by
everywhere. -
Post Toasties have
Distinctive Flavor
sT H
v I sV M
miV M" m
au '!s
. A