The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 15, 1913, Image 12

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w - -- '-"v v r "3ST -zrjtf"W3C" .Z?t ISSrs .vsrswc .w.aKrse-.. i ?- -r rMKswaorKti?;
Great Reduction Sale Beginning Week
' 'if , ! sVl .
in, iillmi i 1 1 i, I
1 1
II1 tiff
25 per ct. off on Women's
and Misses Spring Coats
A very choice assortment of new coats,
all this season's styles in the correct
materials and the popular colors.
Most of the coats have been in stock
but a short time, purchased especially
for this sale. You will find the latest
effects, the most wanted styles in this
offer. Now is the time to buy your
Wool Dresses
In Ladies' Only
Made in Taffeta
and Serges. You
may choose from
the following col
ors: Tan, brown
Copenhagen. Al
ice blue, black
and white, fancy
mixtures, etc.
Bargain Day
Bargains in
Muslin ,
20 per cent
off on Skirts
150 Ladies and
Misses Skirts
That must move
at once. They
are the new high
waisted &tyle and
correct in every
way. It will pay
you to see them.
Turnure &
Bargain Day
Dargains rn
On Soap
If iWmlm
III flBBB . ' M I
lift mSMJ III
Lkl vv. Nlkv mSSam
mv "sm r-aiM
It is easy to be well dressed if you choose
your material from stocks that are new and
well selected. Our silk stripe ratines and
voiles are proving very popular. Corduroy,
plain ratines and poplins trimmed with fancy
glass buttons are very attractive. To get
the full benefit of your summer dresses
you should get them now and be ready for
the warm days a coming.)
20 Per Cent Discount On
1 CorrespondeDts I;
pleasant caller
On Bargain Day. The finest
line of these goods in the city.
Molm Agents For
Butterlck Patterns
Lcn Raltsback Is the owner of a new
buff sty.
Charley A lies marketed his hogs on
Will Harris and Peter were hauling
bogs Monday.
Peter Manley was a
at Will Fishers.
Eli Houchin and Joe Mudd were in
Red Cloud on business Monday.
Mrs. T. W. White Is visiting with
old neighbors over the river this week.
Smith's addition to Garfield seems
to tloiirish in the Comtncrial Adver
tiser. George Smith attended the Odd
Fellow lodge on Monday night in Red
Churley Harris and wife were visit
ing on wlud mill row Sunday at Al.
.Smiths. ,
J Geo. Harris' troubles are nil over
now as he has a two-row lister and an
J The rains are hindering the farmers
from planting corn and it is time that
it was planted.
There will be a school entertainment
on Friday night in district 8!, it being
the last day of school. v'
A good soaking rain fell on Tliurs
day night and Friday. It was the
best we have had for some time.
W. Campbell unloaded his car of
stock and implements and moved out
oti the Luttu farm in East Garfield.
He did not like the place ami he mov
ed bttck to town.
J Nicholas Thomas is getting to be
some what of a taxidermist. His dls-
( play of birds and animals at the White
nuuse vaie is worm seeing,
Mrs. W. H. Stern, who has been
spending the winter in Wichita, Kan
sa, returned home Tuesday night
We are glad to know that she is much
improved in health.
Our band under the leadership of
Prof. Betz is doing some very good
work. They will give a concert some
time in June and we hope to enjoy
several open air concerts this summer.
Miss Jennie Reed, who has been
teaching near hero and living at her
sister's, Mrs. Andrew Guy, is spending
the week at Guide Rock. She expects
to leave for Iowa about the first of
Red Cloud.
Mfaska m
a pnssengcr to
Financial Statement
of the
Village of Cowles
Financial Ntatement of the Village of
Cowles, from the dnteof Its Incorporation up
to tho first of May MCI:
From license and dog tux w 50
l-'rom County Treasurer 370 00
Uorrowcil from the CowIch bank :tni 00
8 772 00
To Tho Hastings Dally Itepubllcan tor
printing the ordinance id 80
Kor village seal and star (or Marshall. 2 80
For record book for the village ... 7 25
To tho Welntcr County Argus for print
Ing and Hpuplles ..... m 00
To L. H. Dlackledge (or services as at-
torney and (or ordinance 125 00
To It. Qreenhalgh (or telephone ex
pense and spaed limit signs 8 20
To li. B. Vise (or service! a Marshall... 2 00
To F. A. Good (or 10 cement crossings. 681 CO
To The tied Cloud Chle( for election
ballots 1 go
To Chas. Bennett (or election supplies. 2 40
To J. it. Morse (or work on streets 3 W
To O. O. Holt (or hall (or the election. 2 00
To It. Qreenhalgh telephone expense... 1 00
To R. Ureenhalgh (or salary 1 00
To C. C. Dennett (or salary 1 00
To A. J. Grant for service on election
board .... ... 2 00
To. I. K. Waller.same 1 on
To Fred Fuller, name 2 00
To Choster Cox, same ..... j go
To Kills I.tnlnger, Namo . 2 00
interest to the Cowles Hank e 12
llnlance In Treasurer's hands 3 43
8 772 00
Village Clerk.
flitke tt Prakatc.
In tho County Court of Webster County,
ebster County, f H,
To all persons interested In tho estate of
Marlon I.ovltt, Deceased:
TAKK NOTICK, that a petition has been
flled praying that the Instrument filed
In this court on theiMth iliy of April, IUII1, pur
porting to be the last will and testament oi
said deceased, may lio proved and allowed
and recorded as the last will and testament
of Marlon Lovllt, deceased; that said In
strument be admitted to probate, and the ad
ministration of said estate bo granted to
Kllxabelh l.ovltt, Executrix.
It Is hereby ordered by tho court, that all
persons Interested In said cstato appear at
the County Court to bo held In and (or Raid
county on the lath day of May, 1I3, at ten
o'clock A. M., to show cause, If any there be,
why the prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the pendency
of said petition and the hearing thereof, be
given to all persons Interested In said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In the Ited
Cloud Chief, a legal weekly newspaper print
ed In said couaty, for three consecutive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and the teal of said
court this 28th day of April, A. D. 1913.
County Judge.
rierTtShiw Cum.
Slate of Nebraska.! ,. . ., ' .
Webster County. ( '"The County Court
At a County Court held at the County
Court room In and for said county May 7th,
A. 1). 19l:l.
In tho matter of the estate of Margaret
M. Wall, Deceased,
On reading and tiling the petition of Clar
ence Heed tiled on the 7th day of May A. I).,
1U13, praying for the examination and allow
ance of his final account of the same date,
an ordor distributing the residue of personal
estate and thereupon an order discharging
hllll front further burden nnH upn-li-n i liia
said ottlco as administrator.
Oudkhkii, That Friday, tho 23d day ol
May A. n., 1813, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
Is assigned (or hearing said petition, when all
persons Interested In said matter iiinv tiuucnr
at a County court to be held In and for said
county and show cause why prayer of peti
tioner should not Imi granted: and that notlrn
ol the pendency of said petition and the hear
ing thoreo'f be given to all persons Interested
In said matter, by publlstilug a copy of thin
order In the Ited Cloud Chief, a weekly news
paper printed In said couiilv. for thivp con.
secutlve weeks prior to said day of hearing.
11KAI.1 A. I). Han.nkv,
County Juduo.
The Chief $1.50 per year.
25 Per Cent Discount On
Farm Lands Attractive
flThe assurance of good prices for all kinds of farm products i:
stimulating mvetment in land.
SUCCESSFUL DRY is the title of a new Bur
lington Booklet just from the press. It tells what farmers are raising
on the lands that can be bought cheap in Colorado. Send for a copy.
It is free.
Government Irrigated Homesteads in the Big Horn Basin, Wyo
ming, re described in another new booklet that is yours for the asking.
rersonaliy Conducted Momeseekers Excursions first and third
Tuesdays. Ask about these Excursions.
D.' Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent
ro rmrnmm mt., Omaha, Mabraaka
To remember that The Chief office has no equal
in Webster county when it comes to turning out
the beat that can be found in the art of printing.
Ail Sprnctier with
H.istiiiKb Tuesday.
Miss Mnv.le Votiilnrly of iieil Cloud
Is visiting, her friend" Mhs Floy lioien.
Mr. mid Mrs. L. M. Mursh-went to
OltMivUlu Tuesday to visit their ten
Nitrdy. t
Mrs, Tuft of lied Cloud w lieun vis
itlng with Mrs. Itou't. Adamson the
past week.
Fred Fuller left hero for Bethany
Monday night. He went by way of
Red Cloud.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Guy attended
the funeral of Mrs. Horn at Guide
Rock last Sunday.
Miss Mabel Graves, who has been at
tending school at York, is visiting with
relatives in tnis city.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Bennett are at
tending the Grand Lodge of the A. O.
U. W., in Hastings this week.
Mrs. Chas. Francis entertained the
teachers of our school at a six o'clock
dinner last Wednesday evening.
Rev. Samuel Deakin has beeu suifer-
lug from a severe attack of tho La
Grippe, but is some better, now.
Don't forget that Saturday is clean
inir up duv. Let's see to it that tliean-
pearanco of our village is improved.
Joe Thomas and son came in from
Beatrice Wednesday morning to spend
a few days with his brother, L. D.
The ladles of the Congregational
church postponed their ice cream
social because of the Inclemency of the
Joe BrubaUcr has moved into his
new house in the south DAtif town.
. rt, ,
The houat vacated by hinyii now c
In order to close out what we have left will give the above
discount on all Coats and Suits. This means a
S10.00 Garment at $7 50
12.00 Garment at g'.oo
15.00 Garment at n.25
16.50 Garment at 12.38 ' ''
17.50 Garment at 13.13
20.00 Garment at 15.00
22.50 Garment at 16.88
25.00 Garment at 18,75
We still have a good assortment of Coats and Suits but ad
vise all who are interested to make their selections as soon as
These garments are made by one of the best Manufactures
in Cleveland Ohio which assures you that the style fit land
1 1 e
everything else is absolutely correct.
Weesner, Perry
Red Cloud,
. V
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