ri. R) ,!' The Chief O. B. HALE, Publisher HID CLOUD NEBRASKA itwttitmut I And now It conies out Unit Bilk Is prrt tin accounting for tho rusty buck, perhaps. At nny rnto tlio croaking of frogs Ih moru somnolent tlinn tho popping Of till! gnsollnc englllO. It Ih to "Inf" nt lliu persistent but unavailing efforts of Umbo who seek to chnugo our spelling. Homo of tho now fomlnlno styles Been on tho avenues uro a genuine tor luru to a man with it Rtlff neck Now, n self-made womnn may bo ob (i(lnilrnl)lo ns a Rflf-mndu man, but ono mtiHt draw tho lino nt Bclf-mndo Wid ows. Strnphnnger Ih a noun that has long boon heard. Invent your own torm for Hioho who havo to hung on to tho Hiuit back handle. No womnn, It has boon ascertained, cnu llvo on Icbb thnn $8 n week, but n mun'a minimum stands unexplained nud uninvestigated. Eastern dlvlno alleges women a not progressing morally iih rapidly as men. llow can they when ono con Aiders hobble sklrtH? Now York Iiiih only (1,3:12.000 Inhnbl tnntH, owing to tho freaklshncHs of lw which forbldH It to annex Connec ticut nud Now .JcrBoy. Did you over notice how difficult It 1b for n womur. to bo very friendly with nny other woman her husband over whs engaged to? Nobody over receives n Cnrnoglo he ro medal for wenrlng tho llrHt Htrnw hat of tho BctiBon. Mr. Cnrneglu le too nurrow In his views. An Inveternte gambler wnB sen tenced by a Judgo to gamble with no ono but IiIh wlfo. NIco way of keep ing tho money In tho family. That youth who married n girl to keep his father from mnrrylng her certainly set an oxamplo of solf-sacrl-llco Boldoni soon thoso days. Now that Hoda water season has 'opened, It Is well to remember that, Although nil drlnkB nre charged, you will havo to pay for them just tho sumo. A southern young man drovo two r miles ntono before ho discovered his 'sweetheart hnd fallen out of tho buggy. And thou thoy ravo about southern chivalry. Tho Now York girl who Bpont seven years looking for a "real man" mny havo heard of Napoleon's confession of unfalth: "Good Lord! how rare men are." Now comes an expert and declares that much riding In automobiles Is tho causo of Hat feet. Hut, In tho opinion of most nutomoblllHts, that Isn't as bnd as flat tires. A Kansas medical scientist Is go ing to try two-yenr, cold-storage eggs on a squad of men. They uro lucklor than most of us, who havo to tako the older brands. Moxlcan Indians havo boon tortur Ing people. Llttlo can bo dono about It Just now becnuBo tho Mexican In dlans nro outsldo tho humanizing In fluence of baseball. , Tho blondes nro disposed to accept with philosophic acquiescence, If not ubsoluto enthusiasm, tho dictum of Dr. Illnckford that brunettes nro tho best working girls. The automobile knoo Is tho latest physical complaint to bo discovered by tho pbyslclans. Hut It 1b to bo feared that putting mora Bents In tho auto mobiles won't help nny. Now that tho, or rather somo, of tho women uro using tho suspondor Bklrts, It Is to be hoped that they nro not try ing to pcrpotrnto nnothor of tholr fa ' mous hold-up games. ParlB waiters hao won tho right to eat their luncheons elsewhere than at the restaurants whoro they work. Hut what tho patrons do not know perhaps will not hurt thorn. A correspondent Buys "a good way to lose an old umbrella 1b to tako It with you to n restaurant and foiget It." To Iobo a good umbrolla but no body needs any formula for that. Women who constantly wear veils Buffer in tlmo from deterioration of features, says a London physician Af tcr that Btngo has been reached the wearing of veils should bo made ob ligatory by law. A lifo-prcsorvlng suit, with food nnd water supplies, has been tested In the Hudson nnd may becomo a competi tor of tho Now York hotel. With n now alphabet and a new constitution tho republic of Chlnn has laid doep the foundations of n freo press and practical politics. If that proposal to requlro tho dat ing of eggs Is cnrrlod out It may be come necessary to tench the hens to rend and wrlto nnd to provldn each with n fountain pon. ittuiy''liMfinVfflftiittTiT ffti-.fl'.ji l&Mpt Great "Tope' Five hundred years before the Christian era Buddha came from Gaya to 8arnath, four miles from the present Benares, to establish there his religion. The great "tope," a huge upright cylindrical mass of stone and brick work, which rises 110 feet above the surrounding ruins, stands in the middle of what was called the deer park. The story Is that Buddha, struck by the loveliness of the gazelles, took the form of one and became king of the herd. A certain rajah, hunting one day with a cheetah, saw this splendid creature and ordered the cheetah to be loosed upon him. Just as the leather hood was about to fall from the cheetah's eyes, the mind of the rajah became enlightened and, pros trating hlmslf In the dust, he cried out: "Oh, sublime master, truly thou art a man and what a manl In the shape of a beast, whereas I, that wickedly ought to kill thee, I am a beast and oh, how stupid a beast! hidden under the shape of a man." In the tenth century Buddhism was crushed out by the Brahmins, and a Sarnath the great monastery was destroyed by fanatic fury and Its surprised monks were burned In a gigantic holocaust. STRANGE DEEP SEA FISH Somo of tho strangest of nature's grotesques nro to bo found among tho flBhcs, uh witness this photograph of a marine creature, which rather sug gests n parrakcot. It is a denizen of tho ocean depths. TAKES BATH IN PORTER Swimming in porter at a Cork brew ery tho other day a workman had n narrow cscapo from drowning. A vat of porter, with a capacity of 5C0 bar rels of UG gallons, burst, tho contents rushing like n Hood through tho brew ery yard nnd Into tho cellars. Tho porter which reached tho roadway was diluted with water from a firehose. A Famous Rocking Stone MSBbT.-. BrSStlJft yBfBsV&aSBBBBBt. S 1 HAl S 4j" AflfctBSSSSSSaMb Jt .'j .JvTMSj x:l -?: . L.r.0rwmamrmmmx-r-4.',s.V:Ftii'z&r' .", mmmz 'K.. . . MAi"? .V..'- ismZJ8k. The shaky boulder, north of Larchmont, N. Y., weighs about 150 tons, but a man of ordinary strength can rock It three inches. On it are the words, "Chatsworth W. Bryson, C. E 1853," Inscribed when Chatfworth Heights was surveyed and a street put through the woods. J..irrf....ll.r...Mi.,wfc,..i...-Jff.S''t at Sarnath FIGHT WITH AN OCTOPUS Attacked by nn octopus n young man of Wnlmato Island, N. Z., had nn exciting experience, n few days ago. Ho wns gathering mussels In tho boi closo to thn shore on ono of tho islands In tho gulf when tho young man with crlos for help nttrncted tho notice of his father. On arriving to seo what wub tho mat ter, tho father found that an octopus had ono of Its tcnacles, as big as a man's wrist, wound round tho boy's leg. The creature had so strong hold of tho hid that It drew blood before thoy could bo separated. . CLOSE CALL FROM DEATH Falling 80 foot, a ilve-year-old child, Lily Keys, daughter of Hand Corporal KeyB of tho Lancashire Fusiliers, had a remarkable escupo from death at Dover tho other afternoon. Whllo picking (lowers near' tho edgo of tho cliff fuclng tho military hospital, she lost her bahuico anil foil a dlstnnco of SO feet. Drummer Jones of tho Hork shire regiment witnessed tho fall and found the child semi-conscious. At tho military hospital it was found that beyond cuts and bruises sho was un injured. ""' " CXftfl!SPllBBBBBBBBBFVL3KaTl4KO'X..i&5Uv. . .V vSvWMt A'm&JJTS 1 "J4 fc.vi VII.?- 1mxJ - ..II I"' 'V . ..-. V K 1 .i 'xfI fetiY.it...f.A'1.f JUJ'll,V'jrtfti''"fVliiirW'-'ii "ife'i '"' i rfflfrVm i i ft u ' n ' T, WHERE IS GARDEN OF EDEN7 Forty miles west of old Hagdnd, n tho vast level vnlley of tho historic Euphrates, near Hit, of tho Hlttltcs, lies tho traditional Garden of Eden, Such is the Interesting conclusion ol Sir Wllllnm Wlllcocks, tho famoud Egyptian engineer nnd Hlblo student, and many other authorities ngree with him. "Out of Kden enmo a river which watered a garden, nnd from thenco ll wnB parted and became four rivers." And these four rivers, known In lllblc days as tho Plson, Gllion, Hlddekol nnd Euphrates tho ancient "Illvcr of Habylon" havo been Identified by Sir Wllllnm. It wns whllo studying, surveying nnd mapping Chnldca previous to Bta'rtlng work on tho giant Irrigation scheme planned for Mesopotamia, that Wlllcocks becamo convinced that the reul Gnrdon of Eden lay In tho region described. The Garden of Eden Hob nwny over in Turkish Arabia, too far from tho benten tourist trail to draw manv sightseers. Probably not a dozen white trnvelcrfl boo It In n wholo year. To reach Chuldcn tho snfest nnd sur est routo lies through tho Suez, over Phnrnoh's bones In tho Red Sea. through tho Straits of Hab-el-Mandob, up the hot Persian Gulf, nnd thenco ("00 miles nlong tho winding TlgrlB and Euphrates. SMOKING AND HEALTH Thoso who stuoko In moderation hnvo a far better chance of resisting disease than thoso who do not smoko at all. Definite experiments have recently been tunde which show that tobacco smoko inptdly destroys In particular the comma bacillus of cholera. A good many years ago, snya the Lancet, It was reported by tho senior medical ofllcer of Greenwich work housu that tho tobacco smoking In mates enjoyed comparative Immunity from epidemics. During n cholera epidemic nt Ham burg it was reported that not a single workman engaged In the cigar factory In that city was attacked by tho dis ease. Later it was stated that amongst a body of C.000 cigurmakers only eight cases and four deaths from cholera occurred. Tobacco smoko has destroyed the bacilli of Asiatic cholera as well as pneumonia, and there is evidence that It has been preventive of somo forma of nasal catarrh. Excessive tobacco smoking, of course, may easily give rise to consti tutional effects which diminish the re sisting power of tho body to disease, in which case It Is probable tho habit would afford not only no protection, but an opening for Invasion. A BAT HIBERNATING This picture was taken in a cave In tho Wyudcllff, near Chepstow, England. It shows a bat hibernating. If viewed upsldo down the bat looks Mko somo uncanny animal walking. NOW THE "ELECTRIC SLEEP" Electric sleep, to bo "tnrned on" or "turned off" at will, Is tho alluring promise held out to sufferers from sleeplessness by Dr. Nagclschmldt, a German physician. So far electric Bleep has boon pro duced only in rabbits and dogs, but tho experiments on nulmala havo been so freo from ill-effects that Dr. Nagol Bchmldt thinks human beings can be subjected to the same treatment with out danger. Dr. Nagelschmldt assorts that his now method also has tho power to eliminate pain in nny portion of tho human body. A condition 1b produced in which pinpricks, or even tho in cisions of tho surgeon's knife, aro not felt so long as the patient remains in an "electrified" stato. THE CORPSE PLANT The Indian plpo, or corpso plant, Is a strangely Interesting kind of para Blto. It has n bunch of fibrous roots which attach themselves to tho roots of other plants, or sometimes thoy grow In decayed vegetable mnttor. The plant Is white, nnd hns no leaves, but llttlo bracts Instead. Tho flowers havo no odor and turn black na poon as thoy nro plucked. Many botanists claim that tho Indian plpo Is nn un pleasant plant, but wo havo not found It so. It nttnchcB Itsolf for life to ono plant which It chooses for Its friend. Somo botanists call it "life in death." ERRORS OF BEGINNER Element of Common Sense Often Is Woefully Lacking. Having Blundered In Initial Move He Now Proceeds to Crowning Folly of Purchasing Cheap Stock Way for Success. Practically all beginners aro honest In their belief in tho business, but It seemB at times that tho simplo ele ment of common scnao Is woefully lacking In tho majority of cases per hnps because common eenso is not so common after all, writes W. B. Thom as, In Utility Pigeons. Having blundered In his Initial move, ho now proceeds to tho crown ing folly of which ho can bo guilty ho buys cheap stock because It 1b cheap. Ho is either victimized by tho proverbially conscienceless dealer, or ho takes tho stock of somo fellow who haB already demonstrated himself a failure ; In cither case ho gets a sorry lot of birds. Now suppose that Instead of com mitting tho usual folly, tho beginner applies a llttlo of that golden specific that I mentioned above, common sense. Instead of nn old shack, sup pose ho provides a good rat-proof house, built on plans approved by ex perienced breeders; then suppose ho looks up some good, rellablo breeder Squabs One Week Old. and Invests In a few, well-mated work ing birds. Then, having posted him self as fully as possible by reading good pigeon literature, lot him give his stock that careful attention indis pensable to tho well-being of all living things, and It will not tako a very tal ented prophet to predict a result quite at variance with the one first outlined. Squabs dlo In tho nest or nro found on tho floor or do not fatten up prop erly, when the old birds aro not fed properly. A young squab is not to bo compared with a young chick. A very young chick can run about and help Itself to food and water and tho other necessities of llfo; whereas tho squab Is utterly helpless at its birth, and Is unable to walk and must bo fed in the nest by tho paront bird and with what ever tho parent birds may feed It. Tho watchful pigeon man Is tho ono who gives his flocks tho best of cure. He keeps them In health by noting tho first signs of ailment. Hay Should Not Sunburn. Tho feeding value, as well as tho, market value, and palatablllty of hay is lowered by being sunburned. Tho feeding value is probably hurt most by tho loss of leaves. Sunburned clover nnd alfalfa loso a largo part of tho leaves In handling, and this Is tho best part of tho crop. When tho sun is shining very bright ly the rlfalfa or grass should not bo left in tho swath long. A large part of tho curing should bo done In tho windrow nnd the cock. Most of tho hay is then shaded and so tho damag ing effect of intense sunshine Is re duced to the exposed portion. And a stock cover will still further lessen tho injury from tho sun as well as from rain. There is nothing tho matter with the hen that Bhows a bright oyo and a red comb. 17VAttaa fa a tinttat Invlnf otltnil. lant for the' bens han heat-producing condiments. Establish, If possible, a brand of eggs which will in itself bo a guar antee of good quality. Green food of some kind is neces sary to mako hens do their best In tho line of egg production. Eggs ought to weigh a pound and a half to tho dozen or flfty-flvo pounds net to tho thirty dozen eggs. It is poor policy to change tho quar ters of hons or pullets whllo laying, for it usually checks or stops egg pro duction. Experiments show that chickens with stroug vitality and plenty of ma8culino characteristics make tho largest gains. The boat place for tho Incubator 1b tne ono whoro tho temperature Is most nearly uniform from day to day, under natural conditions. Collect tho egga regularly at least onco, hotter twice, a day in modcrato weather nnd more frequently In very wnrm and very cold weather. Whoro green cut bono Is fed, about 4 ounces a week ted in small quanti ties at a tlmo 1b a good averngo allow auco per hen. It need not bo fed ev ery day. It takon at a very early ago chickens can be taught to como and go at cer tain times, to feed in a certain way and do other things that will savo tlmo and annoyance. iSwMi & I pom NQ is HABIT OF EXCHANGING EGG9 Exercise of Little Care In Gathering and Selecting Will Net Advance Over Common Price. There Is no satisfaction and but very llttlo money in exchanging egga for groceries or grain. Ily being care ful In gathering eggs, so thnt they won't becomo chilled in winter and so tho hens won't sit on them over night and using n llttlo caro in sizing and selecting, quito an advance over tho common prices may be obtained. When possible, sell your eggs direct v to tho consumer. If not possible, gel a market In your nearest city wltb somo grocer who deals In strictly ' fancy groceries nnd provisions. Agree to furnish him only strictly frcsb eggs, nnd then, for your own sake llvo up to tho agreement. Carefullj clean all tho eggs; don't send small misshapen or largo ones. Stamp eacb egg with n rubber stamp, using yout initials or tho name of your farm, and in a short time you will have created a demand for your eggs, nud when you have created such a demand your eggs will bring the highest prices, considerably mora than your store keeper would pay. Several neighbors should send their eggs together, paying a cent or two per dozen to one of their numbor for doing tho business, and In this way all would gain a little. SOWING SEEDS TOO DEEPLY Smaller Vegetables and Flowers Can Hardly Be Covered Too Lightly With the Soil. More seeds aro probably killed by sowing or covering too deeply than too lightly. It is no uncommon thing to find small seeds covered with a quarter or over half an Inch of soil. Thousands so deeply sown perish, gerniB cither never come to llfo at all or nro quite unequal to coping with biich a weight of covering earth. Only tho larger seeds of vegetables should bo sown from a quarter to ouo Inch in depth. Peas, beans and such like seeds may go underground two or thrco inches but the smaller vegetables and flower seeds can hardly bo covered too light ly, provided they aro covered. It should alwuyo bo borno in mind that deep sowing ruins more seeds than any other fault or mistake. GARDEN PLOW MADE AT HOME Implement Is Inexpensive, Easy to Put Together and Will Give Most Excellent Results. A garden plow Is a very useful arti cle, but many people do not have gar den enough to make it worth whllo buying ono. I havo a home-made plow that I find very UBeful. Any boy handy with tools can mako ono like it, writes Fred L. Doty of Mound Val ley, Kan., in the Farmers Mall and Drcezo. A and U aro pieces of 2 by 4. At ono end of U a rectangular holo is mortised into which A fits and is bolt ed. The other end of li is mortised out to form tho forks for tho 12-inch wheel. Tho whcol is from an old baby carriage, with the rubber tiro re moved. This leaves a hollow shaped Home-Made Garden Plow. rim which rideB over the ground bet tor than a flat rim would. D is one of the tools which may bo used for cultivation. A small cultivator shovel will answer tho purpose. Other tools, for garden working will suggest them selves to the Ingenuity of the maker., Tho two iron strips bolted from A to. D havo soveral holes at tho upper end; to mako them adjustable. Tho handle, braces are also of iron strips. The handles aro made of soft pine. This plow doea flno work and one person can do as much with It as thrco per sons can with ordinary hooB. To Prevent Oat Smut Tho Minnesota method: First, thor oughly clean the seed by rinsing it through several waters, taking ono pound (ono pint) of formalin and pour into a barrel containing 40 to 45 gallons of water. Place tho grain la a gunny sack and dip it Into this bar rel until you aro satisfied that every grain has been mado wet. Then tako tho oats out and dry them. Thoy may be kept for several days bofore they are sown. Lease Swellings Alone. The largo swellings that occasion ally appear in front of tho knees of cattle, particularly old cows, Is prop erly known as hygroma. It is usually filled with a watery or straw-coloredi fluid. Opening or othor surgical oper-, ution is not ndvlsablo, except by a competent veterinarian. Thoso swell ings usually do no harm, and most of tho cases aro moat wisely left alono. Moving Brood Hen at Night. Movo your sotting hen at night, and chnncea nro, if sho Is broody, sho will keep tho nest you put her on; whereas if changed during tho day tlmo sho is very npt not to act. Cutting Injured Trees. Trees Injured by freezing very often need to bo sevcroly cut back. l-y V 1 1' ai.:Mj hzvWJkL.'!&k&. 1 . .-i. . . ..... ....-!..- iiriktl A. f, liJ" . . u ,.. i! i--iv ..ji.ij.j f J 4 ' . i3i i&tMiliiMSm OfWSiH "a y--lMA ".-. 1 gttt.t At-JJBW .' j '&. -v