'' r" Ks l" i b I i j. I v AsilKrr: j'nB jlsg41i M fllK'':liiVMS4lMM lIKlKBm 'IHaMlB Mjj 'flit 'ii1B fw, iT.niuiiJii'ii;;;;::; : 'minmWammmimmlKammMJ&mM 1 I VHLAwPUH h1 a hiss" liiMiirBnilMlMl ra -mltBsMaxmU'Smm 4blfeyHHI;uV e VrMMiAfiT Rhp.m tr flat ig rrI. CwmBnUmBEmKmBSmmmumm BSflHaaaaaaEM BlllWsMaiiiiiiiMaMafMl' VOLUME XXXX1 iaV it BE ON THE It it true that you art not likely to lose your saving i! deposited in any good bank but you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to loot thtm whan you aapeeit whara you hava the additional protection aftha Stata Guaranty Law. Such protection is offered yau here. It it) surely "food business" to dopoait whara yau gat absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref erence to placing monay in a bank that guaran tees nothing. The State Guaranty. Law is behind every dollar de posited in this bank, and when you open an account here, you are ON THE SAFE SIDE. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA - a4a 9999 :$" SPECIAL Fom One Ycar 4Rft MMWftfS to the Designer For the Next Ten Days ONLY A Full Line of Standard Patterns Always On Hand. ML A. Albright ILv ii Decoration Day Oa Sunduy, May 23th, all bohliers awl bailors of the Civil unci Spanish Ameri can wars, and members of the V. R.C., are requested to meet at the G. A. R., hall at 10 o'clock, a. tu. From this place they will march to the opera house where union services will be held. Sermou Rev. Cole Music Baptist church choir Kemarks Rev. Bayne. Ou Friday, Hay 30th, all comrades of the Q. A. R. and W. R. 0., with all .soldiers of the Spanish-American war, will meet at the O. A. R. hall, at 1 o'clook, p. m., where line of march, commanded by J. W. MoCraoken, will form on Webster street and march south and west to the cemetery, head ed by the Red Cloud Concert Band. Details will be assigned by the post commander and president of the VV. R. C , to decorate graves of comrades and members o( the W. R. C After decorating the graves, the line of march will form a hollow square at the mouumeut of the Unknown Dead, where there will be exercises by the W. R. O. and comrades of the O. A. R. ltenedictiou. After which the column will march to the opera house, where the follow ing program will be given: Music by the Band. Invocation Rey. Bates, Music. Beading Lincoln's Address at Get tysbargi Chaplain Boyce. Male Quartet Iuavale. Music-Choir. ' ' x ' , Beading List of Dead Comrades-8. B.Ktzer. 'is SAFE SIDE tf m m m m m m m m m m m a PRICE OF Subscription fTTl u iivel Male Quartet Innvule. Address Fied E. Maurer. Song America. Benediction. Bruce Robinson Sails On Matrimonial Sea On Sunday, May 11th, at Holdrege occurred the, wedding of Miss Julia B. Gillette to Mr. Bruce C. Robinson, both of Clay Ceater, Nob., eldest son of Deputy County Treasurer, Chas. D. Robinson and wife of this olty. Bruce is Superintendent of the M. M. Johnson Blectric Light & Power Co., at Clay Center, is also one of the most popular young men of that place, and was born and reared to manhood in this city and is a splendid young mau of sterling ability and character. The bride is one of Clay Center's most popular and charming young ladles. l They will be at home to their friends at Clay Center after June llth. The Chief ttloug with Bruce's many friends here extend hearty congratulat ions to him and his bride and wish them many, many years of eujoyment and contentedness. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson and Miss Hazel and Roy Robinson were in attendance at the marriage ceremony. Private Money To Loan also regular Farm Loans on best terms to be had in the State. Call for me at State Bank Red Cloud. C, F.Catqkb. Ed Gmrber and wife spent Sunday, Id Quid Bock. A Hewsttter fiat Htm IIm News Flfty RED OLOUb, JSEiRASKA, MAY 15, UU. Next Wednesday Bargain Day Doubla Count Ii Chit! Auto mobile Conttst Next 'Wednesday is bargain Day. It will also be bargain day, for votes In The Chief big automobUq contest. It it the only bargain day that we will have during the coBUatv' All sub scriptlon money received at.The Chief office on that day will count for doable the regular number of contest votes. The money can be sent,vor handed, to one of the contestants, at any. time be tween now and that time, but it must be received at The. Chief office on that date in order to count in the contest for the double number of votes. Contestants should do their beat and have as many subscriptions as they can possibly 'rake up between now and that time so as to turn them in on that date and receive the extra votes. Do not put it oft, but if you -expect to do anything in this contest do it now for you will never have this oppor tunity again. , The double count means that a sub scriptlon which regular counts for 1000 votes will count for 2,000 votes if received at The Chief office on Wed nesduy, May 21. One dollar will do the work' of two dollars so far aa the voting value is concerned. It gives the Contestants who are in ttte Uad an opportunity to get farther Jn the lead by doing extra work from' aow until that tinie'rand it gives thoser who are holding the lower places time to gain the lead. Each contestant should de vote a great deal of time and personal work to the contest during the next few days because the prizes are worth the effort. Wo .guarantee that there will be no other time during the con test when a subscription will count for as many votes as this time. 'There will be no reduction in the price of the paper. The prizes will be awarded on Sat urday, June 14, which is the date set for the contest to close. After the double count the votes will be issued according to the regular voting schedule. Miss Hayes, of Cowles makes a good gain in her Htaudlng this week, and comes up among the leaders. She won the special prize ballot of live thous and votes offered las Thursday for the must money turned in ou sub scriptions, and also became the owner of the flue jewel cube oft'ered for the most combination hubsorlptlons turned in up to that time. It would no doubt be a surprise to some to know that the jewel case valued at 95.00 was se cured for turning in only four com bination subscriptions. The five thousand prize votes were also se cured for very little effort. At the present rate the Contestants are working, a new contestant could enter the race and by devoting ail of their time to the work for a very few weeks could do enough to become the owner of the Ford touring car. We hope, however, that as the end of the contest draws nigh that the contest ants will increase their work so as to make it more interesting, and keep out any new Contestants. We have heard it talked that there might be some new contestants enter the race in case the present contestants do not show mora signs of work. ' The bargaiu day for votes affords the present Contestants a chance to forage so far ahead that new contest ants will bo afraid, to enter. Care of Milk and Cream Bulletin No. 133, entitled Care of Milk and Cream on the Farm", by Professor JV IT. Frandsen, baa just been issued by the .Nebraska Agricul tural Experiment Station, This bul letin deals with the conditions neces sary for the proper care of milk and cream in order to produce butyer of the best quality. The bulletin wUljM mailed free to residents of Nebraak. on request, to Director K. A. BraR. Lincoln, Nebr. ,, ;. . . , - tws Week Each Ytar fftr $1.59 The man who sarily have the business men are not necessarily the leaders We make up with the our prices, M choice such m,d A n'? u . . Glorious Gems Full many a gem of pur aHJHuW Z. aweiBPjw'b rwlA WlllnmlfllilmmMmMh est ray serene may at our store be seen. If you wish Jew els that have sparkle and snap Jewels that gladden the heart every recipient then see ua Whatever the purpose,bridal gift, engagement token or birttiday pre:nt, we nave the gem at reason. able prices E.H.J4eaiboase WMmsBmsm, Pohlmfui-Crowell Murried at Trinity M. K. church, Denver, May lMt, John X. Fohlman and Mlts Kdlth Crowcll. Miss Crowcll will be pleasantly re membered by the people of this city, where she was deservedly very popular during the first years of the century. She was the chief editor of the Nation during this period, and really the per son to whose judgment all questions of editorial policy and literary disorlmi nation were deferred. Her work rela tive to the conduct of the paper was of the most responsible character, and she was qualified educationally satis factorlly to discharge the duties of edltor-iu-clilef. In addition to her engagements with the paper, her activity and ?eal in Sunday School and church duties were sufficient, of themselves, to deserve the highest gratitude from her fellow workers Hesides all this she was an energetic and highly valued member of the I', E. O. society, and was the promoter of everything that tended to cultivate the social and intellectual well-being of the young people of the city. A dramatic club owed most of its in spiratlon and sucoess to her efforts. In every walk In life she readily made many warm and appreciative friends, who will be pleased to learn that she la now happily married to a gentle man who seens to be worthy of the 'rite be has wop. Mrs. 0. B. Potter went to Omasa Tuesday Btornisg. does the most talking doesn't neces most enthusiastic who make the strongest claims strong claims but we back them right kind of jewelry. It it easy to match but it's hard to match Jewelry Gifts of Quality Our stock of fine jewelry arTordi for beautiful remembrance! as eood taste dictates. conceptions out of the common designs from art workers gold and silver who have eft me impress oi a skim inai sianpv. for real merit. Gifts of pearls, diamonds, sapphires, rubies. eSftS&AESL? - EFEiSffiH the hornebwutfful. If you want the very best in iywweiariatfy. nm'KA a good time to drop in ts in Ladies' Clio Club Entertains The Ladles Clio Club held a very pleasuut open meeting ut the home of Mrs. D. H. Kttley ou last Saturday afternoon. About forty ladies were present. An hour with Painters was delightfully spent and much eujoyed by both guests and members. Mrs. Overing conducted the lesson iu her usual competent and entertaining way. Copies of Masterpieces of De Vino), M. Angels and Raphael and of Rubanc, Rembrandt, and Ralsdael were shown and discussed. After the lesson, strawberries, ice oream, cake and coffee were served the committee being assisted by Miss Elizabeth Overman and Miss Alison Cowdeu. Advance in Stock Breedinf Nebraska live stock breeders have made a dlstinot advance during the last few years in the breeding of pure blood stock. The Annual American Short Ilorn Year Book, containing the pedigrees of the animals calved before April 18, 1011, records the names of 017 Nebraska owners of bulls and cows of faultless pedigree, This indicates a widespread knowledge of improved methods and praotical recognition of the profits to be derived from careful and scientific breeding. Dr. Cross is on the sick list. Miss Mabel Buckles is on the sick list with the measles. When In town get, your dlaaer at Warren's Restaurat. - mmm of W L J! mmm SI aaalBSBBBaWK KTi r NUMBER 12q listeners.The in theirJiner our. quality a wide Rare - in , ggtefcfifag Silverware Sterling table silver and plated wares of the highest standard in the greatest variety, are now on display here. Our silverware stands for all that's good in quality, all that is rich assign, an mat can m atsirta or tht discriminating buys. And tne prices nava ttn squetsta down to tht most modest pockst book. ,m No One Can Know Until They Try bow easy it Is to change the entire color of an automobile or carriage with the Cki-Namel Automobile anil Carriage Colors Chinese Oil gives these colors thel1" easy working and waterproof, quality They are quick drying and make a surface that does not attract dust One coat completely hldea the old color. Come In and let us shew you the assortment ot colors. Chas. L. Cottfeif 3aW If. ffl i . 'j n 1 A-1 I !.' f r-j n i i f " : ! rf 'ft ,M j -a V v, m