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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1913)
ft g'1 I' p, The Chief 0. B. HALE, Publliatr HID CLOUD fc - NURAtKA TO i THE FARMER GOVERNMENT WILL STUDY FOR EIQN RURAL CREDIT SYSTEM. SCHEDULE "K" IS APPROVED Wilson-Underwood Bill Governing Woolen Tariff Approved by Houie Suffrageto Parade New York Streets. Washington. The farmers of tho country aro to bo their own blinkers, If plana of government olilcluls uro realized. A long stop was taken to ward tho realization of thin Ideal when a commission of over ono hundred men set sail for Europe tho Inst of April to study tho operation of rural credit systems In vogue on the con tinent. Tho Importance of tho Amer ican farmer Is now thorouhgly recog nlzed by the government. SuffrageU Parade 20,000 Strong. New York. Tho nrmy of women suffrage murched up Fifth nvenuo Sut urdny nfternoon i!0,000 strong to the martial music of the MarsalllcR from forty bands. In uniforms of white, gloaming with yellow streamers, they paraded In the heat of midsummer nun for three miles from Washington squnro to Fifty-ninth street. A forest of yellow banners appealed for "votes for women" to nn unbroken wall of spectators, estimated at a quarter of a million. HOUSE APPROVES SCHEDULE K. Payne Substitute Amendment Lost by Big Vote. Washington. With ranks Intact and tho republicans split, tho democrats of tho houBe. by a vote of 103 to 71, ap proved schedule- K tho woolen rates exactly ns written In tho Wilson-Underwood bill. Ily that vote they rejected the republican substitute for the en tiro schedule offered by Itepresenta tlve Sereno 1'nyne, tho republican tariff veteran. No other amendments were offered. Salazar Forced to Evacuate. El Paso, Tc. Federal fought fed crnl at Casas Orandes In a clash be tween mutinous anil loyal Irrenulnr troops of the same command. Oeneral Joso Inez Salazar and his followers were forced to evacuate tho old town when attacked by 200 of tho mutin eers. Snlazar's loyal men retreated to New Casas Orandes, on the .Mexi can Northwestern railway, after los InR nlno killed and several wounded. Endorses Arbitration Treaties. St. Louis. Mo. The attltudo of the present national administration which plans to provide for tho settlement of International disputes by negotiating treaties for unrestricted arbitration with Great nrltaln. Franco and other countries was endorsed by the fourth American penco congress In session hero. Provision for the Investigation of disputes by means of n commission of Inquiry beforo war Is declared, were also indorsed. ' Fiscal System Revolutionized. Washington. D. C Tho fiscal sys tern of tho United States governing deposits of federal funds In national banks has been revolutionized by Sec retary McAdoo of the treasury depart ment In nn amendment that all gov ernment depositaries, whether actlvo or inactive, bo required to pay Inter est at the rate of 2 per cent per an num beginning Juno 1, upon deposits of the government. To Have Successful Fruit 8eason. Lincoln, Neb. nellof that Nebraska is to have one of the most successful fruit reasons It has ever had benefits from is expressed In a statement mado by Secretary Marshall or the state board or horticulture. And while natural conditions are destined, as fruit growers believe, to make larger returns from this state, marketing conditions cro nlso to bo vastly Im proved over years gone by. Lincoln. Jack Robinson, a laborer working on tho construction of the new concrete stack at tho A street well was badly hurt when nbout two tons of concrete fell on him from a height of flfty-flvo feet. Robinson was working at tho foot of tho stack, vending up the concrete which was poured Into tho form fifty-five feet nbovo him, when the form gave way and tho mass of rrcsh concreto dropped. Robinson was almost burled under tho mnss. Ho received severe Injuries around the head and his lower limbs were Injured. Portland. Ore. Land stipulated to bo worth t30.000.000, nnd estimated by experts to have a value or ?40,000,00l) to $fi0.000,000, has been taken rrom tho Southern Pacific Railroad company and returned to tho federal govern ment by order of .Tudgo 0. K. Waiver ton In tho United States district court. Tho famous Oregon-California land grant case, involving moro than 2.300, 000 acres, will bo carried now to the circuit court or appealB, sitting In San Francisco, it Is practically certain that tho case will go to tho United StateB court ror final adjudication. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL CONGRESSIONAL MATTERS OF MORE OR LES8 INTEREST. Summary of the Dally Transactions of ths National Law Makera at Washington. Saturday. The Senate. Not In session; meets Monday. Territories committee continued Its hearing on Alaskan road problem. Tho House. Resumed reading or tariff bill for amendment under five inlnuto rule, taking up wool schedule. Representative Henry Introduced resolution for u good roads commit tee. Adjourned to Monday. Friday. The Senate Not In session; meets Monday. Ways and means committee began hearing Alaskan railway problem. The House Rending tariff bill un der Ilve-mlnuto rule for tuucnrtincnt, agricultural schedule being complete Thursday. The Senate President Wilson sub mltted nominations. PaBRcd Dupont resolution calling for report from secretary of war on retired officers and their civil employ ment. Passed Ilorah resolution calling on tho secretary of war for n report on chnrges of human slavery in tho Phlllplncs. Went Into executive session to con sider nominations. Senntor Cummins Introduced a bill to merge tho buronu of corporations Into a trade commission with power to Investigate tho observance of tho anti-trust law. Senator O'Oorman Introduced n bill empowering tho secretary of war to glvo a medal to each surviving union and confederate soldier of tho battlo of Gettysburg. Adjourned at 4:05 p. m. until noon Monday. The House Resumed reading of tar iff bill for nmcudment on flve-mlnute rule. RopreBentntlvo Hobson Introduced bill for creation of parental court ot the United States, to have Jurisdiction over children. Wednesday. Tho Senate Not in session; meeta Thursday. Joint congressional committee con tinued Its hearing in Investigation or foreign buying of American tobacco. Tho Houso Resumed reading ot tariff bill for amendment under five minute rule. Representative Neely Introduced resolution to direct attorney general to proceed against Missouri Pacific railway to collect $n,:i(J0,000 growing out of financing original line. Representative Hrltton Introduced bill to repeal toll exemption provis ion of Panama canal act. Adjourned at 11:1-1 p. m. until 11 a m. Thursday. Kaglo Pans. Tex. Officials of the Cnrranza regime have announced from the constitutional headquarters, Pledras Negras, that General Trucy Aubcrt, the Hucrta leader In north west Mexico, had Joined forces with Governor Carranzas. Reports from Mexico City that tho Huerta generals, Trucy Aubert and Rabago, have Joined tho revolutionary movement In north NJvxIco have been brought here by constitutionalists. Another report stated that General Iopez, campaign ing with Aubcrt, was negotiating to Join Carranza. Rabago is fighting n different branch of the constitutional ists. Washington. Tho Japanese Invas ion of Nebraska during tho laat decade Ib the most significant rnclal change shown In tho bulletin of tho bureau or tho census respecting the ethnic com position or Nebraska's population. There were only two Japancso In the stnto In 1890. Thero wero only three ten years later. Tho census or 1910 shows C90. San Antonio. Tex. A warning to Americans and othpr foreigners to leavo tho City of Mexico while thorn still Is rail connection with the coast has been Issued hero by a representa tive of tho Carranza government. Tho noto asserts the constitutionalists arc preparing to ndvnnca Lincoln. Tho 'stnte Is now running with very little cash funds at Its .lis posal. The monthly roport for th close or April shows $542,000 on hand, or nbout jfio.000 moro than a month ago, but theso figures are misleading. Most of this Incrcnsc, and most of the supply of cash funds Is In tho tem porary school fund, which cannot, or l not, drawn upon for any other purposo than the regular apportionment. This condition will bo relieved when tho May real estate tnxes are paid to tho counties, anil the state's sharo Is for warded. Acquiring Land by Dubious Methods. Hugo, Okla. V. Uronough and Ed ward L. Heed were arrested here on a charge of attempting to poison Kills Wood, a full blood Choctaw Indian, with tho alleged motlvo of acquiring his land. Tho arrests followed a year long Investigation by olllcers of nn al leged system by which many Indians nro said to have been poisoned by per sons who wanted tho Indian lands, Twelvo ensos in which Indians have died undor mysterious circumstances have been Investigated and other ar rests are expected. TAKING MANILA BAY ANNIVERSARY! IS NO LONGER IN THE EXPERI MENTAL STAGE. Surviving Officers Celebrate the Day With Dewey Chinese Republic Officially Recognized De serts to Enemy. Washington. After nearly four months' experience with the opera tion of parcel post, the ottlcials of tho postofflco department declare that It has proven a great success. Tho peo ple of tho country uro more than pleased at having cheaper mall serv ice, and tho olilcluls and employes who operate It have found no trouble In handling tho Increased volume of mall with about the samo facilities they hud before tho now law was passed. There are somo complaluts, of course, but those do not outweigh the compliments. The chief objection raised by patrons, say postolllco de partment olilcluls, Is the limitation of eleven pounds. In spite of this arbi trary barrier, however, the gist or re ports that come to Washington almost dally from every part of the country Justify the wisdom of those who made parcel post possible. Official Recognition of Republic. Peking. Tho presentation by Ed ward T. Williams, charge d' affaires of tho American legation, or the formal recognition by tho United States of the Chinese republic was made nn oc casion of much ceremony. Troops lined tho street between the American legation and tho winter palace. Sec retary Williams drove through in a presidential carrlago with an escort or Chinese troops and accompanied by tho Btaff or tho legation. Mr. Wil liams made a brier speech and hand ed President Wllson'B message to Yuan Shi Kal. Tho latter responded In a rew picturesque phrases. The Amorlcan visitors then were enter tained at luncheon and shown over the historic Mnnchu quarters. Many high Chinese olllclals were present. Mexico also recognized the Chincso republic. MANILA BAY ANNIVERSARY. Surviving Officers of 8ea Battle Cele brate with Dewey. Washington. Twenty-ono of the surviving officers who fought under Admiral Dewey In tho battle of Man ila bay celebrated the fifteenth anni versary of the famous battle hero on Thursday at the annual reunion of tho Boclety of Manila bay. The offi cers. Including Rear Admiral Asa Walker, whe commanded tho cruiser "Concord" ami t' only survivor of Dcwoy's fleet cnptalns, gathered around the banquet table to do honor to Admiral Dewoy, president of the society. Personnl reminiscences of tho battlo were given by the diners. Brussels, rtelgtum. Competent economists reckon tho money exhaust ed by the recent strike for equal sur rrago at $20,000,000. This, the social ist leaders declare, has been well lost, tho country thereby winning equal sur rrago. To Investigate Benlngton Fire. Omaha. It Ib believed that two tramps, one or them a Mexican, In a spirit or vengeance, set the fire that swept the business center or Benning ton, seventeen miles northwest or hero, and which ror a tlmo threatened to wlpfi out the town. Nine buildings altogether were burned, four of them being totally destroyed. Tho ngcro gate loss Is estimated at about $17; 000, tho greater part of It covered by Insurance. Sheritr McShano has been asked to Investigate PJ1 raso, Tex. Unlike Captain Kldd's buccaneer?, FrnucUco Villa's Insurgents rofuuo to bury tlielr booty. With them over steep mountain trails they nro carrying nearly $100,000 worth of sllvct" and gold bullion, weighing nearly a ton. This was ro ported by Amerlcnn ranchmen arriv ing hero rrom tho Madera district, where Villa Is operating. Tho trens uro was captured soveral dnys ago from a Mexican Northern train bound for Chihuahua City from the Guerrero mining district, BpTplL i JyfZTliJiilf DON'T TAKE KINDLY TO CARAN ZA'S FINANCIAL SYSTEM. Agricultural Teachers In Great De mand Bold Train Holdup at Kansas City Protest Sunday Closing. Washington. Foreign merchants In Sablnns, Alende, Mezqulz and other towns In Conhulla will close their shops at onco on account or General Carranza'8 decree forcing his paper money Into circulation. Tnxes hnve been raised 20 per cent to finance the Cnrranza campaign. Tho situation In Acapulco Is reported grave, and there Is widespread disorder throughout the state or Mlchnoacan. Reports In CIu dad Poroflro Diaz Indicate that the ad ministration forces under Generals Lo pez and Campos arc slowly marching north on Monclovn. General Trucy Aubert Is said to bo at Lampanzos. No opposition worthy of mention Is report ed to have been mado by tho Carran zlstas. Protest Sunday Postoffice Closing. Washington. The most voluminous petition ever received by the po3tofTlce department hns been submitted pro testing ngalnst Sunday closing or post offices to "tho transient pouulntlon of the United States." Tho petition weighed twenty-ono nnd a fourth pounds. Signnturo of tens of thou sands of people In nil wnlks of life. Including those of the governors of Michigan, Wyoming, Colorado, Mlnno sotn, Maine, Iowa, Delaware and New Hampshire wero affixed. It was urged by the petitioners, "In behair or the transient population of the United United States, commercial travelers, thoso cngnged In theatrical pursuits and others whose business pursuits make It compulsory ror them to travel that special provisions bo mnde by the postoffice department for the delivery of mall on Sunday." GOVERNMENT WANTS TEACHERS, Agricultural Teachers Are Needed for High Schools. Washington. The United States bu rer.u of education haB Issued an appeal for agricultural teachers In high schools. The bureau Incidentally pointed out that whilo the salaries of tho majority of male teachers In the nigh schools average only $700, the teachers of agriculture were receiving $1,200. "Lack or teachers." la tho ex planation offered by the bureau for the higher remuneration for those who teach agriculture. "Not only la It found that the average pay or Instruc tors in agriculture Is higher than or other teachers," says tho bureau, "but that teachers who are able to rvlvo such Instruction In addition to regular work command better 6nlario3 than they otherwise would and nre more llUely to bo ndvanced to prlnclpalshlps than ir they had not specialized In ag riculture." Eagle Pass, Tex. A decree Issuing $C.000,000 worth of paper currency has been made public by Governor Car ranza, the conEtitutonallct war leader. Tho paper Is to be redeemable after the constitutionalists obtain control or tho nntlonal government. A person refusing this paper or trying to en force Its acceptance nt a discount Is decreed liable to Imprisonment. Washington. Exports rrom the United States to five principal coun tries of South America Brazil, Ar geutlno, Chile, Uruguay and Peru gamed nlmo3t 12 per cent during tho first nine months of the present fiscal year, as compared with the samo pe riod last year. Imports from those countries Increased only fi per cent ns shown by figures prepared by the bu reau of foreign nnd domestic com merce. Tho exports of this yenr totaled $94,300,000; against $84,000,000 last year; tho Imports, $145,300,000, against $138,500,000. Have Recovered Ninety-four Bodies. Pittsburg, Pa. When the emer gency crow of tho Pittsburg station of the government bureau of mines was withdrawn Saturdav from tho Cincin nati mlno of tho Pjttsburg Conl com pany near FInloyvllIe, Pa whoro nn explosion occurred on Wednesday, there had been ninety-four bodies re moved and two miners taken out alive. BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA. A two-year-old stallion at tho Desh ler horso show was Bold for $750. A new bank, to bo started by R, A, Harvey, has been assured to Ohlowa people. Tho State Woman's Suffrage society will open organization headquarters at Lincoln. Wheat around Salem gives prospect of the best crop that has been raised for years. Bishop Beecher confirmed a large class at tho Episcopal church at Al liance Sundny. York county's fruit prospects nre better at present than for many prlot years at this season. Tho Odd Fellows at York celebrated tho ninety-fourth nnnlversary of the birth or the order Monday. Heart failure caused the sudden death of Perry Emery, n Gngo county pUmeer. nt his homo In Beatrice. A book agent has been working the citizens of Hemmlngford for a dollar each on a bogus subscription deal. A little child of Ed Wlttwer, near Salem, fell from n disk and was run over, cutting his face and leg badly. Tho demand for dwelling houses at Salem I3 far In excess of tho supply nnd renl estate prices are Increasing. Work on the new $10,000 Gcrmnn Lutheran high shool and business col lege at Dcshler Ib progressing rapidly. J. A. Gee has been appointed by Governor Morchrad ns flro warden, for Albion. .Mr. Gee is a veteran fire man. Dandelions seem to bo mobilizing on the Btntehouso grounds nt Lincoln, mnklng all kinds or trouble for the Janitors. Ed McComas. Rt years old, was so badly trampled by a herd or cattle near Auburn that his life Is de spaired or. The York Gas company has mado a voluntary cut In tho prleo and con sumers will now get gas for $1.50 per thousand feet. Governor Morehead has been asked to name a date during tho present month for statewide observance of "clean-up day." August Meyer of Deshler was badly Injured when he got caught In the drive belt of nn engine he was using to run a corn sheller. Burglars entered tho California Plume company's store at Lincoln. Wednesday night, nnd carried away about $3,000 worth or plumes. R. E. Truax, superintendent Of the Shelby schools, hns been elected su perintendent or the Kimball county high school ror the coming year. The York Woman's club held tho last meeting or tho year Mondny afternoon nnd gave a dinner to tho members which was largely attended. A number of enterprising citizens or Albion got busy nnd set out a string of maple trees along the pnrklng for several blocks, Including the two blocks occupied as school grounds. Tuesday, April 29, was "good roads" day In Dlllcr. All tho business houses were closed for the day nnd practic ally tho entire male population Joined with tho farmers of tho surrounding territory and worked two miles of road. Tho committee In charge of enter tainment ror tho Nebraska state voun toer flro association tournament, to bo held In Atlianco Juno 25. 20, nnd 27, hns completed Its program. AbouJ $2,000 In prizes have already been ar ranged ror. The large dam and reservoir, eight miles west of KJmbnll, will get Its first real test this spring and summer. Most of tho land to bo Irrigntcd will be cultivated this year and In n short time sufficient wnter will bo stored to meet all demands. Prof. Hardy W. Campbell, Burling ton farm demonstrntor, will rarm six ten-acre tracts according to his' meth ods close to Hemingrord this summer. He Bays that section ts well adapted to his methods of soil culture nnd ex pects to show tho farmers how they can more than double their yields. Tho record price for land In Burt county wns made when twenty acres, unimproved, on tho Miller estnto near Oakland was sold for $270 nn acre. Fred Wagner of Loulsvlllo hns brought suit ngalnst n couple of neighbors for $5,000, alleging libelous statements regarding his character. State Inspector A. M. Voss, arter nn Inspection of the Blnden schools, reported to tho board of education thnt tho work being dono In the schools Is up to tho standard re quired by the state university and that Bladen will bo an accredited school hereafter. A Jail delivery at Fremont wns frus trated by tho timely discovery of. a lot of tools, Jteys and saws some of the prisoners had managed to accum ulate. Hebron schools hnve started a cam paign among tho children to Interest them In helping keep the town clean. A league known as tho Junior civic league has been organized. Rev. Thomas F. B. Smith, pastor bl tho Presbyterian church or York, has been selected ns a delegate to attend tho World's Christian Citizenship coherence which will be held In Port land. Ore.. June 29 to July 0. Tho Flower Girls' mission, a Fre mont young women's orgnnlzntlon that furnishes flowers to the sick In hos pitals nnd elcewhere, will glvo n May Day uvJl. J. L. Klump or Broken Bow lost a couple of fingers when they como In contact with tho knives or a planing machine ns ho nttempted to shut off tho power. In Nebraska thero arc at tho pres ent tlmo nbout 2,700,000 bearing npplo trees. In 1912 theso produced more than 7.000,000 bushels or npples, nbout six bushels apleco ror each man, woman nnd child in the state. GET BUSY WITH CHAFING DISH Many Delicious Concoctions May Be, Prepared for the Late or Sun day Night Supper. A light, but fairly substantial edible, served piping hot, directly from a chaf ing dish, adds immensely to tho in formal Sundny night supper. Creamed salmon is delicious and is easy to pro paro in a chafing dish. Use the hot water pan first, brown a little butter and sprlnklo crumbed bread Into it, turning over until crisp. Sot these crisped crumbs nsldo and proceed, with tho blazer pan, to mnko a sim ple bechamel or cream sauce, first melting n tablespoon of butter, stir ring in a tablespoon of flour and add ing a ecnnt cup of milk. Season this fairly-thick whlto snuco with salt, pep per nnd a few drops of lemon Juice. Stir In a can or salmon and when Bteamlng hot nnd ready to servo, shako over tho top tho browned crumbs The creamed salmon may bo served with out the bread crumbs, but they add an appetizing flavor, suggestive of tho browned crust over a hot dlbh pro pared In the oven. Cream of Celery. From the Caterer wo tnko the fol lowing recipe, nnd for family use each can reduco the quantities to suit. Even in using tho leaves and poorer parts of ono head only the recipes ot the best chefs will be n good founda tion for experiment and adaptation Remove tho outside stalks from 12 heads of celeiy, keeping the hearts to be eaten raw. Cut up theso stalks in small pieces, wash well, drain and set In a pan with a piece of butter; cover tho pan nnd cook over a slow fire. When tho celery Is nearly dono, moisten with ono 'gallon of lightly thickened chicken or veal stock, al low to cook ror 15 minutes, and then rub through a fine sieve; pour tho boup into a clean pan, let boll and clean rrom scum. Season with salt, popper and a pinch or sugar, and be fore Bervlng bind with ono pint of cream, six eggs and four ounces ot butter. Serve small fried crusts of bread separately. Instead of Potatoes. A dietitian, talking with a woman who was lamenting tho potatoes cut from her diet list, advised her to sub-i stltuto macaroni. As this Is usually supposed to be fattening, directions for cooking It must be carefully fol lowed. Ily boiling the macaroni an hour and a half, the dietitian says, tho injuri ous ingredlentB nro converted Into a food that Is nourishing, yet without starch. When used In a diet for obes ity, It must not be dressed with milk, merely with n little butter, salt and pepper. Tho woman thus advised ate maca roni each evening for dinner, instead of potatoes, yet lost 20 pounds In two mnnMie Nothing Doing for Him. A well known but broken-down De troit newspaper man, who had been n power In his day, approached an old friend the other day and bald: "What do you think? I have Just re ceived tho prize Insult of my lire. A paper down in Muncic, Ind., offered me a Job." "Do you call that an In sult?" "Not tho Job. but tho salary. They offered mo twelve dollars a week." "Well," snld tho friend, "twelve dollars a week is better than nothing." "Twelvo dollars a week thunder!" exclaimed tho old scribe. "I can borrow more than that right here in Detroit." !.., 4 aNftfck..M Examine carefully every bottle of uah ruuiA, a sare ana sure remedy for Infants and children, and aee that It Tlonra fVin Signature of QutJyA&jtZfjA In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatori Easy Winner. A friend of my six-year-old brother told him that his mother had a new fan which was hand-painted. "Pooh," said my little brother, "our whole fenco Is." Foolish Egotism. The true egotist is the man who Imagines he is attracting attention to his particular lino or comedy in a crowd or baseball rooters. LADIKR CAN WEAR 8ITOEH one else smaller utter using Alton's Foot Em, tho Antiseptic pmvdtr to ba shaken In to the ihora It make tight or new shoes feci easy, alves rot and enmfort. Refuse substitutes. For FUES trial package, ad drcia Allen S. Olmatcd, La Roy, N. Y. Adv. Probably -the hardest thing for a girl to do when sho is being kissed by a young man is to mnko him believe that it is her first experience. $ To Women Broken Down? Whether It'a from builneaa car. household drudgery or overfraquent child-bearing-, you need a Restorative) Tonic and 8trength-Mng Nervio and Regulator. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is recommended aa such, having been) compounded to act In harmony with, woman's peculiarly delicate and senil. tlve organization. Your Drucglst Will Supply Yoy PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet pre pamtlon of merit. JleliMtueraiilralodandrutf. Far Reitiirin Cnlnr mn A' Beauty toCray or Faded Hair. ow. una n.wat i-rumrm. lwisigi mm&MM ALWAYS RtUAILfc y- A H .l&t&UUtXMI&VK-tJi sSsaaWri ml sMhiilisMni SaiaiWiM &i&irtdr ' nMasasa ,- . "t . :.V- n -- "; V' T 11 U ""WW fMMMMSf.