A I, Iga v t I.I WM W-nwl CONTEST BARGAIN DAY ?- IN THE -g Chief Auto Contest - ON - Wednesday, lay 21 Si : 1 i Bulletin of The Week'. Doings Double Votes Issued For One Day Grand Prize To be Awarded Saturday, June 14th Voting Schedule and Subscription Rate The following voting schedule and subscription rate "will hold good during the remainder of the Contest: Chief one year SI. 50, (new subscription) counts 1000 votes. Chief one year SI, 50, (old subscription) counts 700 votes. Nebraska Farmer to January 1 1915, $1.00 counts 1000 votes. Chief (new subscription) one year and the Nebraska Farmer until January 1, 1915, for $2.00, counts 2000 votes. Chief (renewal subscription) one year and Nebraska Farmer until January 1, 1915, $2.00, counts 1700 votes. Five years subscription to the two papers, $10.00, counts 3000 extra votes. Contestants ahould work for the combination subscriptions. For one day only, Wednesday, Nay 21st, all subscriptions received at The Chief office will count for double the regular number of votes. ' The subscriptions, and cash to pay for them, must be received on the above date. Standing of The Contestants The votes cast are counted on Wednesday of each week. The count this week shows the following result: Gertie Cartwright 101,925 Miss Gertrude Coon 100,175 ElenorGilham 89,450 Miss Maude Hayes 79,200 Mrs.L. H. Matkins 30,100 Miss Rose McGuire 25,600 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, r Nebraska Weather Report Fer April The following Is tho Metcrologlcul record for the month of April, taken by Co-operative Observer, Chas. S. Ludlow: Mean temperatuie 12. Maximum temperature 88. Minimum temperature 21. Total precipitation '2.0.5 inchos. Total snowfall $ inch. Number of dajs clear 10; partly cloudy 3; cloudy 0. Light frost on tho 2dth. Hail on the 25th. Thunder storm's on the lt. Direction of prevailing wind was south 10 days. 1 1f DqrijcuiiiKiy Will Be Observed Again By The Merchants Of Red Cloud On Wednes day, Nay 21st. Watch For Large "Ad" Next Week. Will ltonen spent Sunday in (Snide Rock. Ftchh ciiudy, peanuts and cigars at Wat ten's Restautaut. SI.G0 to 82.00 for good tint row stripe fur. J.O. Camiwiii l. Try Sheeley's limber Shop for the best in the tonsotial line. Frank Slatr wni In Campbell a few days the (list of the week. Kon Sai.k White Plymouth Rock CockeiellH. Joseph Tophntn. adv Tlie W. C. T. U.. met with Mrs. A. T. Walker yesterday afternoon. Miss Mildred Fulton is spending the week visiting with friends in Geneva. fU Acies of (Jood Pasture for rent Inquire of V. U Rt'i'AUD It. F. I). No :i. Iia Trueblood of Inarnle was trans acting business in Hed Cloud on Satur day. Will Wolfe had for his giiet over Sunday Mr. It. It Turner of Rlrd City, Kansas. (ieo. Woods of liurllngton, Iowa, spent a few days the first of the week in this city. Miss Mary Walker of MeCook was visiting in this city a few days the last of the week. Editor W. D. Kdson of tho Aigus was nttending to business affairs in Superior Saturday. Mrs. Johanah Tnit left Monday morning for Lincoln where she will reside iu the future Mrs. A E. Atkins lias for her guest this week her mother. Mis. A J. Deals who resides in Geneva. Mis. K V. Wedemeyer returned the latter part of the week from a short visit with relatives in Kansas City. W. 12. Kills of Superior was attend ing to business affairs in this city a few days the first of the week. II. C. Wolfe is spending the week in Ulrd City, Kansas, where he is visiting Ids two sons, who reside at that place Mrs. W. R. Dailey and Miss Kathryne liurko nro entertaining their brother Kdmoud Burke, of Wuluut, Iowa, this week Roadmiister Phillip Trout spent sev eral days in MeCook the latter part of the week attending to railroad busi ness. Mrs. Eajl Holler accompanied by the Misses Lillie and Pearl Huffer left the latter part of the week for Omaha, where she intends to enter a hospital for treatment. John lleutley of Slloam Springs, Arkansas, spent several days in the city the latter part of the week attend ing to affairs in connection with the settling up of the M. H. Rentley estate. Rev. J. M. Bates in company with several members of his church left Tuesday morning to attend the Annual Convocation which is held in St. Mark's church in Hastings three days this week. Springer's bakery, confectionery and luuch room is now located in the Pot ter building opposite Cotting's drug store. We wish for a hearty co-operation in business and solicit a share of the trade of the public V. E. Spring, er. adv. Perhaps before the summer is over the court house will be so badly dam aged by rain storms, etc., as to cause some action to be taken toward secur. Ing a new one. The storm of Friday certainly proved it to be even past "sheddlug water", and did consider able damage. The Koyal Hotel has lately under gone considerable remodeling, and this week a fine uew cement sample room is being completed. Itoy Oat- man bellevrs in being up-to-date and spares no pains or expense in securing any and all conveniences for his guests. lien McFarland intends to soon beeln the erection of a two-story bnilding on the lots west of Ids present store build ing. The building will be brick and will be built for two store rooms on the ground floor and the second story to be used as a rooming house. It is also rumored that O. A. Hall intends to start a new building on his lots. If lie does tins and also puts up a brick building, when all is completed, It would make another half block of solid brick buildings for Red Cloud. A meeting of all feeders and shippers who reside between here and Oxford is in progress today at Franklin. The purpose of the meeting is to appoint a committee to confer with the rail road company in regard to furnishing a stock tiiilu tour times a week, and also a lequest that greater pubis may iu uikuii uj win .sain ran road com pany in an efroit to cut down the time now taken to gut htock to maiket. Webster and adjoining counties are too liberal patrons of the C B. & Q., when It comes to the shipment of stock, to he netted with anything but the best hy the railroad company and we ti ust that the committee meets with success. Ice cream and soft dilnks scried at Wan en's Restauuuit. Chat ley Stiong spent it few da.s In Lincoln this week on business. Mis. Chas. duiker f I,lllinM spent a Tew lns In town the latfei part of the week. A, II. Carpenter spout beeinl da,s the first of the week in l ulbet iM)ll at tending to business niVaiis O II. Reeve of Supeilor was attend Ing to business it tl airs in the city n few days the last of the week. John Holcomb left Sunday uidhiIiik for a visit with i datives mid friends in Chicago and other eastern cities. Special attention glen to diseases of eje and ear. Glasses accurately fitted. Dr. Stockman. Rod Cloud, Nebr Alice Smith, widow of John F Smith, lias been granted a widows pension, rie.l Matirei was her attor ney. The ponltiy industry Is an Import ant factor today, ami will beat iinieh study, whether conducted as a shle Hue or as an evclusiie occupation. I have the best rate in the county on farm loans. See mo and ho convinced. My motto pi om pi service. A. T. Wai.ki.ii. Daniel F. Curlier hits purchased a new auto. It is n dandy car and will be of considerable aid to him in the conducting of his real estato business Fmrm Loans-l hae a limited u mount of private money to place in llrst mortgage farm securities, short or long time, at lowest rates with optional payments. Write or phone. Daniel Gakiikii, Rlverton, Nebraska. P. Killett has leturned Home from Kansas City where he went with a shipment of stock. Ho had .'it head ol yearling calves for which ho touched the market for 98. 10 per hundred. Mr. Kollett reports the eastern pint of the state also enjoyed a good rain. Manager (ieo. Warren of The Tepoo treated the th'reittre going public to a fine two-reel feat in e nlctuic entitled. "The Wives of Jamestown" on Mon day and Tuesday evenings. It was a colonial scene and one of the best pic tures of this class which has ever been offered heie. James Silva, who has been iu the employ of the Saunders Hios. Lumber Company at this place for some time past, lias pin chased Tho Inaviilu Lum ber Yard. Jim is one of the ilsing young men of the community and dur ing his residence In Red Cloud hits secured for himself the friendship of all who knew him. He also possesses a great deal of business ability in his chosen lire and it is safe to predict that he will make a success in hi now venture. G.N. Rmukenbakcrof Webster coun ty, Neb., says a large number of hogs were imported from Arkansas into that section of the Republican valley this spring. Farmers have had good luck with them". 'All these hogs were stop ped near Kansas City, where they vac clnated and as a result no losses oc curred," Mr. Rhtukenbenbaker said. "This plainly shows that hogs can be made immnue." Kansas City Drovers Telegram, iSSeS 3 OM 3 SSfcSvai n S 8 1 in new things new Something New I in Men's and Young Men's Clothes Every Day To keep our slock right up to the minute always, wc get tueas every day. So that this store is especially valuable to the man who always wants the new things while they arc new. Kuppenheimer Clothcraft and Society brand Clothes for Men and Young men 91A4-ASOA f) UV I $Q 4- $0 " JHt i WOr 10 to Boys Knickubocke Suits Norfolks 3 to Mothers Dress your boys in new K. & E. Waists. e the Mew Spring Hat end Shoes 8 s 1 8 Gouiden-aleyClotningGo. RED CLOUD'S FOREMOST CLOTHIERS jwvwvSS S3 S3 S3 esSSwwy EAtlY fit MED PTATWS Fifty cents per bushel at cellar. Inquire of Porter Hale, Rural phone 11 on 19. Jy H&Vn Mli V vW if 'L iEEWj tKrlktLAYk f ill t4Xm HDHUV? f'jwvitm J i lvni IT ' iiTin i 'ill n. ' jffflwilSL&iwp)I llm Vol A Bride's Happiness JfllhL depend upon her ability to market suc cessfully. We help the bride as we do all of our customers by the right price on the right goods. There is safety in trading with us. B. E. McFarland All thm Phontrn Will Kent went to Uoat i ice yester day. When in town got your dinner at Warren's Itestamant. Mrs. "llabe" MuKlnney Is visiting tier sister in Mishomi this week. M Us Naomi Corner lias been quite sick tills week but is hotter at this writing. Miss Minnie I'ofus of (iuldo Hock visited at the home of her brother, Martiu I'ofus Sunday. Mrs Davidson and children after spending several days visiting with friends at this place, returned to their home iu Superior on Monday. Mrs. C. II. flule received word Wednesday from her brother, Sam Wright that his little son about two years old strayed into the cow corral and the cow had knocked him down and stepped on his hand and other wise bruised him. 'Mother's Day," will be observed Sundav morning at the Congregational Church with a special sermon on the subject; "Love, Marriage and Mother hood. In the evening the pastor will give an illustrated lecture on; "Run van's Pilgrim's Progress." Governor Morehead has dedicated Saturday, May 17th, as "Clean-Up Dy," with the dandelion playing the part of tho leading iBdy. The citizens of Red Cloud should all take an active part in cleaning up their re spective premises, and should spare no pains in ridding their lawns and yards of this great pest. Joseph Q. llrltton and Miss May Frisbie were married at the home of the bride's parents, near Amboy, on Sunday afternoon, Rev. B. N. Tomp kins performing the ceremony. An elegant three course dinuer whs se'rved Both the brido and groom enjoy a wide circle of friends in Webster county who wish for them only joy in the home which they have established in Guide Rock. A surveying gang in the employ of the C. B. & Q. spent several days iu this city the first of the week. They were laying out the new depot grouuds making preparations for the laying of additional tracks, etc. Work is to begin at onoe on the re-modeling of the Hepot, and before the summer Is over it will find Red Cloud possessing as good a depot as any town of Its size in the state along the C. li. it q. Rev. W. F. Cole, who, among many other good qualities, dotes on raising the licit possible, iu the chicken line, informs the Chief that lie has some chicks up at Ids henery, which at the age of $ weeks tipped tho beam at j'j of a pound each. This certainly is the best chicken story we have ever lieaid, especially, coming as it does just at the hcgluuiug of the fishing season, and did we uot know tho reverend gentlemen as we do, and know that he would uot make mis statements that weie not absolutely correct, we might be inclined to be lieve he had uot read the (Igurcs cor rectly. Hut surely thcie can be no mistake as Rev. Cole ended by asking us to come up and see the chicks our- (Ieo. Ovcriug went to llloomiiigton today. O. (1. Leggett wenttn llloomiiigton yesterday. Tlie Degiee of Honor met on Tues day evening and taken in several new members. For your Ice eieam and soft drinks go to tlie Bon Ton Ilakery. adv. Tony Clark and wife returned homo tills morning from n slioit visit at various Pacillu cou'-t points. Sunday is "Mothers Day, and surely there can not bo u persou iu t he whole wide world whose heart doea not heat warmer as memory goes back to tlie grandest of all grand ladles. Wednesday afternoon, on the local diamond occurred the opening bail game, the Unlde Rock and Red Cloud High school teams crossed bats. The visitors won the game by a score of 5-3 Do you notice that J. II. Ilalley is making the most of tlie farm Ioansr He is sole agent for Trevctt, Mattls A. Ilaker, and is offering tlie best rates, terms and option in the market and that is the reason. adv. Sheriff Hedge is spending a few days in Excelsior Springs, Mo , where be is endeavoring to exchange a rather severe case of rheumatism for a few baths. What a large amount of water it will take to cover our genial sheriff!. A special sermon at tlieM. E. cbnroh on next Bunday evening "Our Moth- eis" will be tlie subject of the address. Let all as far as possible wear a white flower for the occasion. In the morn ing "David In His Vices" will be the theme. All are invited to these ser vices. It surely looks like "A Rig Night Toulght." A new band stand has been erected In the Washington sohool park, at which place a band concert will be given; The Tepee, us usual, la offering the best to be secured in the- musical line and "Hans nud Filtz" la the title of the play which Is billed at the opera house. Surely this city life is great doings. selves as well as "just what them." he feeds LAND Improved Alfalfa, Grain and Stock Farms in The Great Republican Valley Bought Sold Exchanltd Any desirable Real Estate listed up and advertised for cash sale or ex change without expense to owner. Cash buyers for improved farms and ranches seemed through care ful, llbeir.1 and systematic adver tising. Some of the best farms in Webster and Fianklln Counties Ne biaskiiunw listed Sureial farms tor sale that will pay good Interest on the entire puichin-e price and enhance giently in value. Seveial good larins for sale on easy pay ments and special terms worth the money. The largest list of local fai ins for sale to select from and Mtuatod hi the Ruckle Ihid of the Coin licit. FARM MANS-Libcral nmouuts, optional payments, lowest intcs. Money alwajs lead v. Daniel Garber Riverton, - Nebraska M " c i i it i' V i ' SJ i I .1 J It-ff I