The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 08, 1913, Image 6

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Red Cloud, Nebraska
Entered In the ruMoflttc nt lied ( luml, Nil1
, m Sttoiul t'lnM Mntttr
ran oni,y dkmochatic papkh in
TIm Ptntr T the Hall Cukr L'atale.
Farmers believe every word in the
big catalog of the mall order house,
ccordlug to Ablbert, C. Loeb, vice
president and treasurer of Sea, Roe
bock A Co., who recently told n rep
resentative of the American Lumber
man, Chicago, some of the reasons
contributing to the success of the mall
order Institution of which he Ih one of
4he ofllclals and lending (.tockholders.
When Mr. Loeb told how the farmers
gulp down what Ih printed In the tnnil
order catalog, he chuckled. Ills ex
pression was much like the vender of
patent medicines who, after selling
three or four dozen bottles of colored
water at II each on the public; square
of some country town, tins the driver
whip up the horses nnd make a quick
getaway. The medicine fakir gloats
because lie found so many dunes on
the publio square of thu country town;
'Mr, Loeb laughed when he told how
the farmers believe every word in the
catalog his concert) furnishes them
"Wc could make 81,000,000 more a
ytar it we Bold electric belt9, but we
don,t sell them," said Mr. Lcoh
'"JVikes, you know. And what is
more if wc did sell them the belts
-would cure, yes, absolutely cure. Why
do you know that if Scars, Roebuck &
Co. sold electric belts to the farmers we
would get thousands of beautiful test!
uonials telling what a marvelous bene
fit they were; how the writers weie so
near the grave before wearing the belts
aod how after wearing them the all
incut enthely disappeared. There
would be lots 'of prollt In these belts,
perhups 400 per cent."
"Now why would these belts cure?"
was asked.
"Why? Simply because the farmers
believe every word in our catalog; yes,
they believe every word," answered the
jnail order magnate.
Here is n picture of what the ofllclals
of the largo mall order houses think
of the people of this nnd every other
community who send money to them
for the mail order merchandise.
Though Mr. Loeb doesn't say It in so
many words, it Is evident he believes,
like the medicine fakir, "suckers" are
to be found in every community. Cer
tainly he has a very cheap opinion of
the farmers who buy of bis house.
What person in this community would
buy of any local merchant who would
bave the audacity to come out and
publicity brand them "easy marks"?
True politeness Is accompanied by
the calm self-possession whtoh be.
longs to a noble simplicity of purpose,
and unless you cultivate it and exer
cise it upon all occasions and toward
all persons it will never be a part of
Beautify your own property all you
then do all you can to beautify
your streets, lie friendly with every
body and courteous to strangers.
"Tour own civility will help make good
Impressions aud will be carried away
ud cherished.
Labor is one of the supreme laws of
life. Toll is honorable. The progress
which the world has made Is a glorious
testimonial to human handiwork.
'Those who work kuow more of gen
uine happiness than those whose lives
i dedicated to idleness,
.). I-. Fuller was In Ked Clorid Wed
M. I). Long will occupy Vio Andcr
souN house on Main street,
Homer Davis Is suffering this week
fniiii tin attack of lousllltis,
John Rose of Hlue Hill was in our
village Monday on business.
James Mcllrldo's fattier fiotn Illi
nois is visiting him this week.
Lloyd Davlssoii and wife spent
Siturday and Sunday in Lawrence
visiting thu latter' patents.
11. A. .Smith has moved Into Ad
Sprucher's house south of the harness
shop. Wo understand that the hotel
U to be closed.
Mrs. A.. J.Grant, who has been at
the Methodi&t hospital In Omaha for
some time, returned last Saturduy
nltflit, much Improved in health.
Kufua llouthlt, R, II. Thompsouland
Tom DcHklu went to Lincoln last
week for thu purpose of Initiating thu
littler Into luither mysteries of .Mas
onry. Mrs. James I'uller gave a surprise
party Ftlday night in honor of Jim's
birthday. Thu time was spent in play
ing charades, after which refreshments
were served.
Mrs. VIslu Teak Maker and brothct,
Lawrence Peak, left Tuesday night
for Akron, Colo., where they will
visit their parents. They will visit at
I-'ruukliu and Trenton on ttieir way.
S. D. Long of Dlooiningtouis puttlnir
lu a slock of drugs, in the building
recently vacated bu A. U. Scott. An
up-to-date drug stoie will bu u help
to thu town aud we wish Mr. Long
success iu Ills business.
The White House Cafe has installed
u soda fountain which is a great Im
provement to the business. Uuy is
doing much to make his cafe an up-to-
date place aud his efforts should bu
appreciated by the people.
H.'O. Loientz aud family who moved
to Washington statu a few years ago
returned Saturday, lie thinks Ne
braska Is thu best place ou earth aud
expects to stay hero the rest of his
days, tilad to have you S. U.
Sunday, May 11th. is'-Mothcrt'Dav"
and will bo observed by the churches
of thu town. Everyone is iuir,.,l m
be present at oue of the churches aud
lo honor Mother by wearing a white
(lower, i r you can not be with your
mother ou that day make her glad by
writing her abetter.
The people of thu Village of Cowles
meets at the hall Fiiday afternoon to
try aud locate a place ou which to
build u school houso. We hope no one
will lay a straw in the way of locating
a site aud of building a school house
The district of Cowles certainly needs
a building more suitable than the one
they have, aud we hope to have It.
Mr Chaplin passed away from this
world very peacefully Saturday morn
ing. He got up and dressed, ate his
breakfast aud was feeling as well as
usual. About uiae o'clock he began
to feel faint aud befote medical aid
could arrive he departed from this
wirld. He leaves a widow, a number
of children aud a host of friends to
mourn his departure.
Clean-Up Day
Whereas Gov. J. H Morehead has
obsignated May 17th as "Clean-Up
Day" for the cities aud villages of Ne
braska, every citizen of Red Cloud is
urgently requested to clean up his
premises ny removing all rubbish,
dangerous and intlamable material on
or before the above date.
Don E. Saunders, Mayor.
' The man Is a rarity In these days of
whom it can bu said "there are no
rfllee on him" for they are everywhere;
bwt twenty drops of carbolic acid
evaporated from a shovel, says an ex
hasge, will banish them from a room
qaioker than all the sticky fly-paper
ia existence.
The Satisfaction of
Being Well Dressed
To be well dressed is largely a matter of taste and not so
much a matter of money.
What you buy counts more than
what you pay for it.
To exercise taste you must have room for choice among tasteful
things. You must have opportunity to express your individuality,.
And that is exactly what we give our customers in our
large assortment of summer dress goods including ratines,
corded figures, embroidered voiles, silk stripe
poplins, etc.
Come And Make Your Choice!
Miner Bros. Co,
GeneraJ Merchants :
The Store That Sells Wooltex
' f
Omaha's Committees
Are Doinf Great Work
Omaha, Nebr., May 6th. The work
of restoring Omaha's tornado wrecked
district is going along in a systematic
way aud out of the chaos and confus
ion, a new district is being rebuilt,
which is eliciting the favorable com
ment of visitors from all parts of the
Having purchased the above
w vuii Km wn Nuinmn m win
' make the seasonof 1913 on my
( ""u "" lUIIU.lUtlSL&illlU IWU
1913 Will Be Lucky
For Home Builders
who sidetrack procrastination for
uction and get busy early on their
building plans. The kind of lumber
you would be satisfied with is as
cheap now as you will ever see it
aud, at the prices we are quoting ou
the quality you would expect, wc
say with all euiphasls-"BUILl)
NOW". With our kuowledge of the
different woods and their appltca
tlon to home building we can doubt
less show you how you can attain
your ideal home at a nnieh less cost
thau you think. I'rice-per-thous-aud
for lumber is very misleading
to the Inexperienced, but when a
plan is ligured judiciously and the
right lumber spccllled in thu right
phieo the total cost is often a pleas
ant 'revelation. Our business re
quires this exacting kuowledge and
we are sure we can satisfy you iu
price, quality aud service, Lot's
talk it over. We have everything
from joist to shingle.
r 1
HI DflSMssv Ibbbv
"There's Ns Place Like Nome"
Saunders Bros.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
.'. " ' "' ''- '
iij-m E1iTWvyr
You like Square Dealing
You nppreclate courteous treatment.
When w tell you a thing Is so and you
tlnd It to bu so your faith in us begins
to grow. After we have told you mauy
times how thoroughly wc cuu demise
nnd renew meu aud women's wearing
appaiel. How nice they will look and
how little It will cost, aud every time
you tlnd it just as we told you then
you will tako our word at "face value"
and consult us when ever your gar
ments need clcuuing, pressing or re
pairing. See the point.'
Clothes called for and delivered to
any part of the city.
Cleaner and Dyer
Successor to Will C. Crelder
y'WENTY-FIVE dollars. You can buy our clothes
for less than that $20, $18, $15; you can pay more
than that we have very fine clothes at $30, $35, $30.
But $25 is a good average price; most men who appreciate
good quality and style in clothes, good tailoring, and fit,
' .-A 4m11i' f , o ..u tiz
cut; wining iv tJaj ao suv.ii as ptj
Hart Schaffner & Marx .
'suits at $25 will surprise you. You'll get all-wool fabrics; trimmings, linings and other materials
of a high grade; tailoring of a very high order the things that make, a suit wear well, and
J shapley. You'll get the value of best style standards and orcinalilv of desicn: vou'll oet clothes ill
I that fit you well.
AndJyou'U gain from $10 to $20, either in greater value at the price; or lower price
for similar value.
Better see how true this is; $25 is a price you can afford, and you'll say so
when you see the clothes. Better come and look at the new spring styles
amies north of Inavale.
FEE-510 for a.livo colt.
Floyd Copley
Red Cloud,
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