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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1913)
-WTfteS Jjm i V It : H ir IES AMP Sk GENERAL MEADE AT MINE RUN Highly Promising Plan Ruined by Blunders of Subordinates Thereby Preventing Concentration. In response to n query nuking for an account of tho Mlno Run campaign tho National Tribune makes the fol lowing reply: The Mlno Run campaign was one of the bcst-concelvcd movements ot the war, but utterly failed on account of the mismanagement of tho corps commanders. November, 1863, flaw what was virtually the end of tho HettysburR campaign, with Its se quelae of manuvers back and forth from Alexandria to Orange Court llouso. Gen. Meade saw that he had Lee at a great disadvantage. had Bent Longstreet's Corps to East Ten nessee, and had loft only Ewcll's and Hill's Corps. Ewell's CorpB was watching the Rapldan In the neigh borhood of Culpeper Court House, whllo Hill's Corps was a day's march away up tho river, den. Meade had the Army of the Potomoc well In hand, only 20 miles away around Culpeper and Stevensburg, He conceived that he could throw his army across the river and overwhelm Ewell's Corps before Hill could go to his assistance. It was only a short day's march to reach Ewell, and he could havo been thrashed In a few hours. Meade care fully worked out his plans, and If his orders had been carried out a great victory would havo resulted. The movement was to begin at dawn of Nov. 2(3, by the Fifth Corps, followed by tho First Corps crossing the Rappa hannock at Culpeper Mlno Ford and marching to Parker's Store on the Plank Road. The Second Corps was to cross at Qcrmanna Ford and march to Robertson's Tavern, where It was to be Joined by the Third and Sixth Corps crossing at Jacob's Mill Ford. Meado expected his whole army to bo united across the Rapldan and cut tho flank of Leo's lntrenchments on Mine Run, by noon of Nov. 27, and tho plan had every prospect of success. The first blunder was In the movement ol the Third Corps, which, having n greater distance to march, should have started earliest, but as a matter of fact was much behind Its time and delayed tho whole army. The next was that the engineers had not correctly meas ured tho width of the Rapldan, and the pontoon bridges were too short. The banks of tho Rapldan were so high and precipitous that they delayed the march of tho artillery nnd cavalry so that the whole of Nov. 27 passed with less than half of tho dlstanco having been traversed. In the mean whllo Lee's signal officers. looking down from Clark's Mountain, had de tected tho movement, nnd Hill's Corps was summoned back in haste to meet It. In the meantime tho corps officers were mistaking the roads and making other blunders which prevented tho concentration, nnd when tho army was at last gotten together, Nov. 28. It was found that the whole rebel nrmy was in front nnd fortified along tho crest of a rango of hills, which made a fortification In them selves for six or eight miles. Tho Confederates had their artillery sc placed as to enfilade every lino of approach. Tho corps commanders each examined their fronts for possi ble points of attack, and mado strong reconnolssances, which cost a great many men's lives. As nil the trains had been left on the north side of the Rapldan In anticipation of a quick, sharp movement, the army was now out of rations, and Meade saw frus trated his hopes of ending the Get tysburg campaign by a decisive vic tory, lie therefore ordered the army to return to Its camps around Cul peper. Ho wanted to move his army to Fredericksburg, which would have been nn excellent manuver, and placed Lee at a disadvantage, but he was prevented by Halleck's orders not to mako any change of base without authority from Washington. Lee's 811m Animal. President Lincoln on June 14, 18G3, wrote Gen. Hooker: "So far as wo can mnko out hero tho enemy has Mllroy surrounded at Winchester and Tyler at Martinsburg, If they could hold out a few days could you help them? If tho head of Lee's army is at Martinsburg and the tall of It on tho plank road between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsvllle, tho animal must bo very slim some where Could you not break him?" How Could He Stop Him? An Irish recruit In the mounted In fantry got on a high-mettled horse and ,lt ran away with him. Ono of his com panions called to him to stop him. "Arrah, now," cried ho, "how can I stop him when I havon't got mo spun along?" A Slow Movv A general in tho western army wbh nggravatingly slow a' n tlrno when the president wanted him to "get n move on." "Somo of my generals are brave enough," regretfully remarked tho president, "but somehow or other they got tnngled up In a fence cornor and can't flKuro their way out," Politics. Uy placing tho proper number of coins In tho slot tho poM'.'cal machine praay be operated. xroe f. .fiT aw w Has Caught Fancy of Paris- The One-Piece Walking Suit vBBBBBBBBBHaBBBBBaSjHgB vKvV JKL vWsfl3aft mmmTWkJk..- aaamvi yHtiA r!aWMLLLmws. 'MmmmmmWvttm&RSbb m3&(lmWmm fil& mmmmmmMiJBmmBmmlKmtlmt ffr JmmmmmWKmmhBmnOKoUmaW iL4av ' -'; -'-Cf.i&'A r' mmmmmmmmfflmmm3mWttmmimmuBH ySfyv A& ti &J, X SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB " 4 & .sJTl SHHHvHBaBBBBBBW' mmWImmmm BBb ' , TVs TPGHflBaBattaVSflflp? Vf JWHiBBBBBBVsBBHBBBBBkt VH'J &V- lU jrBBBBBBBBBHaBllBHfaL . '4MJ V ' mWmmmlmmmmmmmmmmmlmmWmmmW' ?'W ' PbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbm !wBB?"2k(C iMtmr V VbbbbbbbbbbBBBaT' mBammmmW BBBaHeBaHHaaliBrr Jmmmmmvf X tbbbVbbbbbIbbBbbbbV mmmmW . TaBBBBBBBBBBia ::''''BBBaw5' tLLBslaflbL " f-mmmwr . aaaBaBaBaBaaaaajBai , mmw2r aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai 'jc'saBaBp ,,.rtmmmmmmmmmmm.'-""-'"''"""'"-'"'t "T'S!TTt?":n WmWMMMMS&KKKKmmWHmWHmmmmmmmmmB (&,'' 112t3aaBaBBHaaBBBBaaBBaBBBaBleBBr w ,K " ' )?' i i'-' iSsi lf9A9SlSSISBMBBBBBBBBBBB 3 One-piece walking suit of copper-colored collar. HOW TO WHITEN THE THROAT Lemon Juice or a Ripe Tomato Will Remove Any Discoloration! Alcohol to Harden. Shapeliness Is not all that is neces sary to tho making of a throat beauti ful. Tho texturo of tho skin must bo flno and soft, white and unblemished. Cleanliness Is the first essential. A good thorough scrubbing with a not too soft brush, hot water and soap, once or twice a week, will do no harm, the rest of tho tlrno using the ordinary cloth. Apply lemon julco or a rlpo tomato to any discoloration that may appear, and unless tho pores are enlarged, use cold cream freely. Alcohol will harden tho flesh. As for the various bleaches, thero are some that are harmless, except Insofar as they invariably are drying, which ultimately leaves tho skin harsh and brash. Here is ono that can easily bo made at home, but, like the others, it ts drying, so be euro to counteract this effect by applying cold cream after using It. Mix half an ounce of perox ide ot hydrogen, six ounces of witch hazel and half an ounce of lactlo acid. Apply thla with a soft cloth. DAINTY SUMMER DRESS. A! summer dress ot whlto laco em broidered In yellow with underskirt of whlto charmeuse. Bolt of yellow taffeta. LbeL V aaaaaBtab immmmmWt aaHaS IbbbV' . : & M -'sbLH bbbbbT v i i H r3aB!x?i " VBBBBBBBLBbIbBW iilJfJ, jralHp f i ii " ' 1 ! charmeuse with narrow lace MUST BE HAND EMBROIDERED The Proper Thing for Both Whlto and Colored Linen Paraeols Wide Variety of Designs. White nnd colored linen parasols show hand embroidery. They nrn mounted with Ivory or bono handle:! and tips or with light natural or jiol. Ishcd wood handlco and brass-pointed tips. Somo of them nro flnlohcd about tho edgo with fringe, somo with n plnln hem and soma with an embroidered scallop. A wldo variety of designs id shown in embroidered parasols. Satin; stitch, eyelet work und outlining ard used in combination to produce both ornate nnd stmplo effects. Almost all parasolB are mado with eight panels, and half a dozen skeins of cotton aro needed for embroidering each panel with a design of moderate size; 11 vo or six dozen skeins, therefore would bo sufficient for any parasol. Tho big department stores mako up tho em" broldcred panels into parasols and sell sticks and frames. FLOWERS THAT MATCH FROCK One of the Prettiest Fanclee of Many Seasons la the Adornment Thua Effected. What a real pleasure women missed when they were too prim to tuck a bunch of flowers into tholr frocks, ot too fearful lest tho stalks should stain their pretty raiment. Nowadays flowers aro the finishing touch ot every toilette, and some wom en give orders to their florists or their gardeners for a bouquet twlco or Ulrica a day to match tho gowns thoy intend to wenr. In tho evening It Is usual to wear a single and very exquisite blossom, the work of human hands. A giant rose, a mammoth poppy, an orchid all aro popular. Strango fantasies In mater ial are employed; hero a lace flower tipped with fur. and there ono made ot band painted moussellne, a marvelous copy ot nature's own handiwork. Wardrobe Box. A space saver Is tho wardrobo box which fits under the bed. This box 1b suspended from two metal arms, or bars, which are affixed to the bed. This makes It possible to draw the box In and out without trouble. Tho box does not touch tho floor, so there Is no possibility ot dust accumu lating under it, and tho bed, with tho box In position, may bo moved at will. Tho boxes, which aro provided with hinged covers, come in different sizes and aro designed for different pup poses. Crepe Waists. A collego girl who woro cotton cropo waists to savo her laundry bills, had dldlculty in rendering thorn wearablo at first, no they wern too limp If not starched at all und, If Btarclicd, wring ing them mado tho starch uneven, says tho Modern Prlscllla. Sho ex perimented until sho found that by washing them In thin starch and hang ing thorn up to drain on a coat hang er, without wringing, they wero ex actly right. Even In Death. 8am Rernard was talking at the Lambs In New York about the recent arrest of some foreign dancers on the Hcoro of Immodesty. "Of course these dancers wero all right," ho said, "and they got olt Their arrest saB dictated by prudery. Such prudery reminds mo of n hos pital I know. "In the building of this hospital a cold staragu chamber for the accom modation of dead bodies was Includ ed. One of the hospital doctors, In going through this cold storage cham ber, found that a partition divided it In two, '"What's thiH paitltlon for?' he asked. "'Oh, sir,' said the foreman primly, 'that's to keep the sexes apart.' " A CLCRGYMAN'S TESTIMONY. Tho Rev. IMmuiid Heslop of Wig ton, Pa suffered from Dropsy for u year. His limbs and feet wero swol len and puffed Ho had heart flutter ing, was dl.zy and exhausted at thu least exer tion. Hands and feet wero cold und ho had such a drnggltig sensa tion across the lolna that. It was difficult to move. Aftnff- llaltn- K Rev. E. Heslop. l)MeB of Doddfl Kidney Pills tho swelling disappear ed and ho felt himself again. Ho says ho has been benefited und blessud by tho use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Sov oral months later he wroto: I liavr not changed my faith In your remedy since tho above statement wns author ized. Correspond with Rev. K. Hes lop nbout thla wonderful remedy. Dodds Kidney Pills, GOc. per box at your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Wrlto for Household Hints, also music of National Anthem (English nnd German words) and re cipes for dainty dishes. All 11 sent frca Adv. Nothing Hasty About That. "Congratulations, Chllson! I urn told you've Just been mnrrled." "Thnnks, old chap; it's truo. I've got tho best little wlfo In tho world." "Tho story Is that you had Just been Introduced, fell in love with ench other at first sight, you proposed on the im pulse ot tho moment, und she said yes." "It's funny what lies peoplo will toll. 'Impulso ot thu moment!' Why, Ring gold, I give you my word, wo had known each other nearly two hours beforo we beenmo engaged!" Pneumonia and Erysipelas Serum. Not long before his death last Feb ruary Dr. Philip Hanson Illlss of Bal timore discovered serum for tho treat ment of pneumonia nnd erysipelas, which are now being tested with much Interest. Dr. Ford of tho Johns Hop kins medical school, who followed Dr. Hllss In his work, says that tho scrum for pneumonia Is not n cure In any such sense as tho antitoxin for diph theria, but that It Is helpful in the treatment of tho dlscauo. Game Always in Order. Rutli Lovo is a nice game to play nt. Fred Resides, It's tho only game I know of that's never postponed on nccount of darkness. noston Herald. "Ms-. - Figure. - It Out"- How can you expect to possess good health if you are careless with your 'Stomach, Liver m and Bowels. These organs are the "con- trolling power" and- must be guarded against weakness. To this end you really should try a bottle of .HOSTETTER'S. Stomach Bitters.. W. L. DOUGLAS 'fm 3.00 3.eo a.oo AW i-JJM AND sr.oo SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BEST BOfS SHOES In t hi WORLD 12. 00. 92.6U ant M3.UU. The forfeit maker of Men's 3.S0 and MOO hoes in the world. Atk Tour driller to lmw AV. I- DniiKln SJS.ftO. M.OO 4.MI uliori. J nit kuoiI anK'STR; lmW$& vkVHvl UlLrtfltlt'7. Mam IvS COTHAM VivW II it ana wrar a oilier makra coal In n.00 to BT v lk the only difference I irainem, iyn it mi i you roiim vin ii. i. uougine in rue iiicio rlr at llrorktnn, Maui., nnd urn for vnurneir liowiarefiilly W. I.. yon would thru iinilrrntatid in in ii-iit, limit iirm-r, lotiK'r iiiiiu uuy inner It w. I Iliiuyinidioriarenot uimi iruui lim mriuiy uui rMtiirm lurrirr, iiidHiMTUi tRaiLV ft'll iv , t& vtaA' 'iSsX fm w srAjK ' i.v 'rwi V.Jk it, i-i i ui .ihii. iit-c. v r.r-.r ll.ivirilir.i t'uliiloic It will rliotrynu liow iu nnlrr hjr mall, and vilir you ran mvk muriej on your footwear. W. I., 1IOUOI.AN . . llrorktnn. aim. TAKE NO BUOSTITUTE PUTNAM Sotor more goods brisliUr and t stttr colors than mr ether dre. Ons Jfc packsi s colors an fibers. Ths dye yeany isrment without ripuuia saart. Write for free booklet How to Uft. Hlesch and Mbc Colors. Over-Night Relief for Constipation A Small Dose on Retiring and You Are Welt and Happy by Morning It Is only natural that tho simplest of ailments should bo tho most gen eral, and so wu havo a wholo nation suffering from constipation nnd indi gestion, Tor they nro closely allied. Hut common as constipation Is many peo plo do not seem to know they havo It. They will complain of headache, drowsiness or biliousness, .ill uncon ecIoiih of tho cause of tho trouble. You should have n full and free movement at least once a day. If you pass u day you aro constipated, and tho result will bo that you will catch n cold easily or havo n more serious ailment. To rtire tho constipation and foiestall still graver trouble tako u dose of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin nt night before retiring and by morn ing relief will ooine, without disturb nneo from sleep or any Inconvenience. Legions of peoplo uso it regularly In such emergencies, somo of them form otly chronic invalids who havo suf fered from constipation all their lives. Mr. A. I). Dauuer, .'120 Riley St., liar rlsburg. Pa., Bays: "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin gave mo almost Instant relief from stomach and bowol trou ble I now cat anything I want, and sleep well." Many others will tell you that they havo tried most things rec ommended for this purposo but havo found Syrup Pepsin tho only ono al ways reliable. A bottlo can bo obtain ed at any drug store for fifty centH or one dollar, tho latter size being bought Matter of Curiosity. Miss Gibson was very rich nnd Mr I lamia was very poor. Sho liked him, but that was all, ami ho was well aware ot tho fact. Ono evening he grow somewhat tender and at last he said: "You aro very rich, aren't you, Helen?" "Yes, Tom," replied tho girl, frankly. "I am worth about two mil lion dollars." "Will you marry me, Helen?" "Oh, no, Tom. I couldn't." "I knew you wouldn't." "Then why did you nsk me?" "Oh, I JubI wanted to see how a man feels when he loses two millions." DANDRUFF COVERED SCALP 3002 Cass St.. St. Louis, Mo. "For five years I Buffered with Itching of my body nnd scalp. My trouble began with n rash on my lower limbs which was very annoying, and my scnlp was lit erally covered with dandruff. My hair used to come out by tho hundfuls and tho itching of my body and scnlp was tcrrlblo. I had used' almost all the skin remedies on tho market with no results, when I wroto for a llttlo Cull cura Soap and Ointment nnd It gnvo mo Instant relief. Within ono month's uso of the Cut Ictira Soap and Ointment parting, gently rubbing Cutlcura Olnt ono strand of my hair coming out nnd I havo not lost n mlnuto of h1oo slneo using tho Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment, which entirely cured mo of Itching of my body nnd scalp In its worst form. I also find tho Cutlcura Sonp a benefit in shaving." (Signed) Charles Judlln, Dec. 8, 1011. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Samplo of each free, w-lth 32-p. Skin Rook. AddreBS post-card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston." Adr. J To Clean Rubber. A rubber coat can bo nicely cleaned by tho use of automobile soap, a Jel lyllko substuueo of dark color, which can bo procured at any automobile supply Btoro or at a garage. Tho soap can bo used for other garments also, as It does not injure tho finest finished material, but the effect seeniB better on rubberized goods. The first step In cleaning is to make a strong lather. Clean tho coat thoroughly and then apply the soap over a small portion of tho gar ment. Carefully wash off the soap by sponging with clear water and pro ceed to next space to be cleaned. Dry out of doors. Cleaning Tllec. Mnny times the tiles of a hearth will become so Rtatned that water will not clean them. Never clean tiles with water. Use turpentine on a piece ot flannel and polish with a dry cloth and the tiles will look llko now. Lifting oi. tho burden of another beats training in a gymnasium for In creasing strength. The devil and a man-made saint get on well together. von and In itvln. Ilia price. Hluie In all unpen in mil everybody. Itoiiiclu tior are made. why tliey are warranted iiiiiu llieir unapo linu wear maae inr 1110 rii-(. tor (ale In tqiit Tlrlnlly. onier ravr iiiu iniiiaif'llinil trill t. ijnumoH 'cAUTIOM inn limn, bi mi itri... nv hf tnal flloiiirlnt namn u tamtil I'M IIIU IH.IIIllll. 5'AMKOMtlA jk. am YA.f.3!ux M - iJTAl rSftva7riM I tors WA iMiJ& i m c m l jfEy I IbWI&. LS I ''MAI JIlwbJ ,1 XL WW MWMi OO mmVrcMwaltiJi mW'Jr ytt I aHS & I Vf0MlNl 'Ji so- wu fflr '& "... -i$r -jC '.- .'JM f.iV. 3i3 IV FADELESS DYES Mr. A. D. Danner. by families already familiar with Its merits. Syrup Pepsin Is mild, pleasant tast ing, and uou-grlplng. Mothers give it to tiny Infants, and yet it Id offectlvo in grown-ups. It la for ovoryono who differs from any form of stomach, liver or bowel trouble, constipation dyspepsia, biliousness, etc. Its action will so delight you that you will for ever avoid harsh cathnrtlcs, purga tives, pills and salts. If no member of your family has evor used Syrup Pepsin nnd you would like to mnko n personal trial of It bo foro buying It In thu regular way of a druggist, send your address a postnl will do to Dr. W. II. Caldwell, 203 Washington St., Moutlcello, III., nnd a frco samplo bottle will bo mailed you. To Pass the Time. Patron (to very slow wnltor) Hrlng mo a stenk, please And you might Just send mo a postcard every now nnd then whllo you'ro nwny, letting mo know how It Is getting on. Not Natural. "Mnymo Is n duck of a girl." "Then it's odd she Isn't in swim." tho FOLEY KIDNEY PIUS RICH IN CURATIVE QUALITIES rOR BAOKAOHK, RHEUMATISM, KI0NKY3 and HLADDCB) SPECIAL TO WOMEN Do you realize the fact that thousands of women are now using A Soluble Antiseptic Powder as a remedy for mucous membrane afr fcctlons, such as sore throut, nasal ot pelvic catarrh, Inflammation or ulcera tion, caused by female ills? Women who have been cured sny "It is worth its weight in gold." Dissolve in wutor nnd apply locally. For ten years tho Lydlu K. 1'inkham Mcdlclno Co. haa recommended I'nxtlnc In their private correspondence with women. For all hygienic and toilet uses It haa no equal. Only flue a largo box at Drug gists or sent postpaid on receipt of prlco. Tho Paxton Toilet Co., Uoston, Mass. Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver Is right the stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly convl pel a lazy liver to i ao its duty. Cures Con-. ttipation, In-. difrettion, Sick Headache.' and Distress After Eating. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 19-1913. Nebraska Directory Lf5irfwN( OVippnr cable, OcwnU per foot In any length. If ta lOOtullraof Lincoln will fumluli man to tielpimton, HKNd'H Cliri'KH OAHI.K MU11TXINU 1UU),430H. MOtliNtrect, I.liicoln, NebnukM WANTED -YOUNG MEN- FOH TRAININO IN 8ANATOKIOK for pro feaslonal nurauug. QOOD WAGES. Addreaa Box 1189, Lincoln, Nebr. GREEN GABLES Tat) Dr. Eca). F. Bailey Sanatoria Lincoln, Nebraska Jt3 brick and stone bulldincs so taste i fully furnished and thoroughly equipped, In the beautiful pa of 25 acres, with staff of experience and a nursing corps of unusual merit, offers you most per fcet hospital results, yet always pre. serves tho atmnsphero of a delightful unuy HOME. Write for particular!. laj told water bttr than unr other dye, WONBOT OSiiO COWMWV. 1ful Youcs wvusze sHnADTrtfC HV VITTLE dKmmWT 1'VtK . Bpaw pjr-iijfc. yf mmAMrjjtt m TmmBPyffkrSrim i '. 'j . s ! W Si V '8 i 5 I 'i u ft .4. vu i3l M i i a H t i'i I u ' V t n 6 J 1 fl a n I f & iV