IvCSCS v"w - vr-.6S9'v THE LOST UMBRELLA iwSi U( uesE t ;. 1 C(HMR AKRON. IMIIO Sco the Good Year Casintfs and Tubes before you buy. We handle all sizes and carry a large stock. You want to remember that the Good Year people made a reduction on the 1st of April of 10 per cent on all of their castings and tubes. It is not very often that a Good Year casing or tube goes wrong, but when you do you will find their adjustment very satisfactory. We also carry a good stock of Presto Tanks for ex change and can show you the famous Presto Inflator, which can inflate your (ires for you with less work and very little expense. Get Polesine oil to lubricate your cylinders and Panhard oil for your transmission and your car will run smoothly and with less wear. The best oil is none too ".l'-Lor.JL(lar We invite you to come and see us, when in the village. CHAS. C. BENNETT, Agent Cowles, Nebraka va699 wvw L wvwv88iSw4 )v-vveSS3 mmmmmm cscsvntv I Groceries ? A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right-sold as low as any legitimate firm can offer them. Try us. P. A. Wullbrandt The Home Grocery FOR FURNITURE GO TO THE OLD RELIABLE Furniture Store ED. ANACK Licensed Undertaker in Nebraska and Kansas W WH Have You Seen America? the des- nave you ever stoou on top or riKo s I'eak una looked oft Ht rest of the world and oxpeiieneed sensations that nre not to be art bed in words? Are you numbered among those who know the pleasures and benefits of u hojouru In tliat great natural sanitarium thu Itlaek Hills of South Dakota? Have you ever enjoyed the health-giving pleasures of a campin? trip in the Ilig Horn Mountains of Wyoming or along the Cody road to Yellowstone l'ark? Did you over go cosehlug terough Nature' stone Park? y CLARA COURTRIQHT. J Bho was young, tull, dignified and 'welt dressed, and as she onterod tho elevated train and demurely slipped Into tho only vacant seat Wagstaff. 'covertly watching her ovor the edge iOf his newspapor, decided that she was a rare girl, Indeed. Ho kept taking ono more look at the girl; her attention being centered upon a book. Dy the time tho train reached his station he was deeply In terested In her. Ho vaguely remem bered having seen her on his morning 'train at. Intervals, but never beforo had she sat within tho direct rango of his vlalon. , Tho next morning ho took special pains to cntch that samo train. Mlf fin was sitting near the door of tho car and dragged him Into a scat be Bide him. However, Wagstaff lost all Intcrost In Mlfflu's baseball chatter ns tho train nenred tho station whero the girl hnd entered on tho provloun morning. Ho craned his neck to scan tho waiting passengers on tho plat form. Mlffln looked at him curlouHly. ' "Expecting Bomebody to get on ,horo?" MlfTln asked, i "Oh, no," WagBtaff Bald hastily. "I thought I saw Borne ono I know." Then, to his unmeasured delight, tho girl came demurely In with the crowd and found a seat almost oppo site them. Mlflln followed Wagstaff's enraptured glanco. "Is that the party you thought you knew?" he asked. "Well, no," Wagstaff said guiltily, "but I wouldn't mind." After that It got to be a regular thing every morning for Wagstaff to watch for the girl and then to steal glanceB at her all the way to bis sta tion. Bho looked at him so calmly In gazing around tho car day after day that ho thought despairingly that Bho didn't know ho was on earth. Just when ho was losing hopo of ever getting acquainted with her something happened. Ono morning sho got off nt a station which the train reached before it arrived at Wagstaff'fl. More than that, Wag staff saw n long handled umbrella i eating ngalnst the window framo of tho Heat that sho had Just left. "What shall I do?" tho young man asked himself. "Shall I tako her um brella with mo for safo keeping, or shall I turn It In nt the lost and found office? In either case " With a fast beating heart ho poa scssed himself of the forgotten um brella. On mature consideration ho decided that It would be best to turn It In to the company In tho usual way and tnke a chanco on future favorablo developments. ., A week later tho developments came. On a wind-swept elevated platform ono evening, several stations distant from tho ono nearest his of fice, Wagstaff found himself alone with the girl. For an Instant her glance lingered, and there was a sort of recognition in it as their eyes met. Wagstaff acted on tho moment's impulse, all the hero In his makeup coming to the front. "I beg your pardon," ho said, ad vancing a step, hat In hand, "but did you recover the umbrella you left on tho train a few days ago? I turned It in at tho lost and found depart ment" Sho started a little with surprise as he spoke, and then Bho smiled gra ciously. "Why, yes, thank you," she said. "I I got it. Was it you who found it? It was awfully good of you." 'Not at all," declared Wagstaff. Just then the train came in and ho helped her aboard. They sat down together and their acquaintance prospered. In ten minutes ho found that sho knew half a dozen of his own friends. Whllo things were a little bit uncon ventional, sho concluded finally that ho might call. Wagstaff called and found two of tho friends there to vouch for him. Then ho took pains to call again, when ho was certain tho friends wouldn't bo thero. Slnco the girl chose tho timo for tho call It Is pos sible that sho didn't want them there either. Two or threo months later as sho and WagBtaff were standing in her front hall ono night counting the hooks on the hatrack and otherwise enjoying themselves, the girl said: "Billy, I've heard of a lot of ways that young men get acquainted with girls they want to meet, but that umbrella plan of yours makes a bit with me overy time I think of it." "What do you mean?" Wagstff ask ed a bit feebly. "Why, you innocent child," she Bald, smiling,. "I never lost any umbrella on the elevated train!" Chicago Dally News. DECORATION DAY jgffi &h . C3K & 030327 Will Soon You Will Be Here Want A Nonument or a Marker We Design And Build Them. We Solicit The Opportunity To Demon strate Our Ability In This Line. Overing Bros. & Co. Red Cloud, Nebraska HweSH mcsn wonderloml -Yellow- Have your eyes ever been blossod with a sight of that emerald L'ein of the Northern Rockies Lake MoDouald In lllaulur National Park? Did you ever visit "The Charmed Land of the American Contin ent," bordering on America's Mediterranean (.Puget Sound) and the surrounding country to which Nature lias given a bewitching beauty and a wonderful climate? Are you familiar with tho undreamed of seenio wealth of glorious California, that land of out o' doort. Make the most of your trip let me help you plan it. The furnish ing oj complete details for vncation tripb is a pait of "Burllugton service " JT. r. FOE, Tlckmt Agint. L. W. WAKKLKY, Qnrlmwr Agt. He Tipped Again. He was very affable and free with his opinions, was this young man, but that was about all ho was free with. To the man who had carried his not un heavy bag to tho little countryside station ho had given ono whole penny. Notwithstanding tho forlorn look on the man's face, ho still continued to chat in nn easy manner. "I shall never forget," ho continued, "tho splendor of tho scenery when I Was In Switzerland. It was an educa tion to soo tho sun rise, tipping tho lit tle blue hills with gold " "Ah!" Interrupted tho man who had tolled with his bag. "Them 'Ills was luckier than mo, weren't thoy?" Lon don Tit-Bits. Give Your Lawn A Hair Cut . . Now is the time to buy that Lawn Mower you needed last year and did not get. We have a full line of The Daisy, Cardinal and Overall Mooters In both the solid and divided reel patterns at prices to suit every purse. Fully guaranteed. Hard'to Explain Otherwise. "Dubbs Interrupted his wlfo yeater day." "How much did ho win?" "What do you mean?" "Didn't he do It on a betr Edward Hanson Hardware and Implements RED CLOUD, 5 s i69vtAn a-CS-vl ? r.i- NEBRASKA mmij& "