r l cr -u (i i I&MOU& ITYof-fheS He wm MOTV SSLil KN b! rm&smEEE! b i BiHI i i lie; IHtaiPsBBsssKJ!. V V V sW SsKutLvtttftl'BBBBBi' vPiiiiB sHI "" WlK3-BnHK&l -- "-L TW OF 7T1Pi OF BACCHUS iKBfej PwlMII -. -g -TLl . ' M.- IU. tWftBBlfllfla I KIND OF COWS TO BUY Animals Not Adapted to Dairying Cause Failures. To Obtain Best Results It Is Essential That Strict Dairy Type Do Kept Beef Value of Secondary Importance. (Dy n. A, MAHKIIAM. Idaho Kxpcrl moiit Btntlon.) It 1b not ilinicult to And men, oven In tho most prosperous dairy com munition, who do not believe that dairying pays. Thoy Imvo tried It and failed. Homo have purchased good idock, but noor management or fulHuJ economy In housing or feeding pre vented tlioin from getting tho results thoy expected, but by far tho largest number of these failures aro duo to tho use of auinmlH that aro not adapted to dairying Those who ptirchaHo u few cowb when tho prion of butter fat In hllt and noil thorn off when tho prlco goes down naturally havu a rather poor opinion of tho dairy buslnoBB. To ob- HOED CROPS IN THE ORCHARD THE GEHNAf fflPFROilS TABLET 4 MONO tho many ruins to bo found in tho cast, those of Baalbek, in Syriu, a:o second to nono In inter est. During tho hibt four years German archaeologists have been busy excavating there, and every vibltor to tho ruins owes them a debt of gratitude. They have not only dug down and removed many tons of rubbish and debris, thereby exposing tho ruins to bettor view, but they have also strengthened the weak parts. It waB not entirely a ditlntorested work, however. JUf1rf4linliIfi '"M 'JLJM CARVWG OJPOiTAl OF BACCtJG for tho Berlin museums now possess many of tho finest examples of the carvings found there. Baalbek Is tho namo of a ruined city of ancient Coela-Syrln, signifying the "olty of Baal," tho sun god. Tho namo was converted by tho Greeks, during tho Sclcucldian dynasty, into its Greek equivalent, Iiellopoliu. It is situated In latltudo 34 degrees, 1 mlnuto north, lougltudo 30 degrees, 11 minutes east, In tho plain of Buka's, at tho northern extremity of n low rango of Weak hills, about one mile from tho base qt Antilibanon, in a well watered and delightful locality, a little more than 40 miles northwest of Damascus. It was once tho most magnificent of Syrian cities, full of palaces, fountains and beautiful monu ments. These ruins are known aB tho Acropolis and are unique for their masslveness and for the great amount of both bold and delicate carving with which thoy aro adorned. There is, Indeed, so much carving and such variety as to make one's first visit bewildering. The temples being built on a flat plain, it was Important to raise them abovo tho surrounding level to render them more imposing, and to that end there are vast sub structures and vaults and passages supporting tho shrines. The most imposing was thajf tho great Temple of the Sun, which was a rectangu lar building 290 feet by ICO, having Us roof sup ported by a peristyle of C4 Corinthian columns, 10 at each sldo and 10 at oach end. Of these six are still standing. The clrcumferenco of thcRo columns Is about 22 feet, and tho length of tho shaft about 58 feet; with pedestnl, capital nnd entablature thoy measure about 80 feet in height. Tho great Temple of tho Sun occupied n platform on tho Acropolis about 1,000 foot by 450 feet. Tho main entrance of tho tcmplo was on the east. Hero a wldo flight of steps led up to a portico 19 feet above tho gardens and orchards that now surround tho ruins. An inscription on tho great portico states that the temple was erected to tho "Great GodB" of Hellopolls by Antoninus. Beyond tho portico is a hexogonal court through which a largo gatoway opens Into the great square, at tho west end of which Is tho templo on a lofty stylobate. Except the columns mentioned, llttlo of tho great templo or of tho buildings In front of It is loft standing, but the ground is covered with their ruins. Tho vast size of tho stones used In tho substructures of tho great platform Is remarkablo, some of thorn being over CO feet long nnd 12 feet thick. South from tho great templo Is a smaller one known as tho Templo of Jupiter. It is smaller In form, having its peristyle and tho walls of Its cells still mostly standing. Its dimensions are 227 feet in length by 117 feet in breadth, with 15 columns at tho sides and 8 at each end. Roth temples ns well as the surrounding structures were built of limestone, in a richly decorated, Bomowhat fantastic Corinthian style. Besides these there stands at a distance of 300 yards from tho others a circular building supported on six granite columns built In mixed Ionic and Corin thian style. Nearby also aro tho remains of the Templo of Baccbue, famed for its magnificent carvings. Hero are enormous Blabs of stone elaborately carved with tho heads of emperors and deities and interwoven with floral designs, the wholo forming a unlquo celling. Tho portal is the gem of the entire edifice. The door posts are beauti fully carved with figures of Bacchus, fawns, cuplds, satyrs, and bacchantes, woven around which are grape vines and clusters of fruit, pop ples nnd cars of wheat, all of which are symbol ical of tho revelling which tho namo of the tem ple suggests. This great doorway stands 43 feet high and 21 ' feet wldo, while the carving of the posts just mentioned covers a spaco nbout six feet wide. On both sides of this door stand graceful fluted columns forming the prostyle or portico, while the plain ones of the peristyle, which stands between them, seem to reflect their beauty. The mammoth etones contained in tho inclosing wall of the Acropolis havo been the marvel of engineers for ages. The lowest courses are of stones of moderate dimensions, but at a height of 20 feet above tho ground on the west wall is a row of three enormous stones, tho shortest being 03 feet and the longest 65 feet in length, and each being about 13 feet high and 10 feet thick. They are tho largest building blocks ever known to have been used by man. A still larger stono lies In tho ancient quarry nearby, never having been detached from the rock beneath. This one Is 70 feet long by 14 feet by 13 feet. coiimyj fromm po?7M or TT7PJLE OF BACCJiUC At an early period tlin Arab1! converted the temples Into the fortresses, and to this end, to a certain extent, temoved them. Their woik, however, has now been re moved by the Germans The early history of Baal bek is Involved In d.irkneiis, but It Is certain that from the most dli.tant times It had been a chief Heat of nun worship, as Its name Implies. Augustus made It a Roman colony and placed thero a gnrrlHon. Baalbek had an oiaclo held In such high es teem that In the second cen tury A I). It was comsultcd by the Kinperor Trajan prior to his entranco on his second I'arthlan campaign. Antoninus I'lus (A. D. 138-1G1) built tho great templo which tho legend curro"t nmong tho modern Inhabitants counts a woll of Solomon. Tho platform nnd substructures, however, nro of a much earlier dnte. This templo Is said to havo contained a golden statue of Apollo, or of Zeus, which on cer tain animal festivals tho chief cltlzcnR of Hellop olls boro about on their shoulders. When Chris tianity, under Constantino, becamo tho dominant religion, the templo beenmo a Chrlstlnn church. In tho wars that followed tho taking of tho city by the 'Arabs, who sacked it in A. D. 748, tho templo wnB turned Into a fortress. Tho city wns completely pillaged by Tlmur In A. D. 1400. Both city and temple continued to fall moro nnd moro Into decay under tho misery and mlsrulo to which Syria has been subject ever since. Many of the magnificent pillars were overturned by the pashas of Damascus merely for tho snko of the Iron with which the stones were bound together. What tho ArabB, Tartars and Turks hnd spnred was destroyed by a terrlblo earthquako In 1750. Baalbek Ib now an lnslgnlflcnnt villago with n population of about 2,000, moro than hnlf of whom are Christians. THINGS NOT GENERALLY KNOWN Thousands of Changes Can Be Rung on Eight BellsHorses in Race. How many peoplo realize tho number of ways in which It is possible for some of tho commonest avcry-day events of Ufa to happen? London Answers asks. As you walk through tho streets of your town, for example, and hear the chimes of your parish church bells, has it ever occurred to you to think out how many "changes" can bo rung with a "peal" of eight bells? Tho answer Is 40,320, a number which seems almost .Incredible, but nono' tho less is true. Ten horses run in a raco. The number of ways in which tho first, second and third places can be filled Is 720, while tho number of ways In which all ten horses can pass the winning post Is tho enormous number 3,027,800. A town council Is composed of twenty-five coun cillors and ten aldermen. From it it is posslblo to form C.375.C00 different committees, each com posed of five councillors and threo aldermen. Eight people could arrange themselves about a round tablo in 5,040 different ways, and if six per sons receive a first-class railway carriage having six seats they could choose from among 700 dif ferent ways of seating themselves, A llttlo girl haa ten different beads to make Into a necklace. She could do It 181,290 times and get a different nacklaco each time. If we wish to make a selection of six books out of an available twelve, we have the cholco of 924 ways In which to do It, while If we have tho following coins halfpenny, penny, sixpenny piece, shilling, florin, and half crown we can ar range them in a straight lino in 720 different ways. Try it! FInnlly, It would take 5,000 years for a man earning 200 a year to earn 1,000,000, while If a person Invested .11 nt 5 per cent, compound Interest ho would becomo a mllllonnlre--could ho live so long In 283 years. Nothing Like That These Days. "How did Sklmmels make his money?" "He was one of those old-fashioned dairymen who left you In doubt whether water had been put in the milk or milk had been spilled In tho water." Washington Stur. Awful. Clarice It must bo awful to bo married to n man you cannot love! Gaby I should think so! It is bo hard getting a dlvorco from those goody-goody chaps. Penn sylvania Punch Bowl, Disqualified. "My wifo thlnka I'm ono man in a million." boasted Tlgg. "Is that so?" said Wlgg, sadly. "I don't bellovo my wife thinks I'm a man at all." A 8orlous Loss. "Dlggs tells me ho takes nearly all tho leading newspapers," said tho visitor. "So he does," sighed tho exchange editor. "Ho takes them from me." Practice Reoultu In Severe Damage to Annual Plnntlngo How to Reckon the Distance, Ono of tho most prolific rnusos ot loirn of nursery stock after trans planting, or for Hovcrnl yenrB thoro after 1b thin common practice) of too closo growing of hoed crops. This practice, Hays Rural Life, results la sovero damages to tho annual plant ings. The loss amounts possibly to 10 per cent. Tho too common prnc-j tlco la to nllow no moro space bo-j twcoii tho tree row nnd tho Inter-crop; rows than between two Inter-crow rowH, bo the Inter-ctops cnbbago,i beans, potatoes or corn. Such dls-l tnncea vnry from 30 lnchofl to 3',J feet, according to crop used ott planted. In tho first plnco, tho dlatnncci should bo reckoned from tho expand ed top of tho tree, rather than from tho trunk at base. The outside of ton Ih a limiting factor, alnco tho allow ance should be mndo for leaning of the same, or nocslbly all of tho trco on the leeward side. The nearest tow to tho tieo row should be far enough from tho row to penult tlin horse In cultivating to pass Tieely nnd without letting har ness catch Into or oonio In contact with blanches of tree. It will sur pilso those who hav never riven tho Ktibjecl much thought, tho difference) that tho lean or Incline of n tree makes, when It deviates from n plumb or to n vertical line. In tho w liter's opinion tho spaco between tree iow and tho nearest winter-crop row should not bo less than four foot, tho year trees nro planted, If two yearn old, or branched trees nro iiBed, nnd farther each succeeding year. PAPER POT IS INEXPENSIVE' There Is Money In Butter Making. tain tho best results It Ib essential that tho anlmnls purchased for tho dairy should bo of tho strict dairy type, and be made a permanent pait of tho farm live stock. TIiobo who purchase cows with tho Intention of milking them but n short time and then selling them olT when tho prlco of butter-fat drops or when tho ani mal goca dry naturally look more for beef pioducers rather '.ban milk pro ducers. It is Impossible to build up a good dairy herd by this method. Dual-purpose animals may bo used in some localities to good advantage, but to get tho beat reitultB onu of the upeclal daiiy breeds should be used. This does not mean that only thor oughbred animals should bo used, but animals that are bred for milk pin ductlon. A good dairy cow should produce enough butter-fat in her best dnyB that the value of tho beef may bo of secondary Importance, If not entirely Ignored. A person purchasing an Implement considers first how much service ho can get out of it and not its value as scrap iron vvhon worn out. Thoso who purchase a dairy cow should con sider how much butter-fat she will produce and not tho value of her hldo and carcass. Llttlo Device Easily Made and Sucj cessfully Serves Many Purposes In Starting Seeds. Hero Ib n little devlco, so Inexpen sive and so easily made, nnd which successfully serves so many purposes) In starting seeds and plants, that) every ono should avail himself of Itfli help. Take n pleco of ntlff paper (nob necessarily cardboard) and on It drawi two circles, ono within tho cither; tho outer circle should be six inches ra- I dins, and tho Innor ono tlticc. cue out tho portion of paper lusldo tho smaller cliclc, and trim to tho lino of the outer circle, thuu having a shape like a doughnut. Cut this round piece of paper Into threo oqunl aics (or It may bo halved for large PLACE FOR HENS TO SCRATCH Leaves Make Excellent. Material If Gathered When Perfectly Dry Oat Straw Is Cheap. There aro a number of different ma terials which furnish an excellent place for tho hens to scratch In, Bays a writer in tho Poultry Journal. LeavcB aro probably tho stuff most used by tho small poultrymcn. Theso aro good if gathered when perfectly dry. They must bo put Into tho pens every few days, bccauBo tho poultry will break them into dust by their continual scratching. I find oat straw about as cheap in tho long run, be causo it lasts qulto a whllo and furn ishes some feed if fed before thresh ing. Somo of my neighbors havo tried feeding buckwheat as a scratching material and a feed combined. Buck wheat is too fattening and should be used only occasionally. Corn husks make an excellent scratching material. Shredded or cut corn fodder dooB very well if thero Is nothing else on hand. I do not like nny form of meadow grass or swale for scratching ma terial becauso It mats down too much when cut nnd not enough when not cuL Salting Cabbages, For soveral years I havo raised cab bages and found it advantageous, after setting out tho plant, to drop a little salt on tho heart of the cab bage, says a writer in tho Fruit Grow er. When tho salt Is dissolved by rain, or somo other agent, It should be renewed, and tho process continued until nil danger from cabbage worms Is past. A cabbage treated in this way will grow much larger, and when the bead ia cut opon it will not bo found honeycombed with wormholes. Necessity for Testing 8eed. Good seed corn Ib the key to getting good stands of corn. A good stand of corn Is necessary to secure good yields. Owing to tho wet fall of 1911 thero Is now much doubtful seed corn In tho country One cannot afford to plant corn any years, much less this year, with out testing. The single-ear method of testing seed corn Is the only prac tical method. , N Paper Pot at Two 8tages. plants). Uno ono of theso parts as n pattern, and cut as many llko it as you want. On ono end of tho arc cut into tho outer end, threo quartorB of an Inch from tho end, a silt hnlf way across tho pnper; on tho other end cut tho enmo from tho lnnor edge. Then bend tho strip and lock tbo silts together to hold each other an fastenings to the poL Tho llttlo paper pot will bo bottom less and will havo sot in sand or soil, whichever Ib to bo used as ground to grow tho things In, nnd filled as any pot, putting thu seed, cutting or plant It In the usual way. Tho soli Into which tho pot is plunged must, of course; bo kept moist. When tho plant is ready to bo shifted to a larger, or transplanted, the paper can bo torn off, leaving the ball of soil undisturbed, and tho plant will feel no shock of removal. Many plants cannot stand trans planting by tho usual way, and for such these llttlo paper pota aro found to bo invaluable. Give them a trial. H. W. M. , A sick hen Ib never a paying Invest ment. Dry coops aro cheaper than sick chicks. For tho egg eating habit try darken ing the nests. Llttlo and often Is a good feeding rule for chicks. Poultry success depends more on condition than on breed. Crossing breeds Ib a stop backward in tho chicken business. If chickens nro worth raising at all thoy aro worth raising well. It Is bettor to cut a chicken's head off than to let him eat it off. Sell, kill or confine all malo birds, whon tho hatching season 13 over. Overheating is responsible for moro incubator troublos than underheatlng. Disinfecting tho Incubator between hatches Is a precaution worth taking. Feed tho llttlo chicks what thoy need, not what you happen to havo on hand. Don't forget to have a row of sun flowers; tho seeds aro excellent for poultry. Remembor that water glass solution will keep this summer's eggs until they doublo in price. A half pint of carbonic acid In two gallons of water makes a good disin fectant for any purpose. Removing tho causo of disease Is more satisfactory all around than dooi torlng the chlckon afterward. Hi r