The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 08, 1913, Image 12

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    The Drew Shoe For Women
Muslin Underwear Is Not
Eliminated in Newest Fashions
I yE&z3f
Willi t iflvlaW
N style and quality there is nothing
like them. Especially in our Oxfords.
You will find them the ideal Shoe for
warm weather. Cool, comfortable and
with a quiet air of style and dignity, that
the ball mark of a thoroughbred Shoe. If you wear The
Drew Oxford you know you are right and up to the minute
as regards footwear.
One might think that the straight
lines of this season's styles would
preclude the wearing of dainty
lingerie. This is not the case.
The Lingerie should be of line,
soft materials with laces and em
broideries of line texture. Ma
terials for the summer underwear
may be had here at the most rea
sonable prices. In fact, the entire
summer outfit means only a small
Let us show you these Shoes, which
include a large number o! styles in Nubucks,
Suedes and Kids.
Turnure & Son
J. C. C. Corsets
allow Lingerie
to fit smoothly
Council Proceedings
Red Cloud, May 6, 1913
The City Council met in regular ses
ion, with Mayor Saunders, and Coun
cilman Foe, Crann, and Storey present.
-Cowden absent.
'Minutes of two previous meetings,
May 1st, read and approved.
L. L. Boren appeared and asked
vnnnril to lav water mains in new an
nex, blocks 11 and 12. On motion the
matter was deferred until water com
missioner and city engineer can make
estimate and suggestions. Carried.
John Hasselbacker appeared and
asked the council to remove the pest
house on hU lands. On motion it was
referred to building committee. Com
mittee reported it sold for $15 to John
Hasaelbanher, which was approved.
W. H. Gulliford asked alley to bo
opened in block 12 railroad addition,
deferred to city attorney.
H. Diedrich, secretary Volunteer Fire
Department, asked council to assist in
purchasing 500 feet of hose. Matter
was referred to advising committee.
Proposed ordinance of Are depart
ment referred to city attorney.
M. McConkey asked for street to be
vacated in his lands in railroad addition.
On motion the matter was referred to
street and alley committee.
Request of Topham granted and
street and alley committee, 1st ward,
ordered to remove obstructions on East
3rd Avenue.
Request of W. V. Beal for cross walk
referred to advisory committee.
Bid of Carry Fry to haul coal for city
the coming year at 50c a ton. On mo
tion contract was let for 45c a ton.
Report of finance committee read and
Treasurer's annual report adopted.
Secretary'a annual report adopted.
The city treasurer waa instructed to
pay phone bills, freight and express
bills, when properly 0. K'd.
Palmer and McAllister applied for
motor and current service. Referred
to aupply committee.
'Clerk ordered to pay labor bills in
amounts not to exceed $3.00
Mayor issued an order to have the
town cleaned up by May 17th.
The following claims were allowed:
Mutual Oil Co $23 95
S. R. Florance 92 88
Henry Diedrich. secy 32 75
Annual Report
Of City Clerk
The following is a statement of the
expenses of the city of Red Cloud, Ne
braska, for the tlacal year ending May
8, 1913, as shown by the records in the
city clerk's ofllce:
-54 gen. fund warrants issued..! 2710 85
193 elect, light fdjwar. issued. 16351 17
36 elect. It. levy war. issued.. 2328 17
20 water fund war. issued .... 2097 02
24 water levy war. issued.... 1186 28
29occu. fund war. issued .... 1199 91
Judgment balance unpaid
105 26
Total floating debt... $ 1086 15
Water bonds outstanding . . . .$22000 00
Electric bonda outstanding... $10000 00
No bonds issued or refunded-during
the past year.
O. C. Teel, City Clerk.
Report of the
Finance Committee
The finance committed submits the
following report of receipts and dis
bursements for the fiscal year ending
May 6th. 1913, and further states that
each and every item of said report, was
verified and checked and each account
balanced to said date and found to be
Balance on hand May 7, 1912. .$ 1302 39
Occupation fund GS41 50
Watcrfund 2355 65
Waterlevy 1335 00
Account of D. H. Rich set
tlement, (E. L. F.) 322 31
Generalfund 3340 00
Electric Light Fund 16181 83
Electric Light Levy 2490 00
Judgment fund 3260 73
Fireman's Fund . .'. 170 00
Electric Light Levy Fund
Overdraft April 7. 1913 f 21 94
Receipts 300 00
378 00
Disbursements 182 75
.1 93 31
Balance May 6, 1913
Judgment Fund
Balance April 7, 1913 $ 3
Receipts 400
402 30
Disbursements 400 00
Total $ 37599 41
Occupation fund $ 6913 57
Water fund 2319 87
Water levy fund 148128
General fund 3124 97
Electric light fund 16656 38
Electric light levy 2664 06
Judgment fund 3258 37
Bal on hand May 6, 1913 .... 1280 91
Balance May G. 11)13
Firemen's Fund
Balance April 7, 1913.' 330 20
No change.
Occupation Fund 8 301 17
Water Fund 3G'i 0 1
Water Levy Fund 3 30
General Fund 81 04
Electric Light Fund 2."j 00
Judgment Fund 3 .10
Firemen's Fund 230 20
Electric Light Levy Fund. 9; 31
ai2so oi
Registered Warrants Out
General Fund 9 41o oo
Water Levy Fund.. 163 00
E. L. Levy Fund ... 403 89
Totnl $030 89
S R. Floranrk, City Treasurer.
Annual Report of
The City Treasurer
Total $ 37599 41
The committee reports that this
council has paid on old claims made pre
vious to this administration $3,666 64.
New machinery and bettermenta on
light and water plant $2,598 91.
And further states that there art no
unpaid claims against this city for the
past year.
W. A. Sherwood, )
Paul Storev. S
F. W. Cowden, )
City Treasurer's Statement
MnyG, 1013.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Red Cloud, Neb.
1 submit herewith report
covering condition of Treasury from
April 7, 1013 to May 0, 1913.
Occupation Fund
Balance April 7, 1013 S 531 37
Receipts 420," 00
May 0, 1913.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Red Cloud. Neb.
I submit herewith report
covering condition of Treasury from
May 7, 1012 to May 0, 1913.
Occupation Fund
Balance May 7, 1912
Now Is A Good Time
For house cleaning and while at it, perhaps
you find you really ought to have some
new curtains. If so, for this week we are
going to make special prices on all our
curtain materials. We have a beautiful
line of these goods ranging in price from
12 l-2cto $1.00 per yard In all the
newest and latest novelties.
They will be cut In price as follows:
t 300 34
. G341 50
4829 37
Disbursements 4535 20
Balance May 0, 1013
Water Fund
Balance Mav 7, 1012
Disbursements .
"7107 74
0813 !i7
201 17
, 333 8G
. 33.V or.
3089 51
. 2319 87
In addition to the above reductions we have an extra special
bargain of these goods in our window at 25c per yard for your
choice. These pieces sold regular at 35c and 40c and as high
as 50c per yard.
We are also receiving daily new shipments of Dry Goods and Ready-to-Wear
Goods and ycu will always find we have something new to show
you in these departments.
Balunee May 0, 1913 300 01
Water Levy Fund
lialanee May 7, 1912 154 07
Receipts 1335 oo
356 warrants issued, total.... $25873 40
The present condition of tha varioua
funds after deducting all outstanding
warrants (except old light plant debt)
at close of business May 6, 1913, was as
Gen fund uncoil. Ievy85perct.$
dec light uncoil, levy " ..
Water, uncollected levy " ..
Occupation uncoil, levy " ..
Judgment uncoil, levy " ..
Gen, fund cash balance
Elec light fund cash balance . .
levy " ..
Balance May 0, 1913 1 304 17
Water Fund
Ilalanee April 7, 1013 S 3 04
Receipts 300 00
No dlsbur'm'ts. Bal. Hay 0, '13$ 3CD 04
Water Levy Fund
Balance April 7, 1013 $ 20 70
Receipts 150 00
Water fund
" levy "
.'Judgment fund "
Occupation fund"
.Fireman's fund "
687 60
406 56
271 04
397 33
156 56
34 94
44 47
95 31
277 64
8 39
294 17
220 20
Total resoursea $ 2896 57
General fund registered war. . .$ 410 00
iElact. light " " .. 402 89
Water levy " .. 168 00
179 70
Disbursements 171 40
Balance May 0, 1013 f. 8 30
General Fuud
Balance April 7, 1913 $ 113 17
Receipts 310 00
1489 G7
Disbursements 1481 28
Balance May 6, 1913 8 39
General Fund
Overdraft May 7, 19 13 r. 180 09
Receipts ..', 3340 00
3159 91
3124 97
Balance May 0, 1013 34 04
Electrlo Light Fund
Bulanco May 7, lttl2 .. 408 14
Receipts 10504 14
f Weesner, Perry 8 Co
Disbursements 3258 37
Balance May 6, 1913 3 38
Firemen's Fund
Balance May 7, 1913 50 30
Receipts' 170 00
I 453 17
Disbursements 418 23
Balance May 0, 1913 $ 34 01
Kleotric Light Fund
Balance April 7, 1013 $ 875 73
Receipts 5012 70
5888 43
Disbursements 5633 53
16012 38
Disbursements 1G050 38
Balance May G, 19 13 255 00 1
Electric Light Levy Fund
llalauce May 7, 1013 200 37
Receipts 2100 00
Balance May 0, 1013 1 255 90
3759 37
Disbursements 2664 00
Balance May 0, 1913 9 330 30
Occupation Fund ;. 9 294 17
Water Fund 309 04
Water Levy Fund 8 39
General Fund 31 04
Electric Light Fund 355 00
Electrlo Light Levy F 95 31
Judgment Fund 3 30
Firemeus' Fuud 320 20
Total on hand t 1280 91
Registered Warrants Out
May 7, 1013 11770 58
May 0, 1013 8 930 80
S. R. Fr.oitANCE, City Treasurer.
Balance May 6, 1913 05 31
Judgment Fund
Balance May 7, 1912 " None
Reoelpts : :... 3260 73
Private Money To Loan
also regular Farm Loans on best terms
to be had in the State, Call for me at
State Bank Red Cloud. C. F.Cathkr.
frier U Shaw tyMM.
wXtcSM inTbeCouDlyfourt
At a County Court hold at the County
Court room In and for said county May 7th,
A. I). 1913.
In the matlor ot tho estate of Margaret
M. Wall, Deceased. '
On reading and filing tho petition ol Clar
ence Heed filed on tho 7th day ot May A. I).,
IUI3, praying (or the examination and allow
ance o( hit flnal account ol tho same date,
an order distributing tho residue ol personal
estate and there upon an order discharging
him from further burden and service In his
said otllco as administrator.
Ukdkhkd, That Friday, tho Slid day ol
May A. 1)., iui:i, at to o'clock a. in.,
Is assigned lor hearing suld petition, when all
persons Interested In said matter may appear
at a County court to bo held in and lor said
county and show causo why prayer ol peti
tioner should not bo granted; and that notice
ol tho pendency ol said petition and the hear.
Ing thereof bo given to all persons .Interested
In said matter, by publishing a copy ot this
order In the Hed Cloud Chief, a weekly news
paper printed In said county, for three con
secutive weeks prior to said day of hearing.
hkai.1 A. D. Hannky,
County Judge.
All 12c and 15c Curtain Goods 10c All 50c Curtain Goods 40c
All 18c and 20c " " 15c AU 60c " " -
a,. rte Jnn .. .; All 65c " " 50c
All 25c and 30c " " 20c All 75c " " ..60c
AlUOc " " 30c AU$1.00 " " "."75c
flitlce ! Prahate.
In tho County Court of Webster County,
Wobster County, f NSl
To all persons Interested In tho estate ot
Marlon I.ovltt, Deceased:
TAKK NOT1CK, that a petition has been
filed praying that tho Instrument filed
In this court on Uio28th day of April, ISIS, pur
porting to bo tho last will and testament of
said deceased, may be proved and allowed
and recorded as tho last will and testament
of Marlon Lovltt, doccased; that said In
strument bo admitted to probate, and the ad
ministration of said estate bo granted to
Kllzabeth Lovltt, Executrix.
It Is hereby ordered by the court, that all
persons Interested In said cstato appear at
tho County Court to bo held In and lor said
county on the 19th day oflay, 1913, at ten
o'clock A. M., to show causi, If any thcro be,
why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the pendency
ol said petition and tho hearing thereof, be
given to all persons Interested In said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In the Hed
Cloud Chief, a legal weekly newspaper print
ed In said county, tor three consecutive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and' tho seal of said
court thls'JSth day of April, A, n. 11)13.
(skal) A. I). Hannky
County Judge.
Don't forget to dig up the dandelions
on or before May 17tb.
Tfet Chief $1.30 $t ytar
1 iu
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