C.-H. CIAUDY NE hundred and twenty miles an hour actually recorded then the Instru ments went out of com mission ' nnd no one knows whether tho tear ing air reached a greater speed thereafter. The r United States weather bureau pronounced this particular West Indian hurricane "tho most so vero In the history of Hatteras." Hut whatever tho speed may have been, It was enough to bent tho sea Into submission, to ralso It In tho air and carry It completely over tho nar row neck of barren sand whlcii sen arates Pamlico sound from tho At- lantlc ocean, and amplo enough to a l f rt!....l ltn nut rt ' swoop ino onrKciiuiie i-uun, Baltimore for Itlo. with a general cargo, far out of tho gulf stream. Into the "saw teeth" of Hatteras and to ward tho lnhospltablo Bhoro. A Helpless Bit of Wood. On tho lGth of August, 1S99, tho pnlo, not yet at Its height, became so violent that Captain Springsteen furl ed his spanker and upper topsail, nut this was of little nvall. Tho foresail waB hauled up and furled, two reefs put with infinite dlfllculty In tho main sail and tho lower topsail clewed up, only to be torn bodily from Its spars. Next tho mainsail ripped away, a flying blotch of dirty white in a dead ly smother of grayish spume; a few minutes later and tho malnstaysall followed suit. Then tho Priscllla hove to under bare poles, helpless and strengthless, unablo to put forth" the smallest rag which might lend steerage-way sum clent to clear Cape Hatteras. Jutting out thero to the west and south, un seen, but terribly well known and feared. Thursday, tho 17th, camo. It could not be said to dawn, for tho Increase In tho light was small. Sky thero waB none, clouds there woro none, sea there was none to tho eye. A drend ful dirty gray encompassed nil. Where air left off and water began was not to be told by looking, and so full was tho air of spray and spume nnd froth and water that breathing Itself was difficult Ilut now nnd then a holo, torn In tho flying spindrift by an eddy In tho blast, showed water water discol ored, a sickly green with yellow splotches of stirred up snnd. Instead of tho deep emerald black of tho ocean, tolling tho master, the eleven men of his crow, nnd oven his wife nnd Httlo son. that they were out of the gulf stream and oyer thu shoals which make tho "graveyard of tho Atlantic." tho spot where moro ships have gone to their last rostlng-placo tlmn on any other threo. Tho lead was cast at ono hour In tervals. Thirty fathoms at flvo In tho morning, twciily-flvo fathoms at six, twenty fathoms at eight so It went all day until nt eight bells twenty fathoms showed. "Then," said tho master, "I did not pound any moro. I know wo were go ing forward for all hands to preparo to go each man for himself." It was but a llttlo later that tho Priscllla struck, bounded off, tossed a llttlo while on seas mountain high, climbing, a dead weight, ono minute to coast down a torrlblo slldo tho next then struck ngaln with a ter rific Impact, breaking all glass ports and flooding tho cabin. Tho port rin ging wbb cut away to let tho masts go. They fell Instantly with a crash, heard even nhovo tho roar of tho hundred-mllo galo. Instnntly tho seas began to sweep tho doomed vessel, breaking twenty, thirty feet nhovo tho stumps of her masts. Mrs. Springsteen wns swept ovor board first, her cry cut short by a breaking wave. Tho llttlo boy went next literally torn from his father's arms, ny ono of those freaks of tho sea which aro beyond explaining, ho was swept far overboard nnd back again tho next minute, nnd Into tho cabin, from whenco his lifeless body Inter ramo ashorn. Tho ship's boy was tho next and laRt to go. Tho men, with their greater strength, were ahlo to hold on or tto thomsolvos down, nnd tho writhing sea had to re-' sort to other means to got tho rest of its victims Nor nad tho despairing sailors long to wait. No stiucturo of wood, ho It ever so stanch, could long resist the heavy bombardment of tons of water and being picked up and dashed down on tho sandy shoals beneath. Less than half an hour later tho hull broko In two, tho bow to disintegrate and disappear almost Instantly, tho after half, on which tho ten survivors were congregated, to dash on toward tho unseen shoro. For more than flvo hours this situation continued, tho captain, grief-stricken at his Iosb, and tho crew, resigned to their fate, cling ing to tho wreck. At last tho wreck struck for tho last time, the grinding nnd the smash ing stopped, and thoso on board know that somowhero ahead of them, could thoy but seo It, was tho shoro. But they never hoped to reach It. mv A TRUE- STORY" OFAttEROIC CO For tho breakers lay between them and tho safety they could not see, nnd tho night of terror nnd struggle hnd sapped their strength. Threo were so badly cut and bruised with flying wreckage that they could not Btnnd: tho rest, all but naked, were cold nnd weak. Hoats they had none, ropes they had but few; to make a raft was as linpo8Rlblo as to fly. They could but wait tho end. The Queries of Rasmus Mldgett. Meanwhllu the life-savors on shore were having a tltno of great anxiety over tho amount of territory they must rover nnd the dlfllculty In cover- IllC ntlV lit nil. Tn innhn linmtu-nv nn or ,Jown n ,,,avy m,..cl. ,.. ...,, , ls har(, n, (Jm ,)lU w,R,n u Bnr,nU. . lg nr rnrrJt,H ,nost of (no ,R,acn w!,n It, nnd tho sea breaks waist high over tho sand, It Is nlmost Impossi ble Kasmus S. Mldgett, of tho Hull Shoal station, started on his patrol south, on horseback, at threu in thu morning. He had to trust to his horse for direction, for the darkness of the night was impenetrable, and tho feeble glow of his lantern would havo revealed nothing but tho violent wa ter through which his animal strug gled, could he havo kept It lit. Hut as ho made his slow progress enough light filtered through the clouds to let him discover boxes and barrels nnd wrockngo coming ashore. Ho know that meant a wreck somowhero in tho neighborhood. The question "Whore?" could bo solved only by pushing nhead. It was two miles farther on, nfter an hour and a half's struggle on tho part of his horse, that ho finally c ught tho Found of voices, borne In to him by tho wind. Ho could seo nothing of tho wreck. A little later ho mannged to mako out tho outline of the half of tho hull nnd saw some black dots moving on It. A hundred yards from tho bank of snnd on which ho stood, water-swept and Insecure, the piece of a hull loom ed shadowy and indistinct. And Ras GREAT MEN IN Models by C. A. BEATY CHARLES A captain he of finance, with magic Midas touch, that mudo tho golden bullion nud multiplied It much, of scientific banking tho tricks and twists he know, to forco trom each slmoleon a thousand bucks or two. 'Twns then ho gayly saunteied upon his wealthy way. till on his uncle's bunion ho chanced to tread ono day; that unclu was a terror a real old fighting ram tho undo of all uncles vindictive Uncle Sam. Tho latter grahbud poor Charllo nnd trun him Into Jail, to wonder what had struck him and Incidentally wall, It was a most surprising and unexpected coup, Ko-Morso almost choked Charles while floundering In tho soup. Then straightway to the White House thero camo a doleful talo that Charllo In his dungeon waB waxing thin nnd palo; tuborculosls had him, his heart was on tho hum, tho crstwhllo healthy banker was booked for Kingdom Come. Hill Tnft ho heard tho story and ehed n Bllent tear, and said: "This courso of treatment Is really too eovero; a presidential pardon I'll glvo that hapless bloke, enabling his loved ones to take him homo to croak." nut, lo, the air of freedom upon this human wreck, achieved a euro In JIg-tlmo, n thrilling change, by heck, for Chnrlos stoppod his coughing and put on fat galoro, all 111b departed from him nnd troubled him no moro. He's back again In Gotham and making money fast, he's piling up a fortune that's guaranteod to last, but not ngaln whllo raking and garner ing tho dough will Charllo's hoof be planted upon his Uncle's too. (Copyright, 1912, by Universal Prcsi Syndicate.) mus Mldgett had to face nlono an op portunity and a question, such as uro given to few men to solvo Should ho try to savo those black dots alone, nnd run the risk of losing his llfo and nil chanco that they might bo saved? Or should ho return to tho station, call ou tho rest of tho crew and do what would then bo ensy with Lylo gun nnd breeches buoy easy If the wind would let a shot enrry? Tho final outcome Is proof enough thnt It was no selfish fear of his own llfo that caused him to hesltato rath er was It a nice balancing of possibil ities. If he lost his own llfo in trying to nld single-handed nnd alone, ho lost also nil chance of tho llfo crew's knowing of tho wreck In tlmo. If ho returned to tho Btntton to bring help, it must bo threo hours before nn at tempt nt rescue could be made and would tho wreck last three hours? A problem, truly, nnd ono to bo solved with nil tho force of the worst storm on record breaking and smash ing nhout him, with thoso chokod-off cries for nld In his ears, and only tho small and pitiful chanco of ono mnn's strength against tho strength of tho sen and wind before his eyes. Hut Kasmus Mldgett was not a member of tho dull Shonl station ono of tho famous crews of a famous service for nothing. It took him but a few minutes to realize that there was not ono hour of life, let nlono three, left In that swiftly dismantling hull. Kvcn ns ho looked, twenty feet of it disappeared, nnd another cry of despair told him there wns no tlmo to waste. One at a Time Through a Hurricane. Hu stripped half his clothes from him to ho unimpeded. Then, watch ing his chance, ho followed a breaker to Its home, shouting as ho ran. "Next time ono man Jump! I'll take care of you!" ho shrilled his powerful voice Into tho teeth of tho gale. "Ono man only one!" ho cautioned. Then ho turned and ran for It with all his strength, for If tho breaker caught him It would be tho end of his chances and theirs. Regaining tho wave-swept beach and standing in tho breaking water, ho waited for his op portunity. And on tho heelB of a big ger breaker than tho rest, Mldgett ran down Into tho hell of water near tho vessel, keeping his feet by n mlr nele, to catch and support the hurt ling form of n naked man, IiIb clothes long since taken by tho wind which plucked them strip by strip from his shivering body. Somehow, somo way, ho outfought tho wavo which caught him hnlf-way to safety. Somehow, somo way, tho two helpless victim nnd strong, reso luto life-saver fighting a grim and single-handed battlo alono with all tho COMMON CLAY Words by GENE MORGAN MORSE. force of loyalty to his salt which the government nud sixty dollars n mouth nnd tho wonderful personality of Su perintendent Klmtmll bus bred In these men somehow they gained tho bank. And without waiting oven for a brenth, Mldgett plunged bnck again to tho wreck. Twice ho lost his footing and was swept head over heels. Twice ho camo up spluttering and choking with Band and water, but ho struggled on until near enough to catch nnd hold tho second man who took what was left of his llfo and with It Jumped Into tho Binother of dirty wntcr. And once moro the light was taken up nnd once moro Mldgett nnd his prlzo won through to victory. Once moro? Aye, once more, and ngaln once moro, nnd again nnd ngaln nnd ngaln, until sev en men were tnken from tho Jnws of death, from tho wry pit nnd rim of Hell, and clustered, huddled, exhaust ed in mind nnd body. In the shallows on tho spit Three More Trips. Hut there wero still threo left. And these threo could not do ns hnd tholr mates they could neither Jump to Mldgott's arms nor help him with even feeble strength In tho fight for llfo. For thoso were tho wounded three the captain with a Jugged holo In his chest where a splintered spar had struck, two others bo bruised, cut nnd exhausted they could but wavo shivering hands to him, as If begging thnt they he not forgotten. Put Mldgett hnd no Intention of for getting them Ho was blind with un reasoning rago now. furious with tho Ben and wind His blood was up, nnd not tho worst sen that over broke, nor nil tho winds that ever blew, could havo kept him from doing the utterly foolhardy, erazlly daring thing he did. not once, but threo times' Down ho went right to tho vessel, caught a rope and swung himself aboard what was left, grasped a flguro In his arms, then plunged himself overboard on tho back of a breaker and took his chanco of glory or tho grave as many nnnther man has dono. Hut never another man In tho an nate of tho service did It threo times and won out! For thnt Is what Mld gett did. Hattled with by mountnln ous waves, crippled by boards and boxes and spars which beat and toro nt him In both tho wnter nnd tho driving nlr, harried by a wind thnt wnB like n wall against him, nnd ex hnustcd by his seven previous trips. Mldgett nevertheless won through, nnd when ho finished, saw ten wrecks of whnt once wero men. stnndlng nnd lying in tho seml-dnrknoss on tho wlrid nnd wave-swept beach. Even as he turned, perhnps In numb wonder nt whnt ho had dono. tho half of tho Priscllla groaned, crashed once or twlco nnd wns gono. "For Extraordinary Heroism." Tho keeper of tho station would hardly believe hlB talo when Mldgett rodo his horso back to tho station for help. It did not seem hellevnblo. nut thero wero tho rescued to toll the amazing story over ngaln, when, nfter a dny nnd night of tender nursing nt tho station, onco moro clothed, fed and warmed, thoy woro ahlo to speak. Tho life-saving servlco report of tho following year contains this succinct mention in tho "Medals Awarded" columns: "To Kasmus S. Mldgett, Surfman, Oull Shoal Station. For extraordi nary heroism In rescuing, single-handed, ten men from tho wreclc of tho barkentlno Priscllla, three miles south of Gull Shonl station, August 18, isnn, Gold Medal. The repnuo was effected at night nnd during the height of n disastrous storm which Inundated tho wholo coast In that vi cinity." Tho records of tho life-saving serv lco will parallel tho records of any army or navy with deeds of daring nnd heroism, of bravery and courago nnd willingness to die for tho sako of tho duty that lies beforo Its crews, nufln nil Its annals of forty-ono yenrs of existence, during which tlmo 1R2, 0.18 persons havo been saved from 22,711 wrecks, It has nothing to com pnro with this roscuo. It hns plenty of deeds ns daring nnd as courageous to keep nllvo In Its reports, hut no other Instance whero ono man. single handed nnd nlono, defied such a storm ns this, and rescued ten men without other means than tho strength of his body nnd tho flno courago of hli heart. (Copyright, by nliUwnv Co ) SEE THAT THE FRUIT IS RIPE Bananas and Apples Especially Are Unfit to Eat If They Have Least Suspicion of Greenness. A fnct of special Interest nt this tlmo of year Is thnt somo of tho com monest fruits contain starch Instead of sugar until they Iinvo fully ripened. Knw stnrch Is very Indigestible, which explnlns tho frequent necessity for "green-upplo medliino." Most conspicuous In respect to their stnrch content nro bananas and ap ples. Reports from tho Natlonnl Hu rcatt of Chemistry show that Haldwin npples examined contained moro than 4 per cent, of stnrch whllo green, less than ono-quartor of 1 per cent, when rlpo, nnd nono nt all when overripe Tho porcontugo of sugar, on tho othor hand, hnd Increased moro than four times, showing that all tho starch had been converted Into sugnr during the ripening process, Bananas show simi lar changes ns thoy ripen. Theso facts teach us that only thor oughly rlpo fruits aro most suitable for eating raw; that scarcoly rlpezaa apples and bananas, like gooseberries nnd currants, aro best adapted to cook ing; and that all persons who cat raw fruits should chow them thoroughly on account of tho starch they are lia ble to contain. L OAIRY POSSIBILITIES OF STATE OF NEBRASKA. GOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented In Condensed Form to Our Readers. Matters of merit affecting tho wel faro of tho farmer received favorable consideration at tho hands of tho 1913 session of tho Nebraska legislature. Among tho laws finally passed are: A non-salaried live stock sanitary com mission; a non-salaried good roads commission; a new stallion registra tion law; Important amendments to tho Irrigation laws; strengthening of tho antidiscrimination law; a "blue sky" law which will censor tho of fering of shady Investments; a pro posed nmondiueni to tho constitution for a new system of revenue nnd tax ation with a tax commission to report to tho next legislature; a complete new Insurance code conducted by nn Insurance commission; a county tele phono law; a building for agriculture and horticulture on tho state fair grounds. Tho appropriations carried In tho general maintenance bill nro: Throe-fourths mill levy for university extension, one-third of which Is for state farm use In case removal falls; f37.r.00 at North l'latto experiment station; ff.,000 nt Scottsbluff ; $12,G0U at Valentino; $10,000 nt Culbertson; $fi0,000 nt Curtis; $10,000 nt North IMatto for dairy equipment; $30,000 for state llvo stock sanitary board; ?4,000 for stato board of agriculture; $1,000 for Stato Poultry association; $5,000 for Stato Horticultural society; $2,000 Tor Stato Corn Improvers' as sociation; $2,000 for Llvo Stock nso clatlon; $3,000 for Stato Dairymen's nssoclntion; $15,000 for school of ng rlculturo nnd homo economics; $5,000 for entomologist; $12,000 for Nebras ka conservation nnd soil survey; $3, 000 for state agricultural boanlcal works; $15,000 for hog cholera scrum production; $15,000 for hog cholera Berum subsidy fund. Nebraska a Dairy State. A bulletin from tho university, pro pared by Prof. J. II. Frnndsen of tho dairy husbandry department, reads: Conditions In Nebraska aro remark ably favorable for dairying nnd in tlmo we may expect to seo this ono of tho loading dairy states in tho union; but tho Industry hero is ns yet In its Infancy; many years will bo required beforo It hns renched Its full "safe and sano" development. There Is money In tho creamory business, but It Is not n venturo to bo rushed Into blindly without a thorough knowl edge of tho subject nnd local condi tions. Thero nro mnny pnrts of sparsely settled Nebraska and tho dis tricts of tho stato whero tho pcoplo nro moro or less Indifferent to dairy ing, whero tho centralized creamery, with Its cream stations nnd cream routes, fill n nlcho nnd opens up a mnrkot that could not, for n tlmo nt least, bo hnd tn any other way. Under these conditions tho scattered farm ers, Interested In cream production, will gcnorally find it moro profitable to tako cream to tho most rcllablo ex isting creamery than to go to tho ex pense of maintaining n new ono. Will Test the Law. Citizens of Wymoro nnd vicinity who wnnt to go fishing on tho Sabbath day aro preparing to test tho law which prohibits that sport on tho first dny of tho wook, according to letters received by Governor Morohcad. Thoy mako tho contention thnt It Is dis criminatory to prohibit this form of sport and to nllow certain other forms of activity to bo Indulged in by pcoplo of tho state. A decision of tho Btato Buprcmo court says that tho law Is good with regard to somo forms of amusement. Survoyors have begun tho work at tendant upon tho lnylng out of the now agricultural nnd horticultural hnll nt the stato fnlr grounds. Tho building, which Is to cost $100,000, Is to bo pushed to completion so thnt It can bo utilized at tho coming state fair. "Beer Bottle Corner" Case. Letters aro still coming In to tho nttornoy genernl's office regarding the recent supremo court decision In tho "beer hottlo corner" caso from Cherry county. Tho decision of tho court, validating Into fedornl government surveys loses nhout 30,000 ncros of school lnnd to the stato and makes it subject to homestead entry under tho federal land Inws, An effort Is to bo mndo to securo a rehearing of tho rnso, and It Is not Improbablo that tho high bench will Incline Its ear to tho legal department's petition Preparations nro being mndo to spend $04,000 In Improving thostato capltol building nnd In malting room for somo of tho now ovorcrowded de partments. ' Bread delivered to housewives of Omahn, Lincoln nnd other cities of tho stato must hereafter ho wrapped beforo being plnced In tho wngons which nro to dlstrlbuto it. Such Is tho substnnco of nn order Issued by Food Commissioner Hnrmnn. Tho step follows nn Investigation conduct ed bv tho food department. MEASURES HUSBAND NAILED RUBBER ON GATES Wife to Weak and Nervous Could Not Stand Least NoUa How Cured Ifunford, Ala. "I was so weak wdl bervoua while passing through its Chance or tare mat I could hardly lira. My husband had to nail rubber on all th gates for I could not stand It to bar gate slam. "I also had back ache and a fullatM in my stomach. I noUced that Lydia RPInkham's Vege table Compound was advertised for such cases and I sent and got a bottle. It did me so much good that I kept on taking It and found it to be all you claim. I recommend your Compound to all women afflicted as I was. "-Mrs. F. P. Mullendorb, Mob ford, Alabama. An Honest Dependable Medietas) is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. A Root and I lerb medicine orig inated nearly forty years ago by Lydia E. Plnkhum of Lynn, Mass., for con trolling female Ills. Its wonderful success in this line has mndo It the safest and most dependable medicine of the ago for women and no -woman Buffering from female Ills doea herself justice who doea not give It a trial. If yon have the nllghf eat doubt tliut I,ylla 13. lMnkhum's Vegeta ble Compound will help you, wrlta toLydlaE.PInkhamMcdiclneCo. (confidential) Lynn,Mans.,forad vice. Your letter will bo opened read and answered by a woman ana ueia in strict couuuenca. CANADA'S OFFERING TO THE SETTLER THE AMERICAN RUSH TO WESTERN CANADA IS INCREASINI Fr Homaitoads In the new Witricis of Mnnluba, Saskatche wan and Alberta there are thousands of t'na Homesteads left, which to Urn man making entry In 8 yrare time will b worth from r)J to CM per era. Thee Unda aro wait adanted tn train growing and cattlo railing. BllKUUT RilLWal riCIUTIBB In manr caacs tha railways tn Canada naya been bolli lo ad vane nt settlement, and In a ehort tltna there will not ba a settler wbo need ba mora than ten or twelve mllee from a Una of railway, Hallway Kates aro regulated try Uuvernment Com mutton. Hoctal Conditions Tha American Rottlerlaathom In Western Canada, llelanota at runger In a strange land, bar- tht nitarl a. million nf hla own people already settled there. If Sou dcslralo know whytbeoon lllon of thaCiinadlanHettlarU prosperous write and tana for literature, rata, eio.( to ww. w. DB.nnw.1 Baa Building, Omaha, Neb. Canndlan OoTernment Agent, or aimrt'M Miporiiiiinirnv pi lIuinlKrntlon, uituwa(taeeaa. Widow's Ways. "Mamma, why did you tell Mrs. La modo thnt I wao only eighteen when I am really twenty-four?" Widow Bccnuue eighteen Is six years under twenty-four, my dear. Daughter Yes, I know; but surely I don't need tho benefit of those six years nt my ago, do I? Widow Not nt all, my child; but 1 do. London Tlt-nits. Rainy Spell. Dcautlful tho rain is, cheering to tho cropo; umbrella men, golosh men, hail thoso gracious drops. DIest pre clpltatlon, early, latter, fall; but kindly plpo nnd smoke it you've been ruining baseball ! Kill the Files Now and Prevent disease. A DAISY FLY KILLER will do It, Kills thousands. Lasts all season. All dealers or air sent express paid for 11. II. SOMERfl, IK) Do Kalb Ave., Ilrooklyn, N. Y. Adv. An Exception. "I don't want anybody to mine matters about this house." "Out, dear, how about the pies?" Mr, Wtnalowa Boothing- Byrnp for CblMrea teething-, softeua the gtima, redueea Innaaimar Uou.ollay a paln.curaw wind ooltcSa a bottlaJst Virtue is not only its own reward, but Bin is its own gravedlggor. PAINFUL, TRYING TIMES Housework is hard enough for a healthy wom an. The wife who baB a bad back, who Is weak or tired nil the tlmo, finds her duties a heavy burden. Thousands of norvous, dis couraged, sick ly women havo traced their "VvrVPtciuT,lt3 trouoics 10 SICK stoiy" ktdnoys have found quick and thorough rellof through using Donn's Kidney Pills. Tho painful, trying times of woman's llfo nro much easier to boar if tho kldnoys aro well. An Iowa Case Mrs. J. Hunt, ICrt B. 6th HU, Fairfield. la., sarsi "for thirty years I stitteredfromklilnrytrotibla. I had severe backache, headaches ana aliif imlli, and my llmba swelled so I couldnt walk. 1 Man's Kidney rills cured me when Terytblna cite failed. I cannot pralsa them too highly." Cat Doaa'a at Anjr Star. We a Box DOAN'STOV FOSTER nULBURN CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. s llml aa 4JvU s.tefi'i'i-t'Yf J.E'I gsalsVy-m 1 u : f , r . Ik rs fl M r( if 1 J.-'? M r :