J K Is . Jf h ti The Chief C. B. HALE, Publish HID CLOUD . NEBRASKA Simplified spelling thould bo n boon for tho rough-writers. . Hnrvard'B plnn to tench wit anc humor dtBclifanu n Bad lack of them. The, open aeason for tho Idiot whe .teckn tho boat will boon bo In out midst. "Do not him pretty tenchers," nd vises nn nuthorlty who never was t boy himself. If evolution keeps nbrcast of the times It must ho occupied In evolving a BwntlcsH fly. Montenegro Is III tie, but n very small tnntch can utnrt trouble In n powder factory. Tho btrnwberry box, not tho poach basket, Is the model of this senuon'K hats for women. It In Riven out that thero In to be no Increaso In tho prlco of leu. Well, that will h p h o. Word to tho wise: Tuck awny $1U or C0 of your week's salary for that Impending vacation. Tho only "girl tenor" In tho world has arrived In this country. Pity the country that Is without one. Quito appropriately thoso hair I in porting musical girls explained when urrouted, "Well, I'll bo uwltched." Why Rhould San Francisco bonst that It was founded In 1776? Tin work waa not dune- by natlvo sons. A cigar ctoro flvo feet wldo ha been opened In Gotham. Stogloi slioultl bo tho proper stock to carry. Now that tho government cxpcrtJ are going to deflno sausage, a great mystery will doubtless bo cleared up No longer can wo gain emphasis by Baying that objects "sink llkon stone." They nro now building concrete ships Tho bald-headed man has trouble enough, what with drafts and flics without calling his baroness Immodest A Colorado Judgo says that a wife should tell her husband all sho knows Hut usually sho doon, and then some What baa become of tho old-fashioned woman who used to put fresh strnw under tho parlor carpet every spring? Even though somo men nro slow, did you over notice that they aro "somo" (printers when It cornea to running In dobt? Thero Is something to bo thankful for In tho fact that tho peach short cake crop was spared by tho recent bllz2ard. Simplified spelling Ib to bo taught In tho Bchools of Philadelphia. And yet Philadelphia onco had a reputation ol being slow. A Pennsylvania undertakon tender ed a bnnquet to tho doctors of the town. Thero'B nothing llko gottlng 8 "stand In." Tho old-fashioned bicycle rider whe used to got arrested for scorching now regards tho automobile joy-rider wltb wonder at tho speed with which w progress. Report says tho president of Hon duras has died of a disease. How strange, when It Is considered how often officials of that port of tho globe have shuffled off. Theoretically a largo number of peo ple are fond of dandelion greens. They might get togetbor with the owners of lawnB. Tho old maxim, "Learn ono thing every day," sounds well. But most of ua nro kept busy unlearning some thing every day. A disappointed lover shot himself with blank cartridges and was arrest ed. Remodel that statement about "tho course," etc. Collogo professor says no man should marry on less than $5 a day. but tho chances nro Cupid will con tlnuo to Iguoro wnges. Thero waB n splendid argument foi physical culture In tho story of the young Canadian athloto who has mnr rlcd an American widow with 115,000, 000. Modistes in copying natural colors foi costumes head their list with "flgleai green" Moro of a compliment to the first costurao than to an unusual green. A New York organization has just hold a talkless dinner at which post jprandlal oratory was barred. It de jservcB to become popular. A Cleveland motorist, who speeded around town at 60 miles an hour, has )een Bent to jail for 30 days. Anoth er ease of moro haste less speed. Tho Paris police are now equipped with asphyxiating guns. From the volubility shown by tho late auto bandits of Paris, they were evidently 'needed. STRANGE LITIGATION Among tho curiosities of litigation may bo cited tho following ense. On tho boundnry-llno of two farms In an Austrian village, thero grow n largo goosoborry bush, from which two farmers for ycarB gathered tho prod uct. "What grows on my sldo In mlno, and you may havo tho rest," was tho agreement. Somo tlmo ngo tho neighbors had a misunderstanding, and this camo to a climax when tho gooseberries be came rlpo. A lawsuit followed, and appeals wero mndo to higher judicial bodies. Tho final decision waB lately recorded In the Austrian courts. Each party Is to havo tho right to pick tho berries which grow on his Bldo of the line, JuBt as It was orlg ally, but neither may destroy tho bush. Tho costs aro charged half Wo each litigant. Each farmer had to pay 255 krone. Tho yearly yield of tho bush Is worth about ono-half krone, and tho Judgo told tho lighting farmers: "With good luck, It will tako you only 800 yearn to mako tho bush pny. Tako good caro of It." FEARLESS RAVENS Prom time Immemorial ravens havo been tho subject of song, story, and superstition. Their fearlessness, trick ery, contradictory manners, artfulness, luirflh note, ugly form, and beautiful black plumagn have formed tho theme for many a bird-lore Btory. Perhaps one of tho most curious facts about tho raven Is that while thero Is no more shy bird, or ono more difficult to get near to, when It is wild, nono tames moro easily, and when tamed It Is totally fearless. When wild, tho raven will never daro to at tack any bird, but will steal eggs or young, and hover around uttering tho most dismal croaks. Hut onco tamed, ho thinks nothing of walking up to your dog nnd using old Towser'B back as a sort of penwiper for cleaning his bonk, nnd will often go so far, If tho dog Ib asleep, as to pull tho animal's ears and tweak Its tall, flying away with a great scurry when tho dog growls at him, but returning again In n few minutes to renew tho attack. BEAUTIFUL CHIMNEYPIECE Rotherwaa, ono of tho oldest Beats In Great Britain, has been bought by a wealthy American and Its magnifi cent panelod rooms aro to bo dis mantled and removed to this country. Rotherwaa Ib mentioned In tho Domes day Rook, where It Is spelled "Retro was." At that tlmo It belonged to Gilbert, ton of Tyrold. It was tho chief scat of the Bodenhams, a fam ily who obtained It through tho mar rlago of Roger Dodenhnm and Isabel la, daughter of Walter do la Barrc. Tho Illustration Is of a carved chlm ncyplcco In tho James I. room. A SUNLESS VILLAGE In tho valloy of tho Lyn, near Lyn mouth, North Devon, thero Is a quaint Ilttlo hamlet called Mlddlcham, whero for threo months In tho year the sun Is not Been. Tho cluster of houses forming tho hamlet Ib surrounded on all sides by hills so steep and high that from No vember until February tho sun docs not riso high enough to bo seen over their tops. Tho first nppearanco of tho sun Is eagerly lookod for, and as It Is llrst Been on February 14, tho inhabitants call It their valentine If tho dny should bo foggy or cloudy so that it cannot bo seen, there Is great disappointment, especially among tho children. For tho first few dnys after tho 14th tho sun Is only seen for a very short time, but as tho sun rises higher In tho hcaveiiB tho tlmo It is In sight IncrenseB dally until Its height Is reached, when It grndually begins to fade from view again until In Novem ber It entirely vanishes from sight for another threo months. BOYS SAVA TRAIN Saving a train wreck, two boys per formed a noblo act near (loodletts villo, Tonn., a few days ago. Tho train was tho "Dlxlo Filer" on tho Loulsvlllo and Nashville railroad. Tho lads Virner Morgan and Gurllo Og loBgy wero playing along tho track, when they discovered a broken rail. A moment later they heard tho "fly er's" whistle, but thoy raced far enough up tho track to "flag" tho train bcfoie it reached tho broken rail. I V3iliB!lMtCICB5!Tjnz7$Vl'ftkvJfc AihDh I Cawnpore Memorial Angel paaMsss! Ear 'IwW JL teffOTr'vi The most cacred Dritlsh shrine in India Is the memorial angel which guards the Cawnpore well Into which the massacred women and children wero thrown. Cawnpore waa the cceno of two masaacrec. First, tho exhaust ed garrison, which had currendered to Nana Sahib on the premiss of safe conduct to Allahabad, were fired upon as they embarked on the Gangcc. Later, the women and children" who escaped this massacre and were taken back to the city were murdered and their bodies thrown into this well. MARINER'S QUEER MIXUP Ono of tho most extraordinary stories over told of tho sea is related by Captain Engcllandt, owner of the steel sailing Bhlp Emdto. Ho wan at sea with threo men on board when a great galo camo swooping and tearing and screaming over tho waves, and drovo his vessel before It Into tho gathering blackness of night. The skipper stuck to tho wheel all through tho long hours of darkness, and tho galo dying down to a snarling growl at 4 a. m., ho relinquished his post and stepped down to his cabin for a change of clothes. Mt wan at this moment tho real busi ness of tho dny begun. Ho had Just got into dry underclothing when the vessel quietly turned bottom upward, and ho found himself standing on the roof of tho cabin, with the door ovor his head hermetically sealed by tho ocean. Was ever a man in such straits beforo? Ho climbed through Into tho hold of tho vessel, where ho found raisins, condensed milk, prunes, rice, nnd, of courso, a Teutonic sausage. Ealing sparingly of this healthy faro, and hammering on tho steel bottom of tho boat to attract tho attention of any Bhlp that hlght happen to puss, ho spent 12 days In this strange man ner beforo ho was rescued. Tho wreck had to bo towed to a mighty crano before a steel plate could bo unloos ened nnd tho skipper bo free to look cmco moro on tho blue sky. MAVin RlAtinNM Y Tt. aI VV' -'!' -. ' V--' '- lv ji v ,,, Qe3 BfeHasiTtesv! "Blowing up the Devil" Is a ceremony which takes place in Mexico on the 8aturday before Easter Sunday. A dummy Is filled with bread, money and gunpowder and then hung Just above the reach qf the passers-by, who try to get possession of It. The figure Is continually lowered and raised again as ths natives Jump at It. After a time the "Devil" is set on fire and in due time it explodes, scattering the bread and money, for which a scram ble takes place. It Is the belief of the natives that the blowing up of tht "Devil" will keep his satanlc maiesty away for twelve months. FLAG WITH A MAP liiiii Mahomed Knnl el Blmbashl, who It seen holding tho flag of tho new In dependent government of Tripoli, is tho sou of nn Afghan father and an Albanian mother. When tho Turco Italian war broko out he went on foot from Egypt to Azlzla rousing the tribesmen. He has been In many parts of Europo and Asia and Is well known to travelers. The flag bears a map of Africa. DRESS NEVER CHANGES HERE; eioux Maidens Living on the Pine.' Ridge Reservation Vear Same Stylo a Lifetime. Sioux Falls, S. D. American fash ions versus Parisian 1 Why go abroad for clothes which only wear ono sea son when you enn get a dress like the ono shown In tho accompanying pic ture, which will wear a lifetime? Long before tho young woman in the Illus tration had attained BUfllclent staturo to fill out tho costumo properly the materials for It wero being prepared. Tho owner of thlo "confection" la a young Indian girl of the Sioux nation who lives on the Pino Rldgo reserva tion in Shannon county, South Da kota. This Ib doubtless her holiday regalia and It Is doubtful If sho would trado It for tho latest model from tho Huu do la Palx. A beaded costume Sioux Belle, In Her Sunday Best. llko tho one pictured Is a matter for serious consideration by the modistes of tho trlbo and months wero prolmbly atrjtit over the bcadwork of tho bod ice alone, whilo tho docGkln for the shirt had to ho worked over for weeks by tho old women miming exports In order to attain the velvet-like quality necessary for a garment of this de scription. Tho "shopping bag," too, whllo not of a hitu model nn our fash ions go, will nevertheless be In excel lent taato for years to como In this "land where fashions never change." Changea In styles would indeed bo su perfluous in a country whero it takes months to complete a single garment, but which when mado will wear for a generation or two. The girdle with Its pendant reminiscent of Cleopatra is mado of heavy leather, also practically indestructible, covered with heavy silver dlsku beaten out by hand. It Is of prime necessity to ho of athletic build in order to wear this variety of clothing succeps fully, aa tho bcadwork weighs something llko ten pounds to tho square yard. This "cloth" Is made by fastening tho beads In parallel rows on a backing of heavy buckskin. The blanket in tho background Is of Na vajo mako from New Mexico. KANSAS CO-EDS ARE HUSKY Taller, Heavier, and With a Much Greater Lung Capacity Than Young Women Elsewhere. Lawrence, Kan. Kansas collego girls should bo ablo to talk longer, yell louder and for a longer tlmo than any other girl students in tho United States, according to Dr. 'Margaret Johnston of tho department of physical education of the Univer sity of Kansas. The Jayhawkcr co-ed is also taller and stronger than her eastern Bisters. Tho average Kansas girl la about one fourth inch higher than the Wellesley young woman. The average weight of tho girl at Wellesley is 116 pounds, fit Kansas 117. In strength and lung capacity tho Kansas girl reigns alone. The aver ago capacity of tho German girl Is '147 cubic inches; Oberlln girls can swallow 141.2 inches of ozone nnd Wellesley glrlB 150 cubic Inches. Tho Kansas girl tests 1G5, which is far abovo tho avcrago for tho United States. PlanB wero formed recently for the establishment of a girl's baseball league among tho different sororletles hero. Margaret Johnston, director of women's oihlotlcs, is expected to Mart tho co-eds in tho gamo within a .few days. MAN DODGES COUGAR'S JUMP Animal Then Follows Him Half Mile to His Home Lamp Used as Weapon, Shamokln, Pa. As Elmer GrosB wat returning from work at tho Cameron colliery a catamount, largo and heavj ias a bulldog, sprang at him from the bUBhe3 fringing the road. Gross sidestepped tho beast and Jerking a lighted miner's lamp from his hat, turned tho blazo into the faco of tho cat, which ran away, but ccon returned and followed Gross n half-rallo toward his homo at Tharp town. Gross hurried into the kitchen and ot a rifle, but when ho camo out the cat had disappeared. Crazed at 8'ght of Corpse. Wilkes Barro, Pa. Samuel Mumma, aged forty-five, of Wilkes Rarro, Pa., .went insane while vlowtng the body of his brother-in-law, Guyton Brudoll, 'who bad been killed in the mlncB. As soon as Mumma caught sight of the features of bis dead relative, be ut tered a maniac's scream and it requir ed several men to hold him. Ho was taken to an asylum. Ota IDWIA5LC Mnht tnfn would ;Iudly tnlfo Ills place And shoulder all IiIh obligations, Tliouuli tlieii- nro IIiu-h upon bis fare And lit Iiuh few and brief vacations; Most inon would Kludly, If thoy inlqht, lip wlii re ho Is nnd have bis money; Bui nothing nil:) him with delight, To him there's nothing that is funny. Hip look Is Fotenitt, In hla eyes Theie never lurks a merry twinkle; Anions his lines of care thero lies Not even one tulrth-Rlven wrinkle; With sober looks hu Koeii his way, By ono Kilin purpose animated From him, hard-featured, bent and gray, Xo Jest bus over eniunutcd. Yrt thero nro men who wutclt ldtn pass, Permitting envy to possess them Men who are hated by no olnss, And who have few Ills to distress them Men who sometimes foruet a whllo That only money Is worth getting, Vlio wntch the nimble clown, and t-mllo. Too glad to waste tho moment fretting. lll.s wenhh Is gicat, his station high, Uut. by one purpose driven dally, He has no tlmo to over try To let lll.s solemn tones ring gayly; Yet theie nro men who envy him Who, even while ho plica up money, Keinnlns luttd-fruturod and as gilm As death and Just about ns funny. Consulting His Taste. "Mary," said Mrs. Willlklns, "dirt the lamb chops and the beefsteak I; ordered for breakfast come all right?' "Yes, ma'am," the girl replied. "And did the boy fill that order for Bausago that I gave yesterday?" "Yes, ma'am." "Wo huve ham and eggB in the house, too, haven't we?" "Yes, ma'am." "And bacon?" "Yes, ma'am." "Let mo see. Yob, Mr. Willlklns will sigh for a good old-fashioned mess of mackerel tomorrow morning. That's the only thing I couldn't think of." Clear Case. "So." tho lawyer said, "you wish tc break your father's will? What's the matter with it?" "Well, ho left nearly half of his for tuno to colleges and charltablo insti tutions." "H'm. Did be ever show any evi dence of being weak-minded?" "He was accepted as a juror in o murder trial onco." "Oh, thls'Il bo dend easy!" Willing to Try. "Tho man who marries my daugh ter," said the old gentleman, "must demonstrate beforo he receives my consent that ho can earn his own liv ing." "All right," tho boy replied, "Just mako me vice-president of your com pany for a ilttlo while, and I'll shovr ytA." His Elegant Language. "Now careful that M,r. Pllmley Is about his language. Ho seems to be bo nnxlouB always for fear he may not use the right word or givo bis a's and r's tho proper Bound." "Yes, ho Ib very fastidious in that way. Ho even pronounces it 'catapil low. " His Experience. "Have you ever played football?" sho asked. "No," ho replied, "but when I was n cowboy 1 waB onco run over by a herd of stampeded steers." Odds Against Him. Tho bravest man may bo tho ono Who Ic always tolling what Blood-curdling wonders ho has done, But tho chances aro he's not. The Way Up. Lifo's path has many a hidden pit And many steps and bowlders, And they fall hardest thero who sit On other people's shoulders. Pa's Idea of It. "Pa, what's 'a barren ideality?' " "A drink of water tho next morning after a fellow has been at a stag dinner." sir VLmL HZ3f!'r J BbSBBBBBt " ( $ Kir W!iMMBhi rHi'sBii iWBa!c Sfl'A 1 --r j AUHnttmVJ0mc. -J , . ..-- BJeWd5Ur MfMteuiuW4tf iwM,iimtimmitmaiitH fcwuMUN.whtm wan? " "