The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 01, 1913, Image 7

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This car has been purchased from The Red Cloud Auto
Company, and is on exhibition at their place of business.
Second and Third Priies
The second prize which is a genuine diamond ring of
approximately one half karat weight, and the third prize which
is a solid gold watch, can be seen at the E. H. Newhouse jewelry
These Priies Will be Awarded Saturday, June 14 at 3 p.m,
Voting Schedule and Subscription Rate
The following voting schedule and subscription rate
will hold good during the remainder of the Contest:
Chief one year S1.50. (new subscription) counts 1000 votes.
Chief one year SI, 50, (old subscription) counts 700 votes.
Nebraska Farmer to January 1 1015, S1.00 counts 1000 votes,
Chief (new subscription) one year and the Nebraska
Farmer until January 1, 1915. for S2.00, counts 2000 votes.
Chief (renewal subscription) one year and Nebraska
Farmer until January 1, 1915, S2.00. counts 1700 votes.
Five years subscription to the two papers, S10.00, counts
3000 extra votes.
Contestants should work for the combination subscriptions.
Special Prize Ballot 5,000 Votes
We are going to make it to the interest of every contest
ant to turn in as much money as possible on subscriptions up to
next Thursday at 6 p. m. To the contestant who turns in the
most money on subscriptions from Thursday, May 1, to 6 p. m.
on Thursday, May 8. we will issue a prize ballot of 5,000 votes in
addition to the regular number of votes published in the above
schedule. The contestant turning in next to the highest amount
of money on subscriptions during the above time will receive ,a
prize ballot good for 4.000 votes; the third contestant a prize
ballot good for 3,000 votes and the fourth a prize ballot good for
2.000 votes.
The contest for these special votes will close at 6
p. m. May 8th. All subscriptions and money must be in
The Chief office by that time.
Gold Jewel Case as a Special Prize
The contestant turning in the largest number of com
hjnation'subscriptions (subscriptions for the two papers at the
rate of $2.00 each) up to 6 p. m. on Thursday, May 8. will be
awarded a handsome gold jewel case valued at $5.00. This prize
is worth working for. A combination subscription also counts
for a larger number of votes than a subscription to either paper
alone. Read the voting schedule.
Standing of The Contestants
The votes cast are counted on Wednesday of each
week. The count this week shows the following result:
Gertie Cartwright. . 100.925 Mrs. Clara Copley. . . 16,875
Miss Gertrude Coon .95,575 Mary Christian 1 1 ,700
ElenorGilham 89.450 Grace Kinsell 11,000
Miss Maude Hayes. .77.000 Mrs. Ida Worden .... 10.700
Mrs. L. H. Matkins.. 30.100 May Elliott 10.700
Miss Rose McGuire.. 25,600 Edna VanHorn 10,700
625 Elm Street, - - - Red Cloud, Nebr.
TaVmw Scvoo o CVtVwpraeftc
"Chiropractic Fountain Head"
Davenport, Iowa
Consultation and Spinal Analyala From
Bulletin of The Week' Doings
Look foryour".May Unshct" tonight.
Chns was in Hastings last
Frosli I'liiuly, peanuts and clears ut
Warren's Uestaniaut.
,T. A. Mniicll of McCook was In town
the first of tlio week.
When in town get your dinner at
Warren's Restaurant.
SI. 50 to S'J.oO for good narrow stripe
fur. .1. 0. C.w.mvci.i,.
Try Shcclcy's Itarbor Shop for the
tu-st in the tonsorlal line.
Alri.C.C Cox spent n few days in
Cow lei tlio tint of the week.
V. K, Henderson has gone to Denver
Colorado and other western points.
Foil Sai.i: Wlilto Plymouth Hock
Cockcrolls Joseph Topham. adv
r0 Acres of Hood Pasture for relit
Inquire or W. U Rui-aiid U. F.I). No
K. W. Copleu mid daughter spent a
day in Hastings the latter of the
Airs. C. II. Potter went to Hastings
for a short visit ono day tne last of
the week.
I). W. Smith has returned from
llloomington where he had spent sev
eral days.
Geo. Matkins of Iuavale was trans
acting business iu Red Cloud on
Henry Hasser left Mondav for Lin
coln to spend a few days in ".sight
seeing" etc.
Hoy Dailoy of Guide Hook pent.
Monday in the city attending to busi
ness aifair.i. t
P. O. Fiedler left Monday for differ
ent points iu Iowa and other eastern
states to attend to business mutters.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Hed Cloud, Nebr
Mr. K. Callcii, spent Alonday iu this
city he being en route to his home in
MeCoolt from a trip to the Isle ol
Airs. Lois Porter, and son, Lcroy, of
Chicago, are iu the city visiting at the
home of Mis. Porter's mother, Airs.
A. A. Pope.
Oliver Wright has. purchased a farm
near Oxford and the latter part of
the week he moved his personal effects
to that place.
Oscar Hughes of Hastings spent a
few days the latter part of the weelc
in town visiting his brother-in-law,
Geo. VauCamp.
Mrs. Farner leturued home Satur
day from a visit with her daughter iu
Montana and her daughter Mrs. Sid
Longtin in California.
Don Saunders and Lloyd Bradbrook
returned Sunday from Kansas City
where they have been for several days
looking after business affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jenkins returned
to their home in .Beatrice Sunday they
being called here by the death of Mrs.
Jenkins raothar. Mrs. A. Cummlngs.
E. Stewart and family of McCook
have rented the Geo. Lindsey farm
and the first of the week moved their
personal belongings onto the same.
Cecil Matthews, editor of The River
ton Review spent Saturday In this city.
They had the misfortune to break a
pieoe on their press and Cecil brought
the same down with him to have it
welded and while waiting on the black
smith took occasion to do a little
"political fence welding" in a person
al way.
H. E. Elsluger, of Omaha, an expert
machinist and auto repair man, arrived
in the city the last of the week and
has leased the Dr. Cook auto garage,
where he will conduct a general auto
repair shop. Mr. Elslnger is a brother
of Mrs, Deck, the manager of Every
bodysFlve and Ten Cent Store and
comes highly recommended as an ex
pert in his chosen profession. The
Chief extends the glad hand.
Mr. Arthur Ronkeltlus McArthur,
one of the heavy men employed iu The
Chief office, left Monday for Guide
Rock where he weut to assist in the
office of The Guide Rook Signal, for a
few days. Harry Vaitghan, the editor
of that newsy sheet, telephoned a
"distress call" to us that morning say
ing he was short a man, owing to
sickness, and realizing that It required
a "real man" to till the bill, we sent
Rev. E. N. Tompkins, Attorney
Frank Alunday and Prof. Alorltz want
up to Oxford last Friday evening to
attend the Inter State High School
Oratorical contest The contest con
sisted of a debate between three re
presentatives from the McCook high
school and three from the Oxford
high school. The report o the judges
were two In favor of Oxford and one
for McCook. The subject debated was,
"Resolved that Cities Should Adopt
the Commission Form of Government"
and those attending from heie report
it as being "a red hot debate."
C. H. .Murphy of Rlverton win at
tending to business matters in the ell
on Saturday.
The city council Is in session as we
go to press, and rumor has It that this
session marks the end of tlio lone
James Hupp, a brick-mason of con
siderable note, who resides In McCook
arrived it. the city Sunday to look nltei
sonic business alfalrs.
1 have the best rate iu the county i It
farm loans-. See mo nud be eoiivln'eoil.
Aly motto prompt sei vice.
A. T.
Sec Allss Grace Dedrlck for your
Trimmed Hats, also a line of .Mlnci
and ClilMi-ons Hats. Hemodetliig
done. Satisfaction cuaranteed.
C. U. and J. Hoiidmustcr Trout and
wHe returned the Hist of the week
fiom Culbertsou where they spent
several days vMting with lelatives.
Silver LoiiKtlu ictiiined home Sat
urday after spending the past ten or
twelve months Iu 1'alifoiuia visiting
at the home of his biothor. Sid
Miss Alarie llolliiter arrived Friday
evotilng from Lincoln, where she is
attending the state university, for a
short visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. llolliiter.
Rootle Saunders, Halph .c, Geo
llolliiter and Flaw Grice left Wednes
day morning for Lincoln iu company
with Reese Thompson, Tom Deakiu
nud Unfits Moult It who are to take
the Si r tier's Degree at that place.
The first four gentlemens going along
to sec that the dose was properly ad
ministered. John Schllcf, the expert auto repair
man In the employ of the Hed Cloud
Auto Company U kept extremely busy
these days. This week he put iu good
shape and returned to its owner, who
resides in Kiverton, a car which was
considered by some to be most past
repairing. Schllef is truly an expeit
In his line, and li a good example of
one who has completely mastered
their chosen piofesiimi.
Airs. Alargaiot A. Scott mid daugl..
tor, of Iteukelmiiii spent Tus lay in
this clt. . The ladles had been visit ing
ill Superior for a few days and were
enroute to Fiaiikliu where they In
tend to visit a shoit time also. While
hero they placed an order with The
Ovoring Itioi., Monumental Works for
a monument which is to be deliwicd
at Ueiikelmau. It surely speaks well
for this concern when people will come
from towns such as Superior to pur
chase heie.
Homo-few weeks ago a tent which
belonged to Holten Lutsou was stolen
out or his yard. Suspicion was at
tached to a certain party and on Sat
urday Wesley AlcHoberts was arrested
in Superior and the tent was found in
a box which lie had shipped from here
a few days previous. The tent was re
turned to Holten and he has decided
not to prosecute the case, being satis
fled with its return. McRoberts paid
the costs and has been released from
custody. Little is known here eon
cernlng'McRoberts. He came here a
few months ago from Iowa with his
wife and baby, and while not possess
ing any'of the ear marks of a retired
man of wealth, seemed to posbess a
great dlsdlke for work. He got .off
easy, indeed. .
litlY tmt SEED MTATtES
Fifty cents per bushel at
cellar. Inquire of Porter
Hale, Rural phone 11 on 19.
Your Orders
y E take advantage of
that modern adjunct
so necessary to pleasure and
business nowadays, the tele
phone, when we ask you to
telephone your orders. We
will serve you as well or
even better than when you
come yourself, if that be
B. E.McFarland
All thm Fhanaa
'I I
Something New
in Men's and Young Men's
Clothes Every Day
To keep our stock r'mhl up to the minutu always, wo rtot
in now things now ideas every day. So that this
i (mm
fi r ' m
m li W W
If I
m kf
8 Goiuden-aleyClotningGo.
vw3 S3 3
cooling system, automatic mixer, ball-bearing governor, in the quality of
, its material and the accuracy of its workmanship. We want you to have
oneThey arc free Come and get one.
Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Walters are mov
ing into Mn Douglas house in the
north east part of town this week.
Springer's Bakery and Lunch Room
has moved this week into the New
Iliilldltrg opposite the 10 cent store.
We solicit your patronage.
Ou the inside pages of this paper
may be found a complete synopsis of
the laws passed i by the 1'JlU Legisla
ture, as well as an epitome of the dif
ferent measures vetoed by Governor
Will Holmes and sister, Mrs. 1'. L.
Hansen were visiting their sister, Mrs.
Lulu Kellogg, at 1'rairle View, Kansas,
this week. Mrs.. Kellogg has been
quite tick and expects to accompany
them home the last of the week.
Farm Loana-l have a limited a
mount of private money to place in first
mortgage farm securities, short or
long time, at lowest rates with optional
payments. Write or phone. Damrl
Gahhkii, Riverton, Nebraska.
The last . lecture In the series on,
"The Lire of Paul," will be given Iu
the Congregational Church Sunday
evening at 8 o' clock. The lecture
will be Illustrated will colored views.
Subject Sunday morning, "Deep Sea
Sheriff Oliver Hedge was confined to
his bed several days last week suffer
ing from a serious attack of rheumat
ism. Oliver, unfortunately, was a little
too heavy for crutches, hence was pro
bably confined at home longer than
Superintendent Flynn of the C. O.
&. Q. held a conference with tl.e
Chamber of Commerce, at which time
they discushed plans relative to a new
depot, on Tuesday. Wo learn that an
excellent, comodlous depot is now
Tlit) ladies of the Eastern Star, at
their meeting Monday night, elected
the following officers:
Mrs. Margaret Hlacklcdge-Worthy
L. 11. Illackledgo Worthy Patron.
Miss Jessie Kellogg Associate Pat
ron. Mrs, Editli Iloblnsou Secretary.
Mrs. Alice Myers Treasurer.
Mrs. Mable Albright Conductor.
Mrs. Margaret Garber Asso. Conductor.
store is especially valuable to
the man who always wants the
new things while they are new.
Kuppenheimor Clothcraft and
Society brand Clothes for Men
and Young men
10 to $30
Hoys' Kiuckubocke Suits in
$3 to 8
Mothers Dress your boys in
new K. & E. Waists.
See the Mew
Spring Hats and
No. MC
57 Reasons
Stickney's Catechism is a guide to Engine
satisfaction It states 57 reasons where the
Sttckney Engine excels all others in Us out
side h'nller. slralitht line vnhi nmlnn ntrftrt
Ed. Hanson
Red Cloud, Neb.
I. 11. Holmes has returned home
after spending the winter in Florida.
He reports an enjoyable stay, but says
there is no other spot just like Webster
Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will
meet eye, car, nose and throat patients
and those needing glasses fitted at Dr.
Damerell's oflloe in Red Cloud, Tues
day, April 20th.
Drs. Riddle and Foote of Hastings
will meet Eye, Nose, Bar and Throat
patients and those needing glasses fit
tod at lied Cloud, Nebr., on Thursday,
May 8th, at Dr. Chas. Cross oillce.
Itoyd Smith left Sunday morning for
Lincoln where he has accepted a
position with The Columbia Fire In
surance in the Capacity of city collect
or. He expects to move his family to
that place as soon as school is out.
Do you notice that J. II. Iialley ,1b
making the most of the farm loans?
He is sole agent for Trevett, Mattls &
liaker, and is offering the hest rates,
terms and option in the market and
that is the reason. adv.
Improved Alfalfa, Orain acd Stock
Farms In The Great Republican
Boilht Sold Exchanged
Any desirable Ileal Estate listed up
and udvertised for cash sale or ex
change without expense to owner.
Cash buyers for improved farms
and ranches secured through care
ful, liberal and t-ystematio adver
tising. Some of the best farms In
Webster and Franklin Counties Ne
braska now listed Several furuis
for sale that will pay good interest
on the entire purchase price and
enluiuce greatly In value. Several
good fai ins for sale on easy pay
ments and special terms worth the
money. The largest list of local
farms for sale to select from and
situated lu tlio Ruckle End of the
Corn Kelt.
FARM WANS-Llbcral amounts,
optional payments, lowest rates.
Money always ready.
Daniel Garber
i tiSJ