The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 24, 1913, Image 8

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lW E have arranged our corset department
" with the view of thoroughly satisfying
your every need and wish.
Our fitters have had special training and
ample practical experience in corset fitting.
You will find them able to fit every figure
requirement. The woman with the hard-to-fit
figure will obtain unusually satisfactory results
with our fitters.
Courteous attention and careful study of
' your needs is the rule throughout. ,the depart
ment. Our corsetieres also keep thoroughly informed on the
changing dictates of fashion in corsetting and in gowning.
' Hence you may profitably consult them as to your special
figure needs and also with the view of selecting the most up-to-date
figure and gowning effects.
We extend to you a cordial invitation to
visit our department, whether to obtain a trial
fitting or merely to become acquainted with our'"
styles and facilities.
YOU may be tempted to make the half worn winter underwear do for
spring wear unless you stop to think how important to the fit of your
spring dress it is to have good underwear. It's so much easier to make the dress
fit trim and straight over smooth-fitting under
garments, and worn under-garments are
never that.
You Will Be More Than
Pleased With a Trial of
It is not only made of the grade of
cotton, or cotton and wool, but every line of
the body is followed so closely by the fabric
as to make them perfect fitting.
.BTcHBarf rnNiV isTs'as.
Turnure & Son
Made of the best sea island cotton. "Royal"
Underwear has a tensile strength seldom equaled
at the price.
Union Suits at 25c to 75c. Seperate garments
at 8c to 50c.
Gerald UnderhUI drow In a deep
hreath of tho air of Broadway, for It
was tho first tlmo he had been In
New York for almost eleven yoars.
While ho wob hesitating which way
to turn, a crowd of people began pour
ing out of the Times Square subway
station and a hand was laid familiarly
on his shoulder.
".Terry Underbill 1" Tom Sandford
laughed heartily. "Well, of all things!
When did you get In from the Klon
dike?" "About an hour ago. Gee, Tom, it
Is good to see you again!" Undorblll
beamed on his friend. "I only ar
rived about an hour ago and I'm lone
ly already."
"I'm sorry, old man," Tom gripped
his hand fondly. "I'm late for a bust
nesa engagement now or I'd stick with
you all day. But come up to dinner
tonight and we can talk It over. Here."
Tom hastily scribbled the address on
a card and handed It to Jerry. "Then
we will expect you?"
Jerry- smiled and thankfully accept
ed 'the Invitation at once. Then In a
serious manner he said:
"You don't know any nica girl who
could marry a miner, do you?"
"I don't," then smiled knowingly,
"but my sister Alice may. We can
ask her about It tonight."
They shook hands agala tad part
ed. Jerry tucked the card safely la
his pocketbook and turned his steps
alowly up Broadway.
Dinner was over at the Saadforda',
and Jerry, with a long cigar, tat lis
tening to the plana being made tor
-tat finding of a wife for him.
"I shall expect you to eall every aft
ernoon at S," Alloa waa saying, "and
each day yoa will Meat a aaw gtrl;
and I will gtre yoa a seoath to ehoeee.
Thirty days, aad thirty girU aaaka
jeer aeeealataace. la It a get
' Jerry raeaovad the e(gr from he
tweea at lis and loakad aoprelelagl'
at Teat's Miter.
sare lar ha exclaimed. "Bat I
' waat than to ha as anon Ilk yea ao
Borry." ho Bpoko earnestly; "but can
I help It If I don't lovo any of tho
beautiful ladles?"
"No, I Buposo not; but," a ray of
hope had come to her, "do men al
ways know when they are In love?"
"Maybe not." He rose, and came
toward her. "You have been so good
to me, I wish I could have wanted
one of them for my wife." He took
her hand. "Goodby; yon see, I want
ed a girl, and they all seemed so
iworldly, too wise for a western life."
She watched him get Into tho wait
ing taxi; then closing the door, walk
ed slowly upstairs, and Into her room.
Jerry told the driver to take him to
the park, and to drive slowly. They
had been in the park perhaps fifteen
minutes, when suddenly ho poked the
driver in the back, and fairly shouted
at htm:
"Return at once to tho house we
Just left. And, driver, don't lose any
When Mr. Underbill's card was
brought to her, Alice looked at the
maid Inquiringly, and without giving
any sign of her thoughts, descended
at once to the library, where he wait
ed. . "Alice!" The word waa a caress.
.ttm TYinrA mn am Yia haM mif Ma ma '
.to her.
I She paused and then quickly went
to him Into the longing arms.
"Alice," he bent down until bis
;head was close to hers, "why waa I so
blind? Here I've been loving yoa
.from the first moment I mat you, and
yet I never knew It before. ToaVe
!such a womanly woman and atlll a
gtrl. "Oh!" ha sighed contentedly,
looklag Into her upturned faoa.
. She half pushed him from bar, bat
ha quickly draw bar back.
"You're going to marry xse, araat
yoa?" bo asked, fearfully.
"Yoa are sura that yoa lovo saof
0ke smiled tenderly.
"Too, sweetheart, Tory awe."
Then aa aba eaaM sleasr bo
aad kissed bar.
Champ Enlightens the House.
Speaker Champ Clark startled tho
house during the consideration of tho
conferonco report on the Sherwood
sorvlco ponslon bill by saying from tho
"I have it, nil undo, that President
Tart will sign this bill If we get It to
him today."
The bill was agreed to and hurried
to the White House. Then friends
crowded around Mr. Clark.
"What does 'alley unde' mean?" de
manded Representative Victor Mur
dock. "I know some Latin, but I
never beard of that before.") 71
"Yes, It's Latin," announced .Mr.
Clark. "It means 'outside of the rec
ord.' I learned In a roundabout way
that President Taft is going to -leave
tho city this afternoon and that he
was waiting to Blgn this bill. If he
doea not 400 or GOO aged soldiers might
die before he 1b back."
"It means 'grapevine' In Ozark lan
guage," some one suggested.
"Exactly," said the speaker.
Then the gathering fell into a dis
cussion of Latin quotations, and tho
speaker demonstrated that he knew
more about Horace, Cato and Virgil
than all the rest. Washington Corre
spondence Boston Transcript.
Mast Have Little
When-a saaa
to wear a
dewa that his ether
to B
tinea te
AUee Masked aad Tab eeeghed
lew4atry. while Mr. QaraM Under
Mil retemed bis easeUag;
: "III do My beat aad eaeh day I
hall expect yoa to rataata alter the
prospective wife baa departed to re
part oa progress."
Jerry agreed to all eoadlUaaa Im
posed by Mlsa Saadford, aad. feellu
inorougaiy aappy aad grateful, ha
took his leave.
For two weeks Mr. UnderhUI, In bis
best clothes, called at the Sandford
home each afternoon at 5 o'clock. He
iraet a new girl every day, aa agreed
and among tho lot were some of the
noted beauties of New York.
. To Jerry they were all wonderful,
ibut none more so than Alice Sand
'ford, who continued to charm him
(more as the days passed.
I The allotted month bad brought no
.decision, and Jerry, at a loss what to
fsay. "at awaiting the coming of Alice.
A perturbed frown was on his hand
some face and a great unrest In his
. "I must aay, Mr. UnderhUI, you are
a disappointment to me." Alice, more
-vexed than aha oared to admit, looked
across the room at Jerry,
"I know I must be; aad I'm traly
We were aeaat te
MiM, fTM Wt9
reflates, evea for a
the ajerera as. Waaahe
to tot
Slot Literature In Germany.
Penny In the slot literature Is the
latest thing In Germany. A firm of
publishers at Lelpslc has patented an
automatlo machine which gives a
choice of a doien amall paper cov
ered volumes which are displayed be
hind glass. .' On a strip of paper across
each volume la printed a brief de
scription or the book, and a cola In
the slot does the. rest. These auto
matlo machines are to be placed la ho
tel lobbies, watting rooms, theater foy
ers and other publto places. - The hope
Is expressed that as the books offered
are carefully selected aad by f rst-class
authora the veature aay have a beae
iclal educative effect wpoa the m&saes
aad tbua cenateraot the Influence) of
the cheap aad trashy literature with
which the oosatry ft flooded.
CdMOttttMoXcSlfrB dlllett Ad Co
A Temperate Nan
will .sometimes meet with misfortune
and soil or tear his "best suit" of
clotlies. There was it time when this
meant the expense of u new suit. Not
so now. Modern science has provided
a better and more economical plan.
We are provided with the latest ma
chinery and
Up-to-Date Knowledge For Dry
all kinds of clothes. We guarantee
not to shrink or injure the garment.
The cost will not be ono tenth of a
new 6ult but it will look just as good.
Clothes called for and delivered to
any part of the city.
Glmanmr and Oyr
Saeeeaeer to Will C Crelder
There's so much saint la the wore,
of them and so much devil la the beat
of them that a woman who's married
to one of them has nothing to lean
of the rest of them. The Tatlar.
Novel Plan to Fatten Geese.
To fatten geese some breedors keep
the birds In a dark room, and by let
ting In daylight every few hours per
Buade them to take six or seven break
fasts a day.
It appears to be necessary for the
people to do a great deal of scolding
and to engage pretty continuously In
strong-arm work for the purpose of
getting Jjhnjjs theirs.
The Exception.
Some people expect one to believe
la their veracity except when they de
precate themselves.
Chinese making Ckjarettse.
TJee "of ehjarettea la lacreeeiag
asteag the Chtaese. Aa Amertcaa aad
British tesacee company hires sales
men te distribute packages among the
natives, giviag away thousands, aad
then arranges with some native mer
chant to carry the stock la the goods.
By this process has been built an
enormous trade, which la steadily
ank Founded by Republic
When the Republic of Genoa be
came embarrassed by a multitude of
loans, In 1407, is consolidated them
and made this heap of debt into the
capital of a bank, formed for the purpose.
Notice Is hereby given that a petition sign
ed bj thirty or more resident tree holders ot
the second ward of the City ot Red Cloud,
Nebraska, has been filed with the Clerk ot
said City af Red Cloud, praying that a license
be grant by the City Council ot said city to
C. A. Meager far the sale ot malt, spirituous
and vmuous liquors on Lot 12, In Block 4, In
the City of Bed Cloud; that action will be
takeaoa saea peUtloa by the Mayor and
City CooaeUet saMelty oa the first day ot
May IMS, or at the first meeting ot the coun
cil thereafter.
Dated at Red Cloud, Nebraska, April 10th.,
(Seal) City Clerk.
Paints That Protect
and Beautify
A touch of Paint here and there when it 1b needed costs but
little and brightens things up wonderlully. During the spring
reuovuting-;yoti willjjrobably nee many places where a little paint,
enamel, varnish or varnish btuln will make a great Improvement.
Let Us Supply You
We sell the Scwall Mixed Paint and the Chi-uamel Varnishes,
and we know them to be the best on the market. Our prices are as
low us high grade goods can he sold anywhere. Come and examine
our stock.
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist
Didn't Seem to 8ult Him.
Hobble, aged four, had always play
ed with older boys and consequently
had picked up much slang. Recently
his mother had punished him by giv
ing him a spanking. A little later,
still weeping, he came to his mother
and said: "Mother, don't you love me
at all any more?" "Why, yes, Bobby,
why?" "Well, I don't think that
'stunt' you pulled off. Just now looks"
AaniJettiei Par ItMaM
Notice Is hertby given that a petition sign
ed by thirty or more resident free holders ot
the first ward ot the City ot Red Cloud, Ne
braska, has been filed with the Clerk ot said
City ot Red Cloud, praying that a license ibe
granted by the City Council ot said city to
Warren Longtin tor the sale ot malt, spirit
uous and vlnuous liquors on Lot 5, tn lilock
SI, In the City ot Red Cloud; that action will
be taken on such petition by the Mayor and
City Council ot said city on the first day ot
May 1913, or at tho first meetlug ot tho coun
cil thereafter.
Dated at Red Cloud, Ncbr&nka, April 7th. ,
(Seal) City clerk.
Notice to Teachers
A special examination will be given
on the third Friday and following
Saturday in April, in county certificate
subjects only..
The reading circle examination will
be held Saturday afternoon, April 10,
and Saturday afternoon, Hay 17.
The Bf ate eighth grade examinations
mm ,OMgeBSninaw gSgSBgSBgSBgSBgdgeBBBBBBsK
I am now located
at the Willow Dale
Breeding Barn in
Red Cloud for the
season of 1013 with 4
a fine bunch of Im-,
ported. Pure ABred
Registered Draft
Horses and Jacks. These Horses range from 3 to 5
years old, weighing from 1700 to 2250 pounds, and are as
good as you will find anywhere.
TERMS ON ALL HORSES-S20 for a live colt.. 15
discount on all bills paid within 30 days after colt fh
is foaled. I
H. A. Johnson I
fl Barn Phone Independent 168 fl
will be, hold Thursday and Friday,
April 10 and II, and Thursday and Fri
day, May 8 and 0.
Ukrirudk L. Coon, Co. Supt.
Private Money To Loan
also regular Farm Loans on .best terms
to be had in the State. Call for me at
State Bank Red Cloud. C.'F.Cathkr.
Look out for the HAND1T.
Widow PCMlM.
The recent net of April 10th, 1908
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
?12 per month. Fred Mauror, the at
torney, has all necessary blanks,
Bring that old picture and get it
enlarged. Surprising results. Wo
can please you, come In and see.
Stevens ftaoa.