The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 24, 1913, Image 6

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$ ON e
Saturday, May 3rd
1 will place on sale ten Studebaker Buggies,
regular $8S.00 and $90. values, at a price of
$75. 22 Each
For cash. None reserved and first come
first served. These jobs are absolutely
guaranteed by the makers as to material
and workmanship and are exceptional
values at regular prices and a snap at
the special price asked.
Edward Hanson
Hardware and Implements
1913 Will Be Lucky
For Home Builders
Senate File No. 27
This bill, Senator Hummel informs
us, has become a law. It may prove a
very important measure to Red Cloud,
if the city puta itself in an attitude to
realize its advantages.
The bill provides for state aid to
high schools of the proper equipment
for the conduct of courses in floricul
ture, manual training and home
economics, to the extent of half the
expense of conducting such depart
ment, not to exceed, however, the sum
of 11250 per year.
Not more than thirty high schools
shall receive this aid during the years
1013 and 1014.
To avail ourselves of this advantage,
this district must incur an additional
expenditure of perhaps twenty dollars
per mouth, because we are already ex
pending nearly two hundred dollars a
month in this direction. We must
also have n five acre tract of agricul
tural land within two miles of the
school house upon which agricultural
experiments may be carried on.
Professor Moritz has received eu
couraging replies as to the probability
of Bed Cloud's selection as one of these
thirty schools.
Should the city schools meet the re
quirements of the law and win the
selection of the state superintendent,
it need not be long ere the schools
take a high rank in these courses,
sufficient to increase the high school
attendance to four or five hundred,
and make this city the centre of a
practical education for a large exient
of territory. In these days of auto
mobiles when a score or two of miles
is but a trifling distance, with such
facilities offered to the youth of the
cuunty and the adjacent ones, there
will be a stimulus to the trade and
growth of the city ttiat we can noi
now estimate.
Every boy or girl who comes here
for his education brings his parents
for trade and business.
In dreaming of railways that do not
come, we have overlooked the drawing
power of the educatioual facilities
which arc in our power to furnish.
For the tlrst time in the history of
the district we have a superintendent
who has exhibited murUed ability in
his mauugement of subordinate teach
ers, aud the pupils, combined with
faculty of impressing fuvorably any
gathering of the business men aud
scholars of the community. He 1ms
united with these qualities mi alert
ness in perceiving oppoituuities for
the development of the school and n
readiness to sieze aud make ue of all
the iiie:m- at hand to further the ro
gress of thu school's etllcieiiey.
The Chief believes, that, tindt r his
stipcrinteiideucy our schools Hie about
to reach a IiIkIi reputation winch will
prove of more worth in dollars and
cents than most people can rcali..
Your Soil Is Alive
; O all intents and purposes, soil is
alive. It breathes, works, rests; it
drinks, and, most important of all,
it feeds. It responds to good or bad
treatment. It pays its debts with
interest many times compounded. Being alive,
to work it must be fed. During the non-growing
seasons certain chemical changes take place
which make the fertility in the soil available
for next season's crop. But this process adds
no plant food to the soil. Unless plant food is
added to soil on which crops are grown, in
time it starves. There is one best way to feed
your soil. Stable manure, which contains all
the essentials of plant life, should be spread
evenly and in the proper quantity with an
I H C Manure Spreader
I H C manure spreaders are made in all styles
and sizes. There are low machines which are
not too low, but can be used in mud and deep
snow, or in sloppy barnyards. They are made
with either endless or reverse aprons. Frames
are made of steel, braced and trussed like a steel
bridge. Sizes run from small, narrow machines
to machines of large capacity. The rear axle t
is placed well under the box, where it carries
over 70 per cent of the load, insuring plenty of
tractive power. Beaters are of large diameter
to prevent winding. The teeth are square and
chisel-pointed. The apron drive controls the
load, insuring even spreading whether the ma
chine is working up or down hill, or on the
level. IHC spreaders have a rear axle differ
ential, enabling them to spread evenly when
turning corners.
IHC local dealers handling these machines
will show you all their good points. Get litera
ture and full information from them, or write
htcfittional Hamster Company of America
Lincoln Nab.
who sidetrack procrastination for
nciiou and get busy early on their
building plans. The kind of lumber
you would be satisfied with is as
cneap now us you will ever see it
aud, at the prices we are quoting on
.U ...IIL. -
.in iiuuuty you wouia expect, we
say with all emphasis "BtALD
NOW". With our knowledge of "the
different woods and their applica
tion to home building we can doubt
less show you how you can, attain
your ideal home at a much less cost
than you think, frice-per-thous.
and for lumber is very misleading
to the inexperienced, but when a
plan is figured judiciously and the
right lumber specified in the right
place the total cost is often a pleas
ant revelation. Our business re
quires this exacting knowledge and
we are sure we can satisfy you in
price, quality aud service. Let's
talk it over. We have everything
from joist to shingles.
Where It Hurts
See the Good Year Casings and Tubes before you
buy. We handle all sizes and carry a large stock.
You want to remember that the Good Year people
made a reduction on the 1st of April of 10 per cent on
all of their castings and tubes. . It is not very often that
a Good Year casing or tube goes wrong, but when you
do you will find their adjustment very satisfactory.
We also carry a good stock of Presto Tanks for ex
change and can show you the famous Presto Inflator,
which can inflate your tires for you with less work and
very little expense.
Get Polesine oil to lubricate your cylinders and
Panhard oil for your transmission and your car will run
smoothly and with less wear. The best oil is none too
good for a car.
We invite you to come and see us, when in the
Cowles, Nebraska
S Groceries ? j
A nice fresh clean stock at
all times; bought right- sold
as low as any legitimate firm
offer them. Try
P. A. Wullbrandt
The Home Grocery
"There's Ne Place Like Heme"
Saunders Bros.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
We do not know how much money Is
tent out of this town to buy things
that could be bought here at home.
We know theie l some.
The luipoitunt thiug is whether the
amount that is being sent away is less
or more, is decreasing or increasing.
If the perceutatge of such money is
decreasing, very well. If it is increas
ing the towu is in a bad way.
If it was 2 per ueut year before last
and St per cent last year, and is likely
to be 3 per cent this year, it is easy to
see which way this town is going.
If that kind of trading is increasing,
the value of property in this towu is
decreasing, llusiness property is worth
less. The homes of this town are
worth less.
There are people who are saving
cents in price and losing dollars in
quality, and incidentally decreasing
the value of their property and their
Some people realize that mail order
buying hurts the local merchant, but
thev nay there Is no reason why they
should worry about him. Certainly
not. What they ought to worry about
is themselves
57 Reasons
Sticknty's Catechism Is a guide to Engine
satisfaction It states 57 reasons where the
Stickney Engine excels all others in its out
side igniter, straight line valve motion, perfect
cooling system, automatic mixer, ball-bearing governor, in the qualify of
Its material and the accuracy of lis workmanship. We want you to have
one They are fret Come and get one.
Ed. Hanson
Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co., Red Cloud, Neb.
Red Cloud a a a a Nebraska
tlJLP ft" ,i
.'.Chief Ads Bring Results.
Da, Dkardoiik Hit. Ariikr
Chicago Veterinary Kansas City
College College
Iml. 'Hi ""SO Res. Phones J3T Ind. 233
Dps. Deardori & Rsher
-:- Veterinary Surf eons -:-
Offlce Phones: Ind. 160; Red 57.
THK ALARM is a dreadful thing
OF" FIRR for the man without
insurance. Every time he sees the
engines racing along his heart comes
up in his throat if the fire is anywhere
near his plaoe. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
THR GOBT OF is so small that it
IMBURAMOR need hardly be
considered. The freedom from worry
alone is worth it many times over
Have us insure you to-day.
mllmblm Inturmno:
Early Announcement
Of Summer Rates
It In Net Tm Early Te Be Haklnt Plans Far a Vacatlea Taar
Ta The Pacific Caut
Every day from June 1st the excursion rate will be SCO, and to include the
SHASTA LINE, $77.50; on certain special dates 85.00 less; you may go one
way and return another. In this way he world's greatest railroad journey
may be accomplished.
Yellwstene Natlaaal Park
Hates to this wonderland have been announce-' via Cody, thu east and scenio
entrance, via Gardiner, tho oitlclal entrance and through scenic Colorado and
Yellowstone entrance. Also for personally conducted camping tours. A
camping tour under personal escort makes one of the finest recreative tours
this country oilers.
6laclcr Natleaal Park
On the Great Northern Kailwuy, reached from Helton or J lacier Park sta
tion, Mont. Excursion rail rates to these points do not exceed S3: from Ne
braska, with very low rates beyond through the Park. Only a small ex
penditure required for a most interesting visit to this newest "wouderland."
Descriptive publications will soon follow. We shall be glad to have you
tell us what kind of a summer tour you have In mind and to place you on
our list for publications.
R. AT. FOR, Tlckot Agont.
L. w. WAKRLRY, Bonoral Fsonongor Agt.