THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Re4 Clou, NabrMk PUBLIPHKD EViRY 11IURKDA1 Catered In the 1'oMomco at Hert Cloud, Neb. M Hccond Clam Matter 0 B. HALE l'UIII.INIIKII rHB ONLY DKMOUHATIU I'APKIl IN WKIIHTKK COUNTY You cbh get u very good Men of the personal habits mid tastes of the occu pants of property by llie appearance of things nbout the promise. If the yard In full of lubblsh, the bushes tin trimmed, 11 dearth of Unworn, Mid other evidences of carelessness, the chances re that the occupant is untidy Htid leosc In habit. On the otner hand, If everything la clean, neat and tidy, flowers blooming and a homelike air of contentment prevades the premises the chances are that the occupant, is neat and progressive. Let all keep these hints in mind and clean up and beautify their property. A 1EY Tf THE SITUATIM The most efficient, the most demo cratic public sohool system in this country is at Gary, Indiana. For the first time In the history of education, scientific methods have been applied to education, scientific manage Mat to a school system, the educa tional capacity doubled and the cost of ducatioD cut in two, all at the same time. It is only natural that a city built by ecglneers for an organisation so largely, involving engineering should partake of au engineering mind in its educational system. , The man who accomplished this educational wonder is William Wirt, formerly in charge of the public schools of Btulfton, Indiana, and he was found by the engineer who laid J naturally be given more hours physics class using the same room hs the advanced physics class. An incentive la given the younger pupils, they took forward to doing the work of the older ones. Then, it has been found that the ordinary, distinctively high school building In a city soon resolves Itself into a snob factory ; that the parents who should and can ordinarily send their children to high school are re strained by reason of caste or social distinctions, that make an economic pressure under which the parents can not stand, they simply onunot afford to supply their children with clothing, class, and fraternity dues and other ex peuses that usually become n fixed standard, so their children are taken out of school, Then there Is the relative economy of school management by reason of the larger plant operation. The system of rotating classes, that Is, sending them to different closs room or different parts or departments of the building at the dose of every study hour, creates an almost constant circulation of pupila through the building; it gives the children a chance to stretch and permits every class of small children to get a glimpse of what every older class Is doing; it permits of a smaller number of teachers, better teachers at better salaries, and every teacher a specialist in each depart ment of teaching; but the principal advantage Is that it doubles what is normally the capacity of the ordinary school building and at the same time reduces the uumber of pupils of each room, there are about 142 to 28 pupils under one teacher at one time under the Wirt system, while there ore from .jj to ou uuder the ordinary system In the arcrago city. This rotating system has still anoth er advantage of being pliable enough to prevent any one child or group of children holding back their class; for if a chili shows efficiency In grammar and deficiency in arithmetic he can III the out the sewer system of Gary. The writer spent n half day recently at Emerson School, the largest school building, or school plant as it is cull ed, in (Jury, and which Is typical of the whole system. The system differs from that ordinar ily adapted by cities in the following major particulars: Kmersou School has the sl?e and ap pearauce of the typical modern city high school, but kindergarten, primary grades, grammar grudes and the high school courses are all taught uuder one Joof. Ordinat Hy the capacity of a building the slze.of Emerson School would only be about 1,040 puplli, but by rotating the classes and keeping one-half the pupils on the piny grounds, in the manual training department, in the gymnasium, in thu swimming pool, in drawing or music, the ordinary school room capacity is doubled to 2,080 paplla. The school plant is in operatiou froa eight o'clock in the morning un til Ave o'clock In evening,' six days a week the year around, but a child does sot stay in the strait-jacket of one desk all day, nor are they compelled to attead Batnrdays or during the two ttoatas ordinarily allotted to vacation. Vary fsw textbooks are used' very teacher is a specialist In one toaaeh of education, aud by the rotat tegaystsn does not teach anythiug fait their particular specialty. Every child has a looker, but no vegalar desk. The whole educational system can be saamed up In three words: Learn by dolugl The idea of having so many grades '-or branches of education under one roof Is for both etfloieucy in education ad economy of operation. Is the first place It is based on the old country sohool experience, that the younger pupils learn from the old r ones. For Instance, the chemical laboratory vised by the advanced class in the high school course is right next to one of the primary grade rooms. There Is a fall length, clear glass panel in the door of this chemical laboratory so that the small pupils in passlug can look in and see the operations of the older oues, Hie same idea is carried out relative to other departments and branches. There is clear, full length glass In every door and a higher class k usually located next to a primary grade one, and the same psychology is again applied by, sny, the elementary deficient study Then the terms are divided up iuto three months periods, so that no pupil has to wult h whale year In order to be promoted or demoted asunder the con ventional plan. It is again elllclent in the fact that If a child shows physical deficiencies he Is given more hours ou the play grounds and in physical cul ture, which department Is ulso uuder a high grade specialist, and in this way no child stays out of school ouaccouut of ill heulth. Tills old idea we have of holding schools from half past eight in the morning until three-thirty in the after noon five days a week, with two or three months vacation in summer, is n rural precedent and has no place in cities, lu the couutiy children were needed at home from rising time till school time, after school time in the eveuiug, and on Saturdays to help with house uud baru chores, and in summer they were needed for three months during harvest time. The country boy or girl derived an education beuefit from his house aud barn work because it taught definite tasks for defluitc purposes, it instilled a hsblt of application; it was manual training in other words. In the city there are few if any house and barn chores, so this time of work ob the farm now comprises the street and alley time of the city child, which Is an evil lufluenoe. Under the Wirt system a child does not go to sohool any more hours than under the conventional system, but the street and alley time is consumed in music, drawing, mauual training or physical culture on a play ground or in a g'ymuaslum under a competent physical Instructor aud play master, aud In the swimming pool under a swimming teacher. At Uarv ouehalf of the children start in the morning with ninety minutes of school room study, which includes arithmetic, English, and his tory. This Is followed by uiuety minutes of music, drawing, mauual tiaining, physical instruction ami play. The other half of the school at tendance appear in reverse order, -that is, they first take music, drawing, manual training, and so on, followed by the regular school room studies, lu this way all parts of the school plaut, including five acres of pluy ground, are lu use all the time. For instance, insteud of recess and play time fifteen mlnule.i in the forenoon and fifteen minutes in the afternoon, uuder the conventional piHI)) the play The Satisfaction of Being Well Dressed I r To be well dressed is largely a matter of taste and not so much a matter of money. What you buy counts more than what you pay for it. To exercise fasfe you must have room for choice among tasteful things. You must have opportunity to express your individuality And that is exactly what we give our customers in our large assortment of summerdress goods including ratines, corded figures, embroidered voiles, silk stripe poplins, etc. Come And Make Your Choice! '4 r it Miner Bros, Co, j6?23 General. Merchants ::: The Store That Sells Wooltex "A MIGHTY BAtt PLACE TO TRADK" s T-, i. " I ' 'f COATS SUITS SKIRTS aa M ' "- ""' i i i 1 I,., !W .' . iin'wi 'vAwaiss: HOT BISCUIT, hot cakee, made with ROYAL Baking Powder ara delloloue, health ful and eaalfy made. grounds at Gary are in use during all school time by Borne part of the school attendance. Thai laarnimr bv doina and tersely dispensing with textbooks is accom plished In this way--a emia in a pn murv irrsde is taUffht to count by games. In the class rooms there are quoits and Btakes, and devices similar to baaatelle tables, all of vratcn involv es scores In simple addition, substract- ton aud simple fractions, ueaaing, spelling and elementary geography are taught by means of games similar to dominoes, where the children build up words, sentences and maps by means of large blocks. These also involve scores so there is a correlation between studies. The child learns to count with his reading lesson and learns to read with bis elementary geography lesson. The higher branches or arith metic in classes of older pupils are taught by practical examples. In the classroom are scales and measuring de vices where beaus aud other household commodities arc weighed and meas ured out. These classes go out iuto the play grounds and measure off building lots, stake out imaginary buildlnirs. measure up cement wulks, roadways uud fences, and figure costs in labor aud material. Unler the Wirt system this correlat ion o t wiles is carried through the entire soi .n. History, for iustunce, Is combined with geography. In studying the geography of tiugluml its commercial, social and political his lory is consldeied at the sumo time. The correlation of studies Is even carried into the high school manual training and commercial courses us will be explained a little later. Hal- I iioon'n Magazine. Dr. E. V. Wedemeyer Veterinary Surgeon, Physician and Dentist OFFICE: Hrlck Livery Barn Both Phones 81 r J-vAv S WHAT'S THE PRICE OF A GOOD SUIT OF CLOTHES? TWENTY-FIVE dollars. You can buy our clothes for less than that $20, $18, $1 5; you can pay more than that we have very fine clothes at $30, $35, $30. But $25 is a good average price; most men who appreciate good quality and style in clothes, good tailoring and fit, are willing to pay as much as $25. , Hart Schaffner & Marx suits at $25 will surprise you. You'll get all-wool fabrics; trimmings, linings and other materials -of a high grade; tailoring of a very high order the things that make a suit wear well, and W shapley. You'll get the value of best style standards and orginality of design; you'll get clothes that fit you well. And you'll gain from $10 to $20, either in greater value'at ihe price; or lower price for similar value. Better see how true this is; $25 is a price you can afford, and you'll say so when you see the clothes. Better come and took al the new spring styles PAUL OU STOREY i THE CLOTHIER RED CLOUD. " BB?s NEBRASKA J I e H AXU gALUA3f: 'WS Red Cloud, Nebraska LgLLf: IBt