The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 24, 1913, Image 2

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Former Telegrapher Corrected the
Error of Two Young Man In a
Mmhl Hotel.
Ono whose ear has been trained to
read Intelligently the click of a tele
graph Instrument aometlmca puis thla
training to the test under strange con
dltlons. An Instance, which resulted
In embarrassment, apologies, find
Anally la a pleasant acquaintanceship
among the persona concerned, Is told
by a certain Ohio farmer who spr.t
his early years In the employ of the
Western Union Telegraph company.
Some yearn nftcr Impaired hcn'.th
had driven him from the telegraph of
fice to the farm, he and Ills wife woro
spending a short vacation In t'.'.o
south. White they were dining In a
hotel In Memphis two young men en
tered and seated themselves at the
same table with the couple from the
After a survey of the strangers, one
of tlio youths took up his fork, unil
tapping It In an apparently careless
way against the edge of his plate,
spelled out in the Morse code:
"Do you think they uro hrldo und
'Yes, Buroly," tupped his companion.
"Just watch how Boft they are."
Immediately, to tho dismay of the
young men,' the fork of the supposed
bridegroom joined In the conversation.
With great rapidity It tapped out:
"Gentlemen, you are mistaken. We
have been married five years, and
have three children." Youth's Companion.
Everywhere People Squander Their
Force Needlessly Instead of Care
fully Husbanding It.
' People should be as careful of their
nervous energy as of their money,
says nn English writer. Yet we all
waste it. At tho telephone, people talk
twice as loudly and energetically ns Is
necessary. That Is to say, they use
up twlco ns much ncrvo energy ns
they need. Three-fourths of thoso
who have to cntch trains every morn
ing spend as much nervous force In
ono day as should last a week.
Then, In tho streets, watch how pco
pie Jostle nnd push, and what a lot
of ncrve-forco they spend at danger
ous crossings. Why not walk slowfy
when there Is obstruction, and wult for
tho quiet moment, which always
comes, at tho crossing? Kverywhero
jieoplo hurry without need, getting In
to a state of nervous tension when
leaving theaters, hoarding omnibuses,
going to lunch, nnd especially when
leaving for a holiday.
I Bird's Homo Instinct.
Spectators at a flro witnessed nn
interesting, if tragic, exnmplo of tho
nctlonB of a bird which was guided
only by tho Instinct that Its homo
was In danger. The flames had be
gun to creep along tho edge of the
tower nnd every shlnglo on tho roof
wns pufiing a little Jet of flnmo,
when down wheeled n pigeon which
had been dislodged from the tower
and lit in the midst of tho fire and
, smoke. Picking Its way along, utter
oblivious to the flames that must
have been singeing Its feathers, the
pigeon went straight for its nest. A
tongue of flame leaped out and the
pigeon soared Into the air. Then, aa
if Irresistibly drawn Into It, the bird
dived Into the furnace beneath and
4laappeared from sight Pasadena
Fortunate Prlhllaff lelanrfr
A curious and Interesting people are)
s-riu-iua laiBuuara ia Bering sea.,
When-the United Btate government)
took over the Islands, alnn vital
Alaska, the Russian colonists .became)
la a measure wards or the nation, but
they have remained true to the Influx
CBCa to Which thav war flrat atthJ
Jetted, and In some respects are to-i
nay more Russian than American at
keart All of them are members of
the Russian ckurck. and all of them!
have Russian names, aelected for the,
most part rrom among tbe nobility.
The United States government has In
tnis instance been a faithful guardian,
of a primitive people. The result 1
that today they are the most highly
civilized, best clothed, best fed, and
most healthy of all tbe natives or
Home Influence on Writing.
Environment has been held respon
sible for many human frailties, but It
is only lately that it has had to shoul
der the blnmo for poor handwriting.
"Even more than temperament nnd
copy books environment influences a
child's handwriting," said a handwrit
ing expert. "If ho sees a fashionable'
writing or a clear buslnoss hand on
tables and desks at homo ho will Imi
tate that unconsciously. If only an
uneducated scrawl meets him there,
he, too, will scrawl, let his Instruction
at school bo over so thorough."
Friday Dickens' Lucky Day.
Charles Dickens was not ono of
thoso who are superstitious concern-!
Ins Friday. It was on Friday thnt
many of tho good things camo to him.i
nnd It was on that day that ho enter-)
ed upon, paid tho price und took pos
session of Qads Hill, tho one thing
he cherished more than all of his oth
er possessions. It was Gads Hill that
he had gazed upon when a wee bit of
a boy, with a hope then giving little
signs of fruition, that be might live
to own It some day; and It waa Oads
HIU whose walla b covered with mir
rors la almost Oriental magalflceac.
-Bei0B Record.
Well-ired Youngster Does Not Think
That It Knows Everything,
aye Buskin.
The first character of right child
hood is that it is modest. A well
bred child does not think It can teach
Its parents, or that it knowa every
thing. , It may think its father andj
mother know everything perhaps!
that all grown-up peopto know every
thing; very certainly It Is sure that
it does not. And It is always asking
questions, nnd wanting to know more.
Well, that Is the first character of a
good and wise man at his work. To
know that he knows very little; to,
percclvo that there nro many above,'
him wiser than he, and to bo always
asking questions, wanting to learn
not to teach. No 0:10 over teaches,
well who wants to teach, or governs'
well who wants to govern; It Is nn
old nnylng (Plato', but I know no$:
If his, first), nnd as wise as old.
Then, tho ncrand character of right
childhood Is to ho faithful. Perceiv
ing that Its father Iiiiowb best what"
Is good for It, and having found al
ways, when It has tried Its own wny
against his, th: t '" was right and it
was wrong, n l.uo.o child trusts him,
nt last wholly, gives him Its hand,
nnd will walk b'lr-dfold with him, If
ho bids It. And that Is tho true char
acter of all good men also, as obe
dient workers, or soldiers under cap-,
tains. Ruskln.
Many Persons Lose Chance of Happy
Marriage by Exaggerating the
Value of Wealth.
Scores of people lose their chances
of being happily married through mak
ing an unnecessary obstacle of mon
ey. Tho Importance of it is often ex
aggerated. Many a man hesitates to
propose to a girl becauso of his small
Income. Very often much misery, mis
understanding, and tangled lives result
from tho sllenco. More unfortunate
lovo affairs nro tho result of what has.
not been said than of epokvn words.
When a man has a small, sure In
come, ami u prospect of Increase,
thero is no legltlmato reason for his
not speaking of his love; no reason,
for that matter, to prevent marriage.
Peoplo nr so desperately afraid,,
though, of beginning married life In a
small wny. They fear the sacrifices
which they will be called upon to mako
of tho criticism to which they will
bo subjected. Many years of happi
ness are lost In this way. It Is such
a mlstnko for young people to want to
start murrlugo In the stnto that their
purents are ending It.
To delay marriage until a "comfor
table" income Is available Is to provo
something lacking In tho love. An
swers. mmv,
Better Keep the Boy.
At nightfall tho Junior partner's ex
ultation of the dny changed to chagrin
wvl ho clamored noisily for tho errand
boy's dismissal.
"Hetter think it over," tho senior
partner advised.
"Why waBte tlmo In thinking," the
Junior retorted, "when he's got to go?
Here I am, lying awake every night
for a week planning an effective win
dow decoration, which Is turned Into a
laughing stock tho flrat day by the
stupidity of that boy, who leaves three
yards of blue woolen dust rag draped,
around silver tankards and trays of
"Well," said the elder Jeweler,
"people stopped and looked, didn't
they?" '
"Yea, but what of It? That dust1
rag?" growled the Junior.
"That's why I advise you to keep'
the boy," advised the senior mildly, "if
It hadn't been for him I am afraid no
body would have looked at all."
In Praia of Courage.
Certain virtues are divided from,
vices by so narrow a line that we must,
discern very clearly to see the differ-!
ence. Few men can distinguish pride1
from vanity; perseverance from stub-i
bornness; economy from avarice. The1
same la true of courage as dlstin-i
gulshed rrom effrontery. The courag-j
cons man must have ambition, not
merely dream or what he would Itke)
to have. The audaclouB have been,
found fault with for their brutality In'
overcoming all obstacles but force is'
necesBnry to accomplish any real pur-1
poso. Chicago American. I
Two Pickerel on One Line.
A humble and honest fisherman
who sot his traps for pickerel on n
Maine pond tho other day Is ready to!
make allldavlt as follows: "I hereby
declare- on oath that I did catch two
ptckcrol on ono hook. Tho first pick-'
orcl swallowed tho bait and didn't!
llko It. Apparently ho tried to cough
It up. At any rate ho spewed the
hook out under his gills nnd It floated
off In tho water to bo grabbed by a'
second pickerel. Thus thero camo up
two pickerel, all strung on a line. ,
LowlBton Journal.
Part Played by Heredity. !
Heredity plays nn Important part'
not oniy in tuuercuiosiB and cancer
ous affection, but likewise lu diabetes,
rheumatism, gout and many other dis
eases. We do not Inherit tuberculosa
Is, but we do Inherit a lessened vital
Itv or a tondanitv tt nnntrant tukavitn
loals Infection. Underweights arei
usually people who hav Inherited
such a lessened vitality, and they run;
th further risk of lnfctloa from!
thlr underweight brothers or slaUrt
wltt art apt to at Infected.
OoQulncoy's "Our Lady of Tears" Did
Net Suggest the Character to
It la remarked of Charles Dickens
that no modern writer was less open
to the charge of having received sug
gestions from the characters and plots
of his novels from others than was
he, and this for the reason that his
plots and characters were chosen, not
from books, but from people and In
cidents in the living world about him.
Some time ago, however, an English
author thought that he had found in
DeQulnccy'a essay, "Our Lady of
Tears," the suggestion for the beauti
ful pathos of Little Nell, in "The Old
Curiosity Shop." A little Investiga
tion, however, showed that Do
Quincoy's essay was published in 1845,
while "Tho Old Curiosity Shop" was
published flvo years before. Tho ex
tract here given from DeQulncey's es
say is Interesting:
"The eldest of tho thrco sisters (3
named Mater Lnchrymarum, our Lady
of Tears. The sister It Is that carries
keys more than papal at her girdle,
which o)cn every cottage and every
pntacc. She. to my knowledge, sato
nil last summer by the bedside of tho
blind beggar, him that so often and
so glndly I talked with, whoso pious
daughter, eight years old, with the
sunny countenance, resisted tho temp
tations of play and village mirth, to
travel nil day long on dusty roads
with her afflicted father. liar this did
God send her a great reward. In the
springtime of the year, and whilst yet
her own spring was budding. Ho
called her to himself. Hut her blind
father mourns for ever over her; still
he dreams at midnight that the little
guiding hand is locked within his own,,
and still he wakens to a darkness that.
Is now within a second and deeper
Passes to the Ball Game Worked a
8peedy Cure of Mr. Jack
son's Ailments.
Dan Lnno, tho well-known stock
broker, and also a director of tho
Aunory club, was commenting on the
actions of a lighter In somo nearby
town. The fighter In question had ap
parently been all In up to tho last
round, when ho came back and put
out his man.
"What do you make of It?" nskedi
the friend.
"It's like n friend of mine nnmed,
Jacks-on," replied Mr. Lane. ".lack-
son's wife had a habit of thinking ujW
little odd Jobs for him to do pn his
day off, so ho concocted a scheme by
which he should be sick on his day of
"Everything went well until after
dinner and ho was allowed to stay In
bed. Early In the afternoon his wife
entered tho room nnd asked him if he
didn't feel a little better.
"No," ho nnswered, "I'm a sick
man; too sick to go puttering around
the house, putting on screen doors
and other such things."
"It Isn't that, dear," sho replied,
"but Jones is out hero with two
passes for the ball game."
"I, er-er, I am, er, I am feeling a
little better," be said, getting out of
bed. Boston Traveler.
The tin had crumbled In a gray
dust, but the plumber was not In the
least nonplused..
"It caught cold," he said. "That's all
Tin Is very liable to catch cold It It
gets In a temperature under 60 de
grees. Aa a rule It recovers, but a
tin cold often turns to Influents, and
then the case Is hopeless. Nothing can
be don. Th tin lose Ita luster, de
cays, and finally crumbles to a gray
powder like this her.
"These tin colds are contagious. A.
tin dipper will give a cold to a sauce
pan, and a tlncup has been known to
contaminate an organ pipe.
"Only par tin catches cold. For
that reason, when tin Is to occupy an
exposed position or to encounter a'
low temperature, we alloy It with
lead. Only alloyed tin Is free from
Temperature of Volcanoes.
Scientists have recently secured anj
accurate measurement of the temper
ature or boiling lava In a crater. The,
experiment was a very dangerous one,
nnd it was considered a triumph or
precaution no lives wero sncrlticcd In
making tho test.
Tho crntcr of Klllauen In Hawaii,
was selected for examination. The
work progressed very slowly. For a
long time It was impossible to obtain
results, but after several thermome
ters had been dest toyed a pyrometer
was substituted to advantage. Tho
temperature recorded wns 1,010 de
grees centigrade, which Is tho same
as 1,850 degrees Fahrenheit. Iron Is
still uumclted at this heat, but gold,
silver and copper become a molten
mass at a lower tempornturc. Har
per's Weekly.
Practically Immune.
Curacoa, tho most Importnnt of tho
Dutch West Indies, Is without flro In
surance and a flro department, though
tho Island has a population of over
60,000. Tho buildings lu tho town are
all of stone, hence this happy con
dition of affairs. Recently tbe first
sawmill was Installed, being furnished
by an American firm. "It la hoped,"
says a consular report, "that this will
not Increase the erection of wooden
buildings and necessitate inauraao
and a fir departmeat,"
-. 1. t''
, Monument or a
We Design And Build Them. We
Solicit The Opportunity To Demon
strate Our Ability In This Line.
Overing Bros. & Co.
Red Cloud.
Boys Acre Corn Contest
The Nebraska State Board of Agri
culture o iters to the Nebraska bov
over ten and under eighteen years of
are, growing the largest yield of corn
from one acne of Nebraska land dur
ing the vear 1013-825.00; the second,
820.00; third, 815.00; fourth, 810.00;
fifth to eighth, 85.00 each; niuth to
tweltb, 84.00 each; and thirteenth to
sixteenth, 83.00 each; aud to the boy
growing the largest yield on an acre
of land west of the east line of Boyd,
Holt, Wheeler, Greeley, Howard. Ball,
Adams and Webster counties, 825.00;
second, 815.00; third and fourth, 85.00
each; fifth and sixth, 84.00 each; sev
enth to tenth, 83.00 each; and eleventh
to sixteenth, 83.00 each.
The entire labor of preparing th
ground, plaottng.'ouHivating and har
vesting of this acre of corn to be per
formed by th contestants who enter
contest by recording bis name in the
office of W. B. Mellor, Secretary, Lin
coin, not later than May 20, 1913.
8aid contestant to furnish an affidavit
aettlog for facts as to the performanoe
of labor, aotual measurement of land,
and number of pounds of corn busked
therefrom, aud affirmation of facts
made by two disinterested witnesses
and forward affidavit as to weight and
requirement of specifications in this
contest to the Secretary of the State
Board of Agriculture, not later than
December 1, 1913.
The contestant shall tile with the
Secretary a full and detailed account
of his method of performing the work,
fertilizers usetl,if any; whether bot
tom, hill or table Iiuul, and the char
acter or kind of soil on which the crop,
was grown; with an accurate acuoimt
of the cost of production, rent of
ground, cost of plowing, harrowing,
diseliik'i planting, cultivation, husking
ami ovcry feature of expense in labor,
seed, fertilizer, etc, based ontheaetual
tlmo that entered into tho production
of this acre of corn.
If requested, prize vvlnnoib must for
ward h sample ot ton ears of corn
grown to V. It. Mellor. Secretary, Lin
colu, Neb.
Notk: Practically all corn in tho
statu Is raised in altitudes varying
from 1,000 to 2,100 feet above sea level,
therefore the division made through
the state Is as nearly hs possible aloug
tbe 1700 foot altitude line. In tho
contests carried on for several years
past only two premiums have gone
west of this line.
If you can't get behind a movemen
ILl. A. . A l I.... J...U -M.L
tor true wwui gwu, iwewv uuu
la frontof it aad knock.
1 1
Will Soon Be Here
You Will Want A
The Easy Laxative
In Justice to yourself you should try Rexall Orderlies, your
'money back if you don't like them. They are a candy con
fection that rety do give easy relief from constipation.
Good health is largely dependent
upon the bowels. When they become
eluggish the waste material that is
thrown off by the system accumu
late. This oondition generates
poisons which circulate throughout
the body, tending to create eoated
tongue, bad breath, headache, dull
brain action, Btrroutattt, bilioueaeee
aad ether aaaoyaaoes.
They give but temporary relief.
Theyaftoa aggravate the real trouble.
They an nartlaulariv ka fa ahll.
area, aeueate er age 1
- - - -
1 la tablet fem. taata luaa Itl
oaaay eaa are aeiea lor taetr ea .
septals aeUea upea the bewtin.
Thar doa't purge, grip, saute
nausea, loeeeaess, aor the inioavea
testes aUeadaat upoa t use of
urgetivee. Their action ia to pteae
aat that th taking of Resell Order,
liee elate beeosea a Uaetre (attend
f a duty.
Childrea ,?!e Retail Orderlies.
They are iiimd for aged or delicate
CAUTION; Pleat bear la naiad that Resell Remedies are set sold by all drua
fttU. You eaa buy Reiall OrderUee oaly at The Rexall Stores.
You eaa buy Rexall Orderlies la this ooauBuaity ealy at our etors:
There It a Retail Store la nearly every town and city fat the Untied SUtet, Canada and
Great Britain. There ia a different Retail Remedy (or nearly every ordinary human lu
each especially deeicned for tbe particular ill (or which it la recommended.
Th Rexall Store are America's Greatest Drug Stores
33 1-3 PER
Old Hats
I have about completed my Men's Hat Outfit, have
all the necessary tools to make up first class work.
Bring in any old soft, stiff, straw or Panama Hat.
Can make most any style out of it, and it will be
thoroughly cleaned.
SmtMmotlon Or No Pmy (n
1 Will C. Creider
At th Old PUe With R. O. HaUir, Fer a Few Weeks Only
44 v'v
perrons as well aa for the most robust.
They act toward relieving coutipa.
tion, and alto to overcome its cause
aad to make unneceeeary the fre
quent use of laxatives. They serve
to toae and strengthen the aerves
and saueclee of thelwvela aad aase
date ttgena or gland.
Make I' Prove It
W tw.. to refuad every
peaayvai'' for Rexall Orderlies at
they d nut give entire eatiafaeteea.
We mV bo promises aad we to a
war obligate you. Your mere weri is
r:naeat for us t proaptly 4
iiterfully refuad the atoaey. ,
&'' that ptere that ''feseaV
Orderues must be frightf Teamen
knew we would not dare makaaeh
a roaaieo unlets we wera BeeteMly
ottteia that Resell Orderlies will
all w elaiaa for them. There is a
spoaey risk attacked t a trial ef
Resell Orderliee, aad ia lustfeo
yourself, yea should at hesitate to
Reull Orderliee aaeaa la a.
lent veet-peekel else tia beite;
uDieie, lve; 99 taenia, zae;
tablets, Mo.
Made Neoi