,.t - - . -f V -r UIMorlcnl Snr-loty ft ; BmsmmmmmmV1" 9MseasfliSflEflrSKE!H9fF(VWeHA ' f .jyBMM-j " ? Vtsti "" i . Sj - 9SSealRBaes - hSKJs)Qebp jaMfttik lMllii& r r 1 iEi TraamsmsmsmFlaflTTT t 1 imTaamsmsmmr amsan tir t H-f jiJf-- , kHlBHEtHBBIIBHBfSLSHnia CWPHapewsYSWerWr fj juHvHlH9iK Jw m. iV 1 1 JSvfleKYWemBmBmBmBmBmBmmBmsmrc mBmBmBmmmWeHdewsnTvSmeL- aLit. BkjiesnmBmBmBmBmmBLwnr k. J e ffi HeVeSWsYBmBmBmBmBmBWsmsmffj' Bl KirH SemBKv4SemBwSWBmBmBmBmBmBmeaLemsmBn KilBFf 'ir- wjHHI II BHHHiHBflflMll BBB-''rjhj'Tt'y JfyvfrrMt -MmmasmamamamamamamamamamamVP5S . mams----.. 1 " 1 ' " tL.ajlSl'amamamamamamamamamamamavv m hvHIHHIIHHBSIIB flllMmWsmallfllf WF5KBJF0-- BRBMBWUUflHBfr.i&jlijIH ' z"- 9lBHePF BTmmmmMf'EeffSKMMemmamK JSS v U V I illS VOLUME xxxxr JS f S BE ON THE OiF JJ It is true that you are not likely to lose your T savings il deposited in any good bank but you JJ are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to lose them tj when you deposit where you have the additional iy protection of the State Guaranty Law. Such i& protection is offered you here. ? It is surely "good business" to deposit where Jf you get absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref- jL u. erence to placing money ty tees nothing. il The State Guaranty Law is behind every dollar de- iJlii posited in this bank, and when you open an account here, jr you are ON THE SAFE SIDE. t WEBSTER COUNTY BANK to RED CLOUD. ii Automobile Will Be Given Away On June 14, 1913 The dosing date of the Chief's big -subscription contest has been set or Saturday. June 14 at 3 n. m. This is the oply date tbfct has. ever been an- nounceu ior mis contest to ciuae tuu it will positively come to a close at just that time and the prizes consist ing of a Ford Touring car, a genuine Diamond ring and a fine Solid Gold Watch will be awarded to the three contestants having the largest number of votes to their credit. This contest has been going on for the past six weeks, but like all other contests of this character the real ten thuslasm comes during the last few weeks of the race. Now that the eud is in sight we are expecting the Inter est to wax warm, and that everyone in the community will be given an invi tation by one of the candidates, to subscribe' for the Chief. In talking over the contest from the start with our contestants, the manage ment of the'Chlef promised to employ some contest expert to assist with the details of the work towards the end of the contest. In this regard we wish .to say that we hare made arrange aaentt with C. M. Hutted of the Ne braska Farmer Company, of Lincoln, who has had charge of contest work (or a number of years, o assist us. Mr. Hutted It with qs this weak call log on the contestants, and he would be pleased to meet anyone Interested In any way with" the contest, or any one who la interested in seeing any on of the contestants secure one of ike crises. Ha will be pleased to give special instructions to aU ooatestanta -''. assist them La any manner laMMMt tO TllSlXllstcS An Interesting experiment for tbs .purpose of creating immunity against tuberculosis Is being tried in Pitts burgh undsr tbs direction of the Tub erculosis League of that city. Dr. William Charles White, Medical Direct or of the League, says it will probably take ten years '.before definite results of the work will be appreciated. The experiment is being conducted on the theory that muoh, if not all, tuber culosis Infection begins in childhood. In view of this fact, the League is aim ing to supervise the growth of. every baby born for the next ten years In the South Side district of Pittsburgh. The babies and their mothers will be taken lu charge at the birth of the in fant, and everything possible will be done to Increase the resisting power of the child to disease and to make It thereby immune to. tuberculous in fection. The theory of the Socletv Is that by fortifying the body in the earliest period of a child's life, the in X w SAFE SIDE I to to to to to to to to to in a bank that guaran to to to to to to to to NEBRASKA whatever. In order to assist the contestants in increasing their votes from now on we are going to ive them the privilege of, soliciting1 subscriptions for "Nebras ka's Real Farm Paper" Thc Nebraska Farmer, of Lincoln in connection with the Chief. ' We are also going to give the people of this locality a real bar gain in the two papers. The regular subscription price of the Nebraska Farmer is 81.00 per year. The rate of the Chief, as you all know is 91.50 per year. i Duriug the contest we will make a special price of the Chief for one year and the Nebraska Farmer for the rest of this and all of next year for even two dollars. This is only fifty cents more than the price of the Chief for one year. That fifty cents given the subscriber the Nebraska Farmer for twenty mouths almost two years and the subscription to the Nebraska Farmer will count for one thousand extra votes for the contestant who se cures the subscription.- The Nebraska Farmer Is published every week. Contestants should notice the voting schedule in the large advertisement this week. This voting schedule will hold good during tha balance of the contest, with the exception that spec ial Inducements may be offered at cer tain times for a certain number of subscriptions. It wlfl be to the. interest of every contestant to secure tbs subscriptions tor the two papers from now on at the ooatblaatlon price. The contestant ways is the most successful In-securlng She . eomblaetlou subscriptions j wlfl id the-best opportunity to be the rot the Ford Touring oar oh win. si fant wiU, in .moat esses, beeaate lav Mas to the dlsasias with waist) hare dlty and eavtrontusat assy threaten It KANSAS PICKUPS From Smith county) The farmers are busy getting the ground ready to put in corn. Jack Brown of Topska is In the vicinity visiting relatives. Harry Gatlin and wife are spending a portion of the week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Shrader. Bert Payne and family spent Sun day at the home of Ezra Snow's. Grandpa Cox has been la very poor health for the last three months but Is a little better at present. The Storlc was very busy last week, leavlue a daughter with Ura Prill and wife and a young Woodrow Wilson with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delka. Nettles Made Inte Fiber. Nettles by a new German process are converted Into a Sber which can he combed, carded and spun like other faUle ihaMf.' . .... . - A Newspaper That QWet The News fflftytws Weeks Each Tear Far SI.50. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, APRIL 21, HUB. Willof J.Pierpont Morgan.. The last will and testament of thu eminent financier has received eulogis tic comments from many of the clergy and n large proportion of the metro politan press. To the Chief the will is remarkable for its hypocritical pre tense of Christian piety. It com mences with n paragraph, In which the man who devoted a life to, public rapine and plunder commends his soul to his Maker as h white and redeemed thing, made so bj thu hltfod of Jesus; but, with uncounted millions to dis pose of, he makes no mention of, or provision for, the people wltl whom Jesus identified himself. It is the most, tin Christian, irreligious docu ment, in its want of actual charity, ever published as thu last .solemn act of a professedly Christian niillioiiiiiio. Solllsli, exclusive, unsociable in life, he dlod as ho lived, an extreme ex ample of the Mammon worshipper, who says iu his heart, what ever he muy say with his lips, "There is no Uod". How shall his spirit meet that of the first great American fiuaucler, Robert Morris, the patriot who financed the revolutionary struggle, who equipped Washington's army at bis own expense for the march against Cornwallis at Yorktown, and died iu a debtor's prison? How shall be stand before the con tempt of that other Philadelphia flnnn- cier atepnen uirara, wnose.neari was embittered against the hypocrisies of the religious pretenders of, his" day! Oirard founded a great Institution where every American youth might obtain the highest education he de sired. He accompanied his sneer at the false pretenses of others with the most generous benefaction to his race. Morgan professes the holiest faith with his lips and denies Jesus and humanity with his deed. With what assurance shall Morgan come Into the presence of the great New Yorker, whose wealth was the due reward of industrial enterprise and genius, .Peter Cooper? Cooper's name and memory are among the highest inspirations of his city, and, while his noble benefactions endure, tbey will aid, instruct and stimulate the youth of America to lofty endeavor and generous living. The name of Morgan will be a by-word and a hissing. What will Morgan answsr to the great founder of bis house and wealth, George Psabody? Twenty-one thous and people In London live cheaply, comfortably, and independently la the homes Peabody's wise philanthropy founded, and the philanthropy was built on such sound foundations that the increase' of the homes keeps with the growing population of that vast city. He also remembered his native land with institutions end bens- whieh reawvedaU tbeohlaw Epilation .of great e atee tha u It 'of a reproaeb. There lsM-a - . - njm- henstaetioB, not an object of eftiUj or public good waleh the v great clsr remembers In ;his Willi How shall he face the indigestion of the great masters of painting and statuary? They painted and obtselled, not for Individuals, but for humanity. Thsy dreamed not to sell the products of their genius and art for vsst sums of money, that they might minister to the exclusive enjoyment of the unap preclatlve few who value them, not for their actual worth, but their market price Morgan purchased the creations of the world's great teachers and hid them from the gaze of the multitude, and his last words to eurth were to keep them hidden. There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine llueu, and fared sumptuously every day: Aud there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. I Aud it came to past, that tbs beggar tress the Merge riohes The n .,..". VI nna : . A ExEjl Carry a South Bend Watch and end forever ttiu continual annoyance of an Inaccurate wntili. Huuth Ilend aro tho watch wot ill anion men who know. When you liuy a Honth Ilend Watch Irom uh you secure our expert regulation service. TliM Is important, for wntchcH don't run the name for everybody, Come In and let uh tell you why. Every South Ilend Watch mum paw 411 liiNpectlona and run on tho dot In freezing cold nnd hollliiK lieat before leaving the factory. This take n full year but limuret accu racy, i omo In aud look over our Mock and price, lioth will plcamtntly mtrprlHO you. Coiuo now t B. h. NB WHOUSB JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST died, and was curried. to Abraham's I bosom: the rloh man also died, and was buried. And In hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeeth Abra ham afar off and Lazarus on hit bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abra ham, have mercy on. me, and send Lakarus, that be may dip the tip of his finger in water, and oool my ton gue; for I am tormented in tbis flams. There are a million of people. like Lazarus in New York City, but Morgsn leathern lsy at his gate unnoticed while he lived He may now look up on them afar off. iMutt HttMC lUttNttAtlnct lt is a enssmoasaperstlUoa, especial ly among older people, that electrlolty In the house will attract tbs lightning during a thunder shower. It is no un common sight to see men and women turning out the electric lamps and getting as far as possible from the electric fixtures during a ssvero thun dsr shower. Lightning does not follow along electric light wires, except lu rare in stances and then to no great amount. If a large amount of lightning at tempted to follow an electric wire along the street it would instantly burn up tho wire. If u bmall portion of a lightning discharge attempted to enter the hottsn via the eloctrlc light wires there Is a little device located up in the attic, or down lu the cellar, which is called a "fuse box," designed purposely to prevent any such en- trance. The "fuse" is a bit of lead wire inserted in the electric circuit iu such a manner that any attempt to force a large current over the circuit J will instantly molt the lead wire and f!5 ?7V f ft) n (f ft n-iii4i Glorious Gems ulorv'of diamonds and other tfems .,- ... o ..... paics; inc iridescent lire never aics; inc lovely radiance is perpetual. We have been selling tfems for many years. We know their value. Here you will find one of the most complete collections oC diamonds. and otherlstones in the country, both in the loose gems and in the latest (lesigns of settings. Every gem thoroughly guaranteed pure in color and perfect in cut tingwith a price saving of fully 25 per cent. The Center for Presents Our store is the ideal Elaoe for wedding or irthday presents. The hotter Judge of jewelry you are the more you will appreciate the quality, beauty and low prices of our varied stock of ring?, mesh bags, silver ware, watches, chains, etc. We are satisfying scores of customers new and old, every day we can please you, too. ? stop the flow of current. With the fuse melted out there is an inch or more of air gap between the house wires and the street, which is quits enough to stop any ordinary circuit which might try to run among the house wires. Current heavy enough to jump such an air gap would escspe down the light pole outside. The idea that eleotrlc motors, elec tric flstirons or any otbsr electric de vices for the home can ,4explede" is I ridiculous. No dangerous explosives enter ,iato (heir .construction. Elec tricity Itself oen not 'explode, .It does not burn. Dangerous "shocks" sxlet osfy in tie Imsglastlon. . f for years and years Are Insurance companies have kept.acourate .records of Ire causes and they have idstsvatla ed that electrlolty eaases fewer flree thsmaaeleaerkerosse, matekee,ges and' other things in dslly use about the home. Electric News Service. Mm. Amtidt Cammiif s t Mrs. Amanda Cummings passed away at her home In this city on Sun day, April 20th, after a long illness from a complication of diseases. She was 04 years, Q months and 13 days old at the time of her demise. Mrs, Cummings had been a resident of Webster county since tho early seventies, and was tho mother of four children, all of whom survive her. Funeral services were held from the Christian church on Tuesday, after noon, Hev. Nuu, conducting the ser vices. Ideals. The man who succeeds In living up to his Ideals probably has ideals that ars not very high. Chicago RsoorsV Htrsld. NUMBER17 never .. 1 Robert F. Raines Called Hoae Robert F. Raines waa born la 8outh ' era, III., Nov. 19, 1868 and died in Rsd Cloud, Nebraska, April 90, 1913. Ho was 44 years 5 months and 1 day old at ' .the time of death. fie' married Helen Aitkin Dec 1. 897. To this union was born twev children, Helen and Robert. In early life be accepted ChrUt as' eV personal Savior aud pitted with tha-' Baptist oborch. Evsraineehe haslet the world know that he waa on the side of God and Tight' He was not sv man of many words, but one that lived hu religions very day., flsMeananly saakensrsallae oar lees as-a ehureh andnoommnnltr. Be lq?ed human?' Ity and one of the onuses ofhU death; was a loot ride In that dreadful bllrara in March, to' edmiaUter help o.the sick and suffering. In 1998 bs same to Nebraska on ae oouutofpoor health. Bs settled in Beaver City and remained there until 1 90S when he came to Red Cloud. Here has been his home ever slnoe. In 1909 he was elected state Repres entative. Ho leaves on this side of the river, to follow later, bis wife and children aud a very large circle of friends. The funeral services were held from the home April 22, at 2 p. m. His pastor W. P. Cole olUuiatlng. Affection. It is sublime to feel and say of an other, I need never meet, speak mt write to htm; we need not reinforce) ourselves or send tokens of hrsuce. ymerson. . , Good Substitute fsr Salt A sash lock mskss an effective Utate for a bolt oa a door Jf tha and easing are lush with saeh w i - J a 'lm V V it m t ft IV, l HI ,13