IF 'Ne:E D5NVfctlfct'vA' CHIEF'S BIG AUTO CONTEST! V'C'XT.yBB? flB DIAMOND RING-VALUE $100.00 This Ring is ottered as the 2nd Prize in The Chief's Bi4 Automobile Contest. It can be seen at the E. H. Newhouse Jewelry Store. 5-PASSENGER FORD TOURING CAR This Car is offered as the 1st Prize in The Chief's Bitf Automobile Contest. It can be seen on exhibition at The Red Cloud Auto Co.. Glen Walker. Manager. ASBbSf R.n.7lo WALTHAM WATCH-VALUE $50.00 This Watch is offered as the 3rd Prize in The Chief's Uitf Automobile Contest. It can be seen at the E. II. Newhouse .Jewelry Store. IMPORTANT ! All receipt books now out must be turned in to this office on or before April 19th. At this time new receipts will be issued, of a different color, and no votes will be credited to any Contestant not having a new receipt book. Don't fail to turn in your old receipt books by this date. Standing of The Contestants Gertie Cnrlwright - 92.950 Elcnor Gilliam... ...79.050 Miss Gertrude Coon ,7G.100 Miss Maude Hayes 50.100 Mrs.L. H. Matkins.. 25.100 Miss Rose McGuirc. 20.G00 Mrs. Clara Copley 11.075 Mary Christian 11.700 Grace Kinsell 11.000 Mrs. Ida Wordcn... 10.700 May Elliott 10.700 Edna Vanllom 10,700 The Closing Date Of i Chief's Big Auto Contest Will Be Announced On APRIL 24th THE RED CLOUD CHIEF MC Red Cloud, IwwyrSawwASl USSSWvY Nebraska DSSwva&Si&wvnaAIs!! "MAIL ORDER" Cream Separators When you buy a cream separator you want the best machine you can get for the money, don't you? Well, then, just listen to this proposition: Before you order a "mail order" separator write to the concern and tell them that you want to try their machine out against a De Laval, with the priv ilege of sending their machine back if you decide that the De Laval is better worth what we ask you for it than their machine is worth what they ask. . That's absolutely faiiyiin't it? Well be glad to furnish you a De Laval for such a trial any time you like and let you be the judge. We are glad to make this offer because we know that the De Laval will give you better service and cost you less in the long run than any other machine you can buy, no matter what the price. If you already have a mail order separator, or any other for that mat ter, which isn't giving satisfaction, we have an exchange offer that we believe will interest you. Before you buy a Cream Separator see and try a DE LAVAL GEO. TRINE RED CLOUD m IIpsMIil mfa Hill... ' Widow's Pension. The recent act of April 1Mb, 15)08 gives to alt soldiers' widows h pension 812 per month. Fred Muuior, the at torney, has all necessary blanks. 111 lA Isssv m - IB-V lit II isvF mnwZ . Br .Wvar r i re J ALSO DEALER IN Eggs, Butter, Cream, Pculty, Hides, Flour and Feed of All Kinds. Highest Market Price Fald For Your. Stuff Hi 11 ili iti ku I NSURKNGB T. W. CHne, Northbranch, Kansas, will insure your property of all kinds anywhere in Kansas. Live stock at same rate insures them anywhere against fire, lightning and tornados, also growing crops against hail. If you don't see him, yrite him. T. W. CHINE, NorthBraMH Kansas. THE ALARM is a dreadful thing OF FIRM for the man without insurance. Every time be sees the engines racing along bis heart comes up in his throat if the fire is anywhere near bis place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THK COST OF is so small that it INSURANCE need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alono is worth it many times over Have us insure yon to-day. O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Causes Much Disease Advice about Stomach Troubles nd how to relieve them. Don't nceloet indication, for it way lead to ull sorts of ills and com plications. An eminent phyiician onco said that ninoty-fivo per cent of ell ills tiava their origin in a dis ordered stomach. Our experienco with Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets leads us to believe them to bo one of the most dependable remedies known for indigoation and chronio dyspepsia. Their ingredi ents are soothing to the inflamed membranes of tho stomach. Rich in Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine, the relief they afford is very prompt. Used persistently and regularly for a short time, they tend to relieve paint caused by stomach disorders. f Reiall Dyspepsia Tablets help insure healthy appetite, aid diges tion, and promote nutrition. As evidence of our faith in them, we as) you to try them at our risk. If the) do not give entire satisfaction, we will return the money you paid us without question or formality. Three siies, 3S cents, 60 cents and 11.00. , You can buy Resell Dyspepsia Tablets la this community only at our storoi H. E. GRICE Red Cloud Th DRUG CO. Ston Nebraska There Is a Retail fltora in nearly every town and city in the United Btatee, Canada and great Britain. There is a different ftsieU Remedy for nearly every ordinary human 111 each especially drtlgned for the particular tU for which it ie recommended. Tbe Reaail Store are America's Cteateet Drug Steree lleWVlfcfrftll ''f'smmmammmwammamaaatmmammwamaawamaamm SMBMBmmmsmSMSBWBmmSSMsmsMSmaWSmSMSMsmMSMSSBM fll M gEgegf mlflr Mpfjl'li'.fV KefjV km Sw Amammm) .ss T'Iibbbbbbbbbbbibbbi gssssT Gars in the Jta 1913 Models MODEL 25 Ah it is especially bnscd upon experiences covering n long term of yours, tho Model 23 is bound to make a high place for itself us n car for general purposes and for family use. It is large, roomy and comfortable to the extreme. Luxuriously trimmed and refined in every detail, gtegtgHHssssUssssssWilsaB S Automobile Supplies, Repairing, Etc. John N. Havel Red Cloud, Nebraska HWVC3E 3sA3e 3S9wvg E. A. Creighton, N. D. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT CONSULTATION FREE. For Sam: White Plymouth Itoelt Coclterells, Joseph Topham. I. RALPH E. CAMP, D. C. 625 Elm Street, - - - Red Cloud, Nebr. GRADUATE OF T?&Vmw ScfcvooV o CYirupracc "Chiropractic Fountain Head" Davenport, Iowa Consultation and Spinal Analyala From adv . ) " N a & KM y ill B'1 ' if r !, J WH ST, h rvl w : fc: 2 & ss-v 8 n .t 1 k tf-I MI'