isjimmaHWgMxsaXi Wl , ' - l.WHBfc..nJii ;i'jpv-yg SflggtefflMmirawaBa ifr H .. RWlllUUWVMBMl'mHHV-: n ' "''""W;(WI(imwc:S-.. ,7.. " SMBrSiXI'-'.ja . VUKKBJBF'.rgjJB' 1 , "'Wire li ' ST22yi31iflEC3aBttEE522?Y,nwr'' Tn75f "r vwpfr3 PipPpSlp? 7 .T' IP r 15- - I The Chief 0. 1. HALS, Publisher KU CLOU NEIRAtKA T ADOPT TENTATIVE SUGAR TARIFF SCHEDULE. SAY IT WAS PLAIN HOMICIDE Statement Made that Madero and 8u arez Were Shot While Unconscious In Bed Attempt on Life of Spanlah King. Wellington. President Wilson 8corcd his Hrnl tariff victory Saturday when tho houso democratic caucus by n vote or ldr. to .1!) adopted tho tenia live pttRor schedule, making thnt com modity free nfter threo yenrB of 1 per cent duty. The vote wns taken after Chairman of tho Ways and Means Committee Underwood had warned tho house thnt the adoption of any of tho many amendments placed before It would bo n direct affront to the prosl dent, who had specifically asked the Adoption of tho sugar tariff schedule, and would seriously Imperil tho pass age of tho bill In tho senate. Nebras ka's threo democrats In tho houso, Congressmen Mngulre, Stephens and Lobeck, nil voted In favor or tho Un derwood provision. This provides for n duty of 1 cent per pound on Cubnn mignr. with tho provision that tho en tiro duty be eliminated In threo yenrs. Congressman Stephens expressed the opinion thnt the beet, sugar Industry would not be Injured by freo sugar. Attempt on Life of King. Madrid. For tho third time In his reign King Alfonso nnrrowly escaped Sunday being the victim of an anar chistic attempt against his lire. Three BhotH wero tired nt the king In the streets or tho capital by a native of Barcelona, Rafael Sanchez Allegro, who was Imcdlately overpowered. CALLS IT A PLAIN MURDER. Madero and Suarez Had no Chance for Their Life. New Orleans, La. Marlon Ovlcdo. formed provlslonnl secretnry to' Presi dent Mndcro of Mexico, lias arrive.! hero with a sensational nnrrntlvo ot tho mnnncr In which Madero and his vice president, l'lno Sunrez, met their death. Ovledo declared two rurales performed tho executions on tho direct order or their superior and thnt later they were -put to death to Bcnl their lips. Arter Ovledo escaped from Mex ico City ho Joined the Carranzlstns In Coahulla. Ovledo reiterated a report that the Invest Igntlon of tho killing of Mndcro nnd Sunrez hnd revealed thnt both whlln prisoners In tho national pnlnco had been given- narcotics In their food nnd shot to death whllo un conscious In their beds. Pope's Condition Moat Grae. Homo. All IndlcntlonB point to tho utmost grnvlty of tho popo's condi tion. At midnight Sundny tho rever nnd cough were giving ciuiho for great alarm. Tho Impression hnd gained ground that tho tracheal bronchitis had developed Into pneumonia. Whllo not absolutely denying this, Professor Marchlafava said: "At tho present tlmo It could not properly bo cnlled pneumonln; but with tracheal bron chltlB sometimes tho lungs do not func tlon properly. Probably tho reslstont nnd robust fibre or the holy fnthor may overcome this danger." Seems to Work In Kansas, Kansas City, Mo. With tho appoint ment of four women to city offices In Knnsns City, Kan., five Important po sitions under tho government of that municipality nro held by women. Miss Laura A. Joat was appointed city treasurer; Mrs. Merle Addison Cutler and Mlsa Esther nower, deputy treas urers, nnd Miss Beulah Reltz, city clerk. Missouri River Rising. Pierre, S. D. The water ln tho Missouri river hns gone over tho flf- teen-root mnrk, nnd still Is slowly rls fng. noats are operating In many or the Btreets or Fort Pierre, whero tho water Is threo root deep In plnceB. Fire at Kansas Penitentiary. Lansing, Kns. Flro that destroyed four largo buildings and caused a loss estimated at 500,000 In tho Kansas state penitentiary hero Saturday after noon was spread by convicts who scat tered burning papers In buildings not In the path of the flames, according to a statement by Fire Chief Bahler of Leavenworth. Patrol Officer Hlgglns and Prison Physician Axford con firmed tho opinion of Chief Bnhler. Warden Coddlngton said ho bolloved It Improbable. Destroy Haunted House. Chlsholm, 'Minn. Superstitious per eons, believing tho lato Fontana home to be haunted, are thought to have set fire to tho dwelling hero. Tho structure was destroyed. Tho house was recently tho sceno of tho murder of Mrs. John Fontana by her husband. Fontana then drowned hlmsolf in tho cellar. At the tlmo of tho flro tho houso waa unoccupied. Slnco the murder nnd suicldo no one has ven tured inside tho dwelling j:h1 children who always played in tho street hnd found other playgrounds. PRESIDE!! SCORED THE NATIONAL CAPITAL CONGRESSIONAL MATTERS OF MORE OR LESS INTEREST. lummary of the Dally Transaction of the National Law Makers at Washington. Saturday. The Senate. President Pro Tempore Clark presided for the first time. Nominations of President Wilson received. Coast guard service to bo composed or lire-saving und revenuo cutter Hcrvlco proposed In bill by Senator Townsend. Prlmnry elections for nomination of presidential und vice presidential can didates proposed in bill by Senator Cummins. Senator Ncwlands re-Introduced IiIb interstate commerce trndo commission Mil. Adjourned at 1:05 p. m. until 2 p. in. Tuesday. Tho House. 'Not In session. Democratic caucubes continued to vork on tariff bill. Thursday. The Sennte Not In session; meets nt noon Saturday. Finance committee democrats met nnd considered new tariff bill. Tho House Representative Ste phens (Cnl.) Introduced a bill direct Ing Pnnnma Hnilroad company to es tablish Pnclflc Eteamshlp- lino In con nection with Atlantic llnoB. Representative Mnnn Introduced u bill for n tariff board of five mem bers. Ropresentntlvo Hobson Introduced a Joint resolution for constitutional amendment for direct election of president and slnglo seven-yenr terms; Representative Bartholdt ono to limit presidential tenure to two four-year terms; Representative Nee ley one to provide popular election of United States district Judges every six years. Representative Bartholdt Introduced resolution for commission to fix boun daries or North and South American nations. Representative Clark Introduced resolution for special committee to In vestigate various legislative nnd ex ecutive committees to Investigate to. bacco pool; Henderson (Ky.) nnd Loo beck (Neb.) ono to Investigate prices pnld by government for olevators. Tho president would bo authorized to invite foreign nations to partici pate ln a naval pnrado at tho opening or the Pnnnma cnnnl by a resolution Introduced by Representative Copley. Biggest Hotel In the World. Chicago, 111. Definite plans ror tho construction or tho biggest and most expensive hotel in tho world are said to havo been completed ror Chicago's down town district. Tho new hostelry la to cost $13,000,000 and will bo built ftt tho southeast corner or Clark and Madison streots. According to the plans announced the structure will bo twentyono Btorles nnd will contain 2,1: 10 rooms, each of which will havo a bnth. Fatal Explosion of Ammonia Boiler, Ponsacoln, Fla. Four men were killed by tho explosion of nu ammonia boiler nt ono of tho plants of tho Mooro Ico works. Fumes from tho 'escaping nmmonla overcame several firemen who attempted , to enter the wrecked building. Tho force of the explosion shattered windows for half a dozen blocks around and startled people from their beds five miles away. Tho boiler contained nearly 2,000 gal lons of ammonia. Indians on War Path. NogalcB, Ariz. Ynqul Indians, par tlsnn to neither side In the Sonora re volt, havo takon tho.war path between Hermoslllo, tho 'state capital, nnd OuaymaB, tho gulf port. Reports reached hero of tortures Indicted on captives. Eighteen Mexican men, wo man nnd children wero captured by tho Indlnns between Orltz nnd Em palmo. a few miles north of Ouaymas nnd killed by torture. Must Work Seven Days a Week. Washington. That fifteen per cent of tho employes In tho Iron nnd steel Industry ns a whole, and more thnn fiO per cent of tho blast furnace work men work soven dnjs a week Is dis closed by an Investigation by tho bu reau of labor. Washington. Woodrow Manch, who first saw tho light of day March 4, in Wahpato, Yakima county. Washing ton, is to havo for his godfather tho president of tho United States, and a telegram announcing tho honor waa received by his proud father, Potor Manch. Young Woodrow did not solicit tho honor, but his father did. President Wilson, In accepting, made It clear that his action was not to bo taken by the country at largo as an Indication tlmt he proposed to stand in tho same relationship to all babies born on tho day of his Inauguration. Charges Against Ambassador Wilson. Washington. Charges by Lny Man uel Rojas that Ambassador Wilson or Mexico City was morally responsible for tho death of Madero nnd Sunrez nnd had refused them protection havo been formnlly recoived by Secretary Bryan. Tho secretary declared he had -not rovlowod tho charges and de clined to aay what tho courso of action would bo. Memorial Borvlces for tho lato King George of Greece wero held in vari ous cities of tho United States. SCENE IN FLOODED SHAWNEETOWN SSjBSSSBBJBJpJpiiJSSBBBBSaBBBBBBBBBBBJsSSSSfcSMt' JinjBflSajpBaaPBjBBaaaj "JSy'' ' "43ij53slloBWaBBBBV-al aLaBBBBBEBBBBV fl issLLHI VitfliHIHBoBsa This Is a scene In Bhawneetown, over the entire town. JAPANESE MAKING UP CASE MEXICO FINDS IT DIFFICULT TO MAKE HEADWAY. Presenting Their Side of California Controversy Pope Plus Receives an Audience For Munici pal Theaters. Mexico City. That tho withholding of official recognition by the United StnteB materially has weakened the Huertn government Is tho opinion gen erally expressed by the public and pri vately admitted In certain Mexican of flclnl circles. Tho new rebel move ment hno mndo greater progress thnn hns tho provisional government In suppressing Insurgency nnd It no longer Is a secret thnt the condition of tho treasury Is such ns will not per mit tho continuation or military oper ations much longer. This hns been public ndmitted by tho Mexican mln 'ster or tho Interior, Grncla Granados. Have Audience With Pope. Rome. Desplto tho injunctions of his physicians nnd tho remonstrnnce of his attendants, Pope Pius received In audience Frlduy three bishops who had headed a pilgrimage to Rome to visit him, nnd bestowed upon them tho pnpal blessing. His holiness, wearied by his efforts, fell Into a deep sleep Immediately after his physicians had made their customnry call. The meeting between the pontiff nnd the threo nged bishops wns pathetic. JAPANESE MAKING UP CASE. Business Men Present Their Side of California Controversy, j Toklo. riovl Nnklno, tho president of tho Toklo chnmber or commerco, visited tho United Stntes embassy and outlined tho views or the Japanese business community In regard to tho California land ownership bill. Ho re quested tho chargo d'affaires, Mr.', Bail-Iy-Blanchard, to lay his arguments be fore his government nt Washington. A Joint meeting or the chambers of commerco of Kobe, Ozaka, Yokohama and Toklo havo boon summoned by M. Nakano to discuss tho question. M. Naknno Is well known In tho United States, having visited several of the principal chambers or commerce there In 1909. BUI for Municipal Theaters. Des Moines, la. Cities ln Iowa will bo authorized to build thenters if a bill which pnssed the houso of the Iowa legislature meets with similar re ception In the senate. Tho measure provides that elections may bo hold to determine whether municipal theaters shall bo established and a two mill itnx for tho Btipport or the playhouse Is Included. Management Is to be In vested In a board or homo trustees ap pointed by tho mayor and council. Bad Fire In Arizona Town. Clirton, Ariz. Five persons were Killed and a total property loss or $200,000 caused by n flro which swept tho Chase creek section or Clirton Monday. Frnnclsco Prevnlco, his son nnd two Americans, whoso names could not be learned, nnd n Chinese wero killed by railing walls. Tho fire started In n small dwelling shortly be foro noon nnd destroyed twenty-five structures. There was no water avail able. Torrential Rains In Arkansas. Little Rock, Ark. Tho rainfall In Little Rock for tho twenty-four hours ending Thursday night broke all rec ords, being nearly twenty-four Inches. Tho natural gas supply of tho city, coming from the Caddo. La., fields, wns cut off by n washout which sov ored the supply line. The Rock Island fltntlon Is lnundnted and traffic on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Sniiihnm railroad to Loulslann points has boon cut off. In somo sections of tho city tho water Is n foot deep In tho streets. Was 8ent to Capture Booth. Rono, Nov. .1. B. McCoIlough. one of the men of company F. Ninth Ohio volunteers, detailed to search for John Wllkca Booth on the road to Washing ton on tho night or tho assnsslnatlon or Presldont Lincoln, Is dead here, nged 70 years. McCoIlough was sta tioned at Point Lookout, guarding prisoners, whon detailed on tho duly. London. Tho militant suffrage In condlarles set fire to and destroyed a large mansion In tho suburbs of Nor wich. The houso was not occupied. 111., taken when the water had spread CONFERENCE AT CHICAGO TAKES UP AGRESTIC CAUSE. Bill Before the House Provides for a Permanent Fund for Relief of Sufferers by Flood and Other Damage. Chicago. A committee authorized at the closing session or tho confer ence on marketing nnd farm credits will go to Washington shortly and present to President Wilson the con elusions or tho COO scientific agricul turists, financiers and economists who attended the threc-dny meeting here. They will appeal for the establish ment by the government of a bureau for the thorough study of markets, crops nnd cost or transporting food stuffs nnd will nsBert thnt the appro priation of $50,000 for such an organ ization, which now is pending, should be Increased to $1,000,000. They will ask for federal loans to farmers. Pope Plus' Condition Much Improved. Rome. Tho change for the better In the condition or Pope Plus X Is now absolutely certain, and tho Im provement In his condition is so mnrked that ir no complications In tervene, his speedy recovery to nor mnl health seems practically assured. There is a complete absence or rever nnd signs thnt the pope's strength la beginning to return nnd tho reap pearance or cheerfulness In thep atlent nre Indications thnt tho relnpse which the pope suffered hns been mastered. FLOOD RELIEF APPROPRIATION. Bill Providing Permanent Fund of $100,000,000 In House. Washington. A permanent federal fund of $100,000,000 for relief nnd con struction work in localities laid waste by flood, Arc, earthquake and othor cntastrophies. Is proposed In a reso lution Introduced In Uie house by Rep resentative Cary of Wisconsin. The resolution would authorize tho treas urer or tho United States to Issue $100,000,000 in notes to bo held sub Joct to tho order of tho secretary or tho Interior. Belated Nebraska Blizzard. Lincoln, Neb. A blizzard gripped most -or the west half or Nebraska Wednesday, piling snow drifts high and threatening for a time to stop nil railway traffic. At midnight eighteen Inches of snow wns reported on the ground at Seneca, and the blizzard was raging as far east as Ravenna. In the eastern hair or the state rain fell gen erally and temperatures were above freezing from five to ten degrees. Thi wind was not high. Woodmen Insurgents at Fairmont. Fairmont, Neb. A meeting of Insur gent Woodmen was hold In this city Thursday, with a representation pres ent from nine of the eleven counties In the district nnd comprising about fifty delegates. It wns ono of the most successful and largely attended meet ings ot this character ever held In this section or the state. Omnha. The NebrnskaPeace Ora torical association will hold Rh annual meeting on Friday evening, April 18, under tho auspices of the University or Omaha. This association la com posed or all the colleges In Nebraska. with tho exception or tho state Institu tion, and they meet ench year for nn orntorlcal contest upon tho subject of International peace. Tho original date for tho contest wan April fi, but It wbb postponed until April 18 bo cause or tho tornado. Chicago. Everybody at tho farm credits conference got enthusiastic Wednesday and some of them became excited In discussing tho high cost of living, the meager returns to the rnrmer on his products and tho best means or readjusting tho economic problem among the agriculturists, middlemen and the ultimate consumer. There was such a wealth of opinion clamoring for expression that it could not bo crowded Into the two sessions provided by the program, and an ex tra session was held at night. Attempt to Fire Y. M. C. A. Building. Council Bluffs. la. It hns become known that the fourth attompt within three weeks to destroy the Y. M. C. A. building was mndo Sundny night. A portion of tho basement of tho build Ing Is used ns a lodgo room by tho Grand Army of tho Republic. Lnte Sunday night tho watchman discov ered thnt overy gns Jot ln this room hnd been opened oxcept one, which wns lighted nnd turned low. Three at tempts havo been mare to burn the building, which is valued at $100,000. There is no clue to the Incendlry. BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Sterling will have Sunday base ball Shubert will hold a two days' carnl Tal In August. Coleridge will hold an election to dectdo the postmaster question. Tho Nebraska Federation of Wo mens' clubs Is ln session nt Beatrice. The entire tomperance ticket was eloctod at tho city election at Hold rege. There Is considerable distemper among horses In the vicinity of Wy more. Tho building record of Falls City for last year was tho largest in Its history. . Kearney is pretty proud of her now $5,400 flro auto truck, which has Just arrived. Tho public school at Ainsworth hns been closed on account of an epidemic of measles. A fire which started in n fruit Btoro nt Bloomfleld caused damage amount ing to $14,000. The voto on the Sunday baseball question nt Hastings carried by about 100 In its favor. Tho "cost congress" of tho mastei printers of the Missouri Valley is It Ecsslon at Omnha. M. L. Rawllngs of Wymore has Just completed two new Ice houses of 10, 000 tons capacity. Tho woman's society of tho Ne braska Presbytery will hold Its next session at Beatrice. Stelnaucr Iiub voted $7,000 for an electric light plant. The Infant daughter of Frank Mason at Preston was attacked by a vicious dog and severely injured. Fremont will celebrate the Fourth ol July. Tho firemen havo taken oei tho celebration proposition. The sixth annual reunion of Span ish war soldiers In Nebraska will be held at Omaha on April 25 and 26. Tho post office at St. Edward was badly damaged when burglars used nltro glycerine to blow up the safe. Wheat prospects aro tho very best around Wymore. all fields showing green. Spring work Is well under way. Boys "hopping" trains In tho yards at Beatrice will bo stopped by the ar rest and fine of every ono caught in tho act. Retiring Mayor Patterson of Kenr ney tendered a banquet to the Incom ing and outgoing city officials or that place. Rev. E. B. Taft has departed from Falrbury for Omaha, whero he has ac cepted the pastorate of the Grace Bap tist church. Harry Sorcnson, a brakeman, wns run over nnd killed in tho Burlington ynrds nt Lincoln. His body was cut In two at the waist. Tho district celebration or the ninety-fourth anniversary of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows will be held at Exeter, Saturday, April 2G. James Grover, a 12-year-old Valley boy, who was accidentally shot by a companion n fow days ago, died at a Fremont hospital as a result of the wound. Tho Wymore Athletic association gavo an entertainment at the armory for the benefit of tho Omaha tornado sufferers, nt which a good round sum was realized. Information has been received by tho Shelton township library board that tho Carnegie library commission has allowed $90,000 toward the build ing of n Cnrneglo Hbrnry In that place. II. O. Bishop, formerly or Beatrice, was badly Injured at Los Angeles, Cal., when ho got caught In a belt at n creamery plant whero ho waa work ing. His clothes wero entirely torn from his body. Tho city council of York has passed an ordinance requiring that all fruit bearing mulberry trees along side walks of the city must be cut down on account of the litter the falling ber ries make on tho walks. Rather than return to the stnte re form school at Kearney, whence he had been paroled recently, Thaddous Sledzlnowski, nn elghtoen-year-oll South Omaha boy, mado two unsuc cessful nttempts to take his lifo Rico Bros, of St. Paul, Minn., hav- purchased an Interest In Cnmpbell Bros, show, which wintered at Falr bury. The Christian church at Falls City haB Just closed a successful revival. Sixty-eight were bnptled and taken Into tho church. Tom Smith cf York who has been nt Excelsior Springs, Mo., for several months, has return to his home much improved In health. A gasoline lighting plant ln the Wells storo near Clarkson exploded, and tho Are resulting destroyed the building and contents. Clinton Dougherty a 16-year-old boy died nt Lincoln Sunday morning from tho effects of a gunshot wound In the, neck, tho origin of which Is as yet a mystery. An angry mob tore down the eighty rods of fenco which was rebuilt across the W. W. McDonald farm west of Shelton by a gung of Union Pacific workmen. The body of Andrew Thompson, a contractor living at Omaha, who has bcon missing slnco the Easter tor nado, was found by a crow of firemen under the walls of the fated Idlewlld pool hall. Jefferson county farmers are plow ing for oats and getting ready for spring work. Treasurer J. R. Splcer of the com mittee to raise funds for the relief of tho storm sufferers of the state re ports that tho total amount of con tributions from Bentrlce to 'date amount to $1,446.30. Tho convention for the clerks and letter carriers of the state will be held In Beatrice Arbor day, April 22, and the local committee are making plans for the entertainment of visitors, About 200 delegates are expected to be In attendance. WOMAN'S ILLS DISAPPEARED Like Magic after taking Lydiev. E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. North Bangor, N. Y. "As I havo used Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound with great benefit I feet it my duty to write and tell you about it. I was ailing from fe malo weakness and) had headache and backacho nearly all the time. I was later every month than I should have bean and so sick that I had to go to bed "Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound has mado me well and these trou bles have disappeared like magic I have recommended the Compound to many women who have used it success fully." Mrs. James J. Stacy, R.F.Dv No. 3, North Bangor, N. Y. Another Made WelL ' Ann Arbor, Mich. "Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has done wonders for me. For years I suffered terribly with hemorrhages and had pains so intense that sometimes I would faint away. I had female weakness, so bad that I had to doctor all tho time. and never found relief until 1 took your remedies to please my husband. I recommend your wonderful medicine to all sufferers as I think it is a blessing; for all women." Mrs. L. E. Wyckofp, 112 S. Ashley St, Ann Arbor, Mich. There need be no doubt about tho ability of this grand old remedy, made from the roots and herbs of our fields, to remedy woman's diseases. We possess volumes of proof of this fact, enougb, to convince tho most skeptical. Why don't you try it? ALBERTA THE PRICE OF BEEF Jg Jifgn ANT BO sAA JUL, J'.. For years t be Prorine of Allrerta (Western ( annrta) wns tho Bit Ittim'hltlffr.itintrv Man of tneso rnnclus today arelaimoaaejfnilnfleldi RlTon 1 placo to tb cnltiTatlonof lvlieat. nau. harlv stui f.nw. ...A cliaDRo him mado many tbontamtt of American), icttlrd on tbme plains, wealthy, but tt has In ircabcd the price of Uto stoci. Tber Is splendid opportunity now to geta Free Homestead of 1C0 acres (and another a n pro emiitlun) In the newer districts nn'Prodncorltbercattloorgruln. 'Ihucrppaaronltrait good, tho cllmutols excellent, schools and 2!!i" '.! Pr" pnTnlr-m. markets plniidld, In either Man tuba. Sas kutilinwnnorAlherta. """ '"" i1!;n.'i.f!,r..ll,,,.r",urc' "" latest information, railway rates, etc., to W. V. BENNETT, Boa Duliuing, Omaha, Neb. or address Superintendent of muai-ratlon, Ottawa, tutda. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You're Tired-Out of Sorts. Have No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE, LIVER PILLS will put you right in a lew days. They do. tneir duty,- Cure Con-J stioatlon. i Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, Genuine must bear Signature READERS I L M'-Paper desiring to buy any. thins advertised in ita cnlumnoohnnM I insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations. Nebraska Directory TYPEWRITERS, $15.00 and nil. All stamlar.1 m.It. ..i. . . T7T ebraaka Omaha's Catastrophe View Book 30 Tornado Picture, or 16 Poat cnrdH of Omalia'H Storm, ISe, postpaid tor both, for SOo. WXEATH STATIOHttfCo!, OsaaU, Ns. THFPAYTilN HOTEL Omshs. Ntkrsika EUROPEAN PLAN Booma from 11.00 no alnle. n eanSPnl'i.kiv CAFE aICCS KXASONABI4B Lincoln Sanitarium Sulpho Saline Springs Laeattd on our own prtmlisi and used In tho Natural Mineral Water Baths Uniurpitsed In tho treatment of Rheumatism Heart. Stomach, Kidney and Liver Diseases MODERATE CHARGES. ADDRESS I4QS M gtroot Lincoln, Nob. t, jH B w$$ Wm mm- M BHfPatvrrnfe SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS' VII I L.E. JHkM PILLS. aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBr BWIVCK &u&zg appluairyoVm.KKa.ocbeiTiSly.reS is. hoiuu lOtb Htreet, Omaha, M J fHiiiywMMaa.awMh. iOTi'irf.i.iiVM ""T