The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 17, 1913, Image 7

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    'MwiUgMfifjig'IIBggggf:..; ;.,. .v tow tw - - m? t
Jr rt V .
ndletlu of The Week's Doln
Olni-Vv It n .if fmvli v.i! 11 tl.r
oil y Mel .lay. !
.1. P. Kood of Hasting, was in tl o
cltr "ii Tuesday
When in town got your dinner ui
Wairci'i Het;iuriiiit.
Mr. and Mis. Ceo Warren ueiein
Hasting on Mondiy.
Try Sheeloy Harbor Shop for the
best ill the toiisorial lino.
llolti'li L"tSon i- confined to his
home this week liy Hlncs.
Cluis. lliubnker of Cowlc win In
town the first of the week.
Constable C. A Sehellak spent Mon
day in Hastings vihiting with relatives
MIhs Velma McKimmcy spent a few
days the Inst of the week in Hustings.
The W. 0. T. U., will meet with Mrs.
C. C. Cox Wednesday afternoon, April
Charley Peterson was in MuCook on
Monday ttttendlng to some business
Miss Huttic Christian returned Tucs
day from a visit to her old home in
J. C. Myers and wife have for their
guests this week Mr. and Mrs. Jones
of Clay Center.
N It Simpson and wife have rc
turned home from a short visit in
Norton, Kansas.
J. W. Bogenrief and wife are enter
taining Mr. James Ferguson, who re
bides in Chicago.
J. I). Kulin left for Sallna, Kansas,
on Tuesday where he Intends to re
main for some time.
Attorney L. 11. Bluckledge and fami
ly spent n few days the first of the
week visiting In Alma
Mr. and Mrs K. (i. Runchoy were
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis
lliirphain near Cowles Sunday.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. (Slashes accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Xobr
Harry Vondy is making piepnrations
to move to Hebron, where ho intends
to embaik in the implement business
We have just leceived a new line
of the latest designs in up-to-date
wedding stationery. Re sure to see
Frank Bean retui ned yesterday frcm
Kansas City where he went with a
shipment of cattle the flist of the
Dr. R. F. Raines now has ofliees in
the new block. Hours to to 12 a. in.
and 2 to 0 p. m. Culls attended ilnv
or night.
Fred Goble of Oklahoma arrived in
the city the first of the week and is
spending the week as the guest of V.
B. Fulton and other relatives.
I have the best inte in the county on
firm loans. See me and be convinced.
My motto prompt service.
A. T. Wai.kkii.
lien Williams has returned home
after a stay of several months dura
Hon in Kansas City wheiu he has
taken a course in jowclery, optics, etc
Mis. tieo II. Ilolllster is spending
the week in Lincoln visiting with her
daughter, Miss Mai ie, who is attend
In? the state uiilveislly at that place
IM Diedrlolc, of .South Bend, Indiana
arrived on Saturday lor an extended
visit at the home of his uncle, Jas. F.
Ruckle, who resides ninth of this fit.
Geo. Mount ford and daughter Mis.
R. W. Stevens, were in Hastings one
day the latter part of last week, going
there to see Mi b. Wm. Scrivner, who
is receiving tieatmeiit at. the hospital
In that city.
Matt Fiohnen of Hastings, broiler-in-law
of .1. A. Bradfoul the wire chief
for the Independent Telephone Com
pany, returned to his home in Hast
lugs the latter part of the week after
a short visit here.
Ira Wagoner and wife are rejoicing
over the arrival of a baby girl at theii
home. The little lady came yesterday
morning, and no doubt is the biggest
bargain which could bo secured on
tills eventful day Bargain Day.
Adolph Ringand youngest son Frank
left Saturdy evening fur Bridgeport,
Nebraska. They go to join Mrs. Ring
who has been at that place, for the
beueill of her health for the past four
months. They expect to remain this
Red Cloud will celebrate the Fourth.
Plans should bo madoat once to miiko
this the biggest festivity ever held in
the county. This can bo done if prompt
action Is taken. Thing wills not take
cure of themselves nor will It do to
wait until the last moment. There is
only one way to conduct this celebra
tion and that is to do it with n vim
and make it worth while. We have no
right to invite people to cjiuc and
spend the day with us unless wo give
them something worth whllo. We
trust that this matter will bo carefully
considered and all plans perfected
without needless delay.
HPTY TT,,'tnirTiT'RT'r?-i 1
Your Orders
V tak a('vanta' f
that modern adjunct
so necessary to pleasure and
business nowadays, the tele
phone, when we ask you to
telephone your orders. We
will serve you as well or
even better than when you
come yourself, if that be
B. E. McFarland
All the Phone
Fifty cents per bushel at
cellar. Inquire of Porter
Hale, Rural phone 11 on 19.
Jack Waller of Cowles spent Sunday
In the city.
Fresh Oysters served to order at
Warren's Restaurant.
Sl.&O to S'J.OO for good narrow stripe
fur J.O. Cai.dwi:i.i.
Mrs. John Myers was visiting in
Guide Rock on Friday.
Mr. Oilroy of Riverton was a guest
of Mr. Groat on Sunday.
There will be regular services at the
Baptist chinch next Sunday.
Chas. Leuzler was in Hastings one
diy the latter part of the week.
Ed A mack spent a few days the
latter wart of the week in Oxford.
Frank Kudrna of Bladen spent a
few days the first of the week in this
Mr. C. C. Cox had for her guest over
Sunday Mrs. Cox and children of Mc
Cook. County Surveyor Geo. H. Overiug
went to Blue Hill on Monday wheie ho
was attending to matters pertaining to
his otllce.
I have taken back my Oflice and
will remain in Red Cloud. Calls
promptly attended day or night. Dr.
R.,F, Raiues. adv.
If you have a picture you want en
larged bring it to us Wo want to
please you Hive us a chance.
Stevens Bros.
Twill-, a boy and girl, were born to
M and Mr. Frank Perry on Sunday.
The, hoy, hnwccr, living only a few
hours after birth
SeV Mis Grace Dodrlcl; for your
Trimmed Hats, uKo a Hue of Misses
an 1 Children-' Hats. Remodeling
done. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Miss Maggie l.euiiard and Miss
M Hide llolliiigsworth of Riverton were
in town Satuiday taking advantige of
the many bargains to bo found among
R-d Cloud's.loading stores.
E. J. Overing, Jr., and Ham Llndscy
motored over near Cora, Kansas, one
day the (li st of the week. Mr. Over
ing went to attend to some business
matteis, pertaining to monuments,
etc , and Sam went, we presume, most
ly to kill time and like wise to remain
in good company.
Rev. Bayne loft Tuesday morning to
attend the Republican Valley Associa
tion of Congregational churches which
met Tuesday and Wednesday at Alma
where Mr. Bayne delivered an address.
Deacon Sheldon and Miss Jessie Kel
logg were elected by the church as
delegates and were nlso in Alma at
tending the Association.
Chas. Amack, who has been 111 for
some tlnio past with typhoid fever,
came down fiom Ills home at Oxford
on Sunday and is spending tlie week at
the home of his brother, Kd Amack
Chin ley had quite a hick spell and it
will be some time before he will again
be able to resume his duties as lonnd
house foreman at that place.
Tlia Chlof is In receipt of an an
nouncement card which tells of the
arrival of a 10-pound baby girl at the
homo of Attorney Frank J. Monday
and wife Tlie lady came Saturday
and while wo have not as yet enjoyed
the privilege of seolng her it is safe
to predict that sho certainly is "the
faires of the fair". Just could not
help being, could she?
Mrs l). V Ui-!uiicer has gone In
Kansas City wlu-tc she will visit rein
: ies,
Ml-s (ret nlee of lM'MMton pent
Sunday in this city as (he guest of
MIm Jewell.
M. I). Col nr mid family were visit
ing their nun George mid family near
Cowles Sunday.
l A Wulll'iKiidt mid son, Carl,
weu '.ii IlaMiiigs, Friday, ut Winding to
t li-liicss tnatleis.
John II. Hamilton of Cubic Rock
spent Satuiday at the homo of his s n,
M !ei Hamilton.
Fresh candy, peanuts anil clgais at
Wan en's lloMiiuiunl.
Dr. WodiMiH'jcr Was in Lincoln the
Mist of tlie wi elc win re he took the
state veterinary elimination.
X. V Amlctsou of Cowles was trans
acting liu-lness matters In this city
one day the latter part of the week.
Mary A. Simons, widow of Henry B
Simons has been granted u widow's
pension. F K. Maurer was her attor
Wilbur Hamilton, the popular head
man in the Paul Storey Clothing store,
has purchased the D. W. Turnurc resi
dence. The Pastor of the Congregational
church, Rev. John J. Bayne, will have
for his subject Sunday morning: 'The
Unshaken Foundations". In the even
ing he will give a stereoptlcon lecture
Service at 8 p m.
Do you notice that J. H. Bailey is
making the most of the farm loans?
He is solo agent for Trevett, Mattls &,
Baker, and Is offering the best rates,
terms and option in the market and
that is the reason. adv.
About twenty guests gathered at the
home of M. B. Corner and wife Tues
day evening. After spending some
time playing games and enjoying a
guessing contest, light refreshments
were served. All present report a
pleasant evening.
Mis. Non Sprinkle, who resided with
her husband and three children near
Coivle-, died on Monday. The lady
was ','( years of age mid sho leaves a
large circle of friends in Webster
county who extend their deepest sym
pathy to the grief stricken relatives.
I). Barber, who for some months
past has been the obliging pharmacist
in the C. L. Cutting drug store, has
pui chased a drugstore at Stella, No
braska, mid left Tuesday night for
that place. Mr. Barber is n real'
gentleman, and during his short stay
hero made many friends who sincerely
regret his departure, but who wish for
him only success in his uew field.
The Christian Scientists, who for
some time past liavo held services at
tho home of Mrs. Geo. Holltster, have
secured from Mauager Warren the use
of The Tepee on Sunday, mid held
their services at that place last Sun
day. This step was necessitated on
account of the fact that they have
grown so in number as to demand
larger quarters in which to hold ser
vices. Walt Warren whose name for years
has stood for the place where at you
can seem c one of the best square meals,
like mother used to cook, and Roscoc
Weesner, of the Weesner & Perry dry
goods and grocery store, laid aside
business cares a few days the first of
the week mid taken a little launtilowii
the road to that village called Kansas
City. Tho boys left the Mesdaine.s at
homo, and to us it looks as if they
might havo deliberately went out for
u 'icul time?"
Mrs. C. C. Potior, who resides south
of the city, was agreeably surpiised
on Sunday by u number of her friends
gathering at her home during her
absence at church .The un-lnvlteil
guests brought with them baskets
which was well filled with good things
to eat and when Mis. Potter returned
homo they all enjoyed a spread which
would have did juslluo to a king. The
occassion was Mrs. Potter's blrthdav.
and the event will long bo remember
ed by all prosent.
What might hayo boon a very seri
ous accident occured Saturday night
when Dr. Cook's drug store building
came near plunging into the excava
tion made for the now building adjoin
ing this one on tho south. The dirt
had been removed below the founda
tion of tho store mid this gave way.
The store building tinned several feet
and the brick veneer fell off. Had this
happened while the men weio at work
during tho day they could have hardly
escaped. The building has been
straightened up and solid pilars will
now prevent any danger in the future.
Yesterday was "Bargain Day" and
in so far as wo are able to learn the
event attracted oven more interest
than the one which was held last
mouth, Tho day was mi ideal one,
nature donning her "Minunei-liko"
dress, mi 1 largo crowds were In town
the entire day taking advantage of
the many bin gains offered by the
different business All open
air baud conceit was given in tlie
afternoon. l'lio Chief enjoyed a
liberal patronage, which gave to us
tho joy of adding several new names
to our list, mid also convinced us that
the clti.ons realized wo were offering
them u real bargain.
Red Cloud Lady
Attends Wedding
Mrs. (Jen Conn an I children have
returned from a s'mrt Mt iwllh ie a
lives in Wisconsin, and (ie t. one
more wiuiH 'ilu sinilo ih P whip ei'iii- '
During her absence Mr, tmn t
lended the wedding of one of lur'
relatives, an account of whlih follow ,;
Miis Mae Julli, il.uig liter of H. A.
Prcgcnt, Hint Canal alru't, wa i uui .tl
in marri'ig in On- us Rowan at Soclnok
thU morning at the South Side Holy
(Jhoit church, Rev. O tin i lllciatiiig.
Miris Lottie Pregent, ulster of the bride
was hiiJc'iuiulu and (lie groom was at
tended by Mutt Lifaivc
The bride and hrh!cttn:iid worcgownc
alike of white embroiiimd voile over
mensaline silk, the Iuidc carrying a
tdiower banquet of bridal r sea. After
the ceremony the party went to the
home of the bride where a welding
breakfast was served to 75 gues's, in
cluding friends and relatives.
The table was tastefully decorated
with carnation, rosfB and smilax and
wedding hells figured largely in the
houve decorations. Mr. and Mr. Ro
wan departed on the noon train for
Waupaca on a brief honeymoon. They
were given a good send off at the de
pot by the many fi lends who showered
them with rice. The ncwlyweds will
reside in Lafayette where the groom
has a farm. The bride until recently
was employed at the L..& W. Shoe Co.
Many beautiful wedding presents
were received by them of whith some
were costly. The bride In well known
in the city and is favorably known by
all her friends and acquaintances.
The out of town guests wcic Mrs. G.
Coon and five children, of Red Cloud,
Nebr. Mrs. William Tuttje, of .Stan
ley, Miiia Alma Nelson, of Superior and
Miss Anna Scheel, of Eau CUirc-The
Chippewa (Wisconsin) Herald.
II. (5. Keeney and Klincr Simons are
shelling corn this week.
air; and Mrs win. iiooii were na-i-
engers to Ke.l Cloud Wednesday.
Kinery Waller and Guy Scott motor
ed to' Hod Cloud Monday evening.
Mth. Ida Squires was a visitor at the
home of C. 1 Walker In lied Cloud
Cha. C. Itenuett got in a car of Ford
cars this week. Anyone wanting car
will do well to see him.
The M. K. people are holding revival
meetings at their church this week,
everyone is cordially invited to attend.
East Monday morning the people
wore vory much grieved to learn of
the death of Mrs. Kalian Spieiihle
She leaves a husband, three small
children and a large number of rela
tlves and friends to mourn her death.
Sad is life, but what (Sud wills surely
must be for the best.
Will Fisher was sowing oats on Sat
Kli Hoiichlu sold John Ha wis a horse
George Smith spent Satuiday night
in to An.
Hay Davis made a trip to lied Cloud
Monday on business.
Fred Ilnrri' baby who has been siel
for some time is bettor.
Howard Ailes from McCoolt was vis
iting in (iiuilold Sunday.
Harry Harris and family wore visit
lug at tho home of A I .Smith Sunday
After tho rains and snows of last
week the ground is in fluo shapo for
Vorn Harris and Lou Hailsback was
driving ou wind mill row .Sunday, oh
you hid
Sammlo Tlnmpsou cut one of hi
lingers pretty bad last Saturday, and
had to havo the doctordrcss It.
Four scholars from district 8." took
the eighth grade examination" in Hed
Cloud hiht Thursday and Friday.
He it King was on wind mill row
Monday assessing and trying to find
out how much tho people are worth.
Those who shipped stock on Sunday
from Garfield were: Amack Hros.,
four cars of cattle; Coon .t .Smith,
one car of hogs.
Little Charley McKlhaney met with
quite a bad accident on Saturday
while helping his father with a manure
spieader. In some way he got his
aim in tho cylinder, which tore fioine
of tlie flesh off pretty bad and the
doctor had to put several stitches in
It. Ho is getting along nicely now.
Notice to Teachers
A special examination will lo given
on tho third Fiidny and following
Saturday in April, in county certificate
subjects only,
The reading circle examination will
bo held Satuiday afternoon, April JO.
and Saturday afternoon, May 17.
The state eighth grade examinations
will bo held Thursday and Friday
April 10 and II, and Thursday and Fri
day, May 8 and 0.
GKKMimE L. Coon, Co. Supt.
!qv"w&$$9 S3 saw &3 SS3'v
I Something Mew I
Liotlies Every Day . . . . .
To kcj) our stock riuMU up to the minute nlways. we net
in new thinijs new ideas
tlm 1M1
Mi 11
Gottiden-HaleyClotningGo. g
8 Silks
To be in style this year it is essential that you have
a dress made of one of the above named goods.
That our silks have merit is shown by repeated sales
to the same customers. Our dollar grade of
Messaline, Char mense ? Brocade
is without doubt the best on the market at that price.
Is Our Middle Name
The line is complete, the quality is the best. We
have 45-in Flouncings at
$1.25 to $3.25 Per Yard
You can't be well dressed unless you have a fine
embroidered dress.
Solo Agents For
E&utterick Patterns
BflRBAflfl PHflHES
Hed Cloud.
when you buy light weight
and money because they are
Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp.
If ir Happened You Will find It Here
- - every day. So that this Sjj
store is especially valuable to
i ne man who always wants tlie
new thin&s while they are now.
KuiJjienheimerClotheral'Land 0)
Society brand Clothes for Men (S
and Young men
Boys' Knickubockc Suits in
Norfolk s
3 to $8
Mothers Dress your boys in
new K. & E. Waists.
i7i Mmw
Spring Hats and
Be Seasonable
Why don't you plant your seed
out of season? Because you would
waste your time and money Just so
catalog engines You waste time
always o(it of season,
Ed. Hanson
Red Cloud, Neb.