The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 10, 1913, Image 1

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M Hlitortcal Siclcty
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JBHjT&jI'J'r" t.wiBr rrfjiBBBMBB BBm BBBBBMBBr?rr !SBilBBBBBKfl. Mpcii wMmAmnmz9ti3B9tmw
AKyyKgs-if:;s -fc 3c5HilBBHflV'8BBBBMm riTBJl"BJBBBBBBBHBM-' tfjg mii IBPPHflr BJJ2iL5 BlBBBBBBlBBvBvKi?995Z'lfBfBBBj
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4 Ncwspapir Thai (ihcs The New Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For SI.RO.
r tf
!I) CLOUD, NJUUnA'-'KA, A1MJ1L 10,
NJIiMUIfllJ 15
A Al J3 -J. X .; -WD. - '"vW
It ic true lliat you are not likely to loco y;ur
savings il deposited in any fod bonk but ycu
when you deposit whoio you have the additional (fV
protection oE the State Guaranty Law. Such '()
protection is oSfercd you hero. " ft)
It is surely "good business" to deposit where 'jL
you get absolutely guaranteed protection, in prof- m
erence to placing money in a bank that guaran- f$
tees nothing."" f
The State Guaranty Law is behind every dollar dc- w
posited in this bank, and when you open an- account here,
you arc ON THE SAFE SIDE. If)
stS - -- -v ri5 " -r r zr oa --J irf -d ". 5 .-! -fc-j -ai t' tr., f
I 1
8i00 i
We have decided to offer a real
bargain for Bargain Day, and on
that one day only, Wednesday
April 16th, Ave will give one
year's.subscription'toHhe Chief ,
for one dollar. This applies to, ;'
'''- new sUDfcriDers na tppse payv-
A r ing4n adyance only. :.,. H J
THE'REhBrttMJD Thief as!?
'. ai i i
f .".. K-l&l'b.. . r. -. ".. iH5 '.' ., S .' -
1,-C, -'!'wwm W
We have decided to give fifty cents out o
every subscription new ov old received from
now untill next Tuesday night to the
tornado sufferers in and around Omaha.
Remembor ii you pay a year's subscription
to The Chief one third of it will go to help
some unfortunate fcimily.
! Wffia9SSHQKB&
k ,--f ': n ul i wiw'..TMc:v'-.?iia.-wv?CTTTv.nva?Vs,i.irjm--t
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Omaha Praises j i City Council -
Money Raisers Holds Meeting
Onmliii. Nubr., April 5, il)i:i
Uocelvcd fiom D. V. Tm-miro
iliuft 3152 0:
ChhIi 1 M)
IT i
ViJli .y.jtf. : T, .,
I am now located
at the Willow Dale
Breeding Barn in
Red Cloud for the
season of 1913 with
a fine bunch of Im
ported, Pure Bred
Registered Draft
Horses and Jacks. These Horses range from 3 to 5
years old, weighing from 1700 to 2250 pounds, and are as
good as you will find anywhere.
TERMS ON ALL HORSES $20 for a live colt. $5
discount on all bills paid within 30 days after colt
is foaled.
Totul 8103 .'.5
From llio citl.' iim of lloil Cloud. Re
ceipts from tlie bund couiiurl lit I5ed
Houi'.iit Canki.i., Treusuror.
Omalm, Ncbr., April 5, 1913.
Mayor of Ned Cloud
The relief committee desires thru
you to tlinuk tbo Indies of Red Cloud
for the goods sent for the relief of the
cyclone sufferers. They appreciate
very much the kinduess of those oat
side of this city. y
You will be pleased to know Mm Ue
immediate relief is getting well in
aandr-Howerer there are Urge things
ahead' which ratut be taken f, up imme
diately? . vk'o-j r
' i f K sRkmkf Committee.
Theabo'Te letters explain themset
es. -Wtitkvthe people. of the tornado
atrieken'dUtrici ST, ftrjr grateful for
the nietaaoe- alrt4r -jrteelwd tbey
aro aiimtrfcetdy etrfMaMtaoo . Itii
dlfflcutt for.iuftt.iilU.dkUaoe to real
I discount on all bills paid within 30 days alter colt
is foaled.
H. A. Johnson I
91 Barn Phone Independent 168 fl
Osuha.:. It kHitpfMUilo for4kT looalJ
people to oope .tUitfct gitaaUoB-and
iaabBlp-iaBaeded,"8ofar the gift
have not arerafed fire cents per In
habitant for the state. This should be
considered as a state calamity aud tbe
people of the state should all share
the burden.
During the drouth years of '00 and
'ul this community received aid from
the east which was yery acceptable and
now that we are able we should "go
thou and do likewise". We are pleas
ed that the good folks of this city have
decided to continue taking donations
so that everyone may have a slime In
helping. The need is urgent, the peo
pic tire destitute.. Up to the present
most of the donations have come from
tho businehh men aud professional
men of the cities aud towns because
they were more easily assesbibic than
the furmors but now everyone lb Invited
to help. Come one come all.
isetheete at ,tfce alafeetao whlo
oierJook JM?emtjqr,' aaiMWiiaMorulwrlbe tfdntatol
Adjourned busiiou. Maor Tiiruuiv,
Cotincllinuii Strong, .Slierwnud, Cow
den mid S'orev nro-eut. Minutes nf
last liiociin road and approved.
Itequest of W. 10. White and M. II.
Corner for llxlng Mast 1th avonuo so
as not to allow ftagnant water to stand
in the ditch in front of their res I
donees .loo Tophnni objected . On
motion the mayor and council set :U0
Wednesday morntng to investigate.
Kd Seaton and W. II. Beezley asked
for alloy through block 2 Hadolilfs
addition to be opened up. Moved by
Cowden and seconded by Strong that
mayor appoint committee of three to
confer with Mr. Albright, Sherwood,
Storey and Cowden appqlnted. '
ucquesc oin, w. Huiiuord to open
afreet around block , 18 Railroad Addl
tion.' Moved that city clerk, be In
strncted to notify the owners of blocks
18, 14 tad 17 Railroad addition to re
move obstruction. Carried.
Letter - of 'Standard Oil Company
read, i Moved and eeeonded that their
claim for W.&3 be' Dewed. -Carried
Petition of;,;, for
opealairof an'eitcDetoBOf West $rd
Avenue through; aemei lot.27..V,Oa
Notice to Teachers
A special examination will be given
on the third Friday aud following
Saturday In April, in county certltlcatc
subjects only.
The rcadiug circle examination will
be held Saturday afternoon, April 19,
and Saturday afternoon, May 17.
The state eighth grade examluatlous
will be held Thursday and Friday?
April 10 and II, and Thursday and Fri
day, May 8 and 0.
QKRrntJiiK h. Coon, Co. Supt.
Bladen Hat a Tornado
Oi.adkn, Neb., April 8,A tornado
of no small proportions passed direct
ly over Bladcu lust evening at about 0
o'clock. As people were returning
homo from the evening services tho'
funnel shaped cloud was seen approach
ing from tne southwest with a roar re
betnbllnga train of cars. One mile
south of tho town tho storm toro trees
out of the ground, then rose again aud
passed above tho town. Everybody
took refuge In their storm caves, ex
pecting to be lu the puth of the storm
which fortunately spent itself lu tho
air above Wednesday's State Journal
Omaha Extends Thanks To
Generous Hearted Nebraska
To the People of Nebraska: ..
Omaha, through its Citizens. Relief
Committee, takes this method of ex
tending its sincerest thanks to the
people of Nebraska for their prompt
aud generous assistance in the time of
Never have tenders of assistance
come with such geucrous promptings
as those from the people of Nebraska.
Hardly had the echos of the tornado
passed away before tenders of aid were
received from Nebraska cities and
Omaha will uevor forgot the kind
ness of Nebraska people aud while
hoping that there- will imver be occas
ion for reciprocation in this particular,
should such condition arise, Omaha
will be the Urst to respond to tho call.
Citizkns Rklicf CoMMrnr.K,
Ity T. J. Maiiokhv, Chairman,
C, C. ItotKWATKii, Secretary.
floU' to eMeao. Carried.
'-'Uaraes-JtxeeoBaked permlsi0 to
ooastmet? two story- brick balkling
on lot II block 4 Red Cloud. Request
wis granted. '
Permission was granted Jas. Peter
son to use side walk and is feet of
Fourth avenue adjoining his property.
Streets to be cleared by August 1, 1913.
Council canvassed the eleotlon vote.
Moved by Sherwood and seconded by
Storey that $200 be transferred from
tho Occupation Fund to tho Electric
Liight Fund. Carried.
After allowing the following claims
the council adjourned until April 30th
at 8 p. m.
H. Mueller Mfg Co $ 10 CO
Guy Zeigler 120 00
Cliff Jay 67 74
W. A. Patten 52 46
C. J. Fox 38 50
Carrie Fry 33 44
O. C. Teel 39 86
S. R. Florence 221 03
A. C. Slaby 8 00
Grant Chriatlo 155 00
Geo. Clausen 39 65
Sbundcrs Bros -22 90
Judges and Clerks 30 00
1 J vl 1? til OO
Ed Hanson 7 55
State Journal Co 4 58
American Engine Co 60
Buffalo Meter Co 38 74
H. Mueller Mfg Co 4 35
HawkeyeCom. Co 12 88
National Refining Co '. . 16 70
Lunkenheiner Co 12 21
Corbon Coal & Supply Co 176 40
C. W.Hull Co 394
F. S. Martin Co 151 66
A. C. Hoamer 13 16
J. B. Carr 4 00
Turnurc & Son 4 25
Olivor Wright is uttonding to busi
ness affairs in McCook this week.
18. Chamberlain and wife- of Lis
bou, North Dakota, is visltlug at tto
homo fit Mrs. h. M. Stouebreaker.
i . in : ti tun
ti r c
....'. 7. .Ai-nxf.- nn'An
I I 'V ' '.-S iU-'Tf iliHiA'fJ jiAIV ft f
irirn vo cu iaKin ,1:1 Quissiore , ..w?
will E.t'iy interest ywi. C-:M J r , -y
(type cAnnoL do justico to the '!i'J' ,
extraordinary ofieringjs. Buy- viiftlsfe&i. ',
spenuin money rijfh ', fa &&$.'
'- lyt way chantfe but i.ii.Mhi l. fc?J'.f
out hi8h quality, low rrlcu AfPmi f ' ffW',
mandartl of jwflry oell- i't 'iM&i1 rSV ! S
in t-emftina fixe,!. j' ,l ! S'liji I'll!1
s. It'.'1 it',.,w3ii!,y
?r-4rn vftn tv'U filirl it hi
b fiatififyiuf; USsoil- f
F '(
y.itri3Ksu llllill! iiH.y If xtm urnnt o
!!il !" snaoov. soark-
r ling fjem set ring
at a decided price
reduction here's
your opportunity.
For yoursvccthcart-mar-
men t of the wo rid 'r.
WW w
)ot Prodtictio.,,. a
tio. etc. .hl illlHlMlll! I
lil.l .!il'
rtlMff rf J j '
'll J
'ill 1 .Hill
' 1 11
. Kin .'T!..
,-.,. j, , JijiVwi t , jXii iy rlcd or othcr.viscn diamond
i!i Li! W,i )J ill solitaire in eminently proper,
lllii i ftSKlH51 MtW"B better nS an wec-
incnior uirutuay imp. aurpro Father,
Hu&band or Dtotber with n n!co ting. Wo
have g splendid Atuortincnl of gems in up-to-
' I II I I II ' I Mil II
M I! I ''!!! il 1
? I 'Ji'J1 ' I' !"lif
S tl Kl hi MJ ,1 nil
Li1 m m 17
l'IHIIIIIi ii 1 f 9avSou n jf
h 7W 11 m
tht-mlmue stUlnct at price to
nuittliethlniicit rocket boalc.You VJ J'-t-l J Jsi.
will find rlngito irnlt everyone k.-'' g
tn finil vwmen an J little folkt. Cull it Vr T
In now-whllf the ttoclt U complete.
-fcT-M-M .llllill
E. 1. fleaibouse
ft'..V S.nJ9J. ,Ll.
Did Yei Ste tke Lurf e aid Varied Display of
Shoes - Oxfords - Pttmps, - Etc
" "rfr t
.-L -.''.I
'?' N.t,
I EastStdi
1 f " t . ! i . mWw
1 5w btori : iieuiiMHise
..:! s fV
U ' '''iJX.
Get It While
It's Cheap
Many people live uncomfort
ably because they cannot
afford to do different. Many
others arc in the bamc fix be
cause no matter how much
they arc able to pay, the com
forts they desire are not
within their reach.
This, however, is not the
case with electric liglit -the.
greatest of all comforts. The
electric wires pass by your
very doors and Edison Mazda
Lamps provide the most beau
tiful electric liglit obtainable
at one-third whut it cost,
even only two or three years
So, if you aro not enjoying
the benefit of electric light
like your friends and neigh
borswhoso fault is it ?
A half-hour's talk with our genial house
wiring man will prove interesting and profitable.
Red Cloud, Nebraska
i i