fiulijinM-.i'.iumi'nmli'uiiniiniJI"JI !W5H&jw o.- w t f i:' K The Chief C. B. HALE, Publisher RID CLOUD NEBRASKA At tilth time of tliu year every base ball team Is h penmint winner. Ho annoying It 1h wlicn the nior cury practices tho scalo on the ther mometer! In Mongolia, women smoke and rldo astride, but lenve the husband's trous cr pockets unmolcHtrd. Jnpnn's new minister of Hnunco Is Baron Koroklyo Takqliraiilil. n very appropriate name Indeed. ' ' ' ' ' It has bcon at least a year since tho government has advertised for an xylonwtlst. Still no response. A Mllwnukecnn has failed at four attempts at milrldo. Ho may bo en dowed with as many lives as a cat. China now has a full fledged agri cultural department whore chop suoy Ingredients are given official atten tion. It Is not lawrul to bent an umplro In Illinois, but baseball fatiB will glvo this no thought until tho occasion arises. Over $17.1.000,000 worth of property changed hands In Chicago last year, not counting tho cash gathered on the highways. In tho namo of humanity, why not stnrt n society to provldo early worms and hot water bottlea Xor tho presea son robins? If n woman could hnvo her real wish sho would desire nothing more than to visit tho 27,000 department stores In tho United Stntes. I3ut for all that, no pampered aristo crat of an rffcto monarchy has any thing on tho American ball player In his spring training. Many bnscball players would so euro prettier photographs If thoy would lay nsldo their quids whllo look ing Into tho camera. China wnnts a good-sized air fleet with French officers. Tho now rcpub lie Is strictly up to dato with alt tn modern Improvements. London, always noted for curiosi ties, has a tramp who Inflates his throat Just like the mumps and spends glorious tllncs In tho Infirmaries. Now that It Is established that tho American cnglo Ib a hen. somo of our obstreperous neighbors to tho south will begin to complain of being hen pecked. A demonstrating enr In Philadelphia cost Its owners over $13,000 In acci dent damages. After a demonstration like that Ha valuo seems to bo prob lematical. 8omo Americans are eccentric enough to refuso to pay money at a box office for the sake of seeing an actor who haa been divorced ever so many times. To keep from snoring a specialist declares the best method Is to keej one's mouth closed. .Incidentally. th same method will keep one from many other afflictions. Every tlra the unloaded pistol trag edy la repeated we are convinced afresh that the fool killer needs an able bodied assistant or at least a caddy to carry his tools. Two Los Angeles chauffeurs atole thirty-one automobiles within aeven months. It Ib sad to contemplate lust what would happen If thoy were turn ed loose In an auto plant. A Chicago Judgo holds that a wife should not ask for money, but that tho husband should hand It over without being asked. Usually It is the hus band who does the asking. ' France Is nil excited over a device Just Invented which makes the cap sizing of an aeroplano practically Im possible. We would llko to see It In operation from tho rrouud. Doing a grand opera song bird at $2,500 a night Is one thing; being In tho grand opera chorus at $2. GO Is something else. For all singers life Is not ono grand, sweet song. A suitor, seeking to Impress a girl by "boldness," lost her when ho claimed to bo n train robber. He might havu experimented progressive ly, beginning with petty larceny. A movement Is to bo started tc make tho war on flleB world-wide. Up to dato thq files have very much the better of tho exterminating crusade bo tho movement evidently needs more concentration than expansion Just at this Btngo. Tho minister of education of Wur temborg Inveighs against tho chang ing of spelling of acrmnn names In American schools, but then the educa tor has nover been litsldo n Yankee learning Institution In his llfo. A Chlcnry court bailiff has a scheme to nttlro himself in a bright green uniform, figuring that the advertise ment of tho victim's delinquency ob tained by the public epectaclo of tho balllff'o squatting on tho doorstep will encourage prompt payment. Or a hur (ry call for an ambulance. MEMORY HELD HIM And His Reverie Took Him Back to a Far-Away Country Home. Dy RICHARD POST. It was n full half hour after tho cur jtaln rose when Travis saw her. Even jthuu he was doubtful. In tho maze f pretty girls who weaved through ,tho Intricate and bewildering comblnn 'tlons of dances and marches on tho istngo ho could not bo certain that the slight, girlish figure wns Cecllo Ray mond. Now tho chorus formed In a billowy line of while and Burged for ward llko a foam-crested wave to the footlights. The girl ho watched was third from tho end In tho second lino and tho young man could not distin guish nor features. "A very common-place chorus," Miss 'Davis commented to hrr escort, as the icurtaln fell. "I thought that little brunctto nenr !tho end In the Bccond row wns, well (quite pretty," ho ventured. Miss l.orcuo DavlB glanced at him .sharply. "It's all a matter of opinion jPf courso," sho replied, acridly. "As Yor myself, I haven't seen ever a pass ably good-looking woman on tho stage (tonight." Hut Italph Davis was paying scant ,attentlon to her remarks. For h mo ment membry held him. Was It Cecllo 'Raymond? Could It bo she? "Why not?" ho nsked himself bit terly. "Who knows where Bho went or liow fnr may have fallen alnco she flipped nway from Lancaster two fyears ago? Then Ceclle wished to bo ia grand oporn stnr." Ho smiled with a synlclsm beyond his yenrs. "They Jso often end up In tho chorus It may jbo nfter nil," ho concluded. "If Bho" nnd thon his honesty of '.thought drove back tho repronches ho 'started to heap upon Cecllo. "No, It Iwns my fault, Just mlno," ho admitted. "i wnB too ambitious, I didn't dare to jnsk hor when I had llttlo to offer. Co cllo on hor part was Impatient and 'wont nway to mnko a namo for her 'self. It was all my fault," ho repeated, unconscious thnt ho spoke aloud. "What's your fault?" Miss Davis ask ed, turning a wondering glance upon jhlm. Ralph camo out of his roverlo Bud Idenly. "That I didn't bring n box of ,cnndy for you," ho replied with quick self-possession. Ho hailed a boy and bought an expensive two-pound pack 'ago. For an Instant Travis' eyes rested on tho woman at his side. Superbly Jgowncd, MIsb Davis possossed a regu lar If somewhat colorless beauty. Hor ,good breeding showed Itself In every (lino of her face and if there was a certain hardness In her features, too much of a steely glitter In the pale .blue eyes, the amount of her father's fortune atoned for any deficiencies. Certainly, Travis, two years boforo a (nobody and now only a rising young Tnan, porhaps undeservedly credited with two engineering triumphs, should thank his stars of fortune that It was !ho who was favored to alt at MIsb P lvls' side. Travis know well that In the next jbox was Edgorton Oreen, contender for tho hand of tho girl who that eve ning favored Ralph with hor amllos. To be In his place the young man 'doubted not that Oreen would havo given all he possessed. "Certainly," (Travis reflected, "I should consider cnysolf lucky." But strangely enough he waa dis satisfied. Tho girl waa probably not Cecllo. Even If she were, what was eho to him? Two yeara on the stage, in the bal lot! With his somewhat austere train ing ho shuddered to think what her llfo must have been. No; If the dancer should provo to be Cecllo, she hold no Interest for him. , Yet, when the curtain rose, ho for jpot tho woman beside him and with an unconscious eagerness leaned fo ward In his scat, his eyes strained to catch the first sight of tho dlmtnu klvo llguro, third from tho oud second row. Tho pretty conceit of tho second net was tho appearance of tho "Tlger-Lll-les." Tho ballot, a few minutes bofore jgowncd In dainty white, now" appeared Jin flaming crimson, their heads crown, cd with Bcorlot and yellow caps, fash (ioncd In tbo shapo of n Illy. Then It rwas that Travis know the ono whom his eyes sought was Indeed Cecllo Ray mond. Tho gorgeousness of her cos tume only accentuated tho pallor of hor cheeks, tho feverish luBtcr of hor largo, brown eyes, tho dead blackness (of her massed hair. . Cecllo knew him. Ho read that In Itho first gtanco. Desplto Btngo de corum her oyoa continually wandered "toward 1Ub box. Sho executed tho live ly, rollicking dance mechanically, keep, lug tlmo and step with tho skill of Jong hnblt. Hut tho man, leaning for (ward In his Boat, unconscious of tho ptatoly girl at his sldo, of tho multl (Uido of men nnd women about him, icnow Intuitively that Cccllo'a thoughts ;woro with him, as his wero with hor. In hla roverlo fnticy took him back joncu more on n peaceful rlvor In tho far-away country of his homo Ceclle'B loino. Thoy wero togothor, hardly moro than boy nnd girl, In a ennoo llrlftlng slowly down tho stream. Tho month was August, tho sun n-gllstcn on tho swiftly flowing water of mid channel, but thoy coasted along tho bank In tho deop shndo of tho over hanging trees. And thero, nt tho edge of tho bushes, tall tlgor-lllloa grew, holr crimson coloring respondent against tho background of green. To gether thoy had plckod tho lilies to- gether that summer afternoon of tho long ago. Ho wondored idly If the girl on tho stngo remembered. In tho Instant something happened Tho ballot had swung far to tho left, almost below his box. Suddenly Ce die's whlto face grow oven whiter, she swayed and fell In a llttlo heap. The lino of dancers swung1 around and passed her, awa. to tho sentcr of tho stage. Too well trained wero thoy to nllow fivon for an Instant anything to break the lawless mechanism of their execution. Somebody from the wings would drag out tho girl1 who had fallen; the play must go on. Hut boforo a Btngp hand could roach her Travis had climbed tho railing of tho box and leaped upon tho stage. Hcndlng for nn Instant over the uncou Rclous girl, he quickly raised the Blen der form and bore tier In ills arms, nway from Die glaro of lights and tho blatant music to tho quiet of a dress ing room any dressing room, it did not matter to the commanding young mnn, whose fnco so set nnd stern mado men obey him. "Ceclle, Ceclle," ho whispered, "my dear llttlo tlgcr-llly. And the girl opening her eyes, smil ing wistfully, understood that ho re ferred not to tho tawdry Bplendor of her garb, but to the days, ho many weary weeks nnd months and years boforo when thoy hnd drifted together on tho quiet river nnd gathered the gorgous lilies on Its banks. "I was so tired," bho murmured. "And now you've come, Ralph, nnd It's nil right." "Starved herself, tho poor llttlo thing," tho motherly wardrobe wom an explained In a low voice. "She wouldn't do like ninny of tho girls," tho woman motioned toward tho stage from which wnveu of npplauso rolled as tho ballet scampered Into the wings. "Sho was paid only fifteen a week and had to provldo hor own clothes. Tho chick hasn't had a square meal In a month. No wonder she fainted dead awny." "It was all a mlstako, Just a misun derstanding," Travis Bald In a low voice and tho woman nodded with compre hension. "Hut It will be all right now, Just as eho said." With the tender ness of a woman tho young man lifted tho slight form and carried hor to a couch. Meanwhllo In the theater Edgerton Green had taken Travis' place at Miss DavlB' side. Whon Ralph thought of tho woman ho had left nlono In tho box ho regretted his unavoidable rude, noss. Sho was welcome to think of him bb a cad or however elso she pleased. For ho hnd Ceclle, ho had found again his little girl of tho tiger lilies, and amid his happiness noth ing elso of this world mattered. (Copyright, 1913, by tho McClure News paper Syndtcuto.) WERE COMRADES AT DINNER Rufus' Claim to Acquaintanceship With British General Had Actual Foundation. After peaco was declared In the War of 1812, RufUB Hrown, a lank Vermonter, was waiting with the United StnteB troops at Niagara Falls for orders to return home. Anxious to try a double-barreled gun he had Just bought, Rufus obtained permis sion to crosB over Into Canada for a day's shooting. Dut game was shy, and lato In tho afternoon, with his gun still untried, as he was returning disgustedly, a crow perched on a tree top not far from British headquarters, tempted him, and ho brought It down with one barrel. The shot brought out a British general, who, aa Rufus Btooped to pick up the crow, said: "That's a fine gun; will you let me see It?" Rufus handed him tho gun, when the general, with sudden fire In bis eye, said: "You scoundrel, you have shot my pet crow, and now you've got to eat It" I Rufus explained, then stormed, then begged, but the general was mad, clear through, and would not let him oft until three mouthfuls.of raw crow had been gulped down. "There," he said, handing back the gun, "that will teach you a wholesome lesson." Rufus wnlked away two steps, wheeled sharply around, and leveling his gun nt the general's head, said: "Eat tho rest of that crow." Tho general, In turn, blustered and pleaded, but in vain; he had to finish tho unsavory meal. Next dny Rufus was called to Amer ican headquarters. There ho con fronted tho angry British general. "Rufus," snld his commanding offi cer, "this Is General Forsytho; do you know him?" ' "Well." drawled Rufus, with a twinkle In his eye, "wo are sort of ac quainted. We dined together yester day." Miss Helen and the Tourists. Ono day Mlas Helen Taft was mot by two tourists as Bho left tho White ITouso grounds. With that charming, and lnepllcablo gift for garrulity which tourists develop, they stopped hor, nnd, not knowing that sho waa tho president's daughter, asked hpr a lot of questions about tho Vhlto Houso. Miss Taft submitted nnd pointed out nil tho various Interesting things about tho grounds.' where tho npartments of tho president nnd his family wero situated, md other Intl mato details. "You seem to kno a lot about It, my denr," said one' of tho women. Oh." replied Miss Taft laughingly, "you see, I am ohio of tho assistants to tho chief cook' A's eho walked away sho heard one of tho tourists declaro: "Quito reflnpd looking for a domes tic." Popular.- Magazine Gown of Exquisite Product - , knSid'dk rikm v "1 J1"'" I' n To demonstrate their ability at designing gowns excelling tho Importa tions from France, American dressmakers havo given their beat effort and tnlcnt to tho most benuttful gowns shown in this country. Tho photograph demonstrates moro ably than words tho result of their efforts. Tho gown is n Grecian gown of whlto chiffon with rhlnestono trimmings, with a Ore clan key design nnd rhlnestono girdle. BLOUSE CUT IN ONE PIECE One of Tulle Valenciennes Is Made With Neither Trimming Nor Fullness. Tho newest cream whlto blouses are moro plain thnn ever. Tho prettiest are tullo vnlcnclennes, or n kind of soft point d'esprlt with figures llko thoso lu the Valenciennes design. Ono blouse of this muterinl haB not tho slightest trimming or fullness except In tho back, whero thero la a tiny bit to cover tho opening nnd make it look like a narrow plait. Tho entlro thing Is mado in ono pleco, tho solo garnish being llttlo button studs of black vel vet in two rows nt tho throat, both back and front, and on tho wrists. Tho neck Is cut low nnd round, with cording of tho loco In three rows. A noticeable featuro of this blouse, which was designed In a houso In tho Place Vendome and Intended for tho Riviera, Ib tho sleeves made all In one pleco, with no extensions whatever. It Is as though tho cntiro thing had been molded together. No doubt the styles for the coming Benson will adopt Ideas een In this blouso. We have arrived at a period when cuts and finishes are at their cresendo of plainness. Noth ing" further Is posslblo because effects could not possibly bo any more rigid or simple. STYLISH SPRING DRESS Sprint dreaa of Royal blue broad cloth with draped skirt and yoke of accordion pleated silk. The waist la made almost entirely of silk with lapels and accordion pleated short leaves. Kfe. 'v x' f m mtJ -' a m CTx aV HaHr A Hjaan & JSHmm Design of American Talent '' - ' --' y ::.".. . ;'.'". i : -y "" . ii i ,n ii ' BLACK SATIN HAT RETAINED Though White Seems to Be Coming Favorite Color, Yet This Style Is Always Smart. Whllo colors nro to bo rampant this year nnd Bpread themselves over tho world llko a gorgeous sunset or a rain bow, yet tho tiny blnck satin hat Is to bo very smart indeed. Tho woman who is in doubt what to chooso when sho is hewildored by tho sulphur, pur pie, bronzo nnd red shndcfl offered would do well to rapidly retreat to ward conservatism and chooso a hat of black satin that lias llttlo trimming nnd owes Its beauty to Its shape. Such hats aro not what they used to bo. They aro distinctly of this sea son. Tho shapo is rather stiff, with a low crown nnd a two-inch brim whlcli rolls slightly back at tho edges; over this the satin is stretched and (Jnlshed at tho seams with a cord or a piping. Thero nro no folds or bows or 'full crown bands; nil Is as smooth and do. muro as a mnn's silk hat. Tho trim ming Is placed flat on tho brim and is mado up of any kind of feather that has spirals and looks straggling and careless. , Tho best known cholco Is a feather called numldle and which is more or less expensive and very fashionable. Tho peacock feathers aro on this on der and that is ono of tho reasons why they have returned to favor. Straw and wheat aro also used, and whatever does not Ho flat on tho brim stands Insolently erect In tho .middle of the front or back. Beaded Bags. Beaded bags refuse to be ousted. The smartest aro of Jet oblongs; pierced and applied to tho net alter nately with beads of silver or gold, on set solidly together and bordered with silver, gold or white disks. Equally! alluring aro tho bags made of steel mingling with colored beads andi those which show tho same curious' shaded effects that distinguish shot! silks. Somo of tlieso latter are madei in tho fashlonnble pannier shape first brought out In walrus or seal bags, and all contain a chango purse and card case of satin matching tho lining of the chief receptacle. i To Wash Cretonne Draperies. Boll ono pound of rlco in ono gallon of water until rico is soft, then strain off ono quart of tho milky water and add a piece of gum arable tho size of an egg. Set this asido for starching.) Tako tho romatndor of the water' and rice, add enough warm water to! wash tho curtains. Rub on a handfuf of tho boiled rico and souso up and down many times, then rinse In clear1 water. Starch In tho water as propared! above. Iron with a medium hot Iron when partly dry. Tho cretonne wlU look like new. Add Ammonia. Whlto frocks and blouses or under clothing thnt havo a bad color should bo first soaked In cold water to whichj a llttlo ammonia has boen added andi then given a lemon bleach; that is, a1 largo lemon should bo cut Into slices,' and rind and all boiled up In tho boil-t Ing pan or small copper. When at full,1 boiling point put in tho linens and muslins nnd boll for twenty minutes. Garments In Turn. A useful thing to remember In put- ting clean clothes away .is to placo tho freshly laundered pieces at tho! bottom of their respective piles, Thon, by using tho topmost, you always take! tho garments In rotation and each! garment thus haa less frequent wear and Its life is lengthened. WIVES COST MORE .Natives of Omdurman Pay. High Prices for Spouses. Viluo of Dowry Has Increased Since) the Days of the Mahdl Huge Swamp Covers 35,000 Square Miles. Klinrtum. Tho nutlvcs must bo prosperous In Omdurman, for even a worklngman will pay a preposterous price for his wife. Tho 'cost of get ting married has gone up since tho days of Uio Mahdl. Tho Mohammedan custom at marriage is that a certain Bum is agreed upon as tho bride's dowry, nnd is provided, not by her father, but by the prospective bride groom. Half of this is handed over to her pcoplo before marriage, nnd la usually spent in wedding festivities; tho other half can bo claimed by the wlfo If her husband divorces her. t "Sudd1' or "sadd" means literally "obstruction," nnd in tho Sudan It Is generally applied to the river weed which, massing itself together in tho upper Nile, forms n vnBt expanse of swamp, a veritable Inland Sarcaaso sea, a waving, lush green forest of reeds nnd water growth somo 35,000 square miles In extent. Think of ltt Thirty-flvo thousand square miles of hopeless Bwamp. Through this sudd region tho Whlto Nllo travels for 30& miles, nnd In the. rainy season largo Islands or sudd break nway and, float ing down stream, choke up tho nar row channel of tho river. So seridua docs this obstruction become that river steamers had been blocked in for weeks nt a time until a way has been hewn out for them. The steamers that go up from Klinr tum to Gondokcr and tho Lndo and back cannot uso coal, for tho price of transportation renders tho expense prohibitive. Hence nt tho fueling sta tions placed nt intervals nlong tin Whlto Nllo you will sco neatly piled stacks of wood placed on tho bank, nnd this "wooding" Is a process to which you will Boon got accustomed It you Journey southward. It Is full of disadvantages; indeed it is chiefly dis advantageous. Wood fuel takes a long tlmo to get on bonrd; It occupied a great deal of space when It is on board and It eats up tho timber of tho country. Now it occurred, to n Teu tonic genius that could the mnBB ot weed be dried and prepared for tho burning, tho sudd, which wns useless .w" 'i.r''t y -"',- '."ni'" z ..-. -' A- .t. .. y nLL. s , .v'-.a .. . z u- .s . ... ' ...JXV. -X-- Axji ' r. mMMmJ? I?,. JSV5V ?rXrf v"H ""W"v " t , mv TX. r-'te Near Historic Omdurman. might just as well provldo tho fuel instead of the trees, which wero use ful; accordingly with the grateful ap proval of the Sudan government, ex periments wero duly carried out. Some) tons of the tall weeds wero cut down, dried in the sun, subjected to a disin tegrating process and converted into neat briquettes about six inches long, three broad and ono deep; the handi est little thing Imaginable. PYTHON FIGHTS 12 KEEPERS! Twenty-two-Foot Inmate of Bronx Zoo Hasn't Eaten for Nineteen Months, but New York. With a dozen strong men Curator Raymond Dltmars wont into tho annko houso at the Bronx zoo and opened tho door ot a cago con taining Sollna, a 22-foot python. Whllo she dozed a noose was slipped over her neck. Sollna has not eaten so much as a pound of pig for nineteen months. All that tlmo she has lived on her fat, and she Is still fat and the champion fight er in her class. Freshly killed pigs and other tempting nnako bits havo been put In her cago elnco sho began her long fast, but sho simply baa brushed them asldo with a Bweep of hortall, closed her Jaws and Bhut her oyoB in snakcly contempt. But tho tying of tho nooso about her nek aroused her to fury. Sho Bwung her tall ngafhBt the bars of her cell, wriggled, writhed and fought aa only Sollna can -light. Moro nooses wero got about her slippery body, and the curator gave tho order: "Slowly, men. Now pull!" Gradually Sellna was dragged through tho doorway. Sho flopfled to tho floor of tho houso nnd began n se ries of contortions. Keeper Michael O'Keefe got too closo to Sollna'n tall and wbb knocked through n window. Next John Hastings was sent Bprawl Jlng. For two hours tho men fought and tugged beforo Sellna was got Into a 'other cage 150 feet away. &CaW531WjlWffl V'Ws m . r: i I -"ffliliijllHJ.HlS ;' .J- ifttwwTii,B'v'u'ittiit(iti l!WQ!lillw,'w'w'WIM'' .wiiWibhhAiCi MnMHMUtM