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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1913)
51rC3vM! 2hvC3H a- tit ' t PJ l, I s i lu.- L I- k & r Ml W i lYft i ft 15V IH-, m m ltf K tt Ik Hi i I Silks .- Embroideries To be in style this year it is essential that you have a dress made of one of the above named goods. That our silks have merit is shown by repeated sales toThe same customers. Our dollar grade of Messallne, Charmense Brocade is without doubt the best on the market at that price. Embroideries Our Middle Mama The Ijne is complete, the quality is the, best. We have 45-in Flouncings at $1.25 to $3.25Per Yard You can t be well dressed unless you have a fine embroidered dress. Sala Aganta For Mutterlok Patterns & 3E BARBARA PHARES Red Cloud, Nebraska AQENTS WANTED ! A few more live ones wanted to sell one of the foremost sellers in the world Four Models: 9163." 200.oo $2f5.oo $250.oo All fully equipped, nothing lacking, luggage carrier. Magneto and free engine Llmaral Tarma To Aganta Jessup . Sanderson, Clay Center, Nebraska 5 8 8 u s 8 . 0 s 1 iat Ui f Correspondents MWWWAVJVAWV BATIN Jolin I'avlick btitcheied h hog Inst week. 'I he weather ta a little snowy nnd wltiterlsh Will Kttdriia whs In Otilcle Hock Wednesday. lohn I'nvllck bought u fine team of run res Inst week. Louts KnezliifU of Crete Is going to woik for Louis Vavrlckn tills summer. Louis Vuvrlclm returned from Lin coln and other eastern points Satur day. 1'irtiik Viivilckii returned fiom Kun 8H8 City Wednesday where lie 'hipped stock. M. Vuwricku and son Wllle and wife and Ml', nnd Mrs. Jon. Jelinek took dinner with Louis Vuvi idea's Sunday. KANSAS PICKUPS (Krotn Hmlth County) Mrs. Marge Ilolllmon of Colorado Springs Is lieru visiting relatives. Jesse Green sold a car load of hogs to V. Dell, the Lebanon hog buyer, lust Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Albert Mastertuan spent Sunday at the borne of C litis. Hooper's. Good Friday is passed, but we do not bear of many potatoes being plant- ed on that day. Mr. Eardman of Smith Center was the guest of bis daughter Mrs Flora Shrader a portion of last week. We noMco that Sam Asbury and John Anshutz are breaking alfalfa ground on the T. 8. Spurrier place. E. E. Spurrier shipped a car load of hogs and cattle to Kansas City Mon day aud be uecompauled the same Mrs. John Dick has returned to ber home on Crystal Flalnes after a week's visit with her sister Mrs. Btftt I'ttyue. We are glad to report tbat Prof. T. H. Hooper of Yuma, Colo., who is in the St. Joseph hospital at Denver, Colo., with a brokeu leg, is improving as well as could be expected. Mr. Hooper spent his boyhood days In this neighborhood and became Professor of the Smith County High school. He weut to Vuuiii for the benefit of his health. CREAM SEPARATOR TALK LV-A GARFIELD That dairying is one of the most profitable branches of farming, is, and has for a long time, been a well known fact. Not only in that it keeps the fertility of the soil at home, where it may bs used to produce other crops, but also for the fact that it pro vides the farmer with a weekly cash income from the sale of butterfat. 'That the farmers of this vicinity are aware of the benefit to be derived from this source, is apparent by the high prices which are being paid for milch cows. After investing $75.00 or more in a milch cow, why not derive the full benefit from such a purchase by the use of a good cream separator? In this article we wish to present to you the RUMLEY-OLDS cream separator; which has no superior on the market. This separator is of the disc type of machine, which is recognized as being the best type and has many superior points over other machines. The makers have not figured how cheap, but how good they could make a cream separator, and every feature to be found on this machine are considered the acme of cream separator construction. Some of the points to be found on this separator are the helical gears, reversible phosphor bronze worm wheel, ball bearing contact points on bottom and top of bowl spindle; noiseless roller ratchet which engages instantly at any point, large milk supply can with no sharp corners (easi ly washed and kept clean) split wing for milk distribution in bowl with patent wings which distributes milk evenly to all discs alike (therefore allowing of closer skimming and less discs than other machines of like type, also allowing of slower speed and prevents milk from foaming and thereby being dangerous to feed to calves). Call and see this machine and be convinced. We are willing to allow you to try this machine in competition with any other make of separator in the market. ONE TRY WILL MAKE YOU BUY. If 3E DC m Edward Hanson Hard and Implements RED CLOUD, 1 UweSH NEBRASKA ! Postponed! PLOWING! DEMONSTRATION On the C J. Piatt Farm One Mile West of Town, UNTIL, Ms. and Friday, Aptil 3 ami 4 An International Kerosene Tractor and Plowing Outfit will be used An Auto wilfleave OU R SHOP for the demonstration every 20 minuets Whitaker & Buckles Pete Mauley is woikiug on the Knley ranch T. W. White mill Will Fisher were hauling hay on Monday. lleorge Smith bought a mule in towi. Saturday to mate his old one. L. C. King was down from Gibbon last week and made a short visit. The wind has been blowing the dust in great .shape for the last few days. A heavy snow storm vislted'.Oarfleld Tuesday and stopped busiue&a on the farm. Tom Hawkins shipped u car of hogs to market and is visiting in Kansas this week. Clyde Simpson was on wind mill row Sunday .shooting ducks or rather hunting ducks. Uuy Barnes aud Frank Atnauk haul ed corn Saturday. They had a car load shipped in. Mrs. Clara Sullivun returned to her home at MeCook last Friday after a visit at Will Fisher's Smith llros., hauled in a eurloud of hogs on Saturday uiid shipped them to market on Sunday. (Sntudmii Alles mid Ethel Fisher were quite sick at Will Fisher's Satur day night ami Sunday. A small outfit of Italians passed along wind mill row Monday which was quite a sight to the children. Guy Barnes and wife went down to Guide Uock Sunday to visit Mrs, Barnes' parents. Guy came back Mon day and his wife will stay a while. f aWs Smm Im"" 3BE5S5 We Wish To Extend An invitation To rfctketfPrtfeate. In the County Court of Webster County, Nebraska, STATKOKNKIHIA.SKA, I ,. v cosier county, t To all person Interested In the estate ul Mary A. Ileaton, Deceased: TAKK NOTICK, that a petition lias been tiled praying that the Instrument to bo Hied In this court on the 6th day of April, 1013, pur portliiK to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be proved and allowed and recorded as the Inst will and testament ot Mary A. Ileaton, deceased; that snld In strument In) admitted to probate, and the ad ministration ol suldostato be granted to John W. KJnscl as Administrator with the will annexed. It Is hereby ordered by the court, that nil persons Interested In said estate appear at the County Court to bo held In aud tor said county on the 0th day ot April 1913, at ten o'clock A. M., to show cause, It any there he, why the prayer ol the petitioner should not bo granted, and that notice ot tlio pendency o said petition and the hearing thereof, be given to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho lted Cloud Chief, a legal weekly newspnpej; print ed la said county, for three consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hnud nnd the seal of said court this lUih dny of March, A. 1. I'Ji:). (SKAl.) A. D. ItANNKY County Judge. Early Spring Shoppers & To Visit Our Store This season we are showing splendid styles in Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Dresses, Etc. These Lines Are Selected With Care And consideration as regards the demands of our patrons, who demand the best to be hard. .. . .'. Everything we show is &OOd. If there are better gar ments on the market at the price, our years of experience fail to nnd it. .. We feel confident we are showing the very best when we offer our lines for your inspection. - .". Spring Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Etc., Are All Here F. G. TIRNIRE 8 SON Red Cloud, Nebraska -8- -I- i.- A . SdSdvA'wsssdaBHHBesdSSwvAwvwssss & ..,.v,.r.,-.4v.rtMf I -H H.-V .',Mw"..f-v..'. ' '.S.i ,. MHH WW wrMwi!v03wwwarvwwiww- u!tiMraiatiMiki aluiias mmamimmmammm