The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 27, 1913, Section One, Image 5

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H'Ht1H'ViWT, T)
Bulletin of The Wnk'i Dolnft
, Lee DeTour was up from Uuide Kock
Father Fitzgerald was iti Superior
Mrs. J. 0. Butler-spent Monday in
The public schools opened again on
Monday after a week's vacation.
Early Ohio Seed Potatoes for sale
fiOc and 75c per bushel. Gus I'undt
Homer'Fox left Monday morning for
Superior to spend a few days visiting
Cbas. Bennett of Cowles was attend
ing to business affairs in town Satur
Rev. E. N. Tompkins delivered a
sermon Sunday morning to the Kuight
Mrs. Barlow left for Blue Hill Mou
day to spend several days visiting
with friends.
Mrs. Boyd Smith and children spent
a few days the last of the week visit
ing Id Inavale.
Miss Ruth Baylor returned to her
home in Cowles Monday after a short
. visit with friends in this city.
The Ladies Aid society of the M. E.
church have postponed their annual
Easter Bazar until April 5th.
Mrs. Will Robertson visited her
daughter, Mrs. Roy Fearn in Superior
a few days the first of the week.
G. C. Kimsey, father of Mrs. Wm.
Bohrer, has retnrned to his home In
Venkelman after a visit at the home of
his daughter.
Guy Ziegler. superintendent of the
electric plant, returned Monday even
ing from a short business trip to
State Superintendent of the Ne
braska Society of the Friendless, J. A.
Leavltt, of Lincoln, was in the city
Get your kodak supplies at Stevens
Bros. We do developing and printing.
Come and get our prices. Stevens
If you have a picture you want en
larged bring it to us. We want to
please you (Jive us a chance.
Stevens Bros.
The W. C. T. U. met with Miss Eliza
Cotting yesterday afternoon and after
business matters were attended to,
lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. llliard Bargman are
""'movlftff ""to the r cdn'ritry tills week. ,,
Tbey, are going to keep house for her
brother Paul Schultz.
The meeting of tlio Music Study
Club was postponed on acoouut of the
lecture course and will take place on
Thursdoy, April 10th, at the home of
Miss Jewell.
Do you notice that J. "ll. Bailey is
- making the most of the farm loans?
He Is sole agent for Trevett, Mattis &
ltakcr, and is offering the best rates,
terms and option in the market and
that is the reason. , adv.
Orris Fearu, who for some time past
assisted in keeping the wheels re
vnlvlncr. etc.. at the Argus office, left
Monday morning for York, where he
' has accepted a position demonstrating
the art of "classy'' printing.
The weather Sunday was such as not
to permit of the usual display of
"Easter finery," and no doubt caused
great disappointment to any numbei
of the feminine sex, who had consider
able of the said finery todlsplay.
The Saunders lit os. have disposed of
their lumber yards at Brunlng and
Strang, respectively, and they both
returned to this city the first of the
week after a trip to the above men
tioned places closing up the deal.
Sunday morning at the Congrega
tional church, the' pastor Mr. Baytie,
will give the third sermon in the serieb
on, "A Working Religion for Think
ing People". The special subject is:
'The Most Important Teaching
Jesus". No service at 5:30.
Mrs. Sarah Brooks of Ohio, Mrs.
Lyle of Missouri, aud Mrs. Heasty of
Oklahoma, who -have been the guests
of Mrs. F. G. Turnure for some time,
have returned to their respective
homes. VMesdames Lyle aud Heasty
are sisters of Mrs. Turnure.
Hon. Jas. Gilliam has been appoint
el master In chancery by District
Judge Dungan lu the matter of the
location of the county seat involving
the towns of Franklin and Blooming
ton. Mr. Gllham is to make his report
to thejjudgeat the May term of court.
Private Sale of Furniture, rugs, etc.,
good as new, also a a year old driving
horse, weight .000 lbs., sound aud gen
tie, not afraid of steam or autos. Also
buggy and harness, etc. Must sell be
fore April 7th.-WiLL u C. Cukidkh.
Bith phones.
The following subjects will be dis
cussed at the Union Mass Meeting
which is to be held Sunday evening at
the Opera House: "The Liquor Quest
Ion in Relation to Law Enforcement",
'The Liquor Question in Relation to
Finance", and "The Liquor Question
in Relation to Moials". Y6u are In
' tiled.
Are not very good this time of
the yar. I sort all of mine
over befoie I send them out.
Nebraska Early Ohios
75c Per Bushel
Red River Ohios, genuine
$1.00 Per Bushel
I have just added to my stock
of Groceries Loose Wiles Sun
shine Biscuits. I carry a full
line of the Euglish Baked
Goods. The finest in the world.
llarel and Beatrice McKelghau have,
returned home from n short visit in
B. E. McFarland
All th0 Phoif
Cecil Matthews of The Riverton Re
view was in the city Saturday.
L. II. Blackledge is in Lincoln on
Seed Oats for sale C. F. Oatiikii,
Red Cloud.
. Lew Albright left for Omaha Wed
nesday morning.
J. H. Bailey aud wife uic spending
the week in Omaha.
Same Foe is spending a few days in
Lincoln and Omaha.
Willis Fulton and Glen Walker spent
Sunday iu Syracuse.
Mrs. C. D. Whitaker entertained the
Christmas Club yesterday.
Mrs. MoKim'mey and' children were
visiting in Hastings the last of the
week- - "' . i- .
Miss Harrington spent several .days
'the' last of the week visiting in Bloom
ington. .".."
Will Kuehn left Friday for Wlscon
sin and other eastern points to remaiu
indefinitely. x
Miss Edna Watt of Guide Rock was
visiting iu this city several days the
latter part of the week.
Mrs. Paul Pope spent several days
the last of the week visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C;
It. (Sittings at Superior.
MissTilla McClelland of Hasting?,
formerly priucipal of the schools here,
spent several days in the city the first
of the week us the guest of Mrs. Dave
The recent wind storm in the east
ern part of our state and the floods in
Ohio and Indiana are of sufficient
horror to make all of ns think of the
blessings we enjoy. We have had an
ideal winter and should nut complain
of the present weather.
Dr. Damerell chartered n freight
train of 20 cars Friday aud shipped his
cattlelo Chicago. The Doctor is one
of Webster county's most exteinive
cattle feeders and lias mnde n success
in this line also. The shipment whs
chaperoned by the Doctor and John
The buse ball season opened in
Inavale last Saturday, the Hist game
being between the Inavale and the
Lone Tree boys. The game resulted.
in the score of 10 to 11 in favor of the
Lone Tree boys, aud they feel highly
elated as this was also the tlrst game
that they had ever played.
Severul former Red Cloud people
who now reside in Omaha, were very
nearly iu the path of the tornado that
visited that city on Sunday, dealing
death and destruction, but as far as
we have been able to learn they all
escaped injury. J. A. Bradford, the
wire chief for the Independent Tele
phone Company ut this place, however,
has received word that his brother
was struck by a falling tree and sus
tained u broken leg. A detailed ac
count of the storm cau be found on
the Inside pages of this Issue.
A few Sundays ago there were no
services held in any of our churches,
not a bell was heard aud one could not
help but note the solemnity of it.
What would our town be if we never
heard a church bell? What a coutiast
it was Eatttcr morning when tho chimes
Horn some edifice of worship can be
heard for miles aiound aud the streets
are crowded with children on their
way to Sunday Sohool. Are not the
bells and the spires pointing Heaven
ward a source of inspliatlon to all
whether we be on our way to church
or not?
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Clark left this
morning for Pacific coast points on au
extended visit.
Mrs. E. A. Moranvllle went to Guide
Rock yesterday to visit with relatives
for a few days
Rev. Rose and wife are rejoicing
over the arrival of a baby girl at their
home on Tuesday.
Miss Agues Wright of Hastings Is
the guest of the Misses Eva and,
Blanche Foster this week.
E H. Newhouse, jeweler and opto
metrist, left for Khiishs City Sunday
to attend some business matters.
Lillian Goodman lin returned to her
home at Philllpsburg, after spending
several days at the home of Mr and
Mrs E. M. Gard.
Rev. E. N. Tompkins returned Satur
day from Tabic Rock where he 'had
been for the past ten days assisting in
a scries of revival meetings.
Ed Amack spent Sunday In Oxford
with his brother Charles, who has been
very ill at that place with typhoid
fever. We are pleased to announce
that Charles Is improving.
Miss Lena Ohmstedc spent several
days the latter part of the week visit
ing at the home of her uncle Gerhard
Ohmstedeof Guide Rock.
Attorneys Bernard McNeny and Jas.
Gilham have returned from Lincoln
where they were attending to legal
affairs before the supreme court.
Charley Aubushon is home from
Chicago where he had been to receive
medical treatment for an enlarged
spleen. He Is reported to be much im
proved. Dr. Warrick, The Specialist, will
meet eye, car, nose and throat patients
and those needing glasses fitted at Dr.
Damerell's office in Red Cloud, Tues
day, April 1st.
Sheriff Hedge left for Omuha Friday
morning returning with one, Johu
Bendowsky, charged witti forgery, the
particular offense being $21.50 forged
on Wm. Massinger, although it Is
stilted he is wanted in several places
for a similar offense. Iletidowsuy's
parents reside near Guide Rock.
The crew of men urder the forman
shipof "Shorty" Wicker, who weru
stationed at Lester, and were doing
construction work for The Lincoln
Telephone and Telegraph Company,
were called to Omaha Monday morn
ing to assist In repairing the damage
Dr. Damerell Is homo from Chicago.
Next Tuesday is city election and
April Fool's day also.
There was 15 car loads of stock
shipped out of here Sunday.
Lew Hohensee went up to Franklin
for a short visit on Saturday.
Conductor II. A. Bealc and wife of
McCook spent Sunday In thin city with
Easter service will be held at the
Grace church next Sunday morning,
the pastor being at St. Paul Sunday.
Just as we go to press we learn of
the death of Mr. and Mrs. Clins. Han'
sen's baby who reside south of this city.
G. Fox of Plattsmouth spent Frtday
visiting with friends about town, stop
ping off hero on his way to Blooming-
.las. Watson a prominent implement
dealer of Hebron was attending to
business airalrs iu this city a fow days
this week.
Mrs. Oletl Perkins left for her home
in Lincoln yesterday, after a visit at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E.M Gard. .
See our beautiful display of
Jietu florfolks
In All The New Weaves Mi Ctltrs
40" (m1
foriftu Irtni CUlfcn
Cecil Esslg who is attending the
State Agricultural College, at Lincoln
returned to his duties on Monday after
a short vacation.
The Ladles of the Congregational
church will hold their monthly mark
et Saturday March SOth. at Wull
brandt's store.
The Degree of Honor met Tuesday
evening and a large membership was
present. Alter lodge n iuncn was
served and the members had an en
joyable time.
Mr. aud Mrs. Tony Clark spent Sun
day in MeCook returning on Monday
morning Mr. and Mrs. Clark intend
leaving the last of the week for Pad
fie co ist points on a short vacation.
The 500 Club was entertained at a
G o'clock diuner on Tuesday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
Garber. An elegant repast was served
and every oue present report a fine
J. D Jarmire, whose family reside
in Hebron, but who has offices in
Omaha, where he is engaged iu the
real estate and insurance business, was
in town Monday looking after some
business affairs.
R (J Kunchey this week received
several cllppiugs from n Seattle paper
telling of his brother, Oliver Runchey,
winning from one, Clibborn, of Port
land, in a wrestling match held at a
Clothoraft, Society Brand and
Kuppanhalmar Factorl
Sprint Clothes Are Here In All the New Models
$10.22 to $30.22
A careful inspection of our lines will convince you
of our claim The Foremost Clothiers of Red Cloud.
Mthra th Unmof K A KWaM Wr Your ey
50c to 91.00
New Shoea, Shirta, Ties, Hata and Cap
I Gouideo-KaleyClotninqGo.
done to this, companies' lines during smoker given by the Seattle Athletic
the severe storm of Snnday. ' '' 'Association.
T. W. Cline, Northbranch, Kansas, will insure your
property of all kinds anywhere in Kansas.
Live stock at same rate insures them anywhere
against fire, lightning and tornados, also growing crops
against hail. If you don't see him, write him.
. .' .
Uvv33 s-wH
I mm A wKX i la yXMfiSVvv9 I
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l-vr-wiSSCS VwMH
We wish to announce the arrival of our spring stock of
Ladies' Coats and Suits
And also invite all ladies who are in anyway inter
ested to call and see them. These garments were
bought direct from one of the largest manufacturers
in Cleveland, Ohio, which is recognized as headquart
ers for the correct things in Ladies' Coats and Suits.
These goods are beautifully tailored, perfect in
fit, and absolutely correct as to style and the prices
are reasonable.
- Easter Cornea Early Thia Year -
And we advise you to make your selections early.
We are going to make
Ready -to-W ear Garments
"' One of the strongest departments of our store and aim to carry about everything there is to
Misses' and Children's Wear. In all 'of the different lines of goods mentioned below, we have
be had in Ladies'
fresh, new stocks:
Misses' Coats
Misses' Embroidered Dresses
Misses' Wool Dresses
Misses' Suits
Misses' Skirts
Misses' Wash Dresses
Wool Skirts Silk Dresses
White Embroidered Dresses
Linen Dresses Kimonas
Dressing Sax Petticoats
Princess Slips Raincoats
Automobile Coats
Also Shirt Waists of all kinds from 75c to
$1.00 each.
Wool Dresses
Linen Skirts
Wash Skirts
Wash Dresses
House Dresses
Children's Wear
Wool Dresses Coats
White Embroidered Dresses
Colored Wash Dresses .
All kinds of Infants Rompers
and boys 2 to 6 year old 2-piece
Wash Suits.
Give this department a look
when you visit our store.
We Will Be Glad To Show You Whether You Care To Purchase Or Not
Weesner, Perry &
Red Cloud,
jtA(4' &ft4& au J v A,
i'Ki. J