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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1913)
misimmRmmMffiffimmmm t.-tMf-i-iWttF-r msmiBStis&zm ff3nmv mvtp w8 '-t The Red Cloud Chief Had Cloud, Nrtraak. PUBLI8HKD EVFRY IIIUBSDAI Entered In the PoMofflce at Bed cloud, Neb. m Hccond ClMt Matter 0 B. HALE PUM.tRHKR TUK ONLY DEMOCRATIC 'PAPEK IN WED8TER COUNTY CITIZEN'S TICKET For Mayor Don E. Saunders. For Clerk O. C. Teel. For Treasurer 8. K. Florance. For City Engineer-Geo. H. Overlng. For Police Judge James A. Burden. For Alderman 1st ward: W. A. Sher wood, C. E. Strong; '2nd waid: Paul Storey. Hoard of Education L. H. Rlacklcrige, Henry Ullham There arc pillows wet by sobs; there are gentle sensitive natures seared and -warped; there are old time friends separated Hnd walking their lonely ways with hope dead and memory but a pang; there are cruel misunderstand logs that make life bare, these are but lew of the sorrows thai come from the crimes of the tongue. Not every boy can be a rich man or great man, but every boy can be a gentleman. A boy with gentlemanly Manners, who Is trusty And honest and dots his very best every day, will gain the attention and confidence of aaen and will be giveu paying and re sponsible positions aseoon as he is old enough to All them. Hoys llko to have fan and a good time. It Is right they should. They will nevf r be boys but aace, but to have fun Is not altogether what they are made for. Boys are of "value chiefly to make men, good for something in the world. Characterise house, must have the right kind of a foundation. The foundation stones of a good character are reverence for (lod respect and obedience to parents, de ference for old people. An Nmm laklH Easy iTiSsV I KJKn M MkiN POWDER Absolutely Pure mMfo from Royo Ormmmof MuWWlMPMSHIaTE MIMSM 1. Nstlce t Crtiltirs. Uta.le of Nebraska, I i ihn rmmiv Conn. Webster county, f In the matter ul the cMntc ol ChrUtlnn Jttumcr, DcccaHcd. Notice I hereby ulvcn to all persons hav Ing claims and deiuands against Christian Itaascr, late ot Welwter county, (k-cvosoil. that tlio time fixed (or HIIiik clalniH against aid estate U nIx months trom the 'Jfilh day ul THarch, A. I). 1UIX Alt such penotvH are required to iircxcnt their claims, with the vouchers, to the County Judgo ol said county, pt his otllce therein, on or before the'Ath day ot' Septum tier 1913; and all claims no tllcd.wlll bo heard .before the said Judge on the aith day ol September 19i:i, at ten o'clock a. in.; and that the administrator Is allowed one year - iron theistdsy of March A. n. I9i:t, in which to pay the debts allowed minima said estate and settle the sumc. (hkai. A. D.Hannkv, County Judge HOW TO MAKE HOUSECLEANING .EASY Dsa't wait until the first warm weather and then try to do everything in two weeks. There are a lot of odd Jobs that can fee doae during the winter evenings f January, Fsbriuury or March that yew will want to do in April but west't have time. Far instanc look owr your Jilting room, living room and kadroom fumitmrt, etc., and if thty don't neecf mnghttning . p Magfn now Take one article at a state, wash it with strong soap, then sandpaper it smooth, and brash on the vanish. They'll be new. mnadtdtmratid Chi-Nam I flews out smooth, requires little treehiag, and does not need an esaart to turn out a perfect Job of earnjshiwg. lie brash marks m laps. Cmhwtd CM'Namel gives stain and lustre ia one application. Mmturml Cbi-Namcl gives gloss without chaagiag the color. A SO cent con of Cml'Nmml Varniih swats tOO maumra recc ssfifncs. Wm carry ft bt unatt largm cant AM and Natural. Next Tuesday is city election day. There arc two nou-partisan tickets in the field. The Chief gives Its unquali fied support to the business men's ticket for two reasons. First the pres ent administration has made good. The present officials were selected last year by the business men of the city to give us a business administration and they have done all that could possibly be expected of them to do. They have saved the plant nt the power house. All that expensive machinery that bad cost the tax-payers of this city thousands of dollars was in a good way of soon becoming good only for the scrap heap. The boilers were de fective, the steam pipes leaked at near ly every turn, thero was waste in every operation and the entire plant hud a run down appearance. The plant in, now in first-class condi tion The boilers have been re-set and about n ton of coal saved per day; the steam pipes have been re-cut and re Utted, the two water pumps repaired and they are now practically us good us new. The plant looks as tho it were owned by n prosperous concern. Everything about the power house now hus tho appearance of thrift und economy ami tuivone can see that con ditions ure better than anytime siuce Charlie Whlttukcr left. The plaut 1 saved. This administration abolished the ten per cent reduction on bills for light and water and thus saved a snug sum for the city. The city is now paid for what it furnishes to consumers. By relieving the Commissioner of the duties of milking out statements and collecting the bills he is now able to devote his entire time for the up-kcep of the light and water system this is a big mlvuuce over former methods. This administration succeeded in connecting the Maurer sprites with our city water supply at n time when those springs seemed to be lost. This result was accomplished without the expenditure of one dollar of city funds. Monthly statements of the Uuuucial condition of the city have been regu larly published and by keeping these by themselves any eity could tell Just what was being doue with the tuouey. This ailmiuistmtiou has not indulged iu the luxury of quarrels and dead locks. Itusiuess has becu transuded iu a busiuess like manner, euch mem ber of the council has spoken his opin ion freely und the result lias beeu beneficial to the city. This administration has paid oil' about four thousand dollars of previous indebtedness ami have paid their own -bills fioui time to time so that we are now practically out of debt. There may be u hundred 'dollars but the amount is inconsiderate. We liuve dreumed for years of the time when the city would be out of debt und now that our dreams uie to be a reality we should endoise the acts of the busiuess council by retaining them in power. The second. reusou why we favor the business men's ticket is because in tills election there is absolutely no issue between the two tickets. lternP nation as a member of the Soldiers Re lief Commission of Webster County, Nebraska, to take effect from and after the selection of my successor. Dated this 17th day of March 101.1. J. C. Brooks. On motion the above and foregoing resignation was accepted. It was moved and seconded that I). O. liennett of llladen, Nebraska, be and is hereby appointed as 'a member of the Soldiers Relief Commission of Webster County, Nebr., to fill vacancy made by the resignation of-. J. C. iirooks. Motion carried. On motion U. Ohmstcde was and is hereby authorized and instructed to order stringers for the Guide Rock river bridge. On motion.tbe following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk in structed to draw warrants on their re spected funds for the same. Ok.nkral Fund Oeo O Holt t 8 1ft Turuure & Son 35 'JO O D Uedge 11141 A D Ranuey 87 31 0 W Trine 2 70 University Pub Co .. 5 00 lnd Blue Print Supply Co 13 80 A B Dick t Co 2 14 E A Creighton 62 00 11 S Keed, M D 3 05 Dr Stockman 4 50 Mrs Mcintosh 13 00 J It Lane 20 50 PA Wullbrandt 4 50 Klopp & llartlett 82 Miss lielle Spauogle 27 05 O Ohmstede tOO 00 IU Muurer 35 50 T J Chaplin 25 40 Floyd McCall 30 00 W O Hoffman 22 00 Paul Storey 30 00 HitiiMiE Fund Geo O Holt , 7 55 O O Rlcknrd 8 00 John lleyke 7 00 Logan Township, Kas 10 27 Took Farm Fund Walter Lambert 5 85 Bniloy & Son 00 F Sherman 2 00 Elmer Wilson 150 (o0 Wlllard Crowell H 00 Joe Fogel 0 00 On motion Fred Vance wasaud hen by is appointed overseer of road dis trict No. C. On motion Wm. McCord was and is heroby appointed overseer of rotul 61s ttictNo. 12, being the east half of Oleuwood precinct. , On motion Board adjourned to Apt II 22, 1013 at 1 p. m. I ' Jlerk. Iv ''"""M'''' LR Lh nlaTSeBBBEaw Ve"eP eR eR 1 1 hU i 7VT I TM BR ' S TAILORED SUITS COATS AND SKIRTS OF THE BETTER SORT SUITS. COATS and SKIRTS that are distinctive and modish in style, artistic in coloring excellent in quality and moderate in price. fSuits. Coats and Skirts that are the pick of the world's best and most d exclusive.Y A Suit, Coat or Skirt from the Miner Brothers Company, means 111, absolute satisfaction no matter what the price. Suits, Coats and Skirts of the better sort 'and the less expensive kind, we are showing in good varities, EJalthough our entire lines are not yet here. E. W. Ross, County CU Real Estate transfers. 1 350 1250 2000 tho Minor Brothers Company For Any and All of Your Spring Wonts. Miner Bros. Co. GeneraJ Merchants - F0K SALE - chas. l. cutting The Druggiit. Dn. !)i:a!(D0iii' )u. Ahiu.ii Chicago Veterinary Kansas Clt, College College ' 3nd.844 "?3 Res. Phones 12T lnd. 233 Ors. Deardorf & Asher -:- Veterinary Surf con -:- Ofllce l'houe: lnd. luU; Red 07. ELEVEN YEAIS EINMEWE BED CLOUD, NhUKASKA Commissioners9 Proceedings Ked Cloud, Nebr., March 25, 1U13 The Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Mem bers all present, vi. (1. Ohmstede, W. G. Hoffman, Floyd McCall, T. J. Chap lin and Paul Storey chairman of said board. In tho matlei'of tlieenoieotis assess ment of u et'iiiun chattel mortgage uote iu tin- sum of SG5.00 the asessed value tlieienf and the taxes on said uote being St.OO and paid under pro tost by A. K. Turner now coming on for hearing. It was moved and seconded that the County Treasurer be ami is hereby authorized and instructed to refund to A. E. Turner tho sum of 84.00 being the amount of tuses paid under pro test on said uote which wascrrorvously taxed against said A. E. Turner. Mot ion carried. lion. E, W. Iloss, County Clerk of Webster County, Nebraska: Dear Sir; I hereby 'tender my reslg- For the week ending March 2r, ,1013. Compiled by M. W. Carter, Bonded Ab stracter, Red Cloud, Nebr. Elizabeth Rodgers to Frank ,,, Mizer, wd, uw4 25-1-11 t l William P. Clawson to Mary J. Clawson, wd, lot 7, pt lot 8, lllk. 2, 1st add to llladen 1 R. A. Simpson and wife-to I. A. t,( " Banks, wd, lots 7 to IS, lllk. 0, ' Blue Hill, and lots 7, 8, 0, Blk. ,J;f 0, Swee.y's Add to Blue Hill. . 250 Julia A. Wells, et. al., to George A. Wells, qcd, b$bw' sec. 20, and n uw). sec 29-3-0 Laura Yeager, et. al., to Uocint Johnson, wd, lllk. 35, Blue Hill Sarah Hall and Husb., to Mary L. Hull, wd, lots 1 to 13, Blk. 8, and lots 1 to 7, Blk 7. Guide Rock .' Mary L. Hall, et. al., to Sarah uud Oliver Hall, an Agreement, lots 1 to 13, Blk. 8, lots 1 to 7, lllk. 7, Guide Rock.. COo A. D. Ranuey, Co. Judge to Char les .1. Smith, Decree, sj; mv). and sK ueVj aO-l-ii: Vera W. Mlzer and Husb., to Elizabeth Rodgers, wd, lot 23 or ueU sec 35-2-11 1 Dcwitt C. Marsh and wife to Frcdeiick C. Arnold, wd, un divided i interest wK lot 3, llusohow's add Blue Hill 0000 Oru J. Mace aud wife to Claus Rose, wd, lot 13, lllk. 13, Rose- moot 80 Fannie S. Dow to Vera W. Mizer, wd, lots 13, 14, 15, Blk. 0, Smith and Moore's Add to lied Cloud 1800 Charles ltaldeiston und wife to Frank S. Kudrna, wd, lots 8, 0, lllk. 3, Spenoe's 1st Add to Bladen, 375 Moitrujes Filed, 115,050.00. Mm iniij,'"- Released. $12,180.00. Wiiciikas: Our Heavenly Father in UiswUdom has seen lit to call from our midst our beloved sister Uluuche Gross, t Thciiefoiik: lie it lesoiveu that we cx'etid our heart felt sympathy to our sister, Mrs. Addle Oross, in this her hour of sorrow. lty order of the committee of the Degree or Honor lodge. - hvnu IloiuiER, hi U.I E llUFFKII,'- El.lZAIIKTII FOK.- "A MIGHTY MAtt PLACK TO THAOE" ' """"" mm 1 1 i ' i 9Ln9WLlVS9LI'n T WHAT'S THE PRICE OF A GOOD SUIT OF CLOTHES ? WENTY-FIVE dollars. You can buv our clothes for less than that $20, $18, $15; you can pay more than that we have very fine clothes at $30, $35, $30. But $25 is a good average price; most men who appreciate good quality and style in clothes, gdod tailoring and fit, are willing to pay as much as $25. Hart Schaffner & Marx suits at $25 will surprise you. You'll get all-woll fabrics; trimmings, linings and other materials of a high grade; tailoring of a very high order the things that make a suit wear well, 'and shapley. You'll get the value of best style standards and orginality of design; you'll get clothes that fit you wellt And you'll gain from $10. to $20, either in greater value at the price; or lower price for similar value. ; Better see how true this is; $25 is a price you can afford, and you'll say so when you see the clothes. Better come and look at the new spring styles " PAUL ,A5, STOREY THE CLOTHIFR RED CLOUD, LNtUFtntf ' Bring that old picture aud get 'it enlarged. Surprising results. We can please you, come in and see. Stevens Uuos. fwuE lW4MWmWat0afm rjwt,A3 Annual Meeting of The Boy Scoutt Organization. The annual meeting of the Hoy Scouts Organization of Red Cloud was held March Slth. iu tho Commerical Club rooms. The meeting was called to order by the president. The minutes of previous meetings, and a financial statement were read and appro-ed. A motion was carried that the pres- NEBRASKA yA AJ. ent otllce is hold over another year. The oflicers are as follows: President B, W. Stewart Vice President J. C. Mitchell Secretary G. U. Caldwell Treasurer D. n. Kaley Scout Commissioner L. II. Black ledge Executive Committee It. D. Morltz, D. D. Sanderson Scout Master E. J. Overing Jr. Finance Committee Cather, Gilhaui, H. Saunders, D. W. Turnure court of Honor Bayne, Colo and Hates. Tompkins; Br Sale Early Ohio Seed Potatoes. Sixty five cents per bushel at cellar. In quire Porter Hale. Rural phone u on Be up-to-date-Read The Chief.