The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 27, 1913, Section One, Image 3

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.Aviators From Continent Fly in
Darkness Over England.
British Government Is Providing "Sky
(June" to Repel These Aerial !
Trespassers Who Appear
During Night. .
Loudon. A popular pnstlmo nowa- J
InyB with continental aviators would
com to bo flying trips by night over
England. Daring air pilots In Gcr
many or Franco leavo their moorings
at dusk, speed over the channel, ami
then circle over British cities and '
forts, tlaBhlng their lights to mystify .
and alarm tho peoplo below thorn.
With tho Ilrst Indications of dawn tho
adventure comes to an end. The !
prowling blrtltnan hcada for homo,
houses his machine before tho sun Is
well up, and leaves tho officials of
England to report his lucurslon to the ;
war office In London.
Reports of these night visits became
so genoral, and were at tho same time
so disconcerting, that the government
Anally took official action and passed
a bill prohibiting tho pussngo of air- j
craft over certain specified areas. Air. !
craft violating UiIb regulation will be i
fired on and othcrwlso warned away.
Tho bill was Introduced Into the
houso of commons by Colonel Seeloy,
secretary of war, and It passed
through all Its stages at one Bitting, j
without discussion. It went to tho
lords the day beforo recess und passed
that house JUBt as hurriedly. i
How tho mcasuro Is to bo enforced l
taaB aroused considerable Interested .
peculation. Tho bill authorizes tho '
proper officers, after giving a pre
scribed warning, to fire at any air
craft infringing this law, and to uso
any and every means to prevent In
fractions. Tho government Is providing "sky
guns" 10 repel these aerial trespass
ers, and it will also havo tho services
of tho naval aeroplanes and hydro
planes and tho flying fleet of the
army, which consists of about a dozen
aeroplanes and threo small airships.
Experts have very grave doubts
whether theso precautions will bo suf
ficient to prevent the midnight visits.
What gave rise to tho action of the
government were reliable reports, in
somo cases from army officers, 4hat
aircraft had been Been over Dover,
Shoerness, Portsmouth and Liverpool,
.Cargo of Salt Yields Good Profit
to Boat Owner.
Craft Goes Upstream In Flood, but
the Craw Has to Dig Into the
River Bank In Order to
Turn Around.
Clinton, Mo. How a steamboat
once navigated the waters of the
Osage river, delivered a cargo of Bait
at Suns Point, Kan., and made a good
profit on the deal 1b told hero by
Richard Fuqua, a carpenter, who waB
the boat's carpenter on tho trip and
for several years after. Now tho onco
navigablo Osage river 1b a prlzo
sought by water power men and pro
moters, and Kansas, instead of Import
ing ealt, Ib exporting It.
The steamboat was Itself named tho
Osage. The hull was laid and launched
at Linn Creek In tho winter of 1S56-7
by the o'wnera, who were residents of
, Linn Creek. Tho hull was towed to
8t. Louis, where tho boat was llni&bed.
It was 130 feet long, 22 feet wide, and
when , loaded to Its capacity of 200
tons draw nearly three feet of water.
It was pronounced the finest little
boat afloat In Its day, with a cabin
capacity of seventy-five passengers,
double engines, double boilers and
aide wheels. It was Bold to Captain
Lambert, of New York, an experienced
boat man, who later traded It to MaJ.
It. H. Melton of Warsaw, Mo., for Hen
ton county land, tho consideration be
ing $22,000.
Major Melton placed Elijah Melton,
his brother, In chargo as clerk, and
tho Osage made rogular trips for eight
months In the year from St. Louis up
tho Osage river, often as far as Pap
Insvlllo, In Dates county, Missouri, but
more frequently going to Osceola, St.
Clair county.
Tho Civil war had destroyed the
boating service on tho Osage river,
and salt was bo scarce that a pound
would sell at times for $1. Major Mel
ton found plenty of salt at St. Louis In
v1867, wh,lch had come from Michigan
'down tho Mississippi. He knew If he
could get It to the western countleB
of Missouri the people would pay a
handsome profit for It. With George
Crawford, an Osage river pilot, the
boat was loaded to Its capacity with
alt in barrels and sacks, and the voy
age began.
At Osceola the news came that
heavy rains for a week at tho head-
waters of the Osage In Kansas would
keep the river at high water mark;
tnd Crawford, the daring Osage river
pilot, said bo would try for 8uns Point,
or falling, bo could stop at Bell. View,
few miles below.
Suns Point was reached at four
o'clock on th'o afternoon of tho fol-
lowing day, and tho river bank was
full, but very narrow. It was so full
that the presence of the boat forced
the wator out of Its banks on to tho
low land. In an hour the water begun
to fall, and all hands rolled off the
salt. Everybody who would work was
lifted to help. Tho unloading contin
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Photographs received from Mexico City show vividly the iosuIIh if
tho recent fighting. The upper plcturo shows tho shot-riddled buildings
on Columbia streot, and In tho lower one Is seen tho half-hut tied body of a
soldier left lying In the street, as wero hundreds of bodies.
andon at least two occasions as far
west as Cardiff, alwayB at night. Tho
first visits were paid in October and
they have continued up to the present
At first there was nn Inclination to
make light of them, or to ascribe the
moving lights and tho nolso of the
propeller to somo airship privately
owned In England. Hut investigation
showed that this could not be, and
now tho government places tho blame
ued all night without interruption un
til four o'clock In the morning.
It was then observed that the nar
row stream was not wide enough by
ten feet to turn the boat around.
Every available tool was put Into uso
by deckhands and the bank of the
river waa dug down low enough to al
low the stern of the boat to back Into
It, and by the aid of ropes and cap
stan the turn waB made.
Tho unloading waB completed, and
at five o'clock the race for deep water
began. The wood supply was running
low when a woodyard waB Been in the
distance on tho bank, some thirty
miles below Suns Point No time was
lost In tying up and appropriating all
the wood in the yard, and the little
steamer was on her way to escape
the shallow water. The mouth of the
Osage below - Jefferson City was
reached before noon the following
Major Melton left his brother In
charge of the salt at Suhb Point, and
In a week he had sold tho last of bis
boatload of salt and was returning
with $27,000, representing the profit
of the trip.
Alexandra and Mary Disagree Over
Wife for Prince of Wales Ban .
on German Princess.
London. Tho engagement of the
kaiser's only daughter, Princess Vic
toria Louise, to the son of the duko
of Cumberland came aB a great relief
to Queen Mary, who has always dread
ed that n marriage should bo ar
ranged for political reasons between
the princess and the prlnco of Wales.
Typically English as thu queen 1b,
she would prefer her oldest son to
marry nn English girl If thoro wero
one of equal rank to be found-wlthln
this country, but ob this 1b not the
case, she knowB, of course, that the
prince of Wales will eventually have
to marry some foreign princess.
Sho has become quite resigned to
this Idea, but she still draws the line
on German princesses, and hopes that
the future king of England will even
tually marry one of the czar's young
daughters. On this point, hoWever,
she meets with strong opposition
from Queen Alexandra, who maintains
that it would be fatal to tho best In
terests of coming royal generations to
allow a union of two young people
who are not only as closely related as
are the prince of Wales and a daugh
ter of tho czar, but whose fathers are
exact doubles of ono another physi
cally aB well as mentally, and both
very far from being robust. Queen
Alexandra also feas that her young
Russian grandnleces may have Inher
ited a strain of tho melancholy of
their benutlful and lovely mother.
As the young prlnco of WaleB Is
of a very shy- and rather effeminate
disposition, Queen Alexandra main
tains that the proper wlfo for him
must be n strong, vivacious and spir
ited princess, and her favorlto candi
date Is tho oldest daughter of thu
on privately owned foreign airships.
Some people, however, discard this
assumption, and declare that at least
ono of tho nerlal visitors came from
Horkuin, tho German fortress nenrest
the English coast. From Horkuin It
would bo u ery sltnplo matter for o
modern airship to pass over the North
sea and oven right across England, a
In tho enso of the ship that flew over
Cardiff, and bo back at her base bo
foro morning.
Claims Her Place in Some Definite
Vocation or Profession Will Not
Make Her Less Attractive.
Kansas City, Mo. "Girls and young
women should huve occupations," said
Rabbi Henry II. Mayer of B'Nal Je
hudah temple, In a lecture ou "The
Independence of Women."
"The cessation of woman's being an
equal sharer of tho burden with man
has made her a drono and a parasite,"
he said. "Women's field of labor has
shrunk so that her status Is only ono
degree better than that of the wo
man In the oriental harem.
"Women's entry Into a definite vo
cation or profession and her rivnlry
In business will not make her less at
tractive to man. Men like to talk to
independent women who know some
thing of whnt is going on in the
Babe Born During a Fire.
New York. -Mrs. August Kraves
fcow gave birth to a child while her
houso was on Are. The unconscious
mother, wrapped in a blanket, was
taken to tho stropt by llremcu, and
both she and her child are doing
king and queen of Italy, In whose
veins flows tho vigorous and healthy
blood of tho Montenegrin princes
who, although now of royal rank, are
Queen Mary.
only a fow generations removed from
strong peasant ancestors.
Queen Mary's principal objection to
tho Italian princess favored by Queen
Alexandra Is that England's future
queen ought to bo a Protcstunt by
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March 24, 1863.
The Confederate steamer llnvclock,
under the command of ('apt. l M.
Coxetter, run tho blockade Into
Charleston, S. O. A correspondent for
tho Mobile Itcglstcr gave the follow
ing nccout of her escape: "Sho had
run through the blockailors Just before
day, having left Nassua on thu twen
tieth Instant, bringing u most valunbln
cargo. Aftiv dossing thu bar, how
ever, she ran ashore on M-uukou
Dick shoals, and It was feared tho
enemy's gunboats would run In and en
deavor to capturo her, which might
have been done at tho time had they
hnd pluck enough to lutvn attempted
It. Tho Confederate States ratuB
Chlrora, Captain Kutlodgo, and Pal
metto, Cuptalu Tucker, got under way
and went down to offer battle, should
tho enemy nttempt a capture. There
was evidently great commotion among
tho licet, who could bo seen rapidly
signaling ono nnothcr. Tho battery
was crowded by spectators watching
events, and eagerly looking forward
to some demonstration on tho part
of the Federals, as our rams glided
down to the scene of nctlon. The
British steamer Petrel, which hnd
been delayed In rendering nsslHtnnco
to tho Wench steamer Hcpubllc,
Rcnuudln, which had just gotten off,
was seen going out nt this time, pass
ing Sulllvan'H Island. Numerous sail
boats and barges wero seen running
down tho bay, adding to tho Interest
of tho scene. For a tlmo the greatest
interest and excitement prevailed.
By tho assistance of the high tldo,
and nfter throwing over somo ten
BlabB of Iron and fifty boxes of tin,
tho Hnvelock floated off and enmo
Bafely tip to the city, much to tho
chagrin of the Yankees."
l'onchntouln, Ii was captured by
tho expeditionary Union forco under
Colonel Clarke, after a brief skirmish
with tho enemy.
March 25, 1863.
Tho United States rama Lancaster
and Switzerland undertook to kun
tho batteries nt Vicksburg. As soon
as they enmo within range, tho Con
federates opened a tremendous flro.
Tho Lancaster waB struck thirty
times. Her entire bow was shot
nway, causing her to sink Immediate
ly, turning u completo somersault ns
she went down. All but two of her
crew escaped. The Switzerland' was
disabled by a sixty-four pound shot
entering her steam drum. Sho floated
down, the batteries still firing and
striking her repeatedly, until finally
the Albatross ran alongside and
towed her to tho lower mouth of tho
canal. Both theso gunboats wero Im
provised from light-weight river
steamers, and wero not fit to with
stand a heavy fire.
Confederates under Wheeler, For
rest, Stuart and Strong, captured
Brentwood, Tcnn., garrisoned by five
hundred Federals under Colonel Blood
good. After tho capturo tho Confeder
ate forco was overcomo by a body of
Union troops under Gen. Green .Clay
Smith, who follwed them for several
miles, Inflicting somo desultory pun
ishment in a running fight.
Tho citizens of Savannah, Ga wero
sufforing greatly from tho want of a
sufficient supply of nourishing food.
Even cornmenl could be had only in
limited quantities. Tho railroads were
forbidden to carry any food out of
Governor Brown of Georgia sent a
message to tho legislature of that
atato recommending an act restricting
the planting of cotton to a quarter of
an acre to each hand, under a sovero
penalty., He also recommondod that
further restrictions bo put on tho dis
tillation of spirits, so as to prevent tho
use of potatoes, peas and dried peaches
for ihaf. purpose. Ho was in favor
of giving a cordial support to tho Con
federate government.
Tho Union fleot of Ironclads, mon
itors and gunboats, Admiral DuPoilt
commanding, left Hilton Head, S. C.
Tho Confederate schoonor Clara was
captured on tho blockado at Mobile.
March 26, 1863.
A large and enthusiastic Union
meeting was held at Buffalo, N. Y., at
which resolutions wero unanimously
adopted declaring firmly and decidedly
for tho support of the government and
tho prosecution of tho war until tho
Confederates wero forced to buo for
The legislature of Maine adjourned,
having adopted concurrent resolutions
fully Indorsing President Lincoln's
Emancipation Proclamation, approv
ing the use of negroes in the military
ervlce of the United States, and op
posing all suggestions of compromise.
An expedition sent to Rome, Tenn.,
by Gen. George Crook, commanding
at Carthage, Tenn., returned with
twenty-eight prisoners, among them a
Confederate Captain Rico, together
with seven wagons and thirty horses,
General Burnsldo Issued an ordor
assuming command of the department
of the Ohio.
March 27, 1863.
The following bill was introduced In
tho legislature of Virginia: "Bo It
ejiacted by tho general assembly of
Virginia, that If any person buy any
article of food (Including salt) for man
or beast, and withhold tho same from
market, or ask and receive raoro than
flvo per centum commission or profit
I on cost and trauBporatlon, such person
shall be deemed guilty of n mlndd
meniior, and shall forfeit tho article
so bought ono-hulf to tho informer
and tho other to tho commonwealth
provided, that this act shall not apply
to markettnen collecting PUpplloB for
dally city consumption, or to any per
son bringing such food from beyond the
Confederate army lines, or purchases
for family consumption.
"This act shall bo In forco from
ItH passage, and continue during tho
An Important debato took placo in
tho British house of commons concern
ing the depredations of tho Confcdcr
nto privateer Alabama.
Jacksonville, Ma., was burned by
tho National troops under Colonel
Colonel Tawcott, of the Confeder
ate, army, wns arrested at Now York
The English steamer Ariel was cap
tured by tho gunboat Stettin whllo
attempting to run tho blockade off
NHuii's Hay. a. c.
Robot t Gay, of Company D, Seventy
Ilrst Indiana, was shot as a deserter
nt Indianapolis,
National soldiers prevented ministers
of Norfolk from holding fast day wor
ship In their churches, in compliance
with tho proclamation of President
Davis, setting nsldo tho day for tho
The U S. S. S. Hartford, Admiral
Pnriugul'tt flagship, engaged tho bnt
folios at Warreuton, throe mllen bo
low Vicksburg, and paused below, ac
complishing nothing.
March 28, 18C3.
Tho legislature of Massachusetts
paused resolutions (hanking tho sol-i
diem of tho state serving In tho war,
and promising them such re-enforco-ment
as tho National government
might demand,
Tho National gunboat Plana was
captured by tho Confederates near Pat
terson, La.
Coles Island, nlno miles from
Charleston, S. C, was occupied by
New York troopB.
Confederates burned tho temporary
brldgo with which tho National engin
eers had replaced tho stono brldgo nt
Bull Run, Va. They nlso collected
all tho grain and other BtippllcB they
could obtain in London and Pnuqlcr
counties, ,
Tho steamer Sam Gaty, carrying a
number of nogrocB, waB stopped and
boarded by Confederate partisans at
Sibley, Mo. Twenty of tho negroes
wero reported killed, and a largo
quantity of government ntore de
stroyed, before tho vessel wns per
mitted to proceed.
A foraging expedition of National
troops under Coloucl Falrchlld, of tho
Second Wisconsin returned to Hello
Plain, Va., after an expedition to
Northern Neck. A quantity of pork,
bacon, corn, wheat, pens and beans
waB secured. Tho cavalry connected
with tho force seized a number of
horses and mules, captured prisoners,
and broko up the ferries at Union and
Rappahannock. A schooner engagod
In smuggling was burned.
March 29, 1863.
Tho schooner Nettlo was captured
by tho United States steamer South
Carolina twenty-flvo miles east of Port
Royal, with a cargo of cotton, mostly
A party of blockado runnors waB
captured at Poplar Hill Creek, Md
by a detachment of tho First Maryland
rcglmont, under tho command of Llout.
J. L. Williams,
A detachment of tho Sixth Illinois
cavalry, under command of, Lieut
Col. Lewis Loomls, In camp near
Somervllle, Tenn., was surprised by a
largo force of Confederato Irregulars
under Colonel Richardson, but extri
cated ltBclf after a terrific struggle
In which over forty of their number
wero killed and wounded.
National pickets in tho vicinity of
Williamsburg, Va., wero attacked
early in tho morning by a largo forco
of Confederato cavalry. Two were
killed, and six wounded, and three
taken prisoners. Lieutenant Wlngel,
of tho Fifth Pennsylvania, In com
mand of tho pickets, was among tho
General Gllmore defeated the Con
federates under' Goncral Pegram near
Somerset, Ky.
General Grant despatched Goncral
McClernnnd with tho Thirteenth corps
to gain tho rear of Vicksburg via
Now Carthago, Ark.
Thoro was a sharp fight at Point
Pleasant, Va., In which tho Confeder
ates were repulsed.
(Copyright, 1913, by W. O. Chapman.)
New Trick.
Said tho curious luncher to tho bead
"What Is that man at tho corner table
up to tho one who sends the waiter
scurrying to and from the kitchen ad
"Ho Is a thermometer crank," said
tho head waiter. "Never see one?,
Thoro aro any number of them float
ing about He carries a little ther
morater packed away In a velvet
case. Ho ubc-b it especially to test
tho temperaturo of food and drink
Every blto ho swallows undergoes tho'
thermomoter test before it gets Into!
his mouth. If It Isn't the right tem-
porature at the first trial he keeps on,
heating It over or cooling it off until
it Is right. Somo scientist has figured,
out at Just what temperature all food
should bo eaten to best agreo with tho
Bystem. That man has secured a,
tablo of statistics and ho now regu
lates his life according to It and a
Between Friends.
Young Bride Jack and I nro two
sours with but a single, thought.
Frlond How charming! Who baa
the thought in keeping tonight? Har.
per's Bazar.
Experience Has Taught That Much
Work Can Be Done During the
Winter and Early Spring.
At this time of year much Interest
Is nruiiM'd concerning road Improve
ment As has been found out by ex
perience, much work can bo dono to
I'nith roads early In tho seneqn, In
fact, during the winter and spring
when they soften, If they are system
atically dragged there Is no equal
amount or vork that can be dune with
aB good effect at any other tlmo of
tho year
Tho law permits the highway com
missioners to tnuko contracts with per
sons living nlongslde a road to do tho
dragging. To facilitate this work, tho
state highway commission hns Just Is
sued blank contract forms which mny
bo used by commissioners In making
their contracts, says tho Farm Homo.
These blank forma are bound with
htubs attached like nil ordinary check
Crushed Rock Road In Missouri.
hook and are very convenient They
will bo furnished free of chargo to
any highway commissioner who will
apply for them to tho stato highway
commissioner, Springfield, 111.
Tho commission has also just is
sued a pamphlet on tho proccduro
that should bo taken when a vote on
hard roads is proposed. Much time
and expenso will be eaved If all who
are Interested In having petitions cir
culated and vote taken will be sure
that all steps havo been taken In ac
cordance with the law. . Instances are
constantly arising whero through a
misstep at some point or other the.
wholo proceeding is mado Invalid,
causing delay and expense Any one
wishing Information concerning the
township hard road law of tho state of
Illinois enn get the pamphlet here
mentioned free of chargo on applica
tion to tho Illinois highway commis
sion, Springfield, 111.
Pacific Coast State Ranks Next to
New York In Making Appropria
tions for Improvement.
Next to Now York, California Is do
ing tho big thing In road building.
It has 2,300 miles of main routes and
400 miles of laterals, and It Is spend
ing its lump appropriation of $18,
000,000, of which It Is said, "Approxi
mately 70 per. cent, of the burden will
fall upon tho Incorporated cities." Cal
ifornia communities havo tho spirit ot
tho times. For Instance, Los Angel
e county alone spnnt $3,600,000 oa
oil macadam highways.
In Alabama a system of trunk roads
from north to south and from east
to west has been laid out Louisiana
has spent almost $10,000,000 In four
years. Mississippi counties have de
clared bond Issues of $600,000, and the
stato will spend millions In tho next
threo years. Utah spent $2,000,000 in
tho past two years. Minnesota la
preparing to build 2,700 miles of road
next year. Maryland has got Its road
building under a rigorous system. Its
newest program calls for about $5,000,
000 in two years In tho 23 counties.
This Ib the latest expert knowledge.
Modern Transportation Demands Best
of Thoroughfares Aim Should
Be to Even Filling.
When graveling stroots, If the out
Aides nro filled flrBt and tho stones
rakod toward the center and covered.
It will leavo tho surface in nice con
dition. When the center Is filled first
'it Ib impossible ,to cover tho stones
,wlth tho thin covering at tho outside
.of tho fill. I noticed a village street
ithat waB being raised ten inches with
coarso gravel. The center was filled
,flrst and the coarse stones raked to
tho outBldcs. It required twice the
tlmo to do tho grading as If the out
sides had boon filled first and the
coarso stones raked toward the deep-i
est part of tho fill Mn the center,1
writes an expert in the Farm and.
Homo. Moreover, tho streot is sprin
kled with stones that could not b
covered, which will make extra ex-'
.pense to haul away, and it will be a
'rough road for years to come.
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