. fcr-'fc &HBmlsm ... wwf'e.vsKnr ' -ffcA . M VW4 1 (wnTW1"" '"?'r'jrf- 0 t V f ii t ) ivtte HUtorlonl Society i Sectkft fapfptfttt iuiA. "M& -- - ,gt"" in H?J""!flMII A Itanststr Hat aim The flews fttty-twf Wttka Etch Yttr Br I1.5S. VOLUME XXXXI RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MARCH 27, 111 IS. NUMBER Id is ' BE ON THE SAFE SIDE S W." It is true that you are not likely to lose your savings il deposited in any good bank but you are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to lose them when you deposit where you have the additional protection of the State Guaranty Law. Such protection is offered you here. It is surely "good business" to deposit where you get absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref erence to placing ntjjtney in a bank that guaran tees nothing. The State Guaranty Law is behind every dollar de posited in this bank, and when you open an account here, you are ON THE SAFE SIDE. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA' to to to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 4 y"A Change of Editors Attract A Great Deal of Interest ? BinTlCTAyEC Inirs from natne of nitr nvuhnmriia tvlll ....... (... I a SI SWI The following clippings from some of our exchanges will prove Interest ng reading, and shows how the various editors of our neighboring towns viewed the Chief under the editorship of the various public organizations, during tfee editor's five weeks vacation: lAl IV -M TM f opEjaifeoiF IEverybodys n5c foe Store M Red Cloud, - - Nebraska I 'At the request of llrother Hale, the ministers of Red Cloud edited lost week's issue of the Chief. It would seem now that the courteous thing for the ministers to do will be to in vite Bro Hale to fill their pulpits. Argus. Yes, that's right itnd he could undoubtedly fill the bill if he kept close to the "devil" while trying to make a "good impression." Of course the audieuoe might look f at him and perhaps ? his theology, 'but his sermon would be without a s , and we think he'd see before he away to shake the SW of the parson if be didn't -v the opportunity of reading this f.-Com.-Ad. Editor Hale has been hobnobbing with the town divines this week, lie turned the Chief over to them to edit, and the boyh" did & pretty good job. Hut just how the parsons could con nive with the 'devil," passeth our uu deratandlng,4)ut they didnd survived the ordeal. Com. -Ad. " WILL TAKE PLACE Saturday. March 29 AT tO O'CLOCK a. m. I Nothing Sold Over lOc WWVfJBL"flsBBW WvflBHsssss9Wai I avVvn SEE THE NON-SKID TREADS ON NO-RIM-CUT TIRES BlesalisfJssSsiiEggW pSS91KJsssssssssssMs HsJawP Brother Hule, of the Red Cloud Chief last week turned his paper over to the minister of that town to run us they wished It was a very interesting Is sue and Indicated that the ministers can write us woll as p'reuch. It would be n vast help tc most newspupers If they would pay a little more attention to the spiritual wants of Immunity in- Siena ot scrambling for a few paltry dollars. The Chief is nn up-to-date country newspaper, aud Editor Halo is a good conservative citizen, und de serves the succoss he is meeting with. The worst thing that we kuow about his politics -aud now it is quite fashionable to be a democrat. -Bloom-iugton Advocate. Editor Hale of the Red Cloud Chief has turned his paper ov,er to the dif ferent business and civic interests of the town for a few weeks aud they cdttf the paper from first to last. This week the business men of the town have edited it and a very creditable sheet it Is. We notice some mighty good articles iu the paper which say many things which the real editor w,ould not dare any. Superior Express. liro. Hale of the Red Cloud Chief has turned the editorship of the Chief for four weeks over to the profession al .clan of bis town, to edit. The preachers were at bat last week and we presume the lawyers will officiate this week. It is kind of Brother Hale to lefr the fellows who always know how to run a paper, run one once in a while. Riverton Review. We uudei'htuud that Editor Halo re fused point blank to fill one of the pulpits Sunday evening. What a shame Bro. Hale, you missed tlio op portunlty of jour life. It would have been a great ad for you Com-Ad. Wu are sure thut Km. Hul.wm.lil 'Mil' arather large sized pulpit. He did his "swelling up" under Republican administrations and wc hope that he doesn't lose ilesh under the new regime, liro. Hosmer Is a fair sized man aud could probably fill the va cancy, If he wasn't so busy getting out a "Thrlce-a-week" that is not to be laughed at. McCook Republican. For every month of the year there is a Birthstone For January, The Gsjrntt For February, Th Amythsst For March, Ths Bloodstone , For April, Tht Diamond For May, Tht Emtrsld For June, The Pearl For July, Ths Ruby For August, Tht Sardonyx For September, Tht Sapphire? For October, Tht Opal For November, The Topaz For December, Tht Turquoise What is-Yurts? Wear a Quaan City Guarantied Ring for Perfect Satisfaction. The Red Cloud Chief was edited last week by the pastors of the city while editor Hale sat back and smoked a corn cob pipe. To square matters now the editor will have to occupy one of the pulpits some Sunday, and iu'vite the preachers to come and rest while he nrcHohes. Turn about Ih fulr r.iu,. and after that, each man would have! more respect for the othor man's job. Guide Rock Signal. Now, Brother Hale, coma nut 'nf it and quit "chaslns- the devil arnunri the stump" and 'fess un nhnut , failure to make good in the preaching offer. Vou know you backed wntr Com.-Ad. Four issues of the Red Cloud Chief are. being edited by the preachers, law yers, business men aud school kids of that city The preachers and lawyers have bad their inniucs. the business men are sweating over the task this week and young America will try his tisna next week. For our part we like the Chief much better when Bro. Hale is at the helm. Preaohers may preach, and preach well; lawyers may plead, and plead well; prune venders may sell, prunes and sell them well; high school pupils may parse, and parse well but it takes an editor to edit, aud edit well. Franklin Progress. E. H. Newhouse f C. B. tc Q. Watch Inspector. CVWVvJVvWW -BBfBa. WvX Tho esteemed Red Cloud Chief was edited last week by the ministerial association. One long column wns headed, "Woe, Woo, Woe, Woe" and it certainly was woo from beginning to end, enough to make the reador nutty. Aside from this wall of woe. wo are safe in saying that the ministers would In time and by much study edit the paper as well as Charley Hale. Adams County Democrat. These are extra treads, made of very tough rubber, vulcanized on to the Goodyear tire. Thus a double thick tread. The extra tread consists of deep-cut blocks. They present to the road surface countless edges and angles. Each block widens out at the base, so the strains are distributed, the same as on smooth-tread tires. Come see how efficient, how enduring, is this Goodyear winter tread. UOOftAR Good Citizehihip Mais Meeting Next Sunday There will be a union muiin. -n i.uD vuuiuiiuq ui ubu uiaua on Sunday evening at 7:30 In the Opera House The meeting will be conducted by the ministers of the various churches and three of them will make short address es. Rev. Mr. Morsb, Presiding Elder of the M. E. church will nicn 0,w,Qi. The wet and dry proposition so soon to be voted upon will bo discussed in a sane and practical way. There will be special music. We shall strive to make the meeting bright, brief and brotherly. Everybody Is cordially In vited. Come and bring your friends. Saloons and High Schools The saloon is destructive of the high school. No friend of education can favor saloons in a community. The following statistics are taken from the last report of the State .Superinten dent of Publio Instruction: Jg The Si Get Your Stock Insured ! The Standard Live Stock Insurance Comnanv will insure your Cattle and Horses against death from any cause. The Standard is the lartfest live stock insumnnfi . 8 company in the United States. See . R. T. COOPER, Af ent j Bell Phone Black 302 Ked Cloud, Nebraska nt9sA'tWie9.v3MA'UvtAf3 sjv:ss-.iw .BSJBjw - 1913 CHAS. C. BENNETT, Agent Cowles, Nebraska 1 Cat! Killed for Pelt.T Thirty cats, kept by the Paris cus I torn bouse authorities to destroy tha i rats, which do great damage to the I goods, disappeared mysteriously a few nights ago. It is thought thoy were killed for their pelts on account of tho great rise In the market price of kins which are used In the manu facture of fashionable furs. , Name ot Town Tckainnh (dry) Went l'olnt (wnt.. I'awnco City (ilry) Kalli City (wet)...... Terunmeh (dry).-... Auburn (wet)... Kullerton (dry) ........ ('olnml)ui (wet) .., David City (dry) Howard (wet). . Ked Cloud (dry)...... Hebron (wet) I'oaca (dry)..... llartliiffton (wet)... Iicnvercity (dry) .... Alma (wet) .............. Aurora (dry) Alliance (wet) ......... liro ken How (dry) ., Chadruu (wet) Popu lation lA'ii l,77li l.tUD 1.74H 2,7' DEM 0,011 2,177 '-MM 1,(81 I.77K 1,000 l,ii:t ma 1,001 .',(tiu 3,10,-i '-W7 Unroll- m cut VM 13 1KI 142 MO I,jU I7U 101 11 02 10'J 110 70 41 i:il 70 107 112 m HO Total for dry towns 17,218 i.uih Total for wet towns 2l,0il 1,111 Wet towiiK, av'go er 1,000 pop i:, iiry KiwiiH, av'ue per 1,000 pop Ul iSlKiitd; A v. Attend 8J ltrfi 112 irvi i:w va 14', 112 71 1IJH 100 m '.a 121 &.I IHI 122 1M) 72 i,:w) 0,11 Si 72.5 W. C. T. U.. COMMl'n'EE, i t: t. i Miuui'nnff iirtDrvvT - .r Grocery Department The Low Cost of Good Living The National Canned Food Associations have set aside the week of March 31st to April 1st., to familiar ize the Consumer with the wholesomeness, the ex cellence and the economy of Canned Food. They have sent out for distribution a small leaf let, entitled "How to live well without going broke or pawning the family Diamonds". One of these will be sent you with your next grocery order. During this week we will make special prices on our Canned Goods. Come in and get our prices by the half dozen, dozen or by the case and you will buy. Then you will have in your own home, "mood Living At lt Lmwoat Cast" Weesner, Perry 8 Comoany f Dry Goods, Groceries and Ladies' Resdy-Te-Wear Garments tW: 1 ,n & r i u ;i i ? n :V ", ji) ji - .i V ;-- i .ttililsW1 i, a, k.,vjiAjiiii(i,j'.'Vi.