V w&a 'CS-M v&&3s( Boy or Beer Barrel Which ? For Which Will You Vote? 7r t I CLEAN-UP We will make a Clean-up Sale at our farm 3 miles west of 12 miles south east of Red Cloud, Nebraska, and 10 miles Wednesday, IWareh 1 105 1 17 Head 28 - FARM MACHINERY, ETC. We will also sell one quarter section of land with privilege of possessions at once. TERMS Eight to twelve months at 8 per cent. TIaI an Air Rrnc HurnAnB 5 Essie Craven and Doyle Bros., Aucts. IvAvaMHMWSSMHBI AvAA iT'llI Simplest CREAM SEPARATOR Ever Built 1 DE LAVAL EXCELS ALL OTHERS not only In running and durability, but as THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE OPERATION, CLEANING, adjustment or repair of a modern Da Laval Cream Separator which requires expert knowledge or special tools. NOR ARE THERE ANY PARTS WHICH REQUIRE FREQUENT adjustment in order to maintain good running or to conform to varying conditions In the every-day use of a cream separator. 7 loiL5MTTi'iinL ComklaitlM Wrttek, wklch It the ealr ael Mlf UM blTllf IBS HII RUB MpVlWr ITO WWMU THERE IS NOTHINO ABOUT THE MACHINE THAT CANNOT be takea apart, removed or replaced by any one who can use a wrench or screw driver. In fact, the only tool which la needed In the use or the operation of a Do Laval Cream Separator la the combination wrench and screw driver Illustrated above, which to furnished free with every machine. Drop In some day soon and let ua ahew you an up-to-date Do Laval. You can aea for yourself tbat U Is built to give the best service. GEO. TRINE RED CLOUD its iii IsV ttr ALSO DEALER IN ills. Butters Cream, and Feed of Highlit Market Prlem 9 .. &&& 'mfmtmtf' mW-mW'mr' &tmVmr.:m'4P'mVimVmVtm9tS fjyef Sf S SKSgSSg.SSJ.STm wCiSkSX.. Get Your Stock Insured! The Standard Live Stock Insurance Company will insure your Cattle and Horses against death from any cause. The Standard is the largest live stock insurance ). company in the United States. See R. T. COOPER, Agent S Bell Phone alack 302 - nC3vAnAASS Canadian Farm Land for Sale Located In the Last Mountain Valley district Saskatchewan, Canada. The great spring wheat belt and mixed farming district. For further Inform ation and literature call on or write S. W. Fok agent Red Cloud, Neb. Commencing t 10 O'clock Hear! nf Stnck Horses Head of Cattle - HERD OF HOGS - 60 mm iwiffjfe ill ID? m wm thoroughness well in its great simplicity. faraltbtd wits Meh De Laval suable, reaalrad la Mtthi , taklaa Sen ef Of Poulty. Hides, Flour All Kinds. Paid For Your mtutt if Red Cloud, Nebraska S3avaS Private Money To Loan also regular Farm Loans on best terms to be had' in the State. Call for me at State Bank Bed Cloud. C. F.C&tbkb. White Plymouth Rock eggs for set ting W. F. Colk, Bed Cloud, Nebraska Both Phones. SALE North Branch, Kansas, and north of Esbon, Kansas, on 26, 1913 Sharp 105! Mules 17 1 - 28 Dinner by Highland Ladies Aid W. A. Sherwood, Clerk ,T How Nebraska Grows. The State Hoard of Agriculture has llMfttl ntllfltrlnt. flu. liiAMntn .. I duct ion mid farm valnos in Nebraska mr me period since the census of 1000; thisjstudy of tho principal crops from 1912 tolOll shows an uucouauging in. crease in valuation of Nebraska pro ducts In tliis period of oiirlit years tho corn crop has increased in toral value thir teen per cent; the value of the wheat crop lias inci eased twenty-nine per cent; potatoes show eighty-two per cent of increase; the hay crop jumps to IK) per cent and the value of horses inn per cent. In dairy cattle there is an Increase of 30 per cent iu value and swino 70 per cent, while tho total value of all form property has increased 178 per cent in the ten years since the census of 1000- When it is remembered that Nebras ka now stands second in the entire Union in the per capita value of farm property It requires no gift of pro phecy to predict that the census of 1920 will show this state in undisputed leadership of the agricultural column. This situation should be encouraging to every interest connected with the development of Nebraska. 1913 Will Be Lucky For Home Builders who sidetrack procrastination for action and get busy early on their building plans. The kind of lumber you would be satisfied with is as cheap now as you will ever see it and, at the prices we are quoting ou the quality you would expect, we say with all emphasis "BUILD NOW". With our knowledge of the different woods and their applica tion to home building we can doubt less show you how you can attain your ideal home at a much less cost than you think, frice-per-thous-and for lumber is very misleading to the inexperienced, but when a plan is figured judiciously and the right lumber specified in the right place the total cost is often a pleas aut revelation, Our business re quires this exacting knowledge and we are sure we can satisfy you in price, quality and service. Let's talk it over. We have everything irom joisi to siilngles. THere'e Ne Plan Like Hem' Saunders Bros. Red Clni, Nebraska WW SUSJl 240 acre farm for rent. Inquire of W. B. Wonderly, Inavale, Nebr. Have you u liny to snare? The saloon must hae boys or It must shut tin Its shop. Can't you llud one? It is a great factory, ami unless it can have J,w,tXH) from encli generation, for raw material, some of theso factories must close up, and tho operatives bo thrown out upon a cold world, and the public revenue dwindle! One family out of every live must contribute a boy In order to keep up tho supply. Will you help? Which of your bojs shall It be? ''The open field for the cieatiun of the drink appetite is among the boys. After men have grown and their habits arc formed, thoy rarely ever change in tills regard. It will bo needful, therefore, that missionary work bo done among tho boys, and I make the suggestion, gentlemen, that nickels ex pended In treats to the boys now, will return lu dollars to your tills after the appetite has been formed. Above all things, ereate appetite!" An officer of the Ohio Liquor League. Not By MyVote ! Men will have strong drink, and men will sell liquor, but ' Not it v MY Voti:! Saloons may go on like, the brook, forever, ami men may die by the thousands iu them, but Not ii v MY Von:! Truth may be wrecked and character dismantled, homos may bo destroyed and women and children beggared, but Notiiv MY VorKt Children may be caught in tho saloon snare, the victims of alcohol may fill our jails, almshouses and insane asy lums, but Not iiv MY Voti:! Tho saloon may impoverish and de grade the people; produce idleness, diseuse and pauperism. It may breed anarchy and crime, but Notiiv MY Voir! To The Christian Church Everywhere. "It is tlmo something besides singing 'Onward Christian Soldiers,' was done by the Chlstlan people," said tho Hon. John Waiiamaker in au address delivered on Temperancu Sunday, iu a Philadelphia church. "Wo must now stand together for the total abolition of the liquor trafllc, which is bound to come in time. 1 believe that the Re publican party; or any party that fails to recognl.c this fact, is doomed- 1 am a Republican, mid 1 love the old party of Lincoln, Harrison, Giant, Gar field and McKluley, but I realize that the grand old party canuot be kept up to Its staudard until it .excludes the liquor busslness. It was difficult for me when I lived in Washington to en tertain foreign officials without serv ing them with strong drink, but none of them ever had anything to drink at my house. I have been a teetotaler since 1877. The appetite for strong drink Ib an appetite that grows. It is the Devil's best weapon and the world's greatest curse." Nebraskans Flock to Made-in-Nebraska Show Omaha, Nebr., March 18th. An aver age of 7,500 daily visited the Made-in-Nebraska show, which has been held here for the past ten days. The great er majority of the visitors were Ne braskans, and were surprised at the great variety of articles made in Ne braska. Hastings, Fremont, Lincoln and other towns had most ctcditable displays. The annual meetlncr of the Feder ation of Nebraska Retailers, uuder whose auspices the show was .'held, was the largest attended in the history of the Association. One thousand retail dealers visited Omaha durins the week. Only morning sessions of the convention were held, the afternoons being devoted to the insnectlon of the exhibits. O. B. Beincrt of Wymore was re elected President of the Association: O. W. Darner of Bethany, Vlce-Presi- aenc ana Mr. M. a. Hostetler of She! ton, Treasurer. For the last four years the Associa tion has met in Omaha and has grown from an organization numbering flftv to one now bavin? a mcxnberahlD of 2,200 and an average annual attend ance of 8X). The organization declared for pro gressive legislation in Its report of the resolutions committee. . To wreck a train is a crime, but to wreck a hnman soul is a privilege that the state sells. One of the problems which will vex the future student of hlatorv of thin period will be the Question of account. ing for the slowness of the people to inrouie the monster known as the traffic in intoxicating Honor. .Preai. dent Anthony of Adrian College. ABSOLVTCLY PURJS The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes delicious home-baked foods oi maximum quality at mtntmnm cost Makes home baking pleasant and profitable ntJeWaVBeS AHNUUNCbrVlbN I I have sold my cleaning business to R. G, Hassingcr, who is thoroughly competent and reliable. He has been with his brother-in-law, Chas. ' E. Hill, Cleaner and Dyer, Hastings. He is an expert in cleaning, pressing, etc., and will give the same service and guarantee as heretofore. . I thank all the trade for my success, and I know Mr. Hassinger will give perfect satisfaction. W. C. Grieder. i 'vesssasBBSies asn- S9essassi4e I NSUR 7 N G E T. W. Cline, Northbranch, Kansas, will insure your property of all kinds anywhere in Kansas. Live stock at same rate insures them anywhere against lire, lightning and tornados, also growing 'crops against hail. If you don't see him, write him. T, W. Northbranch "A saloon has been defined as a place where men set. for one dime, ono cent's worth of whisky and a dollar's worth of degradation." Young Men and Women Wanted The new Parcels Post law is opening up hundreds of positions for young men and women as Railway Mall Clerks, Postofllce Clerks, hotter Carr iers, etc. Ages 18 to 45. 8alary 5o to ' 1160. Anyone who can qualify, should call and see Mr. H. L. Carl at the Royal hotel in Red Cloud on Sun day and Monday, March 23 and 24. Mr. Carl will be there on the dates named only. This Is a good oppor tunity for young people to get into the government service. The Willing Workers of the Christ, ian church of Inavale, will bold their annual Bazaar at Hunter's Hall on Saturday, March 22nd. from 2 o'clock until all hava examined and purchased from the fine assortment of aprons fancy articles, etc. Come and feast on the good things to eat for only 25 cents. Supper served from 5:30 until 10:00 p. m. In-order to still further im-, prove the quality arid in crease the egg yield of my Buff Orpingtons, I have pur chased from C. S. Byers. of Hazelrigg. Indiana, a $20.00 cockerel. This bird is from Mr. Byers bestjaying pen of last year, I believe a cross with this strain will increase YOUR egg yield. ' Setting eggs for sale. MARGARET A. RICE, At CiiHe Reek TeleyMwe Office my Nana Lay In Wlnfr ! MHaYBaVv '& CLINE, Kansas. Somewhere, just emerging from col lege or starting to practice law in a country town, are young men who, twenty years from now, will become the moral and political leaders of their generation. What will their Issues be? We think that one of these leaders will be a man who recognizes that alcohol Is a poison and that prostitution is this country lb quite largely a coaa merclalleed Incident of the liquor business. CoUier's Weekly. What about the pool rooms of Best. Oloud? Is It a place of which we are proud and like to take our friendaT Is It a place where we like to have our fathers, sons and brothers frequent? Is it a place where one can find some thing that shall improve them, morally, physically and Intellectually, or in anyway serve to help them to live op to the standard of true manhood. If not. then of what use is it to Red. Cloud? Let's eliminate it! For DyuMpaU V W rati suffer Siemach Treufclag ywu uy our reswear, it wser Few emit If It fail. Te store to you that iilUjiiHisi jkrd aad"tlu ftaaaU Dyspepskt . wiu mi, we wui iwatM saefiatae absehjUh fiwlfM fails te air yen aatiafettk. The msarkabU mmm ef tUaal Dyspepsia TabltVi is 4ua te tae kp tea ef setuiUle skill m4 U kaag their formula as wall as to ike ear xardwi la thair auaufaeturaj whanby the well-kaown prppsrtiie of BiMauth-SubnltraU aad Pspaks have bn properly combined with) CarnuaativM and rgf-w agtafe BUnuth-8ubnitrJ aad Pepala are ooasUntb employed and nooa altad by the satire medical profs sioa aa uraluabla in the treatment ef ladicettion and dyspepsia. Thais roper eombiaatioa snakes a remedy waluabla for atoaueh relief. We are so eertaia that there le nothing so ajood for stomach Ilia as IUiaUX)yepepa(aTableUth4twettTaj you to try them at our risk. Three aiaes, M easts, SO eeaU, aad 11.00. You eaa buy Retail Dyspepsia Tahlefea Is this eoauiualty oaly at our store! H. i GRICE DRUQ CO. Red Cloud tU Jmmmjt jfe Nebraska)- 1 I ! ,U '.'J !. I r; I ft rf t x Ml II? '!: 1 mi .a - m j u . -w IISSB iJs'-"''i3.,ia?CJfj'J''-w. j-ii-