The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 20, 1913, Image 8

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    ,u i - - lilcaliff,WWi i
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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publiahar
Many Applications for Per Capita
8hare of National Wealth Ne
braikan'i Research Worry
ing British Librarians.
Kingston, Mo. The destruction of a
cnbln flvo miles north of hero him re
moved tho Inst hiillillng from tho site
of Fnr Weflt, onco n flourishing little
city, which before the Mormons estab
lished themselves In Utah, was chosen
mb tho site for the headquarters of
their church. Filed away mong the
records of the Mormon church at Salt
Lake City are tho original plans of
Fnr West. The plans show that a
v great city wns contemplated. Prep
arations were made for tho building
lof a temple In tho center of tho town.
The work on the temple was actunlly
begun a short time beforo tho Mor
mons of Missouri decided to go to
Research Worries British Librarians.
London. Prof. CharleB W. Wallace,
ihe well known American Shakespear
ean scholar, has proved himself an
especial terror to British keepers of
public records In recent years, accord
ing to evidence given before tho roynl
'commission on public records. Ills
iflrst accomplishment was to sHow
jthean that they knew nothing about
'their own treasures by making hln
notable Shakespeare finds among
sacks of unsenrched documents In tho
record office of Chancery lane. Late
lly, It seems from the testimony of Dr.
It. R. Sharpe or the Guildhall record
office, that Professor Wallace has been
trying to Invado the priceless treasure
house of the city of London.
Uninitiated Apply for Share of Na
tional Wealth. '
Washington. Apparently under the
.Impression that the new administra
tion will divide the nation's wealth
, among tho peoplo of the country, sov
cral hundred persons In letters re
ceived by George E. Roberts, director
of the mint, have applied for tho $34.72
which the treasury department estl
.mates Is the per capita circulation of
rtbo United States. It was n revival of
an old story, Intended facetiously,
which was repeatedly denied during
'the Taft administration, that $34.72
awaited every Individual In the conn
'try. Many of the applicants asked
that the amount be forwarded by par
cel post In pennies.
Beatrice Boy Electrocuted.
Beatrlcd, Neb. Grant, sixteen-year-old
son of Archlte Schultz of this city,
was Instantly killed here when lie.
igrasped a live wire hanging from n,
telephone polo near tho corner of,
Eleventh and Lincoln streets. One
'hand was almost burned off and the
head and back wero also badly in
jured. Tho authorities were notified
and the power was shut off at the
station, but tho work of tho physicians
was In vain.
Rector of 8ame Church 53 Years.
Chicago. 111. Bishop Charles Ed
ward Cheney has just completed his.
fifty-third year as rector or Christ's'.
Reformed Episcopal church hero. He.
celebrated Thursday tho anniversary'
of his first sermon in the church,
Illinois Governor at Bryan Banquet.
Springfield, 111. GoverW Dunne re
ceived a letter from Secretary of State
William J. Bryan stating that ho would
fee In Springfield on Tuesday, March
18, on his way to Lincoln, Neb., where
there will bo a reunion of tho Bryan
'family on Wfdncsdny, and Inviting
Governor Dunne, who accepted the In
vitation. A Joint resolution Inviting
Secretary Bryan to deliver an address
beforo the 'general assembly while In
Springfield was passed by both houses.
Sicilian Girl Shoots Fiancee.
Omaha, Neb. Because Rosarlo Still
luca, a Sicilian, employed at the smelts
lng works, refused to mako her hta
wire, Sortlna Sobistana, a pretty
twcnty-one-year-old Sicilian girl, shot
and instantly killed hor fellow country
man. Sortlna and Rosarlo wero af-
llancod. Both wero born at Carhmtlna,
Sicily, and came to America on the.
same steamer two years ago, ut which'
time the betrothal was mode. Later
Rosarlo's lovo cooled off, which an
gered the girl and caused the. crime.
New York. A steel rockot, confin
ing Rodman Law, the "human lly," in
which ho Intended to bo Bhot 3,500
feet Into the air, descending by a para
chute, exploded when 800 pounds of
powder behind it was fired. Law was
hurled twenty-five feet from his seat
In tho rocket, but was unhurt.
Belgrade, Scrvla. It is reported
here that fifty soldlors wero killed on
the Servian transports at San Giovan
ni Dl Medua on tho Adriatic coast by
shells from the Turkish crulBer Haml-illeb.
on cr
Toll of Death in Tornadoes In the
South Many Want to Witness
Execution of Convict
Omaha, Neb. Two disastrous rear
end collisions, occurring on the main
lino of the Union Parlllc railroad In
Nebraska at about the same time Fri
day morning, caused the death of nlno
persons and tho possible death of one
more. Twenty-two people are known
to have been Injured, and It Is feared
that this list, also, will be swelled.
Thc first disaster was directly In
front of the pnssenger depot at Goth
enburg at 3:37 a. m. Union Pacific
passenger train No. 12 ran past two
automatic block Signals and crashed
Into the rear of passenger train No. 4
both east-bound. Four wero killed
and twenty-two Injured.
The second collision, occurring at
almost the .same time, was Identical
In character with the llrst. Extra
east-bound freight No. flOl drove Into
the rear of east-bound fi eight No. fi04
at Mcrndon station, twelve miles west
of Sidney. Conductor Hay Phillips
anil Ilr.ikcman C. M. Cradlt, both of
Cheyenne, of No. f04, and three stock
men wore killed.
As an indirect result of tho Gothen
burg Wreck Flagman Dorchor of
Grand Island may have lost his life.
A report from North Platte s.'iys It Is
believed he was blown Into the Plaits
river bridge near that place.
Commission to Investigate.
Lincoln. The Nebraska state rail
way commission was Friday morning
notified by Edsnn Rich, general solici
tor of tho Union Pacific, of two
wreckB on Hint road, one at Sidney
and tho other at Gothenburg, and was
requested to make an Investigation at
once. Commissioners Clarke and Hall,
together with U. G. Powell, the com
mission's accounting expert, left Im
mediately to visit the scenes of tho
But Few Will Witness Execution.
Lancaster. Warden Fenton of the.
state penitentiary has been flooded
with requests the past week from peo
plo who wish to bo admitted to wit
ness tho hanging of Albert Prince.
Unless Governor Morehcad Intervenes,
Prlnco will be hanged on Friday of
this week between the hours of 11
o'clock In tho morning and 3 o'clock
In tho afternoon. Because of the num
ber of persons who ask to bo admit
ted, Warden Fenton hns decided t
admit only those prescribed by stat
ute. Accordingly tho only persons
that will bo present will be six doc
tors, and tho necessary state officers
Loss of Life and Property Thought tc
Be Great.
New Orleans, La. Meager reportE
reaching here of the storm which
swept southern stntcs Thursday, tell
of thirty-three deaths, and the loss of
property estimated nt several hundred
thousand dollars. Wire service is de
moralized and It will be some time be
foro definite news Is received from
the towns where the storm struck
hardest. Tho latest reports said flvo
persons wero killed at Atlanta. Miss.
Other towns In Louisiana. Texas, Ala
bama, Mississippi and Tennessee vis
ited by tho terrific wind and rain sur
fcred heavy losses or liro and prop
New York. Ernesto Madera, for
mer minister or flnnnco In tho Mexi
can cabinet, who arrived here last
week, has Issued a stntement on br
lialf or himself nnd tho members of
the Madera family. Mr. Madera de
clared that It was tho Intention of tho
Mndero family to refrain from par
ticipation In the politics of Mexico
Ho said it wns tho hopo or all thr
Madcros that peaco would soon comi
to the southern republic.
Lincoln, Neb. John II. Mnrhlo. ont
or tho newly appointed members ol
the Interstate commerco commission
was a student of the stnte university
here Trom 18S(i to 1S0D. and while In
school was the roommate or Thomas
S. Allen of this city. These two stu
dents, with E. s. Wlggcnhoru of Ash
Jnnd, wero the only democrats In the
university nt that time.
Washington. Several congressional
lenders are preparing to Introduce bills
for tho repeal of the Canadian reci
procity act at the coming oxtra tes
IBlon or congress, Whether thu final
.action will ho In n sepnrate measure
lor as an amendment to Uie new tariff
.legislation has not been decided. Bills
for tho snmo purpose railed or pass
age or approval at tho last congress.
Home for'Confederate Veterans,
Washington. Announcement li
mndo by the Southern Rollcf society
ithat tho homo ror conrodornto veterans
would bo oponcd hero April 15, Mrs
'Georgo Dowey, wire or tho admiral ol
tho navy, was among tho first tc
.pledge herself to furnish nnd equip a
hospital room, and a number of othei
iwomen, prominent In social and official
life, made slmllur promises. Tho home
'will be open to destitute or sick "wear
ers ot the gray," their widows and orphans.
Sx' riTTaeuft pirATt.n VvX...
John Boyle iof Scotttbluff Found Dead
In Automobile at Greeley, Colo.
Anniversary of Penitentiary
NogalcB, Ariz. Colonel Kostorlltz
ky, commanding the federal garrison
nt Nogales, Souora, has surrendered to
General Obregon, the rebel command
er, urter a battle which lasted through
out the day.
Nogales. Ariz. Constitutionalists
overthrowMhe federal garrison at No
gales, Sonorn, Thursday and are In
possession of the border town, after a
fight which continued with little abate
ment for1 twelve hours. Casualties are
estimated at 100 dead and twice as
many wounded on both sides, though
accurate count has not been made.
Anniversary of Penitentiary Outbreak.
Lincoln. One year ngo nt 2 p. m.
Friday, Shorty Gray, John Dowtl and
Charles Morloy shot nnd dynamited
their way out of the state penitentiary.
As a result of that outbreak six men
died, and Morley alone of the trio Is
alive. Tho outbreak took place during
a terrific blizzard, and the convicts
after killing three men succeeded In
getting away unhnrmed. They were
overtaken near Gretna on Mnrch 18
and Gray waa killed and Dowd killed
himself. .
Sudden Demise of John W. Boyle of
Scottsbluff at Greeley, Colo.
Greeley, Colo. When nn automobile
pnrty of four men arrived at a garage
here one of the party, John W. Boyle,
aged fifty, n wealthy cattleman of
ScottsblufT. wns round dead. Mem
bers or the party had not tnlked with
Boyle during the last rew miles or the
drive nnd thought he hnd rallon asleep.
Artor n coroner's Investigation It wns
announced that death was duo to
heart failure. Boyle leaves a widow,
who resides on his 5,000-acre cattle
ranch near Scottsbluff. The automo
bile party was en route to Denver,
where Boyle Intended to enter a hos
pital. E. L. Griffith of Kimball, Ncb
wna with the party.
Appointments Up to Mr. Bryan.
Washington. Senator Hitchcock
will call on Secretary or Stnte Bryan
to present to him applications rrom
Nebraska ror appointments In the dip
lomatic and consular service. Scnn
tor Hitchcock will mako no recom
mendation respecting the applicants
ror theso nppolntments. Under the
rulo laid down by Presldont Wilson
those appointments would be neces
sarily taken up by Secretary Bryan
anyway.; "Mr. Bryan conies rrom Ne
braska and Is well Inrormed regard
ing tho merits of those who aro ask
ing for places In the diplomatic and
consular sorvlce, and 1 shall therefore
make no recommendations," said Sen
ator Hitchcock.
Hunt for Pre-hlstoric Men.
Pern. ProfeBsor Duncan of tho
Peru normnl school rnculty has re
ceived an inItatlon rrom Prorossor
Stern or Hnrvnrd college to cooperate
In a two yenrs' campaign In the search
ror pre-hlstorlc. men along Jhe bluffs
of the Missouri river.
Reserve Regiment of N. N. G.
Lincoln. Neb. Organization of n re
servo national guard regiment 'in this
stuto to bo composed of former univer
sity endots and one-tlmo regular army
officers and privates Is to bo under
taken at onco by Adjutant General
Hall In accordance vlth a plan
worked out some tlmo ngo. Tho Sixth
regiment auxiliary to tho regular reg
iments now in tho guard service, will
bo the first organization effected un
der tho skeleton plan and that will be
followed later by the organization of
the Seventh regiment.
Admits Starting of More than Twenty
Fires Woman Suffrage Defeat
edRebels Capture Town
of Agua Prleta.
Washington. Office seekers have
pressed Attorney General McReynoldB
to the point where he hus been obliged
to order tho department of justice
closed to all visitors at 4:30 p. m..
senutors nnd representatives Includ
ed. Applicants for federal judgeships
and United States attorneyships have
been pretty active, and their appeals
have swamped the new attorney gen
eral. A continuously open door would
consume his entire time, It was de
clared, and therefore he was obliged
to reserve the period after 4:30 for
the transaction of government busl
ness. Woman Suffrage Defeated.
Lincoln. Woman suffrage was de
feated In the house Wednesday by a
vote of forty-five for the bill and fifty
against It, while a hundred or more
excited and deeply Interested women
from Omaha, Lincoln and other points
looked down from the galleries and
watched their hopes being dissipated.
And when It wns all over these wd
ment, accustomed to this reception
rrom legislatures, loft good-humoredly,
with the avowed Intention of Invoking
some method of presenting their mat
ter to the voters of tho state.
Organized on Scientific Basis by Chi-
l cago Man.
Chicago. The statement or John
Daniels, alleged to have been chler or
the so-called "arson trust," In a con
fession has been confirmed by First
Assistant State's Attorney Frank John
son. Daniels, according to Johnson,
named forty members of the arson
ring. Including the nnmes of several
men "higher up." Daniels admitted
that bo had set more than twenty fires
In Chicago. Tho confession Is said to
be even more stnrtllng than that made
by Benjamin Fink, who confessed com
pllclty in 100 incendiary fires. An ag
gregate of $."00,000 Insurance wa3 col
lected rrom tho Daniels fires, accord
ing to Johnson, who Bald that forty
warrants for business men. public fire
Insurance ndjusters and actual Incen
diaries named by Daniels will bo Is
sued. Took Only Contraband Munitions.
Nogales. Ariz. Pnnora rebels de
clined to tako $11,000 worth or silver
bars rrom E. B. and W. E. Holt, two
American miners, whom tho rebels
held up thirty miles south or here and
relieved or their arms and ammuni
tion. Tho Americans wore driving
with their silver from Cumeral, So
nora. to this city, when 2!i0 constl
tlonallsfs Intercepted them. It was
Impossible to hide tho bullion, but
Bernnbe Onlundo. lender of tho band.
Informed the Americans flint his men
hnd no desire to rob them, but would
take thoir inunlllons or war. which
the state or Sonorn had declared con
traband. Capture Town Without Firing a Shot.
Douglas. Ariz. Agua Prletn has
rnllen to constitutionalist sympathiz
ers who crossed tho border trom
Douglas. Not n shot was fired, and
General OJedn, commanding tho fed
eral gnnlson, with about GOO men
evacuated tho town.
Department Will Test Seeds.
Lincoln. State Food Commissioner
Harmun announces that his depart
ment Is now prepnred to mako analy
sis or seeds under tho puro seed law,
Tho food commlslson has dono little
or nothing In this direction during the
past two yours on nccount of lack of
appropriation to pay .for an expert
seed analyst and 'for equlpmont. Fees
from the stock food provision of tho
puro seed law have como In to such
an extent that the food department
now feels nble to test seeds.
The next meeting of tho Ncbrasks
rctallorn will bo held at Lincoln.
The Nebraska federation of women's
clubs will meet at York In October.
A Methodist brotherhood was organ
ized In tho First Methodist church' of
Tho annual state convention of tho
Woodmen of the World auxiliary will
be held In Beatrice "
Tho largo farm house of Jacob
Fruhm, about three miles from Prague,
was totally destroyed by fire.
B. B. Gillespie, a Lincoln business
man, was slugged and held up near
tho city library Saturday night.
Tho farm house or Kato Thomas,
one mile west of Indlnnolu, burned to
tho ground. Nothing was saved.
Tho village board,, of Peru refused
to grant a license for a shooting gal
lory at Its regular meeting this week.
The Methodl3tB of Falrbury have
had an architect working out plans
and specifications ror a Methodist
Tho Snundors county case against
Sheriff Hyers In connection with the
killing of Roy rtlur:i hna been dis
missed. Ten horses were burned to death In
a tire that destroyed the Link-Tumor
livery barn nt Scrlbner. Saturday
Nellgh has voted bonds In the sum
of $30,000 for a new high school build
lng. The proposition carried by sixty
sl majority.
At a congregational meeting of tht
Baptist church at North Platte the
resignation of Rev. R. B. Favorlght
was accepted.
Over one hundred delegates were
In attendance at the state convention
of the Woodmen or the World nt Bea
trice last week.
A men'H rederatcd brotherhood, with
n membcishlp of forty on tho charter
has been organized by the Christian,
church at Dlller.
II. Y. McCloskey sold a quarter sec
tion of Jefferson county land near
Falrbury to Joseph McCord for a con
sideration of $20,000.
The Monarch Bridge company or
Falls City has been awarded the con
tract for the bridge building In Otoe
county for the coming year.
E. R. Duuwoody of Auburn, an aged
,nnd Infirm veteran of the civil war.
(at tempted to stop a runaway team nnd
was knocked down and run over.
A move has been launched In York
to organize a country club. Present
plans contemplate the purchase of a
forty-acre tract southeast of tho city.
A movement has been put on foot
by the Kearney Commercial club to
secure for that city the meeting of the
Nehraska Educational association
next year.
Robbers who have been entering
Lincoln business houses at will re
cently, broko Into the Shatnp Imple
ment company's building for the third
time within a week.
A mall pouch containing registered
mall ' from Omaha to Denver was
Btolen from the depot platform at
North Platto and was later found
empty In an ndjacent yard.
The county jail at Beatrice, which
has been quarantined on account of
smallpox for tho past two weeks, will
bo fumigated. The prisoner suffering
from tho disease has fully recovered.
At a recent meeting ,of the stock
holders or the King Alfalfa mills or
Nebraska City, whoso plant was de
stroyed by tiro during the winter, it
was decided to wind up the affairs
of tho association
A young man by tho name of
Meyers was struck on the head with n
club 'by an unknown man Sunday
evening as he was leaving the Chris
tian church nt Beatrice with two
young women. His assailant escaped.
Tho members of Company D, Ne
braska national guard, at Hastings,
were entertained nt a banquet given
by the winning sldo of the member
ship contest which closed that week.
Fifteen new members wero enlisted
and Captain Lovoll's team won from
Captain Arnold's.
Tho Rev. II. W. Cox of Denver has
been called by tho Baptist churches
of Oxford and Wlnsonvllle nnd has ac
cepted the call.
Reports from along the Platto Indi
cate that diickB are plentiful this year
and many hunters are planning to try
their skill nt tho birds.
Church Howo was nominated by ac
clamation for mayor or Auburn. Until
recently he wns United States consul
at Manchester, England.
Tho question who will be the next
postmaster at Farnam will be left to
tho decision or thu .patrons of tho
office nt a special election.
The pupils of the Dlller high school
under tho direction of the principal,
Miss Darlo M. Taylor, presented the
four-act dramn, "The Noble Outcast,"
in tho city hall.
Tho Platto river was out of its
banks Mondny between Fremont and
Morcer, flowing ovor a mllo wldo In
places. Great chunks of Ice were
being carried down stream.
The board of supervisors at Beatrlco
Is making plans ror the construction
of good dirt roads In the county, It the
bill passes the legislature providing
that the Inheritance tax money can be
UBod ror this purpose.
While llttlng his baby brother rrom
bed, the three-year-old son or Helnrlch
Bauer or Hastings fell with the infant,
sustaining a fracture of the hip. .
Several lemons, ono of them measur
ing thirteen Inches In clrcumforenco
nnd nine Inches through from otem to
tip, wero raised In the greenhouse of
,tho state orthopedic hospital at Lin
coln. Tho new $35,000 First Christian
church of Kcnrney was fittingly dedl
cpted Sunday with an all-day service,
'in charge of the pastor, tho Rev, Mr.
ZInk, and tho Rev. Mr. Snlvely of Beatrice.
"I thought you said tho colt could
win in a walk?"
"Well, they went and entered hlro
In a running race."
Mr. W. D. Smith, Ethel, Ky., writes:
M have been using Dodd'a Kldnoy Pllla.
for ten or twelve years and they havo
done me a great deal of good. 1 do
not think I would bo
nllvo today if It
were not for Dodd'a
Kidney rills. I
Btrnlncd my back
about forty yearsi
ngo, which left it
vnl-v U'nnlr I wno
p;WRiMki'JJ troubled wlthlnflam-
ll ' R ' tnntlnn of Mip hlnit-
W. D. Smith, dpi-. Dodd'a Kidney
Pilla cured me of that and tho Kidney
Trouble. I take Dodd'a Kidney Pill
now to keep from having Backache. I
am 77 years old nnd a farmer. You nre
at liberty to publish this testimonial,
and you may use my picture In con
nection with It." Correspond with Mr.
Smith about thla wonderful remedy.
Dodd'a Kidney Pills, GOc. per box at
your dealer or Dodd'a Medicine Co..
Buffalo. N. Y. Write for Household
Hints, also muntc of National Anthem.
(English and German words) nnd reci
pes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent free.
Where It Happened.
A seven-year-old colored boy was
beforo Judgo Taylor In Juvenlla court
not long ago ror shooting at his play
mate with a rlflo. As Is customary In
all such cases tho attorney in ques
tioning tho boy asked: '
"You wero In tho state of Indiana,
Marlon county, when this huppened,
wero you not?"
Tho little fellow studied a minute
and then answered:
"No, sah. Ah was on th' rront
po'ch." Indianapolis News.
Equally as Good..
A Sunday school teacher In tho mid
dle west asked all or Ler pupils who
wished to go to heaven to hold up
their right hands. All did but one
little girl.
"Why. Mary." said the teacher,
"why don't you hold up your hand to
day, Just as you did last Sunday when
I asked tho samo question?"
"I know," said Mary, "but papa hna
Just got tickets ror Los Angeles."
Anyhow, Boy Had the Right Idea.
An overgrown schoolboy who found
English grammar entirely beyond him
was given the sentenco "The girl pur
chased a hat" to diagram.
"NOW. Of what word In 'hat' thn nh.
ject?" asked tho teacher, encouraging
"Hat Is the object of girl." stam
mered the youth.
"Perhaps you're right," replied the
toacher. IN A SHADOW.
Inveterate Tea Drinker Feared Par
Steady use of cither tea or coffeo
often produces alarming symptoms as
the poison (caffeine) contained la
these beverages nets with more po
tency in Borne persona than in others.
"I wob never a coffee drinker,""
writes an 111. woman, "but a tea drink
er. I wob very norvouB, had frequent
spells of sick beadacho and heart
troublo, and was subject at times to
severe attacks of bilious colic.
"No end of Bleeplesa nights would
have Bpella at night when my right
Bldo would get numb nnd tingle liko
a thousand needles wero pricking my
flesh. At times I could hardly put my
tongue out of my mouth and my right
eye and ear were uffected.
"Tho doctorB told me I was liable to
become pnralyzed at any tlmo, bo I
was In constant dread. I took no end
of medicine all to no good.
"Tho doctors told mo to quit UBlng
ten, but I thought I could not live
without It that It wuh my only stay.
I had been a tea drinker for twenty
five years; was under tho doctor's,
cure for fifteen.
"About six months ago, I finally
quit tea and commenced to drink
"I have never had ono spell of sick
headache since and only one light
attuck of bllloua colic. Havo quit hav
ing thoso numb spells at night, sleep
woll nnd my heart is getting stronger
all the time." Namo given upon re
quest. Postum now comes In concentrated,
powder form, called Instant Postum.
It b prepared by stirring a level ten
spoonful In a cup or hot water, adding
sugar to tasto, and enough cream to
bring tho color to golden brown.
Instant PoBtum Is convenient;
there's no wustc; and tho flavor Ib al
ways uniform. Sold by grocers every
where. A B-cup trial tin mailed for grocer's
name and 2-cent Btnmp for postage.
Postum Cerenl Co., Ltd., Bnttlo Creek..