Wjisfrv' ' ""h llRF&mflWWft w ?miPt.r SSSSHifiW iMUMHIill4d mwTiWrT " : ,v,mmmm i. . irwmmw-v : - - ' -'tt PPMWWWIMWMi ii ) -:i'HiHyiiiiiiiiiijH i iiiiiMMMMMMInNMMwillUiill B , & : fc 5' J ) The Red Cloud Chief Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED LVfcliY 4IIUIISDA1 Knitted In the 1'ontiilllce tit Httl ( loud, Neb. fin Second Cliuw Matter O B. 1IALK I'UIIMSIIKH CHB ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPER IN WEII8TER COUNTY My Dear Mr Hale: I Your kind Invitation of recent date, tendering to me the olllce of Editor in Chief for this week ban been received. After careful consideration, I accept your tender as graciously an n child would accept a stick of dynamite, which may bo very harmless In Its out ward appearance but dangerous to the budding hope of an editorial novice. Nothing, however, could have in duced me to accept tho invitation had it not been that the other professional men of our oily have so boldly us Burned the responsibility of editing your paper. During the past three weeks the Chief has uiadu its appear once in three disguises, first as a dear old lady dressed In the latest hammer patterned skirt, weuring a socialistic cape of somber colors and topped oil' with a non-sectarian merry w Idow hat; the following week our solonc, dis guised as rodents of tho llystrluldiie family, genius Krethlon, shot the dear old lady of tho previous week so full of quills that they entliely de faced the pattern of her skirt. At the time this is written, 1 am tumble to prognosticate what its third disguise will be, but it Is safo to puc-s, that the Chief will make its appearance in the prettiest little dress of variegated booster adlcts such as lied Cloud has never seen before. This week you will be treated to facts only, facts un questioned, facts that are axioms, namely the Ked Cloud Schools are second to no others, are almost in a class by themselves, the best this side ofJeriCO. l'Kl)A(l)(H'K. Fathers and mothers estimate the worth of their children by dilfereut standards, The father usually by what his boys has accomplish In the future We think tho father's stand ard the better of tho two. Scalloped Greens-In tho evening take a pint of beginning Physiology, and a pinch of Agrieultuie and a spoonful of Algebra and let test for ttie night In the morning add a tea spoonful of English, mix very stllV -with n little Latin Koli the whole mess out xi iuch thick on a Freshman, let rise for recitation; when light cover with u thick layer of bluir mid deal out gushingly to the teachers. A Pew Tlmoly Proverbs: Lot us join hands comit tliein to memory and sing them in concert. Now altogether, give neither counsel nor salt till asked for it; he dies like a beast who has done no good while lie lived; Don't bite till you know whether it Is bread or a atone; A little pot is soon hot; An idle brain is the devil's workshop; Its a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock; Scald not vo tu lips in another malt's pottage; You can't drive a windmill with a pair of bellows. The Domestic Science girls would suggest the following menu to tho Juniors when they banquet the Settlors: First Course Pressed hen la, Salad a la wash bowl. Tickles la sour Second Course Wolds a la peaches, Lasses a hi more. Putter a la cow Thitd Com so Tea tete tete Weak parents usually bltiuto the teachers for the wnywaiducss of their children. Patents who o.pc't the teacher to assume the utoial, as well as the intellectual training of their children surrender their greatest pic rogative. Compared with sueh people, l.suu displayed gieut wisdom lor lu sold his birthiight, while these people give theits away and ate quite Indlg aunt because tlie tettcheis hesitate to .uccvpt it. v Where does the money go? A ques tion frequently asked but rarely in telligently answered: Teachers salary s it,7p ,-, Janitors and clei k 1,0c, t)o K.tra labor i i -,o High school books :J72 io tirade books j 05 Laboratory supplies $ m Jauitor supplies :i7 (io Repairs i;,U 1;, Furniture I in tin Light, phone aud water .... nil ;i8 Priuting 71 .-,-, Freight, express ami drayage 71 07 Fuel 817UU Miscellaneous ail 50 .Insurance ( y:, 00 Aleneral scho j supplies .... ' :ioi) Is More than M) high schools In our state me now ottering courses in Domestic Science and Manual Train ing, also Commercial and Agricultural courses aro being substituted for courses of less practical value. A Senolr's Soliloquy nt tho Refer ence Table: (hind and dig, dig nnd griud Herman Hiul Trig, till your eyes nre blind; Till your eyes arc blind and your intellect gone, And you flunk and flunk till the cows come home, A Juniors recipe to the Domestic Science: Girls How to Prepare a Good Koitst. One student with un prepared lessons Is "meat" for a good roast. Keep in hot water during the recitation; place over the fire of tho teachers wrath and broil for twenty minutes; season with hot words and a peppery temper. Cool slowly and examine carefully. NVV.NW,VSWVVWA3( .S3vvSAASSvyWVM Since September 1st more than twenty schools in the state have in stalled school gtotiod apparatus. We are just beginning to realize that if we wish to make good citizens of our boys ami girls, we must ditect their play as well us their work. Aside from the pleasure it provides for the children, school ground apparatus proves to bo the be-.t means yet de vised to mnlntaiu good order on the school grounds and to minimize im moral tendencies. Ked Cloud has the laigest high school enrollment of any town except ing 0110 in the state for its sl.e. The following information is taken from the latest school directory Issued by the State Supetlnteudeut Town Albion Alliance Ahlilaiul Auburn llcnsoii lllalr llruken How Central City Columbus Crctu la Id City I'nlltClty (luucwi Harvard llavelouk l,('llll(ill McCook Maillson Norfolk O'Neill riUlthlllOtltll IIIkIi .School Enrollment 112 School I'opulatlou (ill! inn id tun y;u Ml Kit uv IS-M UJl 1110 iavi ilJrt Ml 8.1) Cil IU;il liU'.l 1S.M 1,111 I.PJfl WL'iiCtOtmiilsjiar 71 j Sew aril 7,1'J .Superior 78- From the above record Lexington is the only town in the state, whose per cent ol high school students as com pared to the school census is greater than Ked Clouds A number of cities in tho state with a school population altnoit three. times as great as ours have a smaller high school enrollment. The above speaks for itself as to the intclliKcnco and class of people that live iu and around Ked Cloud as compared to other com munities in the statf. 112 10s l.VJ in 111.1 IS") l.M lilt 120 l.VI 112 III! 8 "1 111'! Il '.2 17.1 7'J l.-,l Vi IIS 81:1,570 OH Received from taxes 114,000 00 Tuition .'.'.MS CO 110,838 GO Sports of the High School Uoys Hasket Ball was played this year for the ilrst time. The boys have played well, but have lost the most part of their games The loss of a couple of tho best players have handicapped the team to u great extent. We have divided honors with Ulue Hill, while Franklin, Guide Pock and Cowles have belteted us by nar row margins. Wo hopo to take the return mimes with Franklin and liiildo Itoek. We will make a desper ate effort to letteive our fortunes In the coining base ball season. The high school football team met with varied successes and defeats. On the whole season they made uneven break with their opponents, wining tliiee, losing tluee and tying two. The scoioof Ked Cloud is much holier than their opponents. Lack of weight uudexpoiicnco was the chief handi cap to their success at Ilrst. The team buffered quite a loss at the very start, Captain Saundeis bull'eriug iujuiies iu the Ilrst game that kept him out all season. The letiirn to school of Kis sel Amaok strengthened tho team in a very material way. Turntire, Pope and IMacklcdgc did commendable work iu the back Held. Thej will be very valuable to ttie team next year. Iu the two Icoutests witli Franklin Academy the boys were badly out weighed. In the last name the ball was in the academy's tenitory most of tho time, uudbut for 1111 element of luck that enters iuto all games the score would have been different. The Ilrst game was with the alumni. This was a bitterly contested affair, which ended in a tit. This game re t reived the tlnanolal fortunes of the team, aud enabled them to buy sweat ers. On the whole the season might be said to be a success, for the boys iu their hardest games, when they weie beaten the worst, did not quit but kept up tho "pep" aud played harder. After all the questiou iu any game is not whether the game is wou or lost, but how was it won or lost. The line' up wm OOH BflHGfllfl DAY SPEGIflltSj 20 Per Cent Discount On 1 Women's Muslin Underwear! Gowns ol Muslin, Crepe and Nainsook with round or square neck, long or short sleeves. S Princess Slips, Muslin Skirts, Drawers and Corset Covers. All sizes and all qualities. Misses9 Gowns, Skirts and Drawers ,', In Our Grocery Department We will sell you Seven Large Size Boxes of Pyle's Pearline of the regular straight 5c size, on Bargain Day, Wednesday, March 19th, for 25 cents. The above special prices are good on Bargain Day, only -ttna . ' Don't Forget To Come Here For Everything That Is New and Stylish in Spring Merchandise You and Your Friends Are Most Cordially Invited To come and enjoy to the fullest extent our extensive showings of all that is NEW The Miner Bros. Co. s s 8 s s GENERAL MERCHANTS "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" 3 waA 3 w wn'Wv' fli 8 I I'lmres and Marshall, ends; Tennant aud Wilson, taeUlev, Wolfe and Kooutz. guards; Katlijen, center; KlaukledKe and Turuure. halves rope, quarter; ,niaok, full bach; Atkins, McCoid and Sahtden, substitutes. Following Is the record of gomes: Ked Cloud, 0, Smith Center 0; Ked Cloud C, Franklin 18; Ked Cloud 19. Alma 0; Ked Cloud o, Smith Center 20; Red Cloud 11, Orleans 0; Ked Cloud 0, Fraukliu 10; Ked Cloud 10, Alma 0; Ked Cloud 0, Alumni, 0; total for Ked Cloud 109; total for opponents IS. I aw3i3 9w9sVsalBBBaal fla i aw h Wake Up. To hear .some of our good citizens t.ilk it is very evident that they have enjoyed a Kip Van Winkle's nap. They can not or will not btleivo that school conditions have changed since ton or twenty year.-, ago. While the '-mill of the gods" keeps grinding a grist of CO, 70 or all children per uuuuui It takes itiote than a phil osopher to solve the problem of hous ing them lu our schools without a cor responding inuieuso in e.pendlttires. After the completion of the Lincoln building till ee years ago, we congratu lated ourselves that the question of school room was finally solved for many yeais to come. The new build ing could easily accommodate a high school omoUmcnt of i:0 students. Loss than tluee years after the com pletion of tho tiew building wo find it iteccbMiry to crowd III) children Into the Lincoln ltuilditig and lbl into the old one. During tho past year It. has been necessary to tefuse admission to beginners for want of room aud at pres ent new urrlvals are only accepted when a gap has been made by a child leaving the disttict or being promoted. Nor does the future promise to amelio rate this condition Pieseut indica tions assure u- of u leu pjr cent in c ease iu the inside next year or nearly ftl'O children must be housed lit the Lincoln building or elsewheie. As tJ the high school .'10 seniors going out aud Si) freshmen are coming in, giving us an increase uf ,10 or a total high school enrollment of 'Jill students next year. The facts and llgures aro interesting to study aud will furnish our kind critics on school expenditures ample food for reflection and plenty of material for future discussion. Tm Late fw Classlflcatta 20 Per Cent Discount on Wagons and Wagon Boxes on Citizen's Convention The citizens of Ked Cloud mo hereby called to meet in the coitit house, Thursday evening, March 13th, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for city otlicers as follows: One Mayor. Olio Clerk. One Treasurer. One Engineer. One Police Judge. Two Counciliuen 1st ward. One Councilman '.'ud ward. Two members of School Hoard. F. W. Cowdk.v, Chairman. 1813 o7l9i3Which? Last week the Hastings Republican informed tho public that the Hastings school authorities had disciplined '20 high school boys for some infraction of tlie rules by requiring them to "learn by heart" the Declaration of Independ ence before they could be reinstated iu school. (J rent guns and little llshes? I-, it possible that such mental abuse i-. tolerated iu what pusses as n civilized community? Or is tills merely an at tempt at joking by a reporter recover ing from u Kut.eiijiuniuei',' If "study'' is a punishment the Hastings author ities inflict on 20 o I lenders fur some act of lawlessness, what otVeusc have the other thtco thousand childiun com mitted who sue required to study daily from 0 u. in., to 1 p. in.'.' Such sense less ticts on the part of those who should know better, furnishes indis putable evidence to the child that study is not u privilege to be desired but rather a punishment to be avoided provided he can dodge the truunt olllc or. We know of tint one sound method of procedure us it applys to school discipline Kemovetemptatious if possible. All to the child's common sense aud decency. Spank him good aud hard if necessas-y. Suspeud temporarily and deny him the I'uivili:oi: of study. 1st. 2nd. :ird. lth. The Hillmau Stock Co., will appear iu our Opera House, March 17, IS, 10th. The title of the opeulng play Monday night will bo "As a Man Sows"; Tues day night, "In Old Caroline"; Wedues day ulght, "Tlie Telephone Oirl". Ftr twt 210 acre farm for rent. luqttire of W. R. Wonderly, laavale, Nebr. SPRING GOODS All of Oar Mnes s Let Us Shorn Them To You .$ PAIL STOREY I The Clothier j 25 Per Cent Discount AH Kinds of Pails For Bargain Day, Wednesday, March 19th. 1913. .. Edttiard Hanson Hardware and Implements DH for the season -was: J Bargain Day. C. F, Wallin.4 & .IktadUt&u. .4 .4k.ta)JmZi.. AMj ,, . ifct ..u. nf...!.iA,il!iA,it j