tmtmiimmmir - 1t i wm mMliMWft &. -f i itf4frl j - jr fc'a",''.MK. raiiris(i City Treasurer's Statement , " Mnrch 4, 101.1. Honorable Mnyor mid City Council, Hud Cloud, Nub. (loiitloiiion: I submit herewith Muto nu'iitof the (.'audition of your WoiiMiry for tliu pciiod from I-Vb. 1, I'M. 'J to Mutch t, I0i:i Occupation Tumi 4Vd Visc .The Beatrice Centrifugal Disc Washer- l$ uiv nvwiv w en Free With Each Separator ziv It solves tho disc-washing problem- 550 to GOO lb capacity $55.00 TVMnftOOIIn, $65.00 cleans and driei all the discs in less than 2 minutes gives you a s: sweat, rpotless tip, :cl pa2 is alio 'i$i( separator. The presred sttel O'OlolOOOlhS. free 575.00 Ain't on hand March I, "111 Receipts 3 .'111 S7 27 o() sg s V !.. I i 1 1 'U. ". ..II -. , . . Ill It'll I lR' l MkMMM4MTtMIjttMI.'ri I 1 ml -w m bl&bi 'A Qr a Vat I 's:t' Copyrighted 1912 XS 1 jkm l!NJil KSt I : Bi ? f y v r E i i V 1 t ft II Why not apj)ly the same idea to your body get riil of the obstruction which is stopping the flow of life-giving mental force from your brain to the va rious parts of the body. You'd quickly kick if Johnnie planted both feet on your hose and stopped the flow and you'd waste no time poulticing the nozzle, cither ! Off the hose for Johnnie! When the bones in your spine get out of line they pinch the nerves which lend from the brain to the various parts of your body then the nerves go out of business, or partially nt least. Of course the parts then lead to suffer. Wouldn't your lawn burn up in the dry heat of summer If Johnnie camped on the hose. Same principle exactly for the nerves cany the life force from the mind. Here is the Chiropractor's opportunity to "help jjet rid of the obstruction. He knows how, with tho "hands alone, to set the bones of the spine in proper position again and let the life-giving force flow. He knows why, too, lie's got to know how and why to get a diploma. And you can rest assured lie1 11 be glad to answer your questions. lie has made Chiropractic his life work, preaching and teaching the common sense of this new science of human betterment. Ask him. tt Palmer School of Chiropractic "Chiropractic Fountain Htad" Davenport, Iowa RALPH E. CAMP, D. C. 625 Elm Street, ... Red Cloud, Nebraska Graduate of Palmer School of Chiropractic . Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free OFFICE HOURS: 0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to r, p m. N.M Reputation You wouldn't buy breeding stock from a QypsyThe reputation of the breeder Is weighed equally with the points of the animal Stlckney Engines have both reputation of the. manufacturer and points of superiority. Ed. Hanson bbHHBHb1Mb1 EXCLUSIVE AGENT Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co., Red Cloud, Neb. SPRING DRESS GOODS I have just received a very extensive shipment of Spring Dress Goods in all of the very latest and most up-to-date creations. The shipment comprises Fancy Silks Plisses Flaxons Foulards - Piques Wool Goods Ratines - Diagonals 1 want to call your particular attention to to the largest and highest class shipment of embrod eries ver brought to this town. Don't buy before examining these goods. Tttm ntwt things In QIm mutton: "Good of Quality"-mOur Motto BARBARA PHARES Red Gloud. Nebraska Hfkkn's ftuk. 'Hie recent act of April 19tb, 1008 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension 912 per month, Fred Maurer, the at loruey, lias all necessary blanks. Special attention given to diseases ? eye and ear. Glasses accurately tftted. Dr. Stockman, Ued Cloud, Neb. Disbursements n:io :i7 Itnltincu March 1, M!l Water Fund Ain't on band Feb. 4, MU Receipts- none Disbursements mi :i" 18!) 01 18.', :i! niihmce March 1,-13 'is. .ID Water Levy Fund Ain't on band Feb. 1, '13 11 81 Receipts none Disbursements nono Imlanco March 1, 'ill 11 81 General Fund Overdraft Fob. 4, 'IB 18143 Receipts none Disbursements GO 00 Overdraft March 1,'lit '.Ml 13 Electric Light Fund Ain't on baud Feb. 4, '13 938 3i! Receipts 1004 r.8 J 087 1)0 Disbursements 1390 Or. llalance March 4, '13 590 05 Electric Light Levy Fund Am't on hand Feb. 4, '13 30 48 Receipts none Disbursements none Balance March 4, '13 3G 42 Judgment Fund Am't on hand Feb. 4, '13 3 30 Receipts none Disbursements none Balance March 4, '13 2 30 Flretneus' Fund Am't on hand Feb. 4, '13 215 20 Receipts 5 00 220 20 Isbursements none alance March 4, ,'13 Recapitulation Occupation Fund 1331 37 WaterJFund 3 04 Water Levy Fund 14 84 Electric Light Levy 30 42 Judgment Fund 2 30 Fircmens' Fund 220 20 Electric Light Fund 500 05 220 20 mMliiMiJi lit! n Ifinhm II . i IM&( mVMUM'i Urf, Mn Lt: if I mi 1 -ri i. i, iitji i 7&$mn 3iiiiJ: Capacity lewee prkca better service. The one high-pratle stiitul;ud ccparator sold at a reasonable price. Next time you are in town, step in and let us show you why the BEATRICE is the efficient, durable and economical skimming machine the qne that costs you $25 to $40 less to be gin with, that saves time and labor, skims closer, and is easier to keep clean. x ifarLSsCj i a) to to to - GEORGE W. TRINE, Local Agent SH ALSO DEALER IN SL- Eggs, Butter, Cream, Poultry, Hides, Flour and Feed of All Kinds. Hlgh9t Mmrkot Prlco Paid For Your Stuff - tf W & Z. v.- I L-l- F I RE 9 1202 78 General Kuud Overdraft 214 43 Bal. on hand March 4, '13 9r8 35 No change in registered warrants out standing. S. It. Floiianci:, City Treasurer. Nebraskans Flock to Canada EaUrttt twtlw Is SertoM That 4,463 people were induced to forsake Nebraska and Eastern Iowa in 1012, and cast their lot with the Canadian Agricultural Countries, is the proud boast of the immigration offloiala of these Canadian countries Such statements are being published promiscuously in Canadian papers and are being used to Induce other Nebras kans to emigrate to Canada. "The property and money represent ed by these people is $5,105,485 and 1013 promises to surpass even the re cords of 1012, whloh are represented by the figures here given." This la the prognostication of Canadian reports. That emigration from Nebraska is greater than immigration la the state ment of men well versed in Nebraska affairs. That something mutt be done' to check this emigration, is the con sensus of opinion. But opinion has not yet taken definite form. However, House Roll 423, which pro vides for the creation of the Nebraska Conservation and Welfare Commission and provides further for the teaching of "Nebraska to Nebraskans" was drawn for the purpose of making Ne braskans more coutented with their lot. The Commission is empowered to make or cause to be made surveys of the state which will establish the fact that Nebraska is even a better agricultural country than those Cana dian couutries, which are not profiting fiom the judicious use of publicity. In the face of the above facta regard ing emigration from Nebraska, It Is hlKb time that something was doue to meet the condition. Nebraskans may wait until It is 'too late. Now is the time and House Roll 423 is the most iuuuedittte solution of the question. Every Nebraskau w ho has tho luterest of bis state at heart, should urge the passage of House lloll 423. TMkX ALARM Is ii dreadful thing OF" FII9K for the man without Insurance. Every time lie sees the engines racing along his heart comes up in his throat if the fire is any where near his place. What folly, what mis taken economy. THK COST Or is so small that it INBURANCK need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C.TEEL, Rollmblo Inturmnoo. f'smmmmWmmW'sri FOR FURNITURE GO TO THE OLD RELIABLE Furniture Store ED. AMACK Licensed Undertaker in Nebraska and Kansas ALL THK PHONKS KaA WV( FaraFw Rett 210 acre farm for rent 11 miles south east of Red Cloud, and P miles south. west of Guide Rock. Apply to C. E. Rogers 1542 K street, Llnoolu, Nebr. adv. For Sa?.k White Plymouth Rock I Cockerells. Joseph Topham. adv Good Nebraska Steers Coming E.J. Peterson of Iuavale, Neb., a prosperous stock farmer and cattle feeder of the Republican river valley, had in today four carloads of well finished steers that brought a good price. They averaged 1,317 pounds, and sold for' $8.00. -Monday's Kansas City Dally Drovers Telegram. Try our Pratone and Frappe Choco-' latesand you will buy uo other. Home IUkkrv. It Pays To Build Sheds! Multitudinous Are The Uses To Which Good Shed. May Be Putt If You Have But One Pair of Wheels Unhoused Build An Extension And Get ThemUnder Cover! It WiU Pay In The Long Run! We Have The Right Kind of Lumber For Sheds. Saunders Bros k Good Things To Eat WE have for you, reliable, fresh groceries. Our stock is being renewed every day for your pleasure, profit and health. Don't you enjoy eating these days? It is the season of the year when we are building up for. the coming spring's work. Your wants are constantly in mind. Flour that is right, sugar coffee, ' tea, fruits of all kinds, and everything your heart can wish, and appetite suggest, we have. You know our prices are- right and the quality always the -bet, X THE HONE GROCERY P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. vyAAvWA v 5 69V"6SHHMCSV6S DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTtBT VER STATE BANH RM Cltid ' ' ' Nebraska mr 'w v ir k ? V f VL7-11 1 CZl-J i Horses, pros, piles vll WILL BE AT mmwmMmm vviluj d& mli aaajaaav Riverton, Friday, March 14th f (At Livery Barn) j. Red Cloud, Saturday, Marh 15 (At Livery Barn) Wo will btlj flay kind of ft good fat horse. Draft horses, chunks and drivers). Not necessary to be sound or good workers. Any age, i to 30 years. &0 to 1800 pounds. We ship to the best market iu the world. We' want some nice fat mares, .and pay the highest market price for all StoWt brought to us. Age, size or price cuts no figure if your stuff is fat Set "Leggy" horses wanted. Bring In the best stuff that you have, or' tfitfbad fat ones, as prices cut no figure if you have the goods. We Want Some 604 Miles Prom 15 to 10 hands high, 4 to o years old,' They must be fat and broke to work. Don't forget the date, as we' dome to buy not In voice, regardless of weather. CHAS. HOLLAND FUttoMlStitaYar WN9S9BBHHHI6SWSSwv St. LmIs fc i Vt&ftJiVLj, lliV ii.rt ".( A. 6,i ;.3jjfoftujfy: -"j f ' ""? . .'-:.. z: ri , Vt MWMnffWMBMWrtlW'WW"'' lMHli)wiJM.i'l l .mS.mimi.i . lt T .11 ' i" v' - ilj 1. t 7'Vl