The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 06, 1913, Image 10

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    B K'VlAI fCrMr.-frV NMVMrtMW
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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publisher .
n n i 1 1 i i wi i 1 1 i i ;
Even though It Ih Impossible) to cor
nor all Him money, n follow enn try
In n Canadian town, milk wan used
to extlngulflli n tiro. MubI havo been
well watered. ,
Perhaps tho next thing will be a
Iincumntlc tube norvlco between tho
city iiml tho form.
A lloathn physician says whiskers
nre n bo of cnplllary fungus. Thoro
lire Homo t lint look it.
' A Delaware hotel linn four catB rcgu
lnrly employed to deal with rntB.
Wonder who furnlBhea tho ratB7
A tnnn who hnd four neon beaten by
a straight Mush called tho police, mak
ing tho second bad call of tho eplHodo.
Bo patriotic la tho .nvorngo cltl7on
thnt ho will not express oven an opin
ion, preferring to tend It by parcel
A dlvorco enso at Heno took nlno
mlnutcfl for trial. Thoy'vo got tho
thine down to a system thero, all
If you avo your money you will bo
called n "tightwad." If you Bcattor It
you will bo referred to as a "spond
thrift." "Leap year," says an eastern paper,
"proved to he fruitful." And doubtlcai
thero wore a fuw lemons as we'll aa
lotting paper waB dlacovered It
14CG, but It has bcon mighty hard
work over slnco to find nny when you
want U.
A Now Jersey man, 100 years old,
snys ho shaves himself without a
scratch. Uut think of nil tho practice
no's had.
A Chicago professor says thore are
more Insano persons In this country
than collcgo studonta. Somo profes
sors possibly.
The Prlnc'o of Wales Is learning to
play tho bagplpo to develop hls lungs,
and probably will go barelegged to
endanger them.
A Seattlo Judgo has ruled that It la
not proper for husband and wife to sit
on the same Jury. That would only
be eleven Jurors?
American phonographs are populat
In all parts of tho world. They are
popular with their owners, of course,
not tho neighbors.
A Btudont of Buch things says tbat
long Bleep tends to produco crime, but
criminals aro always trying to catch
their victims napping.
A rcmarkablo duel has Just taken!'
piaco in Hungary, wnere the com
batants actually Injured each othei
beforo honor was satisfied.
A Philadelphia lawyer says that s
lobster Is not a good sport. Dut most
of them are good spenders.
Preparations aro blng mado to leo
ture rich mothers on tho care of chll
dren. As usual, tho lecturing will b
done by unmarried women.
Western city Is said to record the
Dames of all Its dogs In the city direc
tory In order to Increase tho popula
tion list. Writing doggerel?
A Moscow woman challenged her
husband to a duol and killed him, Just
becauso ho was Jealous of her. An
odd'way of proving one's fidelity.
Germs havo been found In finger
bowls In high-priced restaurants.
Probably an exclusive and superior
kind, yet thrown In without extra
New York man, arrested for theft,
laid It on to a pro-natal mark caused
by a mouse. Living tin to the old stunt
of "when the co;j away, tho mice
will play."
A New York woman Involved In
matrimonial troubles says that tha
ghoBt of her husband's first wife li
tho causo of It all. Why don't she
havo him give up the ghost?
That newly discovered "cold light"
Is certainly no moro effective than the
cold light which gleams In ono's wlfe'i
eyes when ono cornea homo at three
o'clock In the morning after, a spell
of exhausting work at tho offlco.
An English writer Is said In a Lon
don dispatch to have worked In New
York as "a newspaper man, a waiter.
and, In fact, In almost any capacity
In tho lowor strata of the great city."
i nanus, awruiiyi
Tho London hotol that gained a
world wido reputation through Ub
onions Is making a strong bid for
A Doston bandit Just enptured an
nounces that he nover robbed tho
poor. Certainly not. What chance
had he?
A tutor In mathematics In an east
ern college has entered tho bank
ruptcy courts, filing liabilities of $421,
iEOO. ThlB man should certainly have
(been the head of his department.
As Seen From a Dirigible
BSeBCLj TMreiftftSBV'.. jJtrrJ-ASssssMKl... -g3y?3i?5?
Emm IS 'JtmFW'r' SmJMbV JUb s$tt!&mEtlikKi3$&
3&.2m2S&b. 'z&z&r m .yAlv: -i -$
5 iBiSiZrJm immiem - "
A fU '
This photograph, taken from an Italian dirigible balloon In Tripoli, shows
well the only visible signs of the dwellings of the troglodytes, the holes In
the ground which are the entrancea to them. The colonies of these cave
dwelling tribes are quite large and the furnishings of their dwellings often
are quite up to date, comparatively apeaking.
Though not record breakers, this
pair of elephant tusks, recently
Drought from equatorial Africa, are
among tho finest ever seen in Lou
don. They measure respectively 9
feet 1 Inch and 9 feet 2 Inches and
their combined weight lu 325 pounds)
suggesting forcibly tho tremendous
strength of the pachyderm that car
ried them. Elephants aro known to
attain a great ago if left unmolested,
and It Is moro than probnblo that the
bearer of these two wonderful teeth
had carried his full burden of Ivory
for something llko a contury. Tho ele
phant, they say, la not full grown till
ho Is fifty, and may live for nearly
two hundred years. A well-known In
dian pagoda elephant was moro than
a hundred years old In 1847, and then
Bhowcd no slgnB of old age.
These Won't
At the Easter season eggs are
are a number of ostrich eggs and
their new life.
IHbBbT .' SSSFTv5j' -r MMSKjjjijii
BBBBV '' S3 BSJRvRSifSlijfMBJil "' VumtTXiU
BBBW ' VsBBBSBmP$Bk!B' " Vlj
' ' 1
inn ifr;v;- -CTyy3t ?"" tmit'"XTi',Vt' " " ' M-3iSSSSSCmUi miMm
&4v "v&s
Norway has a sick lnsuranco law
which embraces all wago earners and
public servants over 15 years of ago
whose yearly earnings do not exceed
$322, in tho rural districts, or $375 In
the cities. Tho law also provides that
tho employer shall pay a certain per
contngo (one-sixth) of tho premium,
whllo ho Is held responsible for the
whole, but may deduct from the wages
of the Insured at tho end of tho term
for which the premium Is paid tho
amount thus advanced. Theoretically,
It 1b self-lnBuranco on the contrlbutlvo
plan, whllo actually It amounts to an
extra tax upon the employer, as moBt
employes stipulate when engaging
their services that the lnsuranco prem
ium shall bo paid In addition to tho
wages. I
Fifteen million tons of salt aro lying
on or near tho surface of tho ground
In Sliver Peak marsh, Nov., watting
for commercial utilization. Silvor
Peak marsh 1b a salt playa, or dried
up lake, of prehistoric origin, about
20 miles west of Goldfleld and 25
miles southwest of Tonopab. Recent
explorations In this region wero made
by Richard D. Dolo of tho geological
survey. In search of potaBh that might
be utilized commercially. Little pot
ash waB found, however. Practically
tho entlro surface of tho playa, 32
miles square, Is covered with Bait. It
Ib estimated that not less than 15
square miles of tho northeastern parjl
contains a ten-foot Ballno bed, of
which at least GO per cent. 1b salt.
What Is Bald to be the most costly
set of dishes ever mado was recently
shown at an exhibition In St. Peters
burg. It consisted of 3G hand-colored
plates. This set has an estimated
valuo of $18,540, a single plato, there
fore, being worth $515. It Ib tho prop
erty of Count Orloff-Davldoft.
Do For Easter
always things of special Interest. Hera
the atilcks Just emerging from them to'
" iw?"; JJKslk?
An Armenian wedding Is not readily
forgotton It lasta for several daya,
and starts with a general meeting of
friends and relatives, who are onter
talned by u band of minstrels and
dancers until tho arrival of tho groom.
In tho midst of tho uproar It 1b Ar
menian etlquetto that tho "happy"
man shnll totter In with faltering foot-'
stops and blanched faco (It hus Just,
bcon whitened with a llttlo powder).
In order to go through tho ordeal of
Ho Is first publicly shaved, and'
thon adorned with various gifts sent
by tho brido-olcct. Ills brothers next
fall upon him. and with such vigor
that ho spcodlly BtnndH forth as nn
turo mado him. Then they completely
reclotho him In new gnrments as best
thoy can a dllllcult Job, when ono re
members that custom forceB them to
hold candles In their right hands
throughout tho operation. ,
Tho evening terminates with bon
fires, moro music and much dancing.1
Upon tho following evening thu bride
puts In her first appearance by riding
to church tho bridegroom walks. Tho'
priest eiects them at tho porch and
reads them a very seasonable llttlo
homily upon tho obligations thoy nro
about to undertake. They next march
In procession to tho nltnr, whero their
foreheads nro bound together with
gold chains.
Even then, howovor, another thrco
days must clnpso beforo tho expectant
groom Ih allowed to tako possession.1
They aro a long-suffering race, tho Armenians.
A startling now scheme for the dis
posal of tho dead has been outlined
by r. W Fitxpatrlck, un American
consulting architect. Ho proposes
that each body shall be molded Into a
block of clay until nil eemblnnco of
form Is lost. This, after baking in an
intenso electrical heat, 1b to bo cm-j
ployed ns a structural unit in a won-'
drous national monument of tho dead.
This latter la to outrank In beauty
and bIzo anything hitherto built by
man. Each individual slab 1b to havo
graven deeply on Its end tho person's
name. Tho scheme Is a tremendous
ono and Its basis might form a good
solution of some difficulties and ob
jections that are urged against burial
and cremation.
When a mnlo native of Klwal Is
land, ono of flie Papuan group, goes
Into mourning he dons a kind of long
necklaco mado of plaited grasB, which
extends to his feet, back and front.
This ho wears for ono year, and In
addition during tho first few weeks of
mournlug ho smears his faco and body
with, mud dally.
In Assam tho oath Ib taken by
standing within a ropo circle, to Im
ply a wish to rot as tho ropo does It
tho swearer does not tell tho truth.
In lawsuits between Russians and the
Ostlaks of Elborla, a bear's head Ib
brought Into court, and the Ostlak.
making the gesture of eating, calls on
tho bear to dovour him If he IIcb.
Thero aro tribes of India that swear
by tho bead of a tlgor, whllo others
chop a dog, in two as emblematic of
tho fato of tho perjurer. Out the sim
plest method Ms that of tho Quaker,
who swears not at all, but Just tells
what he thinks.
History falls to tell the inventor of
tho doll, which has been such a boon
to mankind, not only In quieting the
rowdy youngster, but in stimulating a
healthy Imagination and affection.
Five hundred years beforo Christ llt
tlo girls bad dolls; there Is sure evi
dence of It, and Edward Lovett, an
enthusiastic collector, has a doll from
those dim ageB. It Ib llttlo more than
a battered stick now, but Ib unmis
takably a doll. No one could name a
fair valuo for such a prlzo, which
stands out as a proof that the child
of today is singularly like her little
sister of some 2,500 years ago.
Ventriloquism Ib not confined solely
to tho human race. Thore aro many
birds wbose notes it Is almost ImpoB
slblo "to place." Take the corncrako,
with Its harsh, "crake, crake I" One
moment tho sound Ib by your feet;
tho next 50 yards away. Tho grass
hopper is another offender In this re
spect. Its sibilant note Is bard to locate.
Too Many People Are Huddled
Together in Big Cities.
if One Would Interest Himself In
Orcharding He Would Find All Na
ture 8oon Atfumlng New
Friendliness for Him.
(By 11. B. BUC1C1IAM.)
What tho great majority of people,
young and old, of today need moro
than anything else is to bo taught
how to enjoy tho pleasures and nd
vantages of Ufo In tho country. When
ono stops to think of It, what a ahamo
It Is that so many should bo huddled
together and cooped up in the great
cities, nil tho year round, when they
ought to bo out in tho open!
Recommend to a friend to try tho
country, and you will doubtless find
him ready enough to make tho at
tempt, but In a week or so you will
qulto likely bco him coining back
again, bag and baggage Ho did not
find It to his liking, and gave it up.
And It Is only nntural that ho should;
a result to ho expected; for ho wua
simply out of his accustomed environ
ment, nnd 111 nt ease. IIo did not
know how to accustom himself to his
now surroundings, nnd so did not find
them satisfactory.
It Is tho outromo of tho name prin
ciple which will bo seen at work In
many other Holds of experience. It Ih
said that when a person beholds tho
sea for tho first time, It rarely, If ever,
makes an Impression upon him. It Is
to him n wide oxpanso of water, and
thnt Is all. Hut as ono comes to know
It better, Its many moods nnd evor
changlng aspects, It becomes at length
grnnd, Impressive, nwe-lnsplring, and
nn endless source of fascination.
It Is bo, too, with tho works- of tho
great masterB of the past. Ho who
lookB upon oven their greatest master
pieces for tho first time, usually won
ders, if at all, that they should appeal
to others as they do. But as ho
comes to bo ablo to understand and
appreciate them, he too, feels their
all absorbing charm and noblo Inspira
tion: One must know how to appreciate
the country, In order to enjoy It. Con
firmed city dwellers aro accustomed
to btlng amused nil tho time. Evory
one of their waking hours must bo
frittered away with foibles of ono kind
or another, or they aro miserable.
They will sit for hours and watch a
Juggler perform his tricks, though
they know them to bo but a deception
all tho tlmo, and yet tho great pro
cesses of naturo may go on boforo
them without nrouslng their Interest
in the least! But If they only know
how to find entertainment in the
chnnging seasons, tho great dramas of
eeedtlmo and harvest, tho story would
bo a vastly different one. It Ib said
that tho Danish, wholly an agricul
tural peoplo, are the happiest in tho
Nono need over lack occupation nnd
entertainment for all of his tlmo, when
onco ho lias mado friends with na
ture. Take for oxamplo fruit grow
ing. If ono would but interest him
eolf lu this ono branch of agriculture
ho would find nil nnturo assuming a
new friendliness for him. Thero Is a
companionship to bo gotten out of the
caro and observation of trees, vory
real and satisfying. Says Thoreau,
tho Beor of Walden Pond, "Sympathy
with tho fluttering alder nnd poplar
leaves almost takes away my breath."
Since tho dawn of creation tho trees
havo housed and fed tho race, and
yet somo in theso latter days havo so
drifted away from this old-tlmo part
nership of Interests as to bocomo al
most completo strangers to their old-
tlmo benefactors. Surely, this should
not bo! It Is unnatural and unwhole
some Do not fail to renew tho old
alllanco with the trees. It will bring
you a new hold upon life, and holp
to heal tho long-tlmo breach betwoen
you and mother earth.
Two Best Ways Are Raising Stock and
Keeping Manure Spreader Busy
at All Times.
Raising stock and keeping a manure
spreader busy are the two best ways
of maintaining fortuity In the soil.
Don't rob the land continuously and
The Old Way.
The New Way.
glvo nothing back to It That method
baa been tried yery often. It does
not pay.
Do not let the manure pllo up be
hind tho barn and go to waste. Oet
It out on the Holds. It will do moro
good thero.
Circumvent Feed Bills,
CIrcumvont largo feed bills by
growing plenty of protoln feeds on the
r- : i j ob .nivja Tabui.
,aa v '
Moderate Amount Acts as Appetizer
Keeps Digestion Good and Whole
Works Running Smooth.
- Our Women folks say wo need let
tuco becauso it is good for our In
eides. They also seek to forco upon
ub dandelions, spinach, beet tops and
all manner of greens, UBlng thosnmo
weak-kneed reason.
Now what wo want to know Is this:'
If wo admit thnt green foods are good
for us, which wo do for tho sake ot
nrgument only, what's tho reason?
They contain about 99 per cent wa
ter, which comes too cxpcnslvo In this
form, nnd tho rest Ib mostly Just
plain green color. There's a trnce ot
fiber and a traco of starch, a llttlo
mineral food und that's all. Then
whero Is tho vlrtuo? Ono cannot very
well Bay, but It's a proven fact, that
n modornto amount of green food acta
us an appetizer, keeps tho digestion
good and tho wholo works running
So It Is with tho hens, whoso nppo
tlto and tastoB como closer to that oC
tho human being than nny other do
mestic beast, except tho pig. Sho enta
grain, wholo or ground, cooked meat
or raw, vegetables of nil kinds In nil
shapes, gicon food, Bait, charcoal nnd
lime, nnd sho drinks what wo do, out
Bldo of Intoxicants. Sho will cat any
thing wo will and lots of things that
t - S j
ii .,
A Good Feeder.
wo won't. Tho hen needs greon feedj
for all tho reasons that wo need ltt
nnd for soveral prlvato ones of hep
own. The most important ono of the)
prlvato reasons Is tho color of the
yolk of her eggs.
Wo all know how palo tho yolk ot
most eggs aro In winter. Perhaps you
havo never figured out why this Is,
but Just charged It to cold storage or
something liko that. Tho fact is that
porfectly fresh eggs havo much light
er yolks In winter than thoy do la
summer, and tho reason Is lack of
green feed.
In summer tho hen picks up leaves
and stems and all manner of succulent
green stuff. This green matter, or at
least tho coloring part of It, is chang
ed to orango or yellow In tho hen's
body and tho result Is deep-tinted,
yolks. So It Is necessary to feed lay
ing honB green feed tho year round,
both for her health and tho color of
tho eggs.
No Particular Soil Required, But
Should Not Be Set Out Where
Ground Is Low and Wet.
As to planting and cultivating, Eng
lish walnut trees seem to require no
particular soil, but should not' bo set
out whero It is low and wet. The
trees should bo planted 40 to E0 feet
npart each way. A cultivated crop
such, as corn or potatoes, with small
fruit trees for fillers, can bo made to
yield an incomo for tho brief period,
comparatively, beforo the walnuta bo
gin to bear. Tho pruning should be
dono between fall and spring, only
such branches as would interfere wlthi
cultivation being removed.
In planting on tbo lawn tho- groundj
about tho baso of tho treo should bej
kept spaded for threo feet In clrcum-'
ferenco, and after tbo first year somoi
well-rotted manure should be worked
into tho toll around the treo. No cul
tivating should bo dono after the first
of August, aB It would encourage fur
ther growth, and from then until win
ter tho annual growth of wood 1
ripening and hardening.
Camellat Were Named In Honor ef
Mlilonary Kamel, Who Brought
Beautiful Flower to Country.
FuchBlaB wero so called because,
they wero discovered by Leonard)'
Dahlias wero named for Andre Dabl,
who brought them from Peru.
The Camellia was named from a;
missionary named Kamel, who'
brought somo magnificent specimens
of tho flower to France from Japan.
Hq called it the roso of Japan, but
his friends changed It In his honor.
MngnollaB wero so called because
Prof. Magnol do Montpelller first
brought this boautlful treo to France
from America and Asia.
Anemones mean trembling with the
wind henco their name.
Lavender received Us name be
causo tho Romans put tho delicate
flowers into tho water whore they
-washed, to perfume their hands,
lavaro being tbo Latin word, to wash.
Change for Fowls.
Turnips, cabbage, beets and all
such make good' food and furnish a
grateful change, which tho fowls ap-1
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