The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 06, 1913, Image 1

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.- N - L. m'z &-rzByjt:34
A Newtr fait Mvm fat fewi Flflytiw WmU lack Year Far tf.Sf
RED CLOUD, 34 .EBR ASK A. MARCH 0, mitt.
It is true that you are not likely to lose your
savings if deposited in any food bank but you
when you deposit where you have the additional
protection of the State Guaranty Law. Such
protection is offered you here.
It is surely "food business" to deposit where
yeu fat absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref
erence to placing money in a bank that guaran
tees nothing., ,
The State Guaranty Law is behind every dollar de
posited in this bank, and when you open an account here,
. m
vviSnV vnSvN
Wednesday, jWareb 19th
.'. Special Matinee at Tepee ..
One ticket to the Tepee will be included with
each dollar's worth of goods sold by business men
taking part in Bargain Day.,-
Come One! 'Come All!
What Red
Cloud Needs
The present tax levy of lied Cloud
City it ns tallows:
llenerul Fund 10 tnilN
Water liouds 4 mills
Water Works 4 mills
Klfotric Llfht Honda ; mills
Electric Lltrht Works 0 mills
Stieets 2 mills
.Iildtftiieiit 0 mills
This Issue is the third on, since
the editor resigned. With the
exception of the locals and the
advertising this issue is edited
by the business men of this city.
They are men who know a good
thing our advertising columns
show this and you will Qud
their articles well written.
Next week The Chief will be
edited by the educational ele
mentof thUcounty. Watch for It!
Unifying Influence
of the Chamber
of Commerce
There are many people who associate
ihe name Chamber of Commerce with
lbe name Wall street, the difference
being only that of degree. There
Mens to- be an idea abroad that the
business men of any city oannotget to
gether for any other purpose than to
ake money hence a Chamber of Com
anerce is merely an organization deter
xdntid to exploit the entire country.
.Auotuer idea is that this arrangement
simply for gentlemen's pass time,
ibaft business men want a place where
ibey can bo undisturbed in their hours
oi piay aud soolallblllty. The facta
art that neither of these ideas are any
where near tho truth. The ultimate
aim. of the Chamber of Commerce is to
Improve this community aud it real
ises that it mast suelc to obtain this
abject more largely by Indirection
Jthan by force or ooerelou.
It Is true that sociallbllity enters
largely in the activities of this body
but that is only a means to a desired
eud, namely getting men who are in
terested in the wellfare of tho com
munity together. In a body of this
kind every phase of our-municlpal life
Is discussed with perfect freedom and
men unreservedly aay just what they
turn on any irlven tonic It thus Hf.
fords a public forum where each may
nave a voice In the disoositlon of rII
subjects in which he is interested.
The oospopolltian nature of the organ
ization affords a means of ascertaining
wnac puuilo opinion really is.
Any suggestion that will Improve
our streets, reduce the cost of Urine
deepen our enjoyment, increase our
activities, or broaden us in anv man.
ner i eagerly welcomed at the meet
ings of the club. It will be thus aeon
that this Chamber of Commerce will
bring us closer and closer together.
Our interests are the same aud what
benefits one benefits all aud the clnh
exerts a strong unifying infiueuce in
this community. More rial artvun.
ment can be accomplished in one body
man oy me separate bodies soattemd
over the city aud viewed from single
standpoints. The watch-word Is "get
together" aud if that can be accom
plished all our petty trials, disagree
ments and divisions will be u thing of
tho past. If this cltv can onlv t
uuited, every one building and none
tearing down, boosting not buokinir.
helping not hluderins. there is nrae.
tlcally no limit to our possibilities.
ilea (Jloud Has the schools, the church
es, tho dwellings, the business thrift
aud all that is lacking is concerted
action, united effort, "a long pull, a
strong pull, and a pull altogether."
Total 35 mills
One year ngo the Total levy was 3l
mills. One mill produces S310.0O in
taxes for the city.
One mill means that if your proper
ty is assessed for S1000 you pay tl.(X
for the city's support on each mill levy.
What Red Cloud needs most is a
man for Mayor and three man for
Councilmen who will stand upon the
following platform:
1st. Discontinue Night Watch at
city's expense.
i!nd. Discontinue Street Spriukllng
at city's expense.
3rd. Discontinue Light service from
11 o'clock p. in. to 5 o'clock a. m.
4th. Discontinue Day Light service
unless satisfactory arrangements be
made with the consumers to bear the
'expense of such service.
6th. Discontinue paying 81.00 per
day far water from the Smith wells.
Oth. Readjust the Water und Mght
rates so that the small consumers gets
more for their money, therefore en
couraging more of our tax payers to
use ligit and water. In this way rr.o
hardship would he Indicted and the
city would receive at much or more
The above six nlauks would ratWn
flia fuv Iahm .. .-.Ml. Ati lt .
-..w vka JD, t n:U mint urviu.uuon eacn
1000 of ussessed valuation,, so much
for the financial end of the city's
Now for the moral situation In Red
Cloud the platform should contain the
following planks:v 1
1st. A Marshal should be on duty
each day from 10 o'clock 8. until 11
o'clock p. m and all day .00 Saturday.
2nd. Drunkedness' on the streets
and alleys of the city shquld be deem
ed a Misdemcaner and nuntnhod hv n
jail sentence and fine
3nd. Ilabitual street loaf Ina shnnl.l
be considered as vngancy aud punished
oy jan sentence and fine.
4th. All chairs should be removed
from Saloons and i'ool Halls and signs
should be posted on the walls of such
Buildings "No Loafina" Get busi- m-
get out by order of the Mayor,
Oth. All places harboring bootleg
gars, (Jamblers or Prostitute should be
condemed as nuisances and closed and
proprietors proslcuteiL
Ctti. Any Dlaee whnr immn.ina
whisky bottles are found should bo
declared a nuisance nnd finch nunu
should be closed and nronriotnr n,n..
These twelve plunks should make a
fulrly strong platform, und any set of
men who would be willing to stand
upoa it will surely make a record to
be commended.
What Is Wrong
With Red Cloud
ft cent lunches served at the Home
What Is the matter with Red Cloud?
You have probably askad trnnjr
that question a number of times with
out any attempt to answer It. Let me
give you one view of it and while you
may not agree with mo. mv nnininn
may help you to a proper solution of
the problem. To bealn with r?,.,i
Cloud Is .practically an inland town;
its business portion belns ir..,i
aoouc a nine from the depot. No one
will gainsay but what this is a serious
nanmcap. Nevertheless during all the
years this condition has existed there
has never been a concerted effort on
the part of the businessmen to remedy
this condition. In the nnst in,.i
there has been money enough apent
on ball clubs, Fourth of July celebra.
tlons, fall festivals, chautauquas, etc.,
to defray the expense of either having
the rail road chatigu itt grade and
come up town with the depot or put in
a snitching track. A switching track
would ben big help-hair a loaf Is
better than none. The Burliiiirtmi It
not going to Incur tills expense miless
tliore is some Inducement made. It
now gets the bushiest and will con
tlitue to get it. thuru belna mi ....m.
peting road, but If approached in the
proper manner aud suuleleut Induce
ments made In the way of the town
bearlug the expeuse or a good part of
It, there la no reason tc doubt hut
what the depot could be located up
town, or at least a spur run up from
the present track.
Again, Red Cloud is without an ex
press office. If one wishes to send
a package by express It must be taken
down by one or the 'transfer Hues,
which entails a rood dnul of iin..v.
auce particularly if one wishes to send
the package prepaid. Packages com
ing lu by express will not be delivered
to the resident portion of the town
without extra charge.
Red Cloud la also without a tele
graph office. If one wishes to send a
message it must be phoned down to
the depot unless one wishes to walk
the two miles necessary to reach the
depot and return. There is no end of
annoyauce and delay in reachluir the
depot over the phone, particularly at
tram time.. At tralu time the oper
ator is busy and cannot be disturbed
One cunnot wire money from Red
Cloud except through the bun Its. it
OUl!iWislllH tn mntiiii. ..ft.... I..... I.
In hours, or where the medlnm of flu.
uuuus caunet be used, ohie has to
phone to an acquaintance at Superior
to nave Uim send the money thioiigh
the telegraph ollice there. The writer
was put to this inconvenience twice
during the past year No one will
nave the timerity to say that an up
town express and telegraph office
could not be obtalued for a community
that does the amount of business Red
Cloud does.
Again, the merchants are always
complaining of Montgomery Ward
and Sears, Roebuck ft Co., aud consider
It a cardinal sin for any one to send
away for aaythiug they could buy at
home. They ere right. But do the
practice what they preach' How many
mercnauta purchase at home everv-
thlug it is possible for them to obtain
here. They don't have to send to
Montgomery Ward or Scars, Roebuck &
Co., but they can seud to wholesale
houses aud get goods they don't carry
lu stock. They could walk up the
street to their neighbor aud tret what
they want, no doubt, but they seud
away for the same reason the farmer
or town man sends away, to-wlt, to
save money. Mow many merchants
are endeavoring to make successful
Red Cloud's'oue (count 'em) manufac
turing industry. There are grocery
stores who never bundle the product
of this industry unless the customer
demands It, and these same merchants
are clamouring for a "bigger, busier
Red Cloud. Doesn't souud consistent,
does it?
Again, let the merchant go to the
back door and throw his "tin" mouey
into the alley, aud nay the farmer
cash for bis produce. Let the pro
ducer understand that there is here a
ready market for his stuff at market
price, and that he gets paid in cash.
uot chips money that he can carry
away in his pocket and spend in any
town he sees fit. It would cut the
profit made on the produce, but this
loss would be more than overcome by
the benefit derived from such action.
This would bring trade to Red Cloud
mat smaller towns around it have
taken away. If you don't agree with
me, ask most any farmer who brings
produce1 to town.
To sum up, we all want a "bigger,
busier Red Cloud," but uutll we are
willing to pull together, aud wllllug to
see the other fellow Drosner. wa oanv
hope to see Red Cloud much bigger or
ouster than It now U.
To correct an erronous impression which seems
to be in circulation I wish to say that I am still sell
ing the well known
and Victor records. My stock of these is com
plete and fresh and I can supply you with anything
wanted in the Victor line. I expect to continue to
carry this line and as always to have a food complete
stock of both records and machine.
u !l!uCOm ity with my Picy f ALWAYS,
having the BEST goods FIRST I am now showing the
This new machine is with out doubt absolutely
the finest musical machine evar placed on the market
having many advantages over any other machine of
any make. It has a Diamond pointed reproducer do
ing away with all needle changing . an Indestructible
record playing twice as long as any other disc record.
The tone is the most natural and no other machine is
in the same class for a minute for fidelity of repro
duction. These are but a few of the many points of
superiority. v
' it f USHa,i a the bst o Uwir kind. Th new
Undestructible Blue Amberol record playing four
minutes when used with the new Diamond jwinted
reproducer giving tones and volume of the old disc
I want you to hear these instruments side by
side, whether you contemplate the purchased one or
not and extend to you a cordial invitation, to come
and hear them, played.
E. H. Ne whouse
Jeweler & Ontnmf ric
C. B. tc Q. Watch Iniptcter.
Mrs. Ed. Amack was rnnrii .,
being ou the sick list the llrst of the
Bailey & Bailey
Oof Spring Stoek
b Hare. Call and It
Large and Complete
We can fit you in , any
We have some beauties.
AJ. Spier is Our Expert She
Bailey & Bailey
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