The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 27, 1913, Image 8

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On and after this date the firm name
of The Red Cloud Hardware & Imple
ment Company will be discontinued and
the business will be conducted as per
below. An announcement of the lines
carried will be made at an early date.
Our order is already in and some of the
goods are on the way to restock our store.
We assure you that we appreciate the
patronage you have given us under the
old firm name and we solicit a continua
tion of it in the future. Our policy will
be to give an honest article at anf honeft
price. Call in and see us. -:- -:-
Hardware & Implements
We All
Wear Overalls
We want to help you because then you
will help us. Let us assist you In selecting
your engine The make, the s(?e and your other equipment. We have
paid for our experience with hard cash and when we say the Stlckney Is
the best, we know It. We are all through experimenting. Come and let us
show you what convinced us The outside Igniter, an engine without trouble.
Ed. Hanson
wmmmmmmmmm exclusive agent mammammaamam
Red Cloud Ildw. & Imp. Co..
Red Cloud, Neb.
You Will Find It Here
Fresh Oysters sorveri to order ttt
Warren's Restaurant.
Frosh candy, peanuts and cigars
Warren's Restuuiaut.
When in town got your dinner
Warren's Kestauraut.
Sl.oO to 82.00 for good narrow stripe
fur. J. O. CAi.mvKi.L.
Fob Sai.k White Plymouth Hock
Coekerells Joseph Topham. adv
Men's, Women's and Children's
Shoes At '20 per cent discount at Miner
Bros. Co.
For that sick animal call Wedkmkykr
at the brick baru. Prompt and satis
factory services. adv. ,
Speoial attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. (Masses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Neb.
We have just received u new line
of the latest designs in up-to-date
wedding stationery, lie sure to see
T)r. R. F. Haines now lias ouVes in
the new block Hours 10 to 1'2 a. m.
and 2 to u p. m. Culls attended day
or night.
I have taken back my Olllce and
will remain in Red Cloud. Calls
promptly atteuded day or night Dr.
R. F. Raines. adv.
For anything aud everything iu
"Winter Merchandise go to Miner liros.
0. for it will certainly be a saving of
money to you
We have the exclusive sale of two
acres of laud udjoiuing the City limits
good house, barn, fruit trees, alfalfa,
city water aud electric lights,
G.vnuKii, Hutchison & Saladks.
A BahoaiN: My residence property
on Webster St., near 4th avenue. First
good offer takes it. Dou't be back
ward make me an offer. Address
Jeo. F. Newhouse, The Dalles, Oregon
5'or the Rest Potatoes grown order
from The Miner Bros. Co., for they
have those line Home Grown Early
Obios, Take no others as none are so
good as these aud all potatoes are sold
by weight not by measure, adv.
Norris Beeves At $8.40
Nebraska Feeder Readied Good Price
Far Tw Vara
W. N. Norris, an experienced feeder
of Webster county, Nebraska, received
the highest price paid on the local
market today for steers, barring two
or three odd head. Mr. Norris came in
with two loads of steers that sold early
at 83.40. There were 41 head in the
shipment, averaging 1353 pounds,
which went to the United Dressed Beef
company of New York at the above
figure. Monday's St. Joe Stock Yards
Daily Journal.
Three Veal Calves, $78.66
Nefemka Farmer Hakes Sale at Very
Hit Price
Three veal calves from Nebraska,
nothing extra in quality or flesh, sold
here today for 878 CO. W. M. Weesner
au extensive cattle feeder of Red
Cloud, Neb., brought down today 38
head of i;iil2 pound steers that sold
for 18.55. With this shipment he
brought along the throe veal calves.
They weighed U7G pounds, and brought
D.oO, or, 820.22 each. -Thursday's
Kansas City Drovers Telegram.
Du Dkardoiif Dk. Aniikr
Chicago Veterinary Kansas City
College College
Ind. '.'44 S2 Res. Fhones t" Ind. 233
Dps. Deardorf & fisher
-:- Veterinary Surf eons -:-
Oflloe Phones: Ind. 103; Red 57.
WMm's Feista.
The recent act of April 10th, 1008
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
$12 per month. Fred Mauror, the at
torney, has all necessary blanks.
E. A. Creighton,
N. D.
The enmity board met Tuesday,
Chalrmati Storey and members Chap
lin, Ohmstede, MeCull and llolTmnti
being present.
After careful and thorough consid
eration, all bids for bridge and con
crete work were rejected.
The publication of the delinquent
tax list and tho county treasurer's
statement were given to the Com
mercial Advertiser and the Blue Hill
Leader for the year 10 1 3.
The sum of f luo was appropriated to
be divided among the six papers of
Webster county for publishing the
commissioners proceed I tiurs during
The acreage of land complained of
by A. M' Slmorson was changed from
.'HO to !ii:i, valuation unchanged.
The county treasurer was Instructed
to icfuiid excess taxes paid by Uih
Cliupmaii on tin eslilng machine.
Commissioner Chaplin reported tliut
ho has in his district four bridges
that are In dangerous condition.
The clerk was Instructed to order
from the stato engineer plans and
specifications for steel bridges and
concrete culverts Hi and 20 feet in
width nnd from 3 to 80 feet iu length
also blank proposals.
A license for the sale of malt, spirit
uous and vinous liquors at Rosemont
was ordered granted to Andrew F.
Krause for the year ending March 1,
1011, upon his complying with the law
regarding filing bond and paying
license fee. No remonstrance was
tiled. ,
'1 he janitor was directed to dlscon
tiuue building fires.
The request for refund of part taxes
on the w se) 32 '! 10 was refused.
Ulenwood precinct was divided into
two road districts, the east half to be
No. 12, and the west half No. 12.
The following resolution was adopt
Resolved: That each aud every one
of the county otllcers make requisition
through the purchasing committee for
all supplies needed iu their respective
offices for the year 1913, who upon til
ing of said requisition shall place the
order for said supplies as they may
deem best.
The following claims were allowed:
General Fund.
I A Pace t 21 00
Kd 11 Funke Hi Oil
CE Vaughan 0 00
R B Fulton: 7 00
K Mcltride i 00
A I) Kanney 110 73
A BSpatiogle 20 2.'.
tleo. H. Overing Si 00
.1 () Butler Hi 00
Argus I'l ill)
U Dumerull 0 00
Fred Muurer 3 00
Walter obL'ihelde : 10
I) W IJlbeau 3 10
Lee DcTour :i IU
Edith L. McKeighau. HT tt.l
Farmers' Institute, Guide Rock u'.l 00
Hammond t Stephens t h:
Furmers' Institute, Cowles 25 Co
Enterprise l'ublishiug Co Hi Go
School District Gl 8 00
A J Iioreu '.'5 00
Saunders Bros 150 ss
CD Hale 1j2 00
Remington Typewriter Co 3 14
Toledo Metal Furniture Co 20 00
Blue Hill Leader 7 50
HJMaurer 30 00
JATomllnson 2 K5
T J Chaplin 29 70
WG Hoffman 40 00
Paul Storey 30 00
Floyd McCall 14 SO
J R Horn 4 50
Bridge Fuud
II G Ilanseu 41 00
Uutt Novack 14 25
Poor Farm Fund
IIC Wright 41 4s
Saunders Bros 3'.i 05
Tho following road overseers' settle
ments were audited'
Johu Beyko, District 4.
J. II. liangert, District 3.
Gust Novak, District 4.
Harry G. Hansen, District 5.
The board adjourned co meet at the
call of the clerk.
E. W. Ross, County Clerk.
Nebraska Well Reprcientcd
A Three SectlM Trail Laida Over 109
CariMfc et Stack
"We still have some live stock to
market, judging from the run we
brought down this morning," is the
way F. P. Fisher of Guide Rook, Neb.,
expressed himself after lauding on the
second section of a traiu of stock of 54
''Those three sections were loaded
with cattle, hogs and sheep, and there
is still left some more to come. Of
course we find that the bulk of the fed
cattle have been marketed, but so far
as the hog supply Is concerned, thut
is very uncertain, as they keep coming
all the time." Monday's Kansas City
Dally Drovers Telegram.
Fara Fet teat
240 acre farm for rent 11 miles south
east of Red Cloud, and ($ miles southr
west of Guide Rook. Apply to C. E
Rogers 1542 K street, Lincoln, Nebr"
The Beatrice Centrifugal Disc Washer
Free With Each Separator
ibb aj flHnMjEjyi aiKnBM
It tolvef the disc-washing problem
cleans and dries all the diiC3 in less than
2 minutes gives you a sweet, spotless
separator. The pressed steel pail is also
Bigger Capacity lower price better service.
The one hijjh-prade standard separator
sold at a reasonable price.
Next time you are in town, step in and
let us show you why the, BEATRICE is
the efficient, durable and economical
skimming machine the one that costs you $25 to $40 less to be
Kin with, that saves time and labor, skims closer, and is easier
to keep clean.
Si owi Ti,it,
1 $. m
GEORGE W. TRINE, Local Agent
Eggs. Butter. Cream, Poultry, Hides, Flour and Feed of All Kinds.
Highest Market Price Paid For Your Stuff
THK ALARM Is h dreadful thing
Of FME for the umn without
insurance. Every time he sees the
engines ruuini? uloiu: his he:irt comes
up in his throut if the tire N anywhere
near his place. What folly, what mis
taken economy.
THK COBT OF is so small that it
INSURANCE need hardly be
considered. The freedom from worry
alone is worth it many times over
Have us insure you to-day.
Reliable Insurance.
? llPa "t Arfmm M BK .
It Pays To Build Sheds! 1
Multitudinous Are The Uses
To Which Good Sheds May
Be Put!
If You Have
But One Pair of
Wheels Unhoused
Build An Extension
And Get ThemUnder Cover!
It Will Pay In The Long
We Have
The Right Kind of Lumber
For Sheds.
Saunders Bros
Furniture Store
Licensed Undertaker in Nebraska and Kansas
Good Things To Eat
W J E have for you, reliable, fresh groceries.
stock is being renewed every day for
pleasure, profit and health. Don't you enjoy eating
these days? It is the season of the year when we are
building up for the coming spring's work. Your wants
are constantly in mind. Flour that is right, sugar, coffee,
tea, fruits of all kinds, and everything your heart can
wish, and appetite suggest, we have. . You know our
prices are right and the quality always the best.
P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop, sbosb
R CIobo"
Go Ahead of the Railroad
Public announcement has been made of the early completion of the
Burlington's new main line through the BIO HORN BASIN that will give a
direct outlet for the splendid farm products growlug In that new country.
Government Irritated Homesteads
Uercyou enn die upon an 80 acre Oovernment homestead at actual cost
'or the water right, no profit to anyone, no taxes the first three years, and
hare twelve years without interest in which to repay the Government for the
actual cost of the water right, The fact that the Government has made the
payments very light the first flvo years, giving an opportunity to improve
your farm and get it under cultivation before having to meet further pay
ments, Is important to tne man desiring to establish himself upona farm home.
Location Near Railroad Towns
You can locate now within from thren to four miles of Powell, nearby
4X) farmers who are already making a success.
If you do no get a home there it is your fault. Write quickly for maps
and full particulars,
D. Clem Deiver, Immigration Agent
t004 Fmrnmm Mt, Omaha, MaMraaka