The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 27, 1913, Image 7

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)A' .
Chief's Auto Contest
Big Auto Contest Continues to Grow As
The Weeks Go Past.
Elunor Gilliam
Gertie Cartwright...
Miss Gertrude Coon
Miss Maude Hayes .
Mrs. L. H. Matkins...
Miss Rose McGuire..
Tlit: following is the standing of the Contestants:
52.000 Mrs. Clara Copley.... 11.725
48.000 - Mary Christian 11.700
33.400 ,i3 Grace Kinsell 11.000
31.100 JHcc Mrs. Ida Worden 10.700
25.100 ' May Elliott 10.700
20.600 Edna VanHorn 10.700
rAMTMr An Opportunity to Use
lUrllllU These Free Votes
25 Votes
Even if you are not interested in any of the
Contestants at present, you surely will be before
the prizes are given away. You will be sorry some
day if you do not clip out these free coupons and
save them.
Voted for
Not Good Without Subscriber's Nam.
The Red Cloud Chief
Red Cloud,
iiOAlAiAliliDilAililAli MJaMaM xMaMMI
W Sjt, f S l 9f "1 l SSj S
ExcluMlvm Omalgna In Monument It Our 9pmclalty
We constantly have on hand a large supply
of the very best of Marble and Granite.
ted Cloud, - Nebraska
"She Stink a Leetle Yet.
,! tl ill ! ! ' ! ! ' ' ! iii ! ! ! ili ili ! tii !
Pretty Well Settled Now.
toston Jurist has decided that a
,nd Is Justified la resisting
i attempts to go through his
its. As there was a previous de
i to the contrary, It Is now up
higher tribunal and the wive.
preset Information of Death.
Venice, when anyone dies, It If
ustom to fix a placard on the
of the deceased person's house,
11 at In the neighboring streets,
iort of nubile notice, stating bla
age, place of birth, and the itt-1
f. which, he died.
Ingratitude Is always 'a form of
WAlVnilfll ff hftVB HAD.. bllMIIM it
of real ability to be ungrateful.
Kept Track of Food Consumed.
It Is, of course, not easy to estimate
the amount of food consumed by each
of ub In a year, but one dietetic ex.
Dert who kent a record of hla mnala
during twelve months declares that he !
ate 180 loaves of bread, 180 pounds of
meat, drank 81 rallnna nf milk anil
ate no fewer than 800 eggs, In addl-l
tJoa to other things. London TltBlta, '
The wife of ii wealthy German furin.
er was growing paler, thinner and
more careworn every day. Since, she
hurt always been strong and robust
it worried lier husband very much so
he employed one of the best physi
cians in the community to do what he
could to strengthen her. The cause
of the trouble was the decaying of her
teeth which gave a very foul odor to
her breath as well as uudermlnded her
constitution. The physician fearing
that he would lose the large fees which
which he was regularly receiving from
his patient did not somrest that the
teeth should be prawn. He continued
to give the poor woman medicine
which did little or no good A friend
of the German advised him to consult
a dentist who said that he could oure
the woman if be were permitted to ex
tract the decayed teeth and furnish a
set of false ones. The farmer object
ed saying "It will do no good, Doc.
She die anyway," but finally consent
ed to try the experiment although he
had misgivins about spending niouey on
one whom be considered to be nearly
ready for the oottiu. After the teeth
were drawn the patient gradually got
better. When she and her husband
returned to the office after the gums
had healed and the false teeth
were tit ted in her month the German
danced around like a boy who had
gotten his first new red-top boots. He
was very happy because his wife look
ed younger and handsomer than she
had looked for many years. He stated
that she looked ten years younger.
Disregarding the presence of two soc
iety ladles of the town he gradually
approached her and sniffing said. "But
doc, she stink a lettleyet'"
In The Spring Time
As the springtime approaches the
peddler and the cheap auction man
will be around in all his glory. He
will tell you the smooth story about
bankrupt stock that must be sold, liut
be not deceived. Remember that your
home dealer is here to make every
promise good, and that he can always
give you a better stock to select from.
It is characteristic of the American
people to try to get some thing for
nothing, but the time when they cau
do this has not come as yet, Nor is it
liable to come this summer. Our mer
chants do not promise to give you
something for nothing, but can give
you as much for your money as any-
wnereelse, and are showing an im
mense lot of reliable goods.
To Enforce Pure Seed Law
Commissioner Harmon Declares That
Seed Dealers Must Comply
With law
Lincoln, Fob :,, (Spoi'lnl)-l-'ooil
and Drug Commissioner lliirmiin stat
ed today that ho proposes to enforce
the Hardin Sanborn pure seed law
pnssod In 1 Ml mid that the department
is limiting all necessary preparations
to that end. Now seed testing apparu
tus Is being provided In the laboratory
of the depai intent. Chief Chemist
Itedfern having recently visited the
Iowa laboratory in order to secure Un
necessary Information as to the mater
ials and equipment required for the
effective administration of the law.
This law iciiuite.H that all agricultur
al seeds olloicd for sale In Nebraska
shall be branded with the name of the
seed, the full name and addles of the
dealer and a statement, of the purity
of the contents If It is not up to the
standard prescribed by law as well as
tho locality where the seed was giown
when the same Is known. If the pack
age does not contain a statement or
the Impurities or adulterations con
tained, the seed is prima facie pure ns
required by law.
Tho department Is required to make
an analysis of seeds for those who pur
chase for their own use u hen a sample
Is submitted with statement as to
where the seed was purchased. The
fro for such analysis is fifty cents.
Startling Figures From Iowa
"Uncle Henry" Wallace Talks to Leftts
lattirc Lincoln,-I'ob. i!o. (Sieelal)-"Unelo
Henry" Wallace, editor of Wallace's
Farmer and chairman of the Roosevelt
Country Life Commission, ono of the
principal speakers of the Nebraska
Conservation Congress, spoke before
the legislature by invitation on last
Friday. Dr. Wallace touched on tax
ation, good roads, education and the
tenant problem. He said that the
legislature of Iowa is about to submit
a constitutional amondment abolishing
the general property tax aud appor
tioning railroad and other corporation
tax for purposes of stato administra
tion, leaving the county free to make
such levy as the voters see lit for local
purposes; It is his belief that this
method will remove Inequalities in tax
ation due to evasions of tho personal
property tax.
Speaking of the education system
Dr. Wallace declared that a survey of
Iowa statistics shows that the million
people on the fauns furnish but ten
percent of the criminals, while the
million and u quaiter in the cities fur
nish ninety per cent. Only one per
eent of the young ci iminals come from
the farms, lie stated further that but
one per eent of the litrm boys secure a
liulshud education under the present
system and that so much monev is
spent on this one per cent thai It is
impossible to educate the remainder
pioperly. He pleaded strongly for a
better system of rural schools.
Dr. Wallace says that in Iowa tho
road problem is complicated with more
mud than in Nebraska and that in his
6tate "mud, niouey and misery go to
gether and complicate the road pro
blem," which they are endeavoring to
work out by building permanent roads
between county seat towns and good
dirt roads from the town to the school
bouse in the country. Mr. Wallace
characterized the one-vear leasa as "a
conspiracy between the .landlord and
tenant through which both rob the
land to the limit of their ability" and
argued for the English system through
which the tenant is entitled to an
equity proportioned for the amount of
unused fertility which he restores to
the land in the form of manure. This
system has contributed to long leases
and a permanent tenant class in Kug
land with largely increased crop pro
duction. Dr. Wallace predicted that
the state which first adonted a similar
system would set the mark for ad
vancement in the economic develop
ment of agriculture.
All Stars Defeat Red Cloud
The Red Cloud V. M. C. A., basket
ball team arrived here Thursday night
about 8:30 coming by auto through the
snow, after they bad been given up by
the home boys and those who expect
ed to attend the game. The All Stars
hastily got their team together'agaln,
and the game was played, the score be
ing 20 to 11 in favor of the Franklin
team. It was said to have been one of
the roughest games of the year aud
that's going some Saturday's Frank
lin News.
Dally Thought
Be true to your word and your work
and your friend. John Boyle
O'Relley. '
- - - -- - -
For Psychical Research.
One of the most remarkable London
clubs Is the International Club of
Psychical Research, In Regent street
It has no concern with merely earthly
things. Although the club has only
been founded a few months, It has al
ready over 600 members. Every pos
sible "1st" Is represented. There are
theosophlsts, spiritists, phrenologists,
psychologists, spiritualists, mesmor
lata, and so on.
tin la f.d Phifia thrnrl
I SAW saif I
Red Cloud lie Barn
Saturday, JKareh 1
Red Cloud,
Poland China Bred
3 Young Serviceable Boars 3
These sows weigh from 250 to 600 lbs., to farrow
in March and April and early in May, bred to some of
the best boars of the breed. None better of the big type.
Sale to be under cover, no postponement. All good hog
men invited. You know the kind we have sold here
before. All hogs to be shipped crated. Pedigrees fur
nished on hogs on inspection day before sale.
TERNS: Cash or bankable note with ten
per eent interest.
Phil Damson, Ooiner
Endieott, Nebraska
m J. H. ELLINGLK, Auct. (J. J. h'Uft, Uerk. A
DWfSBBBsBsflD WNWV WkmWHamWkmsP'$aWj
South Dakota Land
I have several Sections, One Half Sections
and Quarter Sections of choice South Dakota
Land for sale.
J Most of this land is under cultivation and
is located within a radius of ten miles of two
good towns. This land also has improve-
ments upon it such as houses, barns, sheds,
wells, fences, etc.
J This land is located on the main line of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul from
Chicago to Puget Sound.
For Furthar Particulars Addraaa
0. 6. MATKINS,
The Champion Runner
A slab-sided, mud-covered granger
entered a Broadway clock store about
dusk the other evening, and, with a
bewildered look, asked:
Mister, Is this where a man kin git
a clock!"
'Yes, sir," said the clerk.
"Wall," said the granger, "what be
that ticker worth?" pointing to an or
nate and intricate piece of time-recording
mechanism on the shelf.
"This sir," said the clerk, "Is a
wonderful time piece It is worth 1300
and will run three yeurs without wind
ing." "Great Scottf'gasped the granger,
"threo years without winding. Say,
mister, how long would the blamed
thing run If she was wound up?"
"Little boy, is that your mamma
over there with the beautiful set of
"Yes sir."
"Well, do you know what poor ani
mal it Is that had to suffer in order
that your mamma might have the furs
with which she adorns herself so proud
ly?" "Yes sir, my papa,"
Man's Clothes.
Never Judge a man by his clotkssV
Hs may have three or tour growa-"-daughters.
Whers Thought Is Desily.
"It is much worse," said an old Eng
lish physician, "to have nothing the)
matter and think that one has some
thing the matter than to have sos
thtag really the matter."
Must Be Pretty Batf.
Guayqull Is one of the vilest pest
holes In the world, surpassing eves
Sues, which Kipling has Invested with
a hideous Immortality. New York
Poor Spoiling as a Lurs.
The critical eye of a consclentloM
orthographer was attracted by the)
sign above a Third avenue lunchsoa,
and be went In to set the proprietor
right "Yes," said ths luncarooas
man, "I know 'sandewlchss' Is wroag;
but you see that sign attracts a lei
of 'smart Alecks' into the store wke
want to teach me how to spell aas)
after they come they usually step
long enough to order somethlag.
What'll y6urs Uf-Niw York TrO
i -a
IWBPWV W.S'iSi'J-Wfl ''l mMm
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