The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 27, 1913, Image 6

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The Chief
C. B. IIALR, Publisher
Revenue Receipts Show Record Con
sumption of Liquor, Cigars and
Cigarettes Drlck House
by Parcel Post.
Mexico City. Kinnelnco I. .Madero,
nml .lost! Pino Siiiirez arc dead. In a
midnight ride under guard fruiii the
national jalaee to the penitentiary
they with killed. Tho clrcuinr.tunecs
Hiirroundlng tin) death of the dcpuHcd
prcHlilunt anil vlcoircrildcut of the re
public are. unknown, except as given
In olllclnl arcntiutH, which ilo not con
form In all ciikch. The only wltncsHcs
were thonu actually concerned In the
killing. The provisional president,
flenoral Vlctorlano lltiertu, wiyn the
hilling of the two men was Incidental
to u light between their guard and a
party attempting to liberate them. The
minister of foreign relatione Fran
cisco do la Hurra, nddH that the pris
oners attempted to escape. Neither
makes a definite statement its to which
side tired the fatal shots. II Is not
Impossible that neither knows.
Brick House by Parcels Post.
York, Nub. K. (I. Ilurnhain or the
York Brick &. Tile company has scut
by parcel post a brick of local manu
facture to be used In building a brick
house, at the Coliseum in Chicago dur
ing the clay products exposition which
Is to be held February 'JO to March 8.
This brick will be one of UR.UOO sent
by parcel post from every brick plant
In the United States to he lined in the
construction of this house, which will
bo given away and reelected after
the exposition.
Alio Greater Consumption of Cigars
and Cigarettes.
Washington. Americans are drink
ing more whisky, smoking more
cigars and cigarettes and chewing
more tobacco thnn ever before In their,
history, according to the latest reports
of the- commissioner of Internal rev
enue. From July to February the n
tlon hna consumed 04,000,001) gallons
of whisky, an Increase of
gallons over the corresponding period
a year ngo; 8,500,000,000 cigarettes, an
Increase of U.JfiO.OOO.OOO; 4,.i0(),000,00o
cigars, nn Increase or 250,000,000, and
1!G0,000.000 pounds of smoking and
chewing tobacco, an Increase of 111,
000,000 pounds. These are record
breaking figures.
To Get Correct Version.
Washington. Hecause protests have
been made that there are many differ
ent versions of Lincoln's (!ottynburg
speech and which It Is proposed to In
scribe on tho Lincoln memorial to be
built here, tho senate has adopted Sen
ator Hoot's Joint resolution authoriz
ing n commltu'o to report the correct
version. Accompanying the resoltu
tlon Senator Hoot presented a letter
from John P. Nicholson or Philadel
phia, commandcr-lnchlef of the Loyal
Legion, who declared that more than
100 versions or Lincoln's (iettysburg
HddrcsM were published. "Hven con
Kress has printed It Incorrectly twice,"
wrote Mr. Nicholson.
Buffalo Bill at the Head.
Chicago. Thu Showmen's League
or America, nn organization composed
of owners of various kinds of tent,
Bhows and outdoor attractions has
been formed here. A plan looking to
the erection of a $100,000 club house
In Chicago within the next year whb
adopted. Colonel William F. (lluffalo
Hill) Cody was elected president.
Kansas City. Mo. Hlshop John
Hognn, of the diocese or Western
Missouri, the oldest catholic prelnte in
this country both In years and point
of service, dlod or pneumonia at tho
episcopal residence here, For forty
years he hnd been a bishop.
Nebraska Fares Well.
Washington. Tho expenditure of
nearly a half million dollnrs for pub
lic buildings in Nebraska was recom
mended by tho 8enato committee on
public buildings In the bill reported to
tho sennto. As tho bill now stands it
carries the following Items: To com
plete tho Lincoln public building,
$175,000; for McCook, $25,000; Alli
ance, for postotllce, land office and
weather bureau building, $75,000; Au
rora, $50,000; Falls City, $05,000;
Chadron. $110,000; Wnhoo, $00,000;
Central City, $55,000.
New York. Tho International com
rnlttec or the Young Mon's Christian
association has made public tho fob
lowing telegram received rrom the
Young Men's Christian association In
Mexico City: "Trouble apparently
over. All sare. Association loss $40,
000." Atlanta, Clu. Mrs. Krneat Still
paved her flve-montha-old baby by pine
Ins it In a steamer trunk, locking It
up nml dragging the Infant In this flro
proof compartment through a wall of
Events of Importance as They Trans
pire In Both Branches
of Congress.
f The Senate. Senator Ilrutidcgec
lead Washington's farewell athlrebs.
Took up river and harbor appropria
tion bill.
Agiced to vote Tuesday on housr
bill to create department nf labor
Kuloglcs were delivered on the lute
Senator lluynor of Maryland and late
HcprcHcntnlivcH I'tter of Rhode Island
and Wedenieyer of .Michigan.
Secretary MueVcagh. In response to
PolmleMur'H resolution, sent explana
tion of authority for Issuing order re
quiring deposit of customs receipts In
national banks.
Adjourned at 1:20 p. m. until to a.
in. Monday.
Tho Mouse.- Washington's farewell
juhlress read.
Kconomy light on navy bill lesumed.
Ilnltiinnrc exporters before shipping
trust Investigating committee,
Appropilatlous committee began con
sideration of general dclleieney hill,
carrying about 25 000.000.
Adjourned at 0:57 p. tu. until noon
Sunday for eulogies.
The Senate llesumed debato on
river and harbor appropriation hill.
Actual valuation or railroads and,
Interstate tariff ravorahl reported by
zummcrcc. committee and agieement
reached to voto on measure M.inday.
Industrial expositions committee de
cided to report favorably bill for gov
ernment participation in PanainuPa
rifle exposition and appropriating
$1, 500,000 for purpose.
Agrlciiltunl committee completed
agricultural appropriation bill carry
ing $is.r,t;i;,
Adjourned at 5:47 p. tu until II a.
m. Saturday.
The House Hesumed debate on
sundry civil appropriation bill.
Shipping trust Investigation com
mittee continued Investigation.
Naval bill under consideration.
Adjourned at ('.;:! 2 p. m. until 10:;'.0
n. tu. Saturday.
The Senate llegan debate on river
and harbor appropriation bill.
Finance committee endorsed Lodge
bill for tariff committee of live mem
bers. Library committee was directed to
ascertain correct version of Lincoln's
(Iettysburg 'iddress.
Commerce committee agreed favora
bly to report u bill appropriating about
$1,000,000 for lighthouse service.
Senator Hoot before library com
mittee urged ravorable action on leg
islative drafting bureau hill.
I'asbcd house bill giving Idaho au
thority to open certain phosphate ami
oil lands.
Adjourned nt 5:40 p. in. until noon
Tho House Hesumed debate on
sundry civil appropriation bill.
Chairman Hay. of military affairs
committee, Introduced bill to reducn
number of olllcers allowed each army
Representative Stanley urged hull-
I clary committee to recommend pass-
ago of hill to prohibit holding com
panies rrom engaging In Interstate
Shipping trust. Investigating com
mittee henrd testimony on great lakes
Want Bureau of Publicity.
Lincoln. The commercial depart
ment of tho Nebraska conservation
congress at the city hall Thursday tils
cussed state publicity, the blue sky
law, statrt statistics and appointed a
committee of three to draft a resolu
tion urging the legislature to adopt
11. II. 423, which provides ror a bureau
of publicity. Victor Hosewater or
Omaha and V. K. Wilson of Stroms
(burg spoko on tho publicity finest Ion.
'Senator Cordeal explained the law
'which he has Introduced to prevent
blue sky operations In Nebraska, and
Will Matipln and K. V. Parrish dls
cussed slute statistics.
Preparations for Inauguration.
Washington. Although the Innugii
ration of President-elect Wilson Is still
more than a week off, the city already
is assuming a gala appearance. Build
ings In the downtown section and
along the lino of march have been
decorated with the national colors, as
well as white and green, the olllclnl
Inaugural color scheme. This week
tho finishing touches will be put on all
tho reviewing stands. Tho president's
stand, tho principal feature In rront or
.he white house. Is completed.
Oakland, Cal. Tho body of Joaquin
Miller, tho poet of tho Sierras, was re
luced to ashes, the funeral ceremonies
being ns unostentatious as the life of
'.ho poet.
Improvements for State Capitol.
Lincoln. In tho hope of finding
practicable) tho plan of adding another
story to tho state cnpltol building,
Land Commissioner Heckman has se
cured tho services or an architect to
go over tho matter at length and make
a rnport to him as to the cost of the
work. The state nfllclal believes that
Bufllclont room can bo milled In this
manner to provide against any de
partment Increases ror years to como.
Ills plan contemplates tho construc
tion or another story, mainly on the
west wing
"i - is stirs-: .
" rr-Z -fi-xsL ,
vC i rFij ,
- wss
Indians Send Representatives to Con
fer with Incoming President
Conscivation Congrcso
Elects Officers.
Mexico City. It Is certain now that
tlie new administration In Mexico must
deal wlili a new revolution in addition
to the remnants or the old one. Three
governors or states In (he republic
formally have refused to recognize
1'iovlslonal President Mucrtn, and two
or three others are doubtful Venostl
lino Curranze. governor of the state of
Coahulla, with 1.200 men. is working
with hhnlllo and Kaoul Madero, broth
ers of the deposed president, who are
at San Pedro, Madero's old home,
near Saltlllo, which Is Carraua's base
Laredo. Tex. Klght Mexican states
Zacatecan. Coahulla, Nuevo Leon.
Chihuahua, San Luis Pntnsn, Vera
Cruz, Slnaloa and Puebla have ex
pressed dissatlsractlon with the new
regime In Mexico and will not support
the government set up by General
Iluerta. according to Information gath
ered from telegraphic sources here. It
is rumored that Governor Carranza, of
the state of Coahulla. Is at the head
of tin" movement to start a new repub
lic, and that efforts nre being made to
bring about the cession of sovernl
other states.
Conservation Congress Closes.
Lincoln. -The Nebraska conserva
tion congress held the last meeting of
Its three-day session Friday night, at
which resolutions were passed and of
ficers were elected. Musical numbers
were given hv the agricultural school
quartet and addresses by Haymond
Walter of the government reclamation
service, o II. tlenson in the service
or the agricultural department, and
Dr Oscar Howling, the Loulsiant
health expert. Officers were elected
for the coming year na follows: W. O.
Whltmore. Valley, president; s! C.
nassett. Gibbon, secretary; Mrs. II. L.
Keefe. Walthill; Mrs. F. P.. Ileald. Os
ceola; C. II. Cornell, Valentine; S. P.
Helatour. Lewellen: William Ernst.
Teciimseh; .1. A. Ollis, Ord; K. P. Wll
son. Chadron, vice-presidents. The fol
lowing executive committee was elect
ed: G. K. Condra. Lincoln; V. K. Wll
! son. Stroiusburg; T. F. Sturgis. Om
aha; .Mrs. Cole. Omaha; Mrs. T J.
Gift. Falls Cltv; v. it Hannlng.
I'nlou: Dr. l. Wilson. Lincoln, and
K. A. Ilurnett, Lltfcoln.
Indians to Confer With the
Sioux City, la. Indian, living on
the Yankton. S. 1)., reservations nre
onxlous ror President-elect Wilson to
take otllce because they believe the
new executive will give them the
right to name their own agents, states
Arthur II. Wise of tho Yankton Indian
agency "The Indians believe the new
president will give them the right to
appoint agents on the reservation."
Mr. Wise said. "Already the ure
sending representatives to Washing
ton to confer with the Incoming 'great
father."' Mr. Wise is opposed to the
plans of the Indians. He says that
If they are given this power l the
new executive they will sell their
choice lands and squander the mone
Toklo. A great fire which occurred
In tho center or Toklo Wednesday de
stroyed a thousand buildings. These
Include several churches, tho Ilapilst
tabernacle, the Salvation hall, tho
school or foreign languages and sev
eral other schools.
By Popular Vote.
Pierre, S. 1). Direct election of
saloonkeepers by popular vote Is pro
posed In an amendment to a bill for
regulation of the Issuanco of liquor
licenses offered by State Senator
Thrown of Tripp county In tho legisla
ture to relieve city olllclals of obliga
tions to dccldo mornl fitness of nppll
cants for license
Chlengo.--A bomb, believed to havo
contained dynnmlto, was exploded In
tho front ot a saloon owned by Eman
uel Abrahams. No ono was Injured.
, ., jf
Further Appropriations Added to Pub
lic Buildings Bill Order Being
Restored in City of
Mexico City. That Francisco Ma
dero will get out of Mexico without
having to tace olllclnl investigations
of one charge or another now appears
Improbable. He has already been
charged with responsibility for the
death of Colonel Hlveroll, whom he is
alleged to have shot at the time of
his arrest In the palace. A commit
tee of deputies has asked that Madero
be forced to account for moneys ex
pended by the administration. This
committee called on President Iluerta
and urged that Madero lie held ac
countable for the depleted condition
of the treasury.
Order Being Restored.
Washington. - Ambassador llcnrj
I.ane Wilson has notified the state do
part incut that order Is being restored
In Mexico City. Relatives of Ameri
cans In the Mexican capital may send
money direct to banks, although it
may bo sent through the embassy If
desired. Although quiet prevails by
day the ambassador reports many
lootei abroad by night. The Ameri
can embassy roller committee is ac
tively relieving suirerers among the
sick, wounded and destitute.
Additions Made to Amounts In Public
' Buildings Bill.
Washington The sum or $2!)0.0n0
ror Nebraska buildings was added to
the public buildings bill by amend
ments adopted by the committee in
the senate, or this sum ? 1 25.000 Is
for Alliance. $100,000 Tor Wahoo and
$05,000 for Falls City.
Medal for Omaha Man.
Washington. Marion II. Kirk of
Omaha has been awarded one or tin
two Bailey medals ror 10 1 2 ror having
made the highest mark In the competi
tive examinations of apprentice sea
men In their duties. The Pulley medal
Is provided from a fund left by the
late Hear Admiral Theodore Hailey
for tho purpose of spurring seamen In
tho 1'ulted Slates navy to greater pro
ficiency In their work.
Heartwell Is Flreswept.
Mlnden. Neb Heartwell was fire
swept Wednesday, being practically
wiped off the map b a lire that started
a short time before midnight. Follow
ing two recent fires where the origin
was not clearly shown, Hie belief Is
strong that tho blaze is the work of
nrownsvllle. Tex All local com
munication sv'.th Mexico was closed
Monday morning, when a company of
Mexican soldiers were stationed at
the International bridge and a com
pany of rurnles at tho ferry and an
order was Issued forbidding the cross
ing of passengers at either point. Tho
significance of the order Is not cer
tain, although It Is believed here that
the rebels are In charge of the city of
Mutamnras, opposite this point.
Omaha Allegcc. to have been
driven into tuberculosis by worry over
the loss of two lingers In an accident
nt the packing plant a year ago. James
George, unable to speak English,
lived only long enough to fight his
case ror damnges against Armour it
Co. through the district court. Ho
wns awarded $1,070 in a verdict Sat
urday. He died Saturday night or his?
malady at the county hospital.
nn Inccndinry.
New Plan for Maine Relics.
Washington Tho navy department
has hit u:n a new plan for tho dis
tribution to patriotic soclotles or rel
ics or tho battleship Maine. Assistant
Secretary Wluthrop laid berore Presl
dent Tart a plaster plaque upon which
in bus relief was the form of a woman
with outstretched hand hearing a
fahleld with tho words "Patriotism and
Devotion" .Inscribed on It. Tho ex
tended -arm benrs tho word "Memo
Hum." Uenonth tho arm in has la a
fac simile of the Maine
July 12 to 20 are dates announced
for tho Heatrlce Chautnuqua.
Over four hundred cars of apples
wero shipped from Shubert last fall.
Central City flro department will
hold its regular annual banquet on
March (I,
Plans nro being developed nt Have
lock for the erection of a Y. M. C. A.
The debate between the Pawnee and
Sterling high schools Friday night was
decided in favor of Pawnee.
The senior class at the state normal
school at Wayne has Invited Helen
Keller to deliver tho commencement
A scorched spot on tho floor of the
East school building nt Fremont is
mute evidence of nn attempt ac In
cendiarism. Ethel McKay was so badly Injured
by tiie overturning of an auto near
Tekamah that her recovery is a mat
ter of doubt.
Emory lloyd. a runner near Howe,
was seveiely Injured by having a
large cottonwood log roll over him ub
he was moving It.
Albion. The Rev. Mr. Franzen, pas
tor or Hie Lutheran church, has re
signed his charge at Albion and no
eepted one at Randolph.
Little Vivian Hordecker, who was
badly scalded at her parents' home at
Murray, after two wens of agony,
succumbed to her Injuries.
A mass meeting was held at lllue
Springs Saturday for the purpose of
considering the organizing of a lumber
.and coal company at that place.
The citizens of Alliance are clamor
ing Tor a federal apprlprlatlon to erect
n building on ground which was pur
chased for that purpose some time
Five hundred farmers living In Rich
land precinct, north of Fnirbury, par
ticipated In a big wolf hunt Thursday,
and succeeded in killing one large
Frank Harrison has returned to Lin
coln from a pleasure trip of several
weeks In Central America. He spent
most of the time In Honduras and
Herman Ketterman. twenty yenrs
old, was electrocuted at the top of n
100 foot steel tower at Hlalr, Sundny.
Tho tower supports cables carrying
10.000 volts.
The assassin of (ieorge Hood, nta
tlon agent nt Miller, is still at large,
although a large reward has been
offered by the railroad and the stnto
for his capture.
An equal suffrage association has
been organized at Heatrlce. Tho
women of the city are preparing to
take part in a statewide movement i
for equnl suffrage.
Drake University at Des Molnrs
went down to defeat Thursday after
noon bofore the hasket-liall five from
tho University of Nebraska. The final
count was 25 to II.
The woman's section of the Nebras
ka conservation congress met Thurs
day afternoon nt Lincoln and dis
cussed topics similar to thoso present
ed at the other divisions.
Word lias been received nt Ne
braska City or the death of William
Esser at Orient Wash., where ho
went to purchase land. Mr. Esser
had been a resident of Nebraska for
many years.
Little Iteulah Vim Camp, the four-year-old
Wymore child who was al
leged to be the victim of abuse at tho
hands of her stepmother, hns been
adnpoted by her aunt, Mrs. Pearl
Hicks of Wymore.
Colonel and Mrs. James C. Elliott
celebrated the fifteenth anniversary
of their marriage by an elaborate re
ception at the West Point auditorium.
Colonel Elliott Is postmaster at West
Point and editor of the Republican.
Teciimseh city officials am arrang
ing to do somo experimenting near
the city in an effort to locate an ad
ditional water supply. Springs and
wells are being tested ns to the purity
or the water, samples having been
sent to the state university labora
tory at Lincoln, and later test wells
will bo put down.
At a meeting Thursday night the
Sterling school board reelected all
tho teachers for another year.
The 0-year-old child of George
Nlspel at Falrbury was shot through
the thumb by the accidental ills
churge of a 22-callbro rifle with which
an older brother had been hunting.
P,eru fruit growers have announced
February If) us the date of their an
nual meeting. J. It. Cooper of the
department of horticulture. University
or Nebraska: C. G. Marshnll, secre
tary of the state horticultural society,
nnd Charles Dickinson, also of Lin
coln, are to be the principal speakers.
Tom Smith of York Is at Excelsior
Springs. Mo., whom he will receive
treatment for muscular rheumatism.
Ills condition is not regarded as dan
gerous. Ho will remain In Missouri
for several weeks.
Hobeft Stitcs a Nebraska City
plumber, whlln carrying a pot of hot
metal with which to wipe a Joint, had
water spilled on him and some entered
the pot, causing an explosion, throw
ing hot metnl all over him. Twenty
particles entered his eyes, and It took
a physician some time to remove them
and nllevlato the pain. It Is feared ho
will lose tlie sight of ono eye.
Harkness Kountzo nnd Tom Klnsler.
two school hoys who disappeared
from their homes nt Omnha, wero
found In Council llluffs and wero glad
to he brought back to their homes.
Silver Creok will hold nn election to
voto on tlio question of voting $S,000
bonds to construct n system of water
works for tho vlllago of Silver Crook.
Tho election Is to ho held March 11.
Tho men's Jllblo club of tho Edgar
Prosbyterlnn church and tho ladles'
aid society of tho samo church givvo a
ibanquot Wednesday evening In tho din
'lng room ot tho opera house. There
Bacls of One's Own, the World's, and
Business Security Distrustful
People Ever Unhappy.
Confident. Is the basis of th
world's pear.e and of business sacur
'ity When nations distrust each oth
er, suspicion follows, then conies an
ger and tlie seeds of war are planted
' Thu business man who lacks conll
denco In a pin trier or an employe suf
fers in consequence. Transactions In
volving millions or dollars are report
ed every day en the stock exchange
In New York, and nre based on an up
lifted finger, a nod of the head or a
word passing between tlie brokers.
HuhIiioss men take pride In hearing it
talil of tliem. "Their word Is as good
as their bond."
Secrets Involving one's happiness
In life or success In business are In
trusted to the mall, in u flimsy en
velope with a two-cent stamp. In full
confidence that the message undisturb
ed and unbroken will reach Its Una!
Confidence contributes to the wel
faro of those who have It, but the
(world Is full of distrustful people.
Shadows confront them on every side
IThcy fly rrom Imaginary dangers;
jthey fight Imaginary evils; they bat
tle against wrongs that thoy corijun
up themselves; they worry over
.things that never happen. They are
the disturbers or the peacu. They
(mako their own lives miserable ami
spread unhapplncss all about them
They sound a nolo or discord when
harmony prevails; they fight when
'others yield; they quarrel with tin
world and finish by quarreling with
Confidence adds to the Joy ot the
world, to the happiness or the people,
to the progress of the times. It turns
darkness Into day, adversity Into pros-
perlty and. greatest of all Its vic
tories, it transforms death Into life.
Happy the man who makes It his
(watchnrd clay by day! John A
Slelcher In Lesllo's Weekly.
Dog's Sense of Memory.
An English clergymnn once owned
a dog which was very much attach
ed to him. When he was compelled
to leave his country for a long so
Jour n abroad the clergyman took hif
devoted canine companion to the
house of his friend. There the dog
remained for about two years. Then
the long absent owner returned, and
arriving at his. friend's house late at
night retired without having the dog
called. V
Early next morning the sleeping
owner wns awakened by the dog
bursting Into his bedroom nnd leap
ing upon him with tho wildest dem
onstration of delight.
'How on earth did he know I hnd
arrived?" asked tho clergyman.
"Oh. sir." the valet replied, "it Is
the most curious thing! As I was
cleaning your boots the dog recogniz
ed them, and 1 have not been able
to quiet him till he saw where I w.ih
carrying them nnd rushed along with
ine to your door."
Easy to Manage JuBt Then.
Secretary MacVeagh of the treas
u ry department, after presenting r
gold medal of Joseph Donollen of
New York for the during rescue of
two drowning men. told an appropri
ate story
'Mr Dnnnellen's bravery," he said
"Is not like that of Peck 'Peck.' r
lady said, 'heard a noise In tho night
In the Provlno of
Western Canada to gi-tn
l-D-nllnnicMt'Hduf I no
At'HICS of that well
,. -.iiuwu , ni'ai -.aim-
I Ho arm Ubvrnmlni- t-iornlltnllrd
but no I-" vulimtili.
Dnvn ret ciiUy beun uponrtl up fur
M-ttlruirlit, una Into ttit-tta rull
funds uri, n.iir bring inillu Tlio
''If. ."'" soun c-jiuo wh on tlicro
will bn no
A Swift Current, Sankntclinwan,
fanner writes: i i-uhjh on ar
!'.",";', ' March 15U1. with about
ll.UW) worth of hurst's and tnarliln
erjr.utiil Just rk" In rash, TodaT 1
hiniMUIucrmiof wtiriit, 300 acres
ofoau, and (0 ocru uf flax." Not
bad forli yearn, buinnlr an In
Munoo ot wlmt mar bo dons In
wctem Canada In Manitoba,
Banaatchewan or Alborta.
!'.'"l,..ut;.0"('e.. ,"r Literature,
Maps, llallnar Ilawa, etc, to
ea Building, Omaha, Nab.
Cjaadlan Oocnirac nt Agent, or
luimlfnuion, Ottawa, luu.
It Pays
to Clip
linRtKN, jut M t.4 rnwH. They are
tiealtliter and rvuilar IxtterMrvlee.
Win u tua hearcoat llitt liolila Ilia
wei c- ami nirt la rinor,ti)-j
u ro mart, ranlljr kept clean, look
better ifat mnrA u.hmI fmm Oiuip
feed and are batter In eery war
Inallt no bating
The Stewart
Boll Bearing
Clipping Machine
It turiia emler, clip, faatir and
eliwer and ua aharp limner
Jlmn ilrr are all flla
baril Aim cut from polld cmrr
eloled, protected and
mil In nil Utile frliv.
Iliill.llttltl wear. Ilaaall feet nf tie
H'lo mar rillinlliLT tlexIMe ahaft
and the celelirteil Meart aln,M
tellalnn llliplnn bead, lilKhent
b mile, 11,1 ea. rr.ia ).ar liraUrievvrT
luacnlne uiiaraiilced to leae.
WollentulOllloStB. CHICAGO, ILL.
Wrlto fur rimiplete new raUlnimnalinntiitf world's
JatL?eit and tnn.t itintlern line nf Im.,.,.... ,..i
n..rv".iiiiiK iiinwnim-e, which ir, eon rr'lUeMl.
lywaUCl S anything advertised in its col
umns should insisft upon having what they
oskfor.rfusinsallsubititutcsor imitations;