f'lTff NXV. t HOME NEWS Bulletin o! The Week's Dolne A-.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.W-V.V. : cent lunches served nt the llonii Itakery. Clin, t.ciszler was in Hastings on Monday Residence property for sale. Leaving the city. D. W. Tchnuiik Allen UlucUledgc is visiting his sIr ter in Illinois (5eo. Trine is spending a. few days in lisbou, Kunsus. Art Brnilslmw of llloouiingtoii wns in town Tuesday W. H. Uoffmnn of llhiden wilt seen on our streets Tuesduj. Atliitn Molmrl luis returned from u short sojourn in Lincoln Try Mhceley'.s limber Shop for the. lit' st in the tonsoriiil line. I. II. Hyde of HiisUnyy was in the city the lust (if the week. Ladies For your Suit or Coat go to Minor Rros. Co. and save money. Mr. Hoffman of UiirlliiRtnn, Iown, wns a Red Cloud visitor on Snmlay. R. A. Wiley of Hastings was in town on telephone business the last of the week. llulph Heal a commission man of Auiora, was here Tuesday visiting His parents. Attorney Ucrunrd McNetiy and wife huve returned from n short visit in Lincoln. Rev. .1. M. Hates will hold regular services in Grace church the next two Sunday. Clias. Stettin is home from Hustings where ho spent several days visiting relatives. Attorney .1 S. Gilliam went to Ni-1-son Tuesday to attend to some legal business. A. .1. King of Womer, Kansas, was seen on the streets of this metropolis Saturday. Geo. .1. Warren was confined to his bed the Hist of the weelc by an attack of lumb.igo Harry Waller and son of Cowles was attending to business affairs in this city Saturday. Mrs. Kufus Mik'ch, after spending some time in Holdrege, visiting, lias returned home. Geo. Williams of Table Rock was looking after business matters in this city on-Tuesday.- " - Miss Allison Cowden spent Saturday in Superior visiting at the home of Postmaster Stine, Tom Auld of Omaha, was looking after his banking interests at this place on Saturday. Mrs. W.J. Sorivner, who has been neriously ill with appendicitis, is re ported some better Mrs. John Weesner and baby are spending the week In Superior at the home of her parents. ported to be some better Bruce Beokwith was called home from Tiffin, Ohio, by the death of his father, Solomon Beokwith. Mrs. C. II. McKinney is enjoying a visit with her sister, Miss Bernioe Bryan, of Syracuse, New York. The countyvcoinmissionftrs met in Mrs M.'A. Albright who has been seriously ill for some time past, is re-Lof mnoiSt who have spent some time The Church Board of th Chiisttau church will meet Friday evening iitTiW. Hoy .lones after spending several days visiting relatives in till vicinity, returned Monday to Clay (.'enter. Mr. and Mrs. David Motrlson were passengers to Cowls Wednesday to spend a few days visiting friends. Prof. Morltz. and wife went to Pros ser, Nebraska, last Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. Morlt.'s mother. Try our Pratoue und Frappe Choco lates hiuI you will buy no other. Homi: IIaki.uv Kd. Amuck, the popular furniture man and undertaker, was registered on the sick list several days this week. State Representative A. F. Hart well of tnavale spent a few hours in town Saturday on his way home from Lin coln. Senator Geo. W. Hummel camo home for a short visit Saturday, re turning to Lincoln the. Hist of the week. Miss Belle Spunnglu returned home Saturday from Deliver where she had been to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law. The three .Icnkius children returned to Beatrice Monday, after spending h few days with their grand-mother, Mrs. A. Cummiuts's. The Mutch term of the district cotirtopcns on Monday, Match Mid. There is no ;crimiual cases on the docket for this term. Clias. tildicdgu and wife went to Blue Hill, Monday, to visit Mrs. tihlrcrigc's father, Mr. Moody, who is quite ill at that place. Mrs. J. Sheldcu was visiting friends at tills place on Satutday. The lady resides in (Juincy, Illinois, and was on her way to Akron, Coloiado Frank llowo of Hastings was in town Monday looking after matters in the interest of his company, The Singer Sewing Machine Company. B. A. Uoaii, n miller of McCook, was in the city Friday, looking after busi ness matters, and Inspecting the lied Cloud Milling Company's property. Mr. and Mrs. O E. Barney have been called to Coteslleld, Nebraska, owing to the serious Illness of a daughter who resides at that place I have the best rate in the county on faiui loans. See mo and be convinced. My motto prompt service. A. T. Wai.ki-.ii. Mrs. (. B. Throne and Miss Ethel Whitaker left Saturday evening for California, Mrs. Thorne to visit u son an i Miss Whitaker will visit with her brothers. Nettie Barton of Detroit, Michigan, who ha spent the "past two-omouths-at this place visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. L H. Bust, left Tuesday for her home. V. E. Springer proprietor of the New Home Bakery, has installed a new oven, with which he is now able to meet the demands of his rapidly grow ing patronage. Mrs. Peter Conovar had for her guests last Friday and Saturday Mr. and Mr.-. Roy Zlut und children of Mo Cook. They returned to their home on Saturday evening. Mrs S." Whltlock and two daughters visiting at this place, left on Saturday for Bladen where they will spend some time visiting relatives. D. H. Rich formerly superintendent of the electric light plant here, but now connected with the Superior Electric Light and Power Company at Superior, Nebraska, spent yesterday special session yesterday to look over in town on business pertaining to the plans pertaining to bridges, etc. i plaut. "'". 'mc? 2S OUR SPRING mall Paper Opening We Extend To You A Personal Invitation To Cell And inspect our stock of New Spring Wall Paper. They are worth seeing purely as works of art and doubly worth seeing in case you contemplate using paper later. A little observation will show what remarkable changes can be made in the appearance of a home by use of suitable wall papers. This stock includes all of the latest designs and will permit of carrying out any plan or scheme desired. 9eo Our Now Bprlng Stock While Complete 36 Gbas. It. Gutting The Druggist I4 m? 98 POTATOES Are not very good this time of the year. 1 sort all of mine over befoio 1 send them out. Nebraska Early Ohios 75c Per Bushel Red River Ohios, genuine $1.00 Per Bushel . I have just added to my stock of Groceries Loose Wiles Sun shine llNcuits. I carry a full line or the English Baked Goods. The finest in the world. B. E. McFarland All the Phones .John Tomlinson and Ralph Mo Conkev, electrical experts, went to Blue Hill Wednesday morning to treat the citlens of that place to a few electrical stunts. H. F. McTaggart of Cowles stopped olf in this place for a few hours on Monday ho being enroute to Wilson ville, Nebraska, to look after some business mutters. "The Girl Outside the Door" will be the subject of the sermon next Sun day iiitfht at. the M. E. church This is a continuation of the subject of last week, but from the young woman's stand point. Do you notice that .1. H. Bailey is making the most of tho farm loans? He is sole agent for Trevett, Mattis & Baker, and is offeiiug the best rates, terms and option in the market nnd that Is the reason. adv. John Sutton, after spending a few short years endeavoring to Und the pleasures of city life, intends to move back to the farm, and is going back to his old hants on Walnut creek, about live miles south west of Inavale. Last Thursday night the Red Cloud V. M. C. A. basket ball team went up to Franklin to play a game with the All Stars at that place. Our team was de feated by the score of 20 to 11. The game is said to have been the roughest one of the year. Col. David Groat and James Gilroy of Riverton, were in town Tuesday. Mr. Gilroy is making preparations to leave early next week for Aberdene, Scotland, where he expects to spend some time visiting friends whom he has not seen for thirty years. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilliam arrived home Friday evening with their daughter, Eleuor, from Chicago. Miss Elenor is makiog rapid progress in her recovery and will be perfectly well attain in a short time. Her many friends heie tire pleased to see her re turn iu such excellent health and spiiit. Roy Rife and daughter Mildred were called to Beatrice, Friday, owing to the serious illness of his mother, Mrs E. Rife He returned home Tuesday evening, and word received this morn ing is to the effect that she is resting as well as could bo expected, and that the operation has been post poned until Saturday. The Red Cloud Automobile Company Glen Walker manager, has sold to Col. Jake Elllnger, the popular auc tioneer, a 35 horse, seven passenger Studebaker automobile, tit ted with all the very latest improvements in cluding electric lights and au electric starter. The car is a "peach," and we can go for a spin most any time you name, Jake! One of the town divines was heard to remark one day this week, tliHt It appeared to him as thoiiKli the editor had taken au unfair advantage of the ministers by lotting tlieni take the Hist issue, thus, in a way, holding them up as u target, for the other organizations, Such was not our in tentions, but knowing them to be men of broad minds (and shoulders) wo gavu them the lead. "Shorty" Wicker, foreman of a gang of men doing construction work for the Lincoln Telephone ,t Telegraph Company was in town Tuesday look ing over the telephone Hues, etc. The boys, over whom "Shorty" is boss, are now stationed at Lester and are working wostward. While here Mr. Wicker was the guest of W. E. Her rick, the popular wire chief for this company at this place. Buy Furs now nt Miner Bros, Co. Sam Shuck shipped I wo ears of cattle to Kansas City Sunday. kvNe.vt Tuesday the country comes Into its own again or to be more precise, tho affair of this great na tion ate placed in the hands of n Democrat, President Woodiow Wilson. Wo had intended witnessing tho cere monies attending his inauguration, but on making our preparations, tlnil wo nrc short the where-wlth on which to stay with after wo get there, which fact we arc of the opinion is due to the long relgu of Republican policies, Editor Halo has been hobnobbing with the town divines this week. Ho turned tho Chief over to them to edit, and the "hoys" did a pretty good job. But just how the parsons could con nive with tho "devil," pastel h our understanding, but they did and sur vived tho ordeal. Com Ad. Wo cannot help but note the un.iety displayed by our coiiteiuporaiy for the safety of the parsons during this said ordeal. Seems to us that some sym pathy is ilue the "devil " F. G. Turnure, who last week pur chased his brother's interest in the tlrinof Tnrtiute Bios , has taken ills son, Floyd, into partnership with him and the new tlrtn is now to be known as F (5 Turnuie .v Sou. I'luyil U a utodel young man, and with the practical business training which he will secure front so able an instructor as his father, it is safe to say lie will make rapid progress in the mercantile, world. To the new linn of F. (J. Turnuie ,v. Son, tho Chief extends congratulations The International Opera Company was the fourth number of tue Lee lure Course, and was given at the Opera House on Tuesday evening. This number, which consisted of an entirely musical ptogram, was tip to the usual high standard of entertain ment which Dr. Boles, the elllcleut miiiuiKcr of the Lecture Cotttse, has secured for the people of this place, and notwithstanding tho fact that the largo audience which had assembled to witness this number, were not permitted to sit on their hands, this ipquest being made personally by the Dr. on the opening of tho entertain moot, it was thoroughly enjoyed by all. On Saturday evening at the Opera House the iifth number will be given This number will consist of a musical program and a lecture by Sylvester Long. Died The people of this vicinity were startled to hear the report Saturday afternoon to learn of the death ot Salomon U. Beck with. ,, He imd been seen on tho streets of tlie'cltyvthe day before, apparently In good health, and to the majority of those acquainted it was .unknown that there was anything impairing his strength and activity. The morning of his death, he had gone on about his work us usual, and had worked with his usual vigor. He had some trouble with his horses, occusiouingthe exert ion of his strength, a little more thau common, perhaps, and after returning the hay rack, he complained of some pain-in his chest. His wife tried to get him to drink a cup of tea. She left him for a moment and was shock ed upon her return to find him lying back iu the ohuir unconscious. The uear neighbors were Immediately sum moned, but arrived too late to be of any assistance, although their answer to the call for help was immediate. Mr. Beckwlth and family have resid ed near Ked Cloud about twenty-live years. They removed to this county March 11, 188G. Mr. Beckwlth was by occupation a carpenter and liouso builder, bis latest work of importance was the erection of the beautiful residence of C.J. Pope, completed a short time ago. He was industrious, economical and prudent, he tucoeeded in accumulating a respectable amount of property. He was a man who deserved and retained the respect of his fellowmen. Mr. Beckwith was born at Constant lue, Michigan, Deo. 8, 185G. He was married Dec. 14, 1881, to Miss Marth Willemin at Coustnntiue, Michigau. He was GO years, 2 months aud 14 days old at the time of his deuth. 'there were four children born to tills union of whom three survive him LoisisasteuograpnerinOmaha. Bruce has recently graduated at the State University iu a course of Mechanical engineering, and immediately secured u responsible und lucrative position in Ohio which he is now occupying with credit. Edith quit school on account of illness after tluishiug the sophomoie year iu the class of 101 1, in the schools of this city. The eldest daughter Mabel, died last May, after completing her studies iu the public schools and taking a course us a trained nuise in Mercy hospital. Mr. Beckwlth served two terms as member of the Board of Education of this city, The funeral services were conducted from the residence Wednesday ufter noon, the Rev. W. R Cole otliciating. Bruce aud Lois were present to com fort their mother Hnd sister iu their distress. The sympathy of the entile community is witli the sorrowing fami ly, which so suddenly found itself bereft of a kind father. ff- VNsM IF YOU Can Appreciate A Real, Class Clothing Bargain Attend our 20 per cent dis count sale now on at our store. Just think of buying nice, new Suits and Overcoats made by B. Kuppenheimer & Co. Clothcraft Society Brand At such liberal discounts. A good assortment yet to choose from if you come early. The Gowden-Kaley WaA Clothing Company FIRST DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE Aa" SPRING DRESS GOODS I have just received a very extensive shipment of Spring Dress Goods in all of the very latest and most up-to-date creations. The shipment comprises Fancy Silks Plisses Flaxons Foulards - Piques Wool Goods ' Ratines - Diagonals I want to call your particular attention to to the largest and highesl class shipment of embrod eries ever brought to this town. Don't buy before examining these goods. The newest thing In Qlame mutton: "Goods of Quallty"-mOur Motto BARBARA PHARES Red Cloud, Nebraska PUBLIC SALE At my farm 2J miles north of Red Cloud, on Tuesday, March llth Commencing nt 1 O'clock Sharp. 56 - Head of Stock - 56 4 - HEAD OF HORSES - 4 12 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 12 40 - HEAD OF HOGS - 40 Farm Machinery, Cane Seed, Seed Corn, Hedge Posts, Etc. TERMS; Nine months at 10 per cent. G. L Canfield, Owner. J. II. BLMNOKK, Attct. J. W. Al'LD. Cleru. SEE LARGE SALE BILLS i csesesesesesesesesesescac aaa i . ....' r ; v.i '-1 'u'imiimmmm MaiidMtmuaiUimitM