m Mi OilGROI BOY But a Foe of Groat Resource, De termination, and Sinews of Warfare. By ARTHUR W. PEACH. When .MIha Alice- Homley .-nton-il the onici' or Iho lic-ml of tho hl miinu fnnturliiB Hrni, hIio mrl Hoy lllllnnl for tlio flint time Tlmt miMitlnj; EorM'il to mtiko Imr ItiteroHloil in lilm nnil the Intercut grow from friendship into Honictlilni: Hsu Klin would not ronfoHH It wih love for hint Imt hIio I was attracted by IiIh clieery, happy-KO-luck porponallty his wIIIIiiki.uhh to do little HiTviren Hint n woman values. It did not take her long to dlHrovor that he was of little uho to Mr. 1iko, tho head of f'i lln , who.io coiifl'li'n tlal dork ho was mipposed to lin. She lenrned, too. that lllllnnl had money In his own right n considerable, amount fart, but iih It had been the wish of his father that he enter busi ness with I-ako ho had done so. He was lazy, nuver on tlmo, always put ting off IiIh work. Him roulil seu that Mr. Lake was exasperated at times, but mnuiiRed to hold his temper. Therein, sho discovered, too, that If lllllnnl were discharged, bis position would bo hers. lllllnnl got Into tho habit of seeing her home; sometimes, she found him and his car waiting for her Hcforo long he was coming on Sundays and soon she was listening for bis slow, good-natured voice asking tho girl nt tho door If Miss Homley were In. Ono starry night, when It Boomed good to be alive, and good to be Im side him, ho proposed. She was startled, yet she had read it In his eyes days before. Ills first words thrilled her, tho next angered her, for ho was proposing as ho did every thing, carelessly, good-naturedly, ns If It didn't amount to much anyway. Marriage Involved giving up tho busi ness career for which she had fitted herself, and of which sho had dreamed. It was not a matter to bo tnlked of In other than a serloiiH way. Ills manner angered her. Sho told him, frankly, that nho would not marry him, that ho was ntill on overgrown boy, and hadn't a nerl ous thought In the world, and that n, girl liked to have the thuoght of mar rlago with Iter regarded as tho biggest thing' In tho world. HIh open, smllng fnco gre.w serious, for -nco, ns sho went on, and sho found sho could not scold when words of a scolding natiiro bounded off ho easily. Ileforo they had returned, r'ie wns smiling herself, but under her smiling exterior wns her detromlnn tlon never to marry him. Sho told him bo flatly. The next day n small bomb burst In the office. Illllnrd appeared Into, and milking no effort to make up for lost time, ho aroused Lake's long suf fering wrath, with tho result thnt tho room fill of stenographers heard tho Irnto, blttter-tongued mnn turn on I Illllnrd n stream or condemnation in which ho ripped H Hard's clmructur into shreds nnd showed It up before Millard himself In Its bnro truth. Not stopping thoro ho went on to dls chnrgo him, closing with tho words, "You nron't half a man! Oct out! Mis- Romloy. you take his work." Hllnrd stood, whlto to tho lips, .his fnlr, good-natured rnco stiff undor n now emotion, then ho turned townrd tho clonk-room without n word. Alice Homley hnd ronllzed her nmbl tlor; sho was tho chosen clarl: of tho manurncturer, nnd sho labored to show her vnluo to him. Ho seemed plensed by hor efforts, nnd sho certain ly wns by tho bIzo of her pny check and his words. or Illllnrd, sho honrd nothing nftcr his dopnrture. Sho mlBsed him keen ly, nnd sho began to bollovo It wns nil right, nfter nil, to have a nnturo that bccb only tho sunny Bldo of llfo, oven If such a nnturo never gotB ono any where No word camo rrom him, and sho did not write ror qho hnd no Idea whore ho wns. Tho llrst Inkling came through n note from ono of their western man agers, saying' that tho llrst of a crop of salesmen wero intruding on his ter ritory with an articlo similar to theirs, but bettor made and cheaper, nnd thnt his men wero getting tho worst of It right along. Lnko'a fnco had looked worried aft er that Sho know they wero making a largo profit on their goods, and that ho had been afraid of tho advent of competitors. Tho next report rrom tho west was still moro discouraging, and beroro sho know It n roynl battlo was on bo tween two llrms for oxlstenco, Dazed a bit by tho wonder of it, sho took her small part In It. Sho saw that thoy wore fighting n foo or great ro sourco and determination, nnd ono quipped with tho sinews or warfare wealth and credit. They could not learn who tho pow er waB in tho opposing company, but sho know thoy wero men of ability; Homo of them had been with Lake's firm in tho old days. Then camo tho aftornoon sho know sho would novor rorgot. Sho sat in tho room whom tho members of tho firm sought to find n way out; Bho saw them desperately plan, and turn bnck, hold ut bay from ovory corner. Ono by ono thoy left In despnlr, and only Lako romalnod. Tho telegram camo offering no com promise, but Btntlng that It would give a reasonablo nmount for their bust 'noBs. llcaten, and beaten badly, Lako assented. When tho representative of tho oth icr firm entered, sho heard Iako gasp, and looking up, sho gasped hnrsolf. It was Hlllard, but a chanted Hlllard. Ills race was linn and storn, his cys had grown steadier, and his manner was slow but certnln On hla faco wero thn signs of tho terrific struggle In which he had taken part La. o could not believe his eyes, nor was lit; willing to make terms with his former clerk, but Hlllard, smll lug a grim smile, proved that he wns the one. I.-iko, humbled by tho evi dence that lllllnnl had been tho po or behind tho competition, surrender ed, Tho terms wero discussed and dinwn up by Miss Homley She won dered at the masterfulness of Millard, at his sure grasp of tho Items, anil his relentless hold on tho vital points nt stake, Wlion they were both through, and Lake's shaking hand was signing the agreement, Hlllard leaned back, nnd hla eyes went to hers, but hers drop ped before the muto power In his, nnd sho did not took up Ho went on to tell Lake that Iho words ho spoke had ripped tho mnsk rrom his own life, and he hnd seen how useless It was. Ho offered Lake the posi tion of eastern manager. Lako gulp ed a little, and asked for time to think It over. Hlllard agreed, mid his voice was kindly When Like went out, she expected Hllard to go, too, but sho heard his steps come hack toward her desk. Sho was afraid of him now, shu know, nnd she did not lift her faco; but she inns tered her fenrs enough to say, "Well, Mr. Hlllard, I suppose I nm dis charged, and must needs seek a now position." She said It as playrully as she could Ho did not nnswer, but sho felt his hnnds come down, and lift her to her feet. Sho knew then by tho touch what w h coming. The suddenness or It mado her tremble a llttlo, and sho thrust her race against his coat, as his strong arms drew her closo to him "Yes. you are discharged, Alice, but I want to glvo you tho highest posi tion a mnn can offer a girl. I want you to bo my partner In tho business or building n homo nnd happiness. Aro you willing?" Soothed by the. quiet sonio ot pow er, tho low thrill or emotion in his voice, she loowed up Into his eyes. In thorn, rnr back, was tho gleam or the old good nnturo. Her nnswer wns not In words, but It sealed tho agreement. (CupyrlKht, 191.1. by tho McCluro Ncwh I'.ip r Hymllcfilu.) RATHER GAVE MAMMA AWAY To an Observing Mind There Would Appear to Have Been Some Point to Kitty's Questioning. A new family had moved Into tho house next door to tho Smiths, accord Ing to n story told by Postmaster Oenernl Hitchcock, and little Kitty Smith was on t)io back porch of her own homo cultivating the acquain tance of tho llttlo girl on the opposlto porch. "What's your name?" sho nsked. "Klorenco," replied tho nowcomor. "Whnt's yourB?" "Katherlne," wns tho nnswer, "but thoy always cnll mo Kitty. Tho nnmo of tho folks thnt used to llvo hero bo- fore you enmo wnB Jones." "Our nnmo Is Thompson," said tho new girl "Wo camo all tho way from Baltimore." "Our numo Is Smith," letumed Kit ty "Say, you never met the Joneses, did you?" "Oh, no." rejoined 'tho iiuw girl "Not your Joneses " "Thoy wiib Just something awful for borrowing," volunteered Kitty. "Thoy used to send over to our houso three or four tlmcB a week to borrow coffeo, sugar mid things, nnd never paid It back. Say, you folks don't borrow llku Hint, do you?" "Oh, no," wns tho rensBiirlng re sponse or tho now girl. "Sho anys they don't, mnmrnn!" culled out Kitty, turning around and facing tho half-open door of tho Smith home. Philadelphia Telegraph. Grow Trees From Top Down. A rorelgn railway company has solv ed tho plan of getting good shado trees In a short time, thought thoy may bo Bmall Tho trees are so ar ranged that nftor two years' tlmo they will glvo as much Bliiulo an trees In the ordinary way or sotting out would glvo that aro IT. or 20 years old. The company gets a small elm tree, pre ferably, digging this, roots and all, from tho ground Tho tree then Is set, tho top part being set Into tho ground and the roots nro left In tho air. Thu tree then grows, forniB roots on what originally was tho top of tho treo, and tho orlglnnl roots that now take tho placo of tho branches begin to leaf out and form n complete foliage very quickly Heautlful specimens of such Invorted trees aro to bo seen by the fountains in Kensington gardens, Lou don. Flattery. "Oh, Miss Llghtroot." said Jollyci after their, third danco at tho ball "you are a most wonderful dancer." "Really, do you think so?" Bho ro piled. "Yes, Indeed. Moro wondorful than tho damsel who danced heforo Tlorod nnd domanded tho head of John the llaptUt." "Really. How so, pray?" "Well, you see, when Bho danced ono mnn wns decapitated, but when you danco nil men Jobo their heads." Happy Family. Mr. Scrapplngton After all, only a, vory Bmnll percentage of men squan dor their money on chorus girls. Mrs. Scrnpplngton That Is because, tho porcentngo or chorus girls Is very Bmnll compared with the number of mon. Exchange. Simplicity and Smartness in Two Up-to-Date Garments v ty'Ss Velveteen Dress. V ELVKTKEN DRESS. -Very almplo -rf-MMMft. 'iiJVujaw. dress wo show here; It is in tobacco brown velveteen. Tho skirt la plain; tho bodlco ia Magyar, with cross-ovur fronts and plain basque; it fastens In front; tho vest of tucked net belni; fixed at loft sldo by press Htuds; ti laco collar llnlshes tho bodlco, tho elbow sleeves being edged with a band of fur." Hat of velvet to match tho dress; It is trimmed with palo bluo ostrich feathers. A largo Btolo of black fox completes tho costume. Mntorinls required for tho dresa: Soven yards velveteen twenty-four Inches wldo, one-half yard tucked not, llvo-elghtha yard fur. Walking Costume. This costumo is in champagne-colored Venetian cloth. Tho skirt bus a wrapped seam down the center of front, with tho lowor edges cut Bharply off, leaving a "V" shaped opening, which la filled in wKh material on which nro sewn rows and rows of black Batin ribbon; this nlHo trims tho coat on tho revcrs nnd at tho wrists. Kor tho collar, black, sntln la used. Hat of black-satin, trimmed with a champagne-colored feather ruche. Materials required: Four and one-half yards cloth forty-eight inches wide, about eight ynrda ribbon, one-quarter yard satin twenty inches wide, flvo yards silk or sntln for lining coat WHITE EVENING GOWN Kvenlug gown of ivory brocade with draped skirt. The corsage la draped with black chiffon. Linings. Green as a trimming, especially an eighteenth century shade of green, will bo a feature, particularly as coat Unlugs for velvet and fur. Yellow and oraugo aro also popular for this pur pose. Much can bo expressed in n coat lining. Many of theso linings nro works of art In themselves, and a lin ing denotes proper appreciation of de tails which augurs well for tho csseu tlal. A fascinating effect noticed In a tailor mado coat of chestnut brown tweed was a lining of ollvo green satin with n piping all round Inside ot a nattier bluo shot ribbon. Spring Jacket. Tho spring Jncket in tho making la Bald to have a length of -7 Inches, which in longer In tho back than In tho front. It will havo long alcoves and will button high over tho chest for tho spring senaon, hut It will prob ably bo lowered n- soon ub tho warm weather sets In. Ihkj Mm i W 1 Kli ?sw jB i H mm - I LKv II , I mmmi IV4V V'-'f Ml BsYiaafaS v . If H&$ebV'j LK mm. ttB ' ' HIS IK' W, 111! $81 k imiw tf Walking Costume. yet nt tho enmo tlmo smart Is tho WRISTBANDS BACK IN FAVOR Old Style Revived, Though In Much Daintier Fashion Than Those of a Few Years Ago. Hall tho old-fashioned wristband! It's In again. Very much so and you'ro not strictly up-to-duto if you don't possess at least ono speclmon. Theso bands, which tako tho placo of bracelets, but nro much daintier, con sist of strips of inch-wldo velvet rib bon long enough to go once about tho wrist. On tho upper sldo of tho arm, tho strip of velvet is secured by a pnlr of Inch-squnro or Inch-long ob long clnsps of engraved gold, ham mered silver or carved Ivory. That is to say. the simpler sort of wristbands aro thus clasped. Tho moro expensive kind nro mndo of platinum or of gold or silver thickly encrusted with tiny Jewels or gema or set with a ainglo largo jewel or gem. surrounded by others of much smaller slzo. Fre quently several kinds of Jewels orna ment a pair of wristband clasps and again n slnglo diamond or pearl Is im bedded In thn center of a squaro of precious metal. It la possible to have a pair of tho largo old-fashioned cameo or coral earrings made over Into wristband clasps, and, although in former days a slnglo bracelet band of this typo was rarely worn, nowadayB It la com monly been. Many women who havo inherited a collection of old-fashioned oninmenta nro having them mndo over Into bracelet clnsps and usually tho task Is neither dllllcult nor expensive. Tall Trimmings on Millinery. According to tho Dry Goods Econo mist, tall trimmings continue tho rngo nnd in somo of tho Imported models this Idea ia carried nlmost to tho point of absurdity. Among tho most effectlvo models now being shown In which tho tall trimming idea Ib employed is a black Milan sailor with tho brim gently rolled nt tho left Bldo. A tiny fringe of black goura outlines tho brim nnd from tho edgo of tho brim nt tho left shoots upward a tnll black goura nlgretto bent at tho top In loop form. Tho tnll trim ming Idea la also strongly emphasized In this mnrkct. Question murks of feathers, ribbons, cords, etc., long pointed Bleoves, flat spcnr-llko orna ments of velvet nnd of vnrlous fnncy silks, nlgrettes of small flowers close ly packed togethor, nnd long splko Ilko Jot ornnmonts nro all utilized In this fnBlilon. Metal Coin .Purse. An attractive novolty In Jewelry is tho tiny coin purso of perforated met al which holds dimes nnd nickels. It 1b strung on a flno neck chnln or worn nt tho end of a narrow black silk ribbon. iNUBMriONAL Lesson (Ujr V.. O. HIir.t.l'ltH, Director of Kvo nlng Depart m nl Tim Moody llllilu In stitute of Clilwiso ) LESSON FOR MARCH 2 GOD'S COVENANT WITH ADRAM LESSON TT.XT-Gi-n. 13 R-1S. noLDUN' Tl-:XT-"Me Is fulltlful Hint piuinlHi-d,"- Mob 10.21. Until within recent years It was fro qucntly assorted that Ahram's battlo as recorded in Gen. 1 1, "had not one whit of proof," yet the archaeologists havo not only reconciled the apparent discrepancies but havo proven beyond a question tho nccuracy of the rec ord. Ahram's victory over the four confederate kings Is a story rich with typical suggestions. T. "After These Things." vv. 1-7. God's word (v. 1) camo to Abram not only ns a counsel but for assurance na well. So, too, our nssurnnco la his word, I John C:13. In tho midst ol tho uncertainty nnd the strire. for wo must remember Abram never pos BCSRcd tho lnnd, God appeared to him In a vision and said. "Fear not." Seo Isa. 41:10. Thoro in tho midst of foes (Jas. 2:23) God promised to be to Abram a Bhield and an exceeding great reward A "shield" for there Is to tho Christian llfo a militant Bldo. Eph. C:in, 14. I Tim. 0:12. A "re ward" which was far moro rich than nny given by man. Seo 14:21, Prov. 10:22. Abram Was Human. Hut Abram was. after all. humnn, nnd wo rend In verso 2 his question about descendnnts, ho being aa yet childless. Even so, however, Abram was willing to count tho child of his steward ns fulfilling tho promise of God. Not so with God for tho prom ise (12:3) wns to includo Suruh nlso. God very clearly makes this plain In verso 4. tho heir wns to bo Abrnm's Indeed and not tho child of nnother. Rut not only Is Abram to have an heir but tho land In which ho was so journing ns a pilgrim was to bo his nnd hla seed to bo ns tho stars for multltudo. "And he believed." Tho great test to this faith camo later. Ilcb. 11:19, but hero In this first distinct scrip tural history of faith wo find set forth those principles thnt liavo governed through all tlmo. (1) The acceptanco of tho word of God, o g., to hnvo our trust built upon or supported by the word of Jehovah, boo Isa. 30:21; (2) to net upon thnt faith- bo that our courso In llfo manifests tho belief of the heart. God'H covenant, 12:1-4. Is confirmed In seven ways, 1, Posterity, (a) nat ural, "earth." (b) spiritual, "heaven," (c) nlso through Ishmael, Gen. 17:18 20: 2, messing, both temporal nnd spiritual; 3, great nnmo; 4, He a bless ing. Gal. 3:13. 14; 5. "I will bless them that blesB theo;" 0, "nnd curse them thnt curso theo; 7, tho families of tho earth blessed through Abram, e. g., through Christ, Gal. 3:1 C. "And ho believed In tho Lord" (v. C). Abram built upon tho naked word of God. he simply looked nt thnt and thnt nlono. Rom. 4:20. R. V. All God nskn of us Is for us to tako him at his word. So It Is that ns we tako hla word nbout Jesus, he reckons that faith to us ns righteousness; no mat ter how unrighteous wo may have been, boo Rom. 4:3-0: Gnl 3:0-7. Tho ono think thnt God demands is that wo bellevo him and his word. II. "Whereby Shall I Know." vv. 8-18. Tho wenkness of humnn faith In dicated by Ahram's question (v 8) Is nnswered by God giving to him direc tions for tho preparation of a sacri fice. Abram did not renlly doubt God's word (v. 0), but ho did desire a confirming sign. Mnny todny aro looking for ussurlng Blgns from God when his bare word Bhould bo enough. Asking for signs is not nlways faro. T-uko 1:18-20. but as in Ahram's caso God does give us a pledge a sign of; our inheritance. 2 Cor. 1:22. Eph. 1:14. God gavo Abram, after ho had explic itly followed lili directions, a sym bolic vision of himself. Someono has suggested that tho vile birds of prey (v. 11) aro symbolic of Satnn, nnd Abram, driving them nwny, n symbol of ono victory over evil, Jas. 4:7 God Is nlways nearer to man nnd best rovenls himself when wo nro in tho midst of Bacrlflco. God tells Abmm of those days of servitude on tho part of his descendants whllo they nro to ho in Egypt, of God's Judgment to m brought upon thnt lnnd and of tholr ultimate dollveranco. Symbols of God. Every detail of theso predictions and promises waB fulfilled. In versa 15 there Is presented tho great thought of tho need of preparation In youth for tho futuro dayB of "good old ago" also In this verso a sugges tion of tho llfo beyond tho grave. Tho Bmoklng furnace nnd tho flam ing torch wero symbols of God him self. Four centuries of opportunity wero to bo allowed tho powerful Amo rltes who now possessed tho land bo foro tho lnnd camo into bona-fldo pos BCjBlon In accordance with tho prom leo, for God's Judgment wns condition ed upon tho "mensuro of tholr Iniquity being full." In tho midst of this hor ror of darkness camo God's final ns Buranco to Abram In tho symbolic, "flaming torch" which pnsBod be twoon tho pleceB of tho slain nnlmals typical of the two parties to the ooj tract HUSBAND TIRED OF SEEING HER SUFFER Procured Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which made His Wife a Well Woman. MJildlctown, Fa. "I had hcadnche, backache nnd ouch awful bearing down pnins that I could not bo on my feet nt times ami I had organic inflnmmntion so badly that I wns not nblo to do my work. I could not get a good tnenl for my hus band and ono child. My neighbors said they thought my BUfFcring was terrible. " My husband got tired of seeing ma eufTer and ono night went to tho drug store nnd got mo a bottlo of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and told me I must take it I can't tell you all I suffered and I can't tell you all that your medicino has done for me. I was greatly benefited from the first and it lins mado mo a well woman. I can do all my housework nnd oven helped soma of my friends as well. I think it is a wonderful help to all suffering women. I have got several to tnko it after see ing what it has dono for me." Mrs. Emma Espensiiadl', 219 East Main St., Middletown, Pa. Tho Pinkham record is a proud and hon orable one. It is a record of constant victory over tho obstinato ills of woman t ills that deal out desflair. It is an es tablished fact that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hn.1 restored health to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need such a medicine? If yon Tfant spcclnl advice write to Ijdla E. l'Inkhniii Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lvnn, Mass. Your letter will lie opened, read and answered by a woman nud held lu strict confidence. Cough, Cold SoreThroat Sloan's Liniment gives quiuk relief for cough, cold, hoarseness, soro throat, croup, ustinna, hay fever and bronchitis. HERE'S PROOF. Mn.Ai.iiKiir W.l'niUK.of rreJonla, Kan., m rites : " W uo Sloan's Litil-tnt-iit lu tlio family nud fliul It an ox- cvuuni rune i lorcoius miu uy loier attacks. It stops cuuutiiug aud anccs ing almost iutlaully. SLOANS LINIMENT RELIEVED SORE THROAT. Mrs. I.. IlHEWElt, of Moilallo.Fla., writes: "I bouKhtono bottlo of your Liniment ami ItilM mo all tba (food In tlia world. My throat was Tcry sora, and It cured uio of my trouble." GOOD FOR COLD AND CROUP. Mr. W. It. STRANfiK, 372! Elm wood Avenue, Chicago, III., writes i "A lit tle boy next iloor had croup. I care the mother Sloan's I.lnlmcut to try. Sim Riive him three drops ou siar before Rolnu to bed, nnd ho Rot up without tho croup in tho morning." Prloo, 25o,, BOOm, $1.00 Sloan's Treatise on the Horse scntfreo. DEFIANCE STARCH-:: , 'A- other utarchm only U ounce m price and "DKFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. Nebraska Directory ThnKroatMthiiiicrfliimiB Hair romiiTlni! treatment kminniKisltlTi'lyoniillratcsBtipornuciiisliulrijrowtn uiiU-kljM.llur..lMiuiilt' will bflMMityoil all charges iriiuld. Wrlto ijulik ami liiumlfr Tur faco lin ltlcillullT. iJJrt. llalr tvio , tlal b.lUlb hi ,UroU,tk. I South Omaha For Live Stock GREEN GABLES Tbs Dr. Benj. F. Bailey Sanatorium Lincoln, Nebraska hs brick nnd etono buildings so taste fully furnished nnd thoroughly equipped, In the beautiful park 'of 25 acres, with staff of experience and a nursing corps of unusual merit, offers you most per fect hospitnl results, yet always pre serves the atmosphere of a delightful unuy HOME. Writs for particulars. r v 4m Addresa I ' NvNSjQjWEarlS.Slon I Vk ljAjfjX 5P- Boston, I yJM &G Maaa. ., ,i j . i JAI "...'viM j'