The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 20, 1913, Image 6

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The Chief
C. B. HALE, Publlaher
Emell Gomez Crosses the Border and
Proclaims Himself President
of Mexico.
Mexico City.- The situation In Mex
ico City, mmrt from Its terrifying
tiapcct, Ih :i roiunrkiihlc one. While
the federal guns pounded tlio Diaz
fortlflciitlon In the nrsuiuil anil the
rebels sent bnck shell for shell, the
Bcnnto Bat and discussed the oustlm;
of Mudero from tho presidency.
Friends of Mudero fully expected his
resignation, but as the day wore on
ho became fixed In bis determination
to retain thn reins of power. To the
Spanish minister, Scnor Coloi;au y
Cologan, ho said: "I will not resign.
I was elected by tho people. I nm the
constituted president. 1 will die be
fore I resign."
Appeals to President Taft.
"Washington. President Madero has
appealed by telegram to President
Taft asking him to withhold Intcrvcn-,
tlon by the United States pending the,
attempt to put down the Diaz revolt.
Secretary Knox hns been Instructed to
draft this government's reply.
In Memory of James S. Sherman.
Washington. President Taft, bis
his cabinet, tho entlro bouse of repre-
cntatlves, the senate, tho supreme
court and tho diplomatic eorpsi
assembled Saturday in tho senate,
chamber nt memorial services for the
Into Vice-President James S. Sherman.'
with all Its solemnity It was n scene!
of dignity. Tho president Hanking
tho sombre Justices nnd the brilliant-'
ly dressed diplomats, arrayed In full
court costume. It was said by tho
eonato historian to hnvo been the first
tlmo slnco Washington that a presl-1
dent has entered tho senato chamber
whllo In session.
Proclaims Himself Provisional Presl
dent of Mexico.
El PaBo, Tex. Emell Vasquez do
mez, recently released on bond nt San
Antonio, Tex., has crossed tho borden
at Columbus. N. M and proclaimed)
himself president of Mexico. It Is re-'
ported that Gomez was mot below tho
line by n band of rebels, led by Colonel
David de la Fuente, General Salas-ar'sj
chief of staff, -who has been a Vns-;
qulsta. as the followers of Emoll Vhb.
quez Gomez aro called.
Iowa to Have Daylight Saloons.
Des Moines. Saloonkeepers In Iown
will be permitted to open their places'
from 7 o'clock In tho morning until 7i
o'clock In the evening, nccordlng to ai
bill passed by the lower house of tho',
Iowa legislature If passed by tho sen-:
ato and signed by tho governor. The!
effect or tho bill will be to cut downl
tho opon time of tho saloons from'
even to ten hours. Tho senato Is snidl
to bo strongly prohibition In sent!-'
Three Killed When Boiler Bursts.
Provo, S. 1). Ry the blowing up or
a Purllngton engine the lives of three!
well known railroad men wore sacri-
iiceu. h. k. Johnson, engineer; Georgoi
Wheeler, flromnn, nnd C. Sundstrom.. '
fimlfnTnnti nil . tin .. . '.
-............, ,, ol finance, ioi). Thej . ,luaL " W"H "oi vieorge Tiiresher. an,
boiler of tho locomotlvo was thrown I 'scaped prisoner from tho Cering,
more thnn 20D rcet rrom the track nnd jl'rN'l" Jail, tho police hero furnished'
the cnglnemon wero terribly Hcalded.i ! '-Kelloy with a ttatement showing his;
Tho causo or tho accident Is said to I identity. Kelloy answered Thresher's,
havo been low water In tho boiler. , description In every detnil and the'
Turkey's -Request Refused.
London. WUen the ambassadors!
met Friday nftcrnoon nt the foreign!
offlco to discuss the powers' reply to
Turkoy's request for Intervention, it
wbb seml-otnclally stated that the
porto would bn told that its note was'
not explicit and Turkey's request'
could not bo complied with. The
bombardment or Adrlanoplo continues
Did All They Could.
Christ Church, N. Z. Commander
K. R. G. Evnns, now in commnnd or
tho Scott expedition, denies lndlgnant-i
ly tho stories cabled rrom hero thntf
the relations between him nnd Sur-
geon Atkinson woro strained. Evans
also denied thnt Potty Olllcer Evans
was stricken with insanity on tho re-'
turno with Captain Scott from tho)
south polo. He further contends that,
tho relief party did all that mortal'
man could do to roscou Scott and his'
four companions.
President of Boy Scouts. Too.
New York. President-elect Wilson
, was elected honorary president or tho
Boy Scouts or America at tho third
annual meeting or tho national coun-i
ell or that organization In session
Suicide Over Loss of Job.
Omaha. William Wilson, 1G yenrs.
old, fired a bullet into his brain Wed.!
nesday evening nnd died n fow hours
later at tho South Omaha hospital.
The causo of tho sulcldo Is said to boi
despondency over tho loss of a Job. '
Summary of the Dally Transaction!
of the National Law Makera
at Washington.
Tho Senate Wont Into Joint session
with the houso In memorial servlcos
for the lute Vice-President Sherman.
Legislative commit tee selected live
bills to be used lit this bgbsIoii,
Keccssed (it 11:30 p. in. until noon
Monday on legislative day of Tuesday,
February 11,
Tho House Adjourned to join tho
senate In Sherman memorial.
Public buildings bill carrying sev
eral millions reported,
Adjourned at 2:.1!i p, m. until noon
Sunday, for eulogies on late Repre
sentatives W. W. Wedetuoyer of .Mich
igan, John (i. Mcllenry of Pennsyl
vania, Richard K. Council of New
York and tho late Senator (Jcorgo S
Nixon of Nevada.
Tho Senate. Resumed debate on
army appropriation bill.
District of Columbia appropriation
bill reported.
Commerce committee discussed mil
road valuation bill.
President Tart's veto or tho Hur-nett-Dllllngliam
Immigration bill re
ceived nnd read.
Adjourned fi:4& p. m. until noon Sat
urday, continuing tho legislative day
of Tuesday.
Tho House. Considered private pen
sion bills.
Southwest tralllc subject or shipping
trust Investigation.
Territories committee heard Alaskan
plea for legislation permitting entry
men to provo coal claims In court.
Passed diplomatic nnd consular ap
propriation bill carrying 3,"t?4,t541'.
Regan debate on annual pension ap
jproprlation bill carrying $1.SO,:SOO,000.
Recessed 1:43 p. m. until 8 p. in. tc
tnko up bills on private calendar.
Tho Senato Senator Root spoke In
favor of Connecticut river bill.
Pueblo Indluns urged Indian affairs
commltteo to transfer Pueblo lands
to government in trust.
Postolllco commltteo bill added
amendment to postolllco appropria
tion bill to piovidu for primary elec
tion for selection of fourth class post
masters. Adjourned nt 5:35 p. m. until noon
Tho Houso Sent conference report
on legislative oxecutivo and Judicial
bill back for further conference.
Began consideration of diplomatic
and consular bill.
Shipping trust investigating com
mittee resumed bearing probing Long
Island sound traffic. ,
Representative Olmstcad made
speech against Jones resolution for"
Philippines Independence.
Adjourned at 0:15 p. m. until 11 a.
m. Friday.
Want Stamp on Packages.
Washington. Favorable report on
the house bill to rcqulro" manufacture
era to stamp upon packages thn exact
weight and measuro of the contents
has been ordered from tho senate com
mltteo on manufactures. The manu
facturers intend It ns an amendment
to tho puro rood law. Amendments
adopted by tho committee would ex
empt packages, which sell ror 0 cents
or less and would authorize tho secre
tary or agriculture to draft rules ami
regulations for reasonnblo violation.
Given Identification Papers.
Little Falls. Minn. After .Inlin Ifnl.
h'V "! Proved with dilllculty todnyi
Ll.hi 1 ... .-. ....
, statement of Identity was given him-
to ptewsnt tho remarkable resem
blance getting him Into further trou-.'
Reward Fund Dlsannears.
Los Angeles. City detectives nroi '
investigating the mysterious dlsap-j
Jiearaneo from tho mayor's otllco or.
checks aggregating f22.or.2, represent-'
lug money appropriated by the city!
council to aid In tho search ror tho
dynamiters ,f tho Los Angeles Times'
Jiulldlng. According to Mayor Alex
aider, keys to the safo i
r.i .. .. .:
f uium mo samo tune, and ho believes
tho two nlfalrs may be connected.
Pencil Timber Burns.
Springfield, Mo A disastrous fire
Is sweeping tho timber belt south of,
Jlolllster, In Taney county, as a result,
of a blaze that started in the arils oP
tho American Pencil company there
Over 200 carloads of pencil tlmWri
was destroyed. The origin of tho lire
Is unknown.
American Editor Barricaded.
Kansas City. Mrs. J. K. Hudson of
this city has received a telegram)
from her son, Paul Hudson, editor of(
tho Mexican Herald, which is printed
in English. In tho City or Mexico, say-'
Ing that Mr. Hudson, bis wire nnd
Itwo children wore barricaded In tho
Herald ollico, nenr tho site of the
fiilned consulate building.
Now York. Six thousand members;
of tho International Ladles' Garmont!
.Workers' union went to work Thurs-'
day morning. '
Memorial Services Held In London For
Captain Scott and Companions
Who Perished at
the Pole.
Mexico City. Tho resignation of
Francisco I. Madero from tho presi
dency is believed to be In the bunds of
the Mexican congress. It was authori
tatively stated that Madero agreed to
resign If tho hennto ao wished. Tho
senato was called Into session to take
action on thia important phase of tho
At the Rritish legation, where Senor
do la Rami took refuge- Thursday, It
wub stated that Madera's resignation
practically had been arranged for and
that do la Rami probably would suc
ceed htm In the presidency.
I.atr Senor do la Barra. while pro
ceeding through tho streets In an auto
mobile, stopped and mndo u brief ad
dress, assuring the crowds that a peace
settlement was certain and probably
would be reached at once.
Much Relief Felt at Washington.
Washington. The news of Madcro's
voluntary relinquishment 0f the presi
dency or Mexico brought relief to
official circles In Washington, whore
tho situation in the last few days hour
ly has meen growing more tense. The
announcement, coming at the close of
a day In which tho situation steadily
liad been turning against President
(Madero, hardly was surprising. It
served Instantly to clear the horizon
at the storm clouds which came nearer
be the prospect of armed Interference
on the part of. tho United States
'seemed inevitable.
Memorial to Men Who Perished.
London. Tho Rritish nation Friday
paid Its last sad respects to tho mem
ory or Capt. Robert F. Scott and his
Jierolc companions who died in tho
wilds or the Anarctlc arter reaching
tho south pole. A great memorial
service was hold at the cathedral or
!St. Paul, in tho center ofthe metropo
lis. It wns attended by people or overy
.walk in lire rrom King Georgo ,ln tho
uniform or ndmlral of tho fleet, down
to common laborers.
3,000 Prisoners Released.
Mexico City. Threo thousand pris
oners woro released from Belem
prison during the lighting and aro
scattering over tho city. Anarchy
prevails In several sections or tho
city, whllo the bombardment In the
u,is,"ob streets continues
Chairman of Telegraphers Dead.
Red Oalc, la. Clarence L. Lamb,
general chairman of tho order or Rail
road Telegraphers for the Burlington
nystem. died at his home here Thurs
day morning of pneumonia. Ho woe
only HI two days.
Fatal Battle In Coal Region.
Chnrlestown, W. Va.-fTen persons
are dead and a scoro wounded as a ro
sult or a buttle botween strikers and
authorities near Miieklow. W. Va., In
tho Kanawha coal stiiko district,
cvon of tho dead wero strikers and
three i wero members of tho mlno
guards and railroad police or tho
Injured tirteen nre said to be strikers
.and tho others guards.
Issues Potato Bulletin.
Lincoln, Neb. Tho department of
ngriculture botany Is now completing
for publication an evtenslvo bulletin
on the naturo nnd control of the dry
rot of tho potato a disease prevalent
Jn tho sand hill and high plains re-J
gtnns or western Nebraska. The dls
easo has been shown to bo duo to n
parnslte rungus, which enters tho ma
ture tubers through fwounds due to
ttho methods of digging and handling
or to other causes. Tho greatest
growth or tho fungus occurs during
Fears for Safety of Citizens in City
of Mexico Diaz Demands
Surrender of National
Washington. Primary elections for
tho selection of fourth class post
masters aro provided ror in an amend
ment to tho postolllco appropriation
bill which the senato committee on
postolllces has added to that measure.
As ngreed upon by the committee, it
will apply only to fourth class oltlces,
and It will bo optional with the post
olllco department ns to whether tho
system shall bo put Into execution. In
thnt event it authorizes tho holding of
primary elections and when such elec
tions are hold It Is mndo obligatory
upon the department to appoint the
person receiving tho highest number
or votes among tho patrons of any
given postolllco.
Fears for Safety of Citizens in Mex
ico City Outbreak.
Havana. The Cuban government 1b
concerned over the safety of Cubans
residing in Mexico and has dispatched
the cruiser Cuba, the flagship of tho
Cuban navy, to Moxican waters. The
CUba will proceed to Vera Cruz. She
has on board a landing party of In
fantry and artillery for the protection
of Cuban citizens there.
Diaz Demands Surrender of Palace.
Sloxico City. It was reported
Thursday that General Diaz had de
manded tho surrender of the national
palace. All through tho day tho rebel
batterlos of heavy guns wero throwing
a flqrco flro or shrapnel around the
palace. Many or these dropped Into
tho zocalo, which rronts the building,
and federal soldiers wero compelled
to move to cover. Before dark the
flro on both sides was Intermittent,
but' apparently less vigorous from the
federals. Tho government troops
wero receiving ammunition In small
consignments, and It was said that
they were running short.
Must Have Tips on Hat Pins.
Stockholm. Under a new lnw which
has Just gone Into effect, street car
conductors throughout Sweden nre
provided with rubber tips by the gov
ernment to glvo to women not com
plying with tho new law against un
protected hat pins. Hat pins with cv
posed points aro now a misdemeanor
In Sweden, and women without the
rubber tips will be compelled to ob
tain them from tho street car men al
a cost of I cent each.
Will go to Washington.
Omaha. Probably tho biggest politi
cal event of the year will bo tho pil
grlmngo of Nebraska democrats to
Washington to nttend the inaugura
tion or Wondrow Wilson as president
of the United Stntes. Govornor
Morehend and his military start will
lead tho pilgrimage. x
Recommends Government Ownership.
Washington. Government owner
ship or control of telegraph lines la
ngain recommended by Postmnster
General Hitchcock In bis annual re
port to congress.
, Death of Pope's Sister.
Rome. Tho pope's sister, Rosa
Sarto, died Tuesday In Romo of par
alysis. She had been ill for somo
time and tho psyslclans In attondnnco
had expected a ratal outcome Sho
was soventy-seven yenrs old.
Coffee Raised In Nebraska.
Omahn. II. D. Rice of this placo
has what ho says Is (he llrst and only
cofTeo bearing plant In tho stato of
Nebraska. It Is being cared for In a
greenhouse, where It can rocolvo attention,
Wolves nro killing bogs In tho
neighborhood of Ainsworth.
Aurora city schools were closed for
several days on account of fumigating
ior smallpox. v
Mrs. J. Bemls was struck by nn
auto at Crete and died without regain
Jng consciousness.
Meetings aro being held In Box Butte
county to discuss plans for securing
a new court bouse.
Flro of unknown origin destroyed
tho west wing of the Union Pacific
roundhouse at Kearney.
Mrs. Annie Dlller Is dead at Bea
trice from Injuries received in a fall
down nu open cellar wny.
Lincoln's birthday was appropriately
observed at the Methodist church In
Kalrbury by a patriotic program.
William W. Brown, formerly of Ne
braska City, died in a hospital at St.
Joseph, Mo. He was llfty-elgbt years
Row John Joseph, a Catholic, mis
sionary, has opened a series of meet
ings nt St. Patrick's church at Fre
mont. The proposition of electric, light
bonds to furnish a lighting plant for
Beaver City carried by a vote of 137
to CO.
The body of George Hood, the sta
tion agent who was murdered at Mil
ler, Neb., was taken to Bellevue for
Claude Sluyter of Clny Center wns
round dead In a stall In his barn, pre
sumably having been kicked to death
by a horse.
Pauline Recker. a young woman at
,LlncoIn, was robbed or a purse con
taining a little over $2 In change while
walking home.
Bert Burg died suddenly at his home
nt Vllllsca rrom the effects of Inhaling
tho fumes of wood alcohol with which
he was working.
Fremont is already making prepara
tions to entertain the stato encamp
ment of the G A. It. which is to be
held there in May.
Merrick county's new $100,000 court
house Is now complete, nnd the ses
sion of district court is being hold In
.the new court room.
While attempting to hoist a flag In
commemoration of Lincoln's birthday,
George Stout of Beatrice fell eighteen
feet and was badly Injured.
Arrangements have been made for
a debate between Franklin high school
nnd Oxford high school nt Franklin.
Friday evening. February 28.
By Its fair the Fremont Country
club cleared up practically $000, which
will bo used In Improvement on tho
club houso south of the city.
A woir hunt was held near Green
wood with several hundred persons
participating, but Tew wolves wero
sighted and only one was killed.
The young people's societies of tho
churches at Greenwood nro planning
a play ror. February 21, the proceeds
to bo used for their leagues' benefit.
Tho Hastings A. O. U. W. is adver
tising ror rooms to caro for tho large
attendance expected ror tho grand
)odge meeting there May 13 and 14.
S. P. Reed or Merna, an old soldier,
Jsns Just completed a quilt, containing
6,000 pieces, made entirely by hand,
which he will present to President
Joseph Rebhauscn, a farmer near
West Point, cut down a tree on his
placo which measured fifty-four Inches
In diameter, and yielded 1,880 feet of
Fire, believed to bo incendiary, de
frayed a half block of frame struc
tures In the business section of York,
Tuesday. The loss is estlmnted nt
A record shipment of horses was
made at Shubert when sevonty head
of lino high-priced animals wore sent
to Highland, Kas. Tho average price
was ?1S0.
Sunday school superintendents from
eight Protestant churches or Hastings
mot at tho Y. M. C. A. building nnd
took preliminary steps ror a union
which has for Its object increased at
'cudnnco and Interest In Sunday school
About twenty contractors handed In
bldB ror tho new school building at
Hampton rtiul tho contract was let to
Joseph Neptune or Aurora. The build
ing Is to cost. $11,000.
Tho largo barn or William Schultz
near Barnda, burircd Saturday night,
consuming flvo horses, n quantity or
grain and somo mnchlnery. Tho
origin of tho lire is a mystery.
Hastings. Nearly two tons or to
bacco, valued at $1,400 and belonging
to tho Wi'srern Tobacco company or
this city, was burned Wednesday
night In a flro that destroyed the barn
at which It was stored.
Georgo Elliott hns been carrying tho
mall rrom tho depot, to the York post
olllco for twenty-seven years, and has
never missed a trip.
John Krai nor, a wealthy German
farmer, lost $1,400 when his pocket
wns picked Just ns ho left tho First
National bank nt Lincoln, Saturday
Plans for placing mora monuments
along tho Oregon trail In Nebraska
wero considered recently at a meet
ing ot the commission appointed two
years ago, and the state memorial
commission, which Is affiliated with,
tho historical society.
Flvo thousand head of threo and
four year old Montana wethera ar
rived nt Seward last week to ratten
for tho spring market.
Inoz; llttlo daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Ed Callahan, nt Fremont, was pain
fully scalded when sho pulled n plug
out of a washing machine Boiling
wnter ran over her body, burning her
dangerously from the shoulders down.
Tho question of closing tho moving
plcturo theaters Sunday was pro
canted to tho Alliance council nnd,
after much discussion, It wbb decided
.to leavo the matter to a voto of tbo
people at tho spring election, April 7.
During Change of Life How
Lydia E. Pinkham' Vege
table Compound Made
Her a Well Woman.
lola, Kansas. "During the Change
of Life I was sick for two years. Be
fore I took your med
icine I could not
bear tho weight of
my clothes and was
bloated very badly.
Idoctored with threo
doctors but they did
mo no good. They
Baid naturo must
havo ita way. My
Bister advised me to
tako Lydia E. Pink-
linm'a V.iirot ,, I.I
Compound and I purchased a bottle.
Before it was gone tho bloating left mo
nnd I was not so sore. I continued tak
ing it until I had taken twelve bottles.
Now I am Btronger than I havo been for
years and enn do all my work, even tho
washing. Your medicine is worth its
weight in gold. I cannot praise it
enough. If moro women would taka
your medicine thcro would bo mora
healthy women. You mny use this let
ter for tho good of others." Mrs. D.
II. BnoWN, 800 N. Walnut St, Iola,Kan.
Change of Lifo is one of tho most
critical periods of a woman's existence.
Women everywhere should remember
that there is no other remedy known to
bo successfully carry women through
this trying period as Lydia E. Finkham's
Vcgetablo Compound.
If yon want special advice write to
I.ydla K. Plnkhnm Medicine Co. (confl
dentrnl) Lynn, Mnss. Your letter will
bo opened, read nnd answered by A
woman nnd held In strict confidence.
Astonished the Bishop.
It was nn English youngster who so
thoroughly surprised tho kindly bish
op whom ho had been directed to ad
dress as "My lord."
"How old might you be, my child?"
asked tho stately. If stalling ecclesias
tic. "My God, I'm seven!" tho frightened,
child replied. x
Tho reason a man enn't help loving;
n girl like n lunatic is she could help.
him not to only that's tho way sho
wants hlir to do It.
The real big man writes his namo
on everything he does
Munyon's Paw-Paw
Pillsarcunlikcall oth
er laxatives or cathar
tics. They coax tho
liver into activity by
gentle methods, they
do not scour; they do
not gripe; they do not
weaken; but they do
start all the secretions,
of the liver and stom
ach in a way that soon
puts these organs in a
healthy condition and
corrects constipation. Munyon's Paw-Paw
Pills are a tonic to the stomach, liver and
nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken;
they enrich the' blood instead of impover
ishing it; they enable the stomach to get all
the nourishment from food that is put into.
it. Price 25 cents. All Druggists.
Nebraska Directory
Cox-Jones -Van Alstine Co.
Tho Old lIMInbln Coiuimnr of Sotith Uinatm and
ItouTor. U will Klvo jrotirriinslunmi'mx lliu bttst.
of utti-ntlmi una Mill ilii'm fur liltiiit-st price, or
till Itiur order fur Frvilir wlih brsl pIiim of
nock ut wurk.a tirlco. UIVK IIS A TKIAL.
RIIPTIIRF CURKD in a few days
lWr I Ullk without pain or a sur.
gical operation. No pay until cured. Write
Ult. UKAV. 30? isoo HWIjc Oinulm, Neb.
Omaha. Nebraika
cnonDcau di nu
Rootim from tlM up Blogle, 75 centa up double
Tlinuroattyit Supcrlluoua Hair rrmovlni; trontmrnt
known KltlTtMyrr.idlcutf-ftbiiprtlmHinalrifrnwUi
null kly. Lltwrnl Miiiiilot will ln sent you nil charties.
lrpii.ild. Vtrlln iiikk and lit-iiiitlfy jour faco fin
l"''!ull'lr.ddrtl.ll.lrlo.lo.,I(lH.lUlkhl.,,X.k, South Omaha
Live Stock
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho Saline 8prlngs
located on our own premises and used In tho
Natural Mineral Water
Umurpaiied In the treatment ol
Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Dlieaiei
DR. O. W. EVKRETT, Mfcr.
1408 M 8tret Lincoln, Nab.
BICouhBTop. TulnOoud, Um
la tlma. Sold bj Dcutglili.
. ' ti ,'t j' V ,'j ji i i i j
It . -t .. .
TV ' ".?
Ik- B'MTiilWLW