The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 20, 1913, Image 1

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jt jyi ihJMilJrM'- ggr aJPBIPHJBswaPisfatafJpyTjM j aM rtfswswswaawawswswswswsffaw iw KiJml-TB L jL. " -iBSgJWBIBWw KbEJwHvI&SI
lyJjJBBjrBBjfcS'S . " iff-1 'tw jMMn j 1sbpT f FHav&H w aYTl!swnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnT tBT eLnnnnnnnnnUBf LsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBsBnnBwBalwB9BfBB """Bkjm .-swnnnnnnnneswnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBuM taV aaaa HB'BcrLEuflHfllii
volume xxxxr
a: u gT eft 1VT rnwjr 11
JJ It is true that you are not likely to lose your JJ
T savings i! deposited in any good bankbut you 2J
2 are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN NOT to lose them jji
ili when you deposit where you have the additional fi
irV protection of the State Guaranty Law. Such
jjg protection is offered you here. $
Jj It is surely "food business" to deposit where 8
2 you fet absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref- jE
i erence to placing money in a bank that guaran- m
ifc tees nothing.
The State Guaranty Law is behind every dollar de- (I
posited in this bank, and when you open an account here,, W
On and after this date the firm name
of The Red Cloud Hardware & Imple
ment Company will be discontinued and
the business will be conducted as per
below. An announcement of the lines
carried will be made at an early date.
Our order is already in and some of the
goods are on the way to restock our store.
We assure you that we appreciate the
patronage you have given us under the
old firm name and we solicit a continua
tion of it in the future. Our policy will
be to give an honest article at an honesl
. it l
price, aii in ana see us.
Hardware &
JEmUfM A pedigree is a guarantee
HHHBP1 of quality When you buy a bull
you look up his ancestors The Stlckney Engine has
a pedigree Look It up.
Red Cloud Hdw. Imp. Co.,
tSm i
n it nn niiTi 2 i
What's in a Pedigree
Ed. Hanson
' .Rid Cloud, Neb.
4 Newspaper That flfres The News FIT
Lest You Forget
As announced last week the
Editor of Tlie Chief rcslpncd
for four weeks, and in no doing
turned the paper orer to the
different organizations of the
Thin issue, with the exception
of the locals and advertising, is
handled entirely by The Red
Cloud Ministerial Association,
composed of the ministers of
this city. Now, dear reader, we
submit it to you for your con
sideration. The Church
And The Press
It is really surprising how little
mention is made of the press in Scrip
ture, that source of information to
which all good people have gono from
time immemorial, to learn how to boil
an egg or prognosticate the weather.
The pilests and Lovites are scored mi
meioifully time and again, and must,
therefore, have been much in evidence
But the pres is mentioned only four
or live times and then very mildly, as
if it were a little in the way, but jio'
at all out of the way, us these other
people were. For instance, Luke 8, 11)
says "There came to Him his Mother
and his hrethrcn, and could not come
at Him for the press " The same thing
is said of the dllHctilty that Zaehaeus
expei iuuued; he could not get at the
Master "for the press." We all know
the zeal and doggod persistence of the
city reporter to got all that is going
on, and we shall here lay all the
trouble at his door and not criticise
the Editor, who was probably afar
There have been times that we can
recall when the press thought the
Chnrch a legitimate target. But for
that matter, so did everybody else.
Advancing science declared her be
nighted, superstitious and inimical to
progress of reason and knowledge. The
medical fraternity would drive ber
from the sick room, lest she i care the
patient to death before the doctor bad
his chance. The financial world was
shocked to aee so much property will
ed and given to her, to be withdrawn
from circulation or taxation. The
philanthropist declared that poor peo
ple were encouraged in being almoners
instead of being taught to be pro
ducers. The press has never scrupled
to air such grievances boldly, and the
fact that today they scarcely exist is
sufficient evidence that the church had
the grace to take her medicine and
profit by Publicity Of Wrong; and t'jat
we take It, is the best excuse for the
existence of the press. Good people,
churoh people, often exolalm: "Isn't it
horrible and,, shameful to see the
papers so full of all the dreadful things
that are going on in the world. Why,
they ought not to be mentioned by
decent people." My dear religous
reader, how would you know where to
strike, to smite the enemy of souls,
if you were left by the press in your
smug-consciousness of personal salva
tion and were allowed to feel no shay
nor responsibility for the general con
dition of morals. If wo be followers
of Him who came to seek and to save
them that are lost, shall we not thank
the agency that points out the lost and
says, "Here is work for you, if that is
what you are looking for," We hope
the press will continue to publish the
wickedness of the world and the care
lessness of the church until for very
shame both are wiped out together
The press does not fall to recognize
much more clearly than in former days
that it is ministering to a Christian
age; that its readers demand the news
of the work and progress of the church
and that matter which is hostile to
that work and progress will be instant
ly resented and will injure the circula
tion of the paper. Nor do we find, any
ty-twe Weeks Each Year Fsr $1.50.
desire on the part of the press to favor
opponents of the church. The press
'wants the striking news of the world's
finings and of the Church's doings.
A few weeks niro Science, the otllulal
organ of the A. A. A. S. "published an
article which contained an entirely
uncalled for slur upon tholutlueueo of
our foreign missionaries upon the peo
ple among whom they were working.
The next number brought a vigorous
protest from another scientist against
tho use or rattier abuse of his oppor
tunity which had been made by the
first writer. This was doubtless as
cheerfully published as the first article;
and this illustrates the general atti
tude of the press In our country. Thev
hold no brief for the Church, nor for
its few enemies; but are there to
gather and disseminate the news as
such. We have no fault to find with
this attitude. It is the business of
religious newspapers to go much
farther, but they are finding it desir
able today to Insert so much of the
world's secular news as shall keep
their readers in touch with the great
movements of thought and action, he-
ause they recogni.e that such events
aiinot but iutlueiice the Church's
fork either nearly or remotely. The
lut teli is benefitted by quicker and
cleaner trauspoitatiou; more easy and
cheaper communication with her out
posts lit this anil foreign lands; in the
life siuIng inventions and ptactices of
this wonderful age;andcau well afford
to set before her leaders at least a
r.odivtim of such news. There Is no
eoulllct today between the church and
the pie's, but u uiming unity of pur
pose to work for the uplift t tile race.
A Finding Aga:.n.stthe Saloon
Upon December 111th the grand jury
of Christian County, Illinois, iniulu u
repoit that contained an unusual and
fearlul iiulictuicutof the saloon, lloio
ate the words of the report:
Uesolved, That It is the sense of
this grand jury that the one stupend
ous crime lacing the country is the
legalised liquor tratllc. And further:
lie it resolved, That we deem it
higli time this uation dissolved part
nership with this family-wrecking and
foul-destroying business, us seven
tenths of our findings were caused di
rectly or indirectly by the use ot liquor.
Tbere are fifty applications for di
vorce every legal day in Chicago.
Tbere are more saloons in Chicago
than school-teachers.
There is twice as much money spent
aunually in the saloons of Chicago as
it takes to run all the churches and
public schools ot the city.
Booster or Knocker?
There are two very prominent peopto
Who live In every town.
The one Is building up
While the other la tearing down.
The man who la building up
And trying tho beat that he can,
To help tho town bo better,
Wo call him the "booiter man."
He Is ready with money and courage
With kind worda hearty and true
To help the discouraged brother
from the old life to the new.
lie's a man with a public spirit
And always ready to give
That which will help hla town bo bettor
And a better place to live.
The fellow that's alwaya tearing down
And ruining all that ho can
fly crltlalxlng all the tlmo
We call him tho knocker man."
I' "zZ. and ragea when tho town goea dry,
He fumes and tisacs when It goea wet,
II inakea no dltrorence to him which way
For hla bualneaa la only to knock and fret.
When public Improvements are needed
From him you never will hear
Until all plana are completed'
And then he's on hand with a anccr.
lie can tell how city and nation
Could bo run in a much aafer way
If wo all would heed hla knocking
And only let him have hla way. ,
Hay friend In which clans are you counted
As along life's Journey you go.
To the claaa that la alwaya booatlng
Or tho knocker that's dragging below.
Uod help ua all to be booster
And help our fellow man to rlae
From the patha of aln and folly
To the life that la purity's prlae.
a Rev. J. H. Bates will preach, Friday
VMlag, at St. Mark's Jchurch, Batt
ings, in a special Lenten coarse.
imtBiJ Aef! ! .
To correct an erronous impression which seems
to be in circulation I wish to say that I am still sell
ing the well known
and Victor records. My stock of these is com
plete and fresh and I can supply you with anything
wanted in the Victor line. I expect to continue to
carry this line and as always to have a good complete
stock of both records and machines.
In comformity with my policy of ALWAYS
having the BEST goods FIRST I am now showing the
This new machine is with out doubt absolutely
the finest musical machine ever placed on the market
having many advantages over any other machine of
any make. It has a Diamond pointed reproducer do
ing away with all needle changing, an Indestructible
record playing twice as long as any other disc record.
The tone is the most natural and no other machine is
in the same class for a minute for fidelity of repro
duction. These are but a few of the many points of
as usual are the best of their kind. The new
Undcstructible Blue Amberol record playing four
minutes when used with the new Diamond pointed
reproducer giving tones and volume of the old disc
I want you to hear these instruments side by
side, whether you contemplate the purchase of one or
not and extend to you a cordial invitation to come
and hear them'played.
E. H. Newhouse
Jeweler & Optometrist
C. B. 4V Q. Watch Inaptctor.
To Our Friends
Vou know Uf . You know we
afford te fo back on our word,
thla monejr-back-lf-not-satlified
We boaeetly bellere we bare tba
twit bowel iMBtdy rr made tke
aaott pUafsMo-Uke, moat per
BUDMtTy biiial laxatire foe reiki
from the aalaariM aad daafan alias
from eeatUaatiaa.
We woulda'l say aia II we dida'l
tMllera 11 to be true. We woulda'l
fflab our reputotloa by aaaUag tuch
UUmuU did we sol leal sure you
would Bad then true.
Our faith is built both oa the
knowledge ef what Retail OrdttiiM
are made of aad oa obaerraUoa of
vtry aasny severe earn io whlea tbey
bare proves their merit.
Try them at Our Risk
II they do not abundantly prove
their merit with you alao if you
are not entirely atiefied with them
we will refund your money and we
will do that oa your mere tay-eo.
We don't aak you to riik a penny.
lan't that lalrf
Juat let the bowela fall la properly
doing their work Juat let their
action be delayed and Incomplete
aad the entire ayitem and yery
other orgaa luffera. Waetea that
CAUTION! Fleate bear In mind that Retail Orderllea are not told by all drag
gbta. You cm buy Retell Orderlies only at The Retail Stores.
You can buy Retail OrdarUea in thla community oaly atoutttOfM
' There la a lUaal Store la osriyfY.ry
law Ktaai jtfM are Aaswrica's QrwMiet Onif
mmmm u mitm
and Neighbors
would not that we could not
Nor can you afford to Ignore
offer on thla splendid laxative
should bare beta diiptUtd remaia
to potaoa the ayiUa.
Btadaehei, btlloasB; aerroua
mm aad other tormanUaa aad awfc
ova Sla at eonuBoa wbea the bowela
(ail to aot dally aa aaton iataadad.
An tafe nay be avoided, II you will
aeeept out advice.
toate Juat Ilka eandy. They are
aoothbg and eaay la aetioe. They
do aot cause griping, nausea, purg
ing or sseesslvs loossasss. They
tend to tons and strengthen iatastiaal
nerves and muscles. They promptly
nllsvs constipation, and help to per
staaantly overcome it.
Retail Orderlies promots bstte
SIrite and bettsr health. la all of
ess things tbey are vastly superior
to old'fesnioned, hsrah salts and
other purgatives, whieh are aot oaly
unplsassnt to take but whieh usually
leavs the bowels la worse conditio,
than before. Wa particularly rseoa
mend Retail Orasrliss for ebildreaj
aged and delicate persons.
Rstall Orderlies come la vest
pocket tin botes. 12 tablets, 10e
30 tablsts, 2oot 60 tablsta, 60a.
towa and elty la ths'UaMsd JteassOsaade
town snd etty la ths'UaMsd Masse,'
. 1
' it
i KH!
;' 5