The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 13, 1913, Image 5

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    .Mftqc V
Bulletin of The Week's Doings
Buy Furs now at Miner Bins (V
John Shelley of Bastings was hi
town Monday.
Mrs It CI. Biinchey ! quite .sick
with tin) Ki-ipiiu this week.
Mrs. (Ipo. Hollister and Mis. 0. 0.
'feel were passengers to Lincoln Tues
day. I. A. Hyde of Hustings was attend
intr to business airuii-s in this city on
Morris Circuit, of lnavale, spout Sun
day In town visiting his father David
L. Oroat.
Win. Whller and wife of Cowles are
spending the week hi Bed Cloud visit-
lug mends.
The Fraternal Aid will meet tonight
at o'clock. All member-) are reip.est -
cil to be present
Al Spiers is the new Shoe repairer
lit the Bailey A-
Bailey & Bailey Shoe Store I
First class woik
'Jt 1U,V' .
iMiss Xorma Uiclianisou is me new
instructor hi the Kindergarten depart
meat of our schools.
L. II. Blackledgo was u passenger to
Lincoln Tuesday being called there on
professional business.
Mrs. Ceo. W. Hummel has returned
from Florida where she has been visit
ing for some time past.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Corner and baby,
who live near Cowles, were hi town
Sunday visiting his parents.
C. L. Cottlng and Miss Eliza Cutting
left yesterday for Iowa and other
eastern points on au extended visit.
Miss Grace Dedrlch went to Lincoln
Tuesday to purchase the latest creat
ions in millinery for the spring trade.
The infuut son of Geo. Hadell and
wife died Monday evening with pneu
monia and was buried on Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs. Jones of l'reston, Iowa,
spent Sunday in Bed Cloud visiting
friends and left that evening for Or
leans. Mr. and Mrs Harpliam, who live
near Cowles, were in town Monday
visiting their daughter Mis. K. 0'
Mrs. Cliai. Barrett, was a passenger
to Omaha mid Lincoln the Hist of the
week to purchase her spring stock of
State Fire Warden W. S. Bidgcll, or
Alliance spent Wednesday in Bed
; , Cloud looking after matters pcitaiii
'; log to his ollice.
Hfcff.&THK Ciiikk ls,recognis.ed as the best
advertising medium in Webster county
and as the best, newiest and most up-to-date
paper in Red Cloud.
Win. Wood of McCook, traveling
engineer of the C. li, & Q. railroad
for this division, spent Wednesday in
this city, attending to his duties.
The Young Women's Society of the
Congregational church will give a Val
entine social at the church on Friday
evening. Everybody interested is cor
dially invited. Refreshments will be
served aud a good time is expected.
Remember the date February 14 th.
Fred Stanbary, who for some months
past has been the obliging cleric iu the
Ed A mack furniture and undertaking
establishment, has resigned his posi
tion and leaves the last of the week for
Seottsblulf, Nebraska, where he has
accepted a position in the freight office
of the Burlington railroad. '
Last week a reporter of this paper
was informed that Frank Huffer was
rejoicing over the arrival of a baby at
his house, bu could not believe the
statement. However, knowing Frank
to be a good man, and uews being a
bit scarce, we took a chance and pub
lished the same But the cruel hand
of fate was agaiust us, and the ink was
hardly dry on the paper, before we had
learned of our mistake aud that the
real reason of Frank's setting up the
cigars was just a birthday. It was u
serious mistake and we are truly sorry
of it and shall in the future try and
mention only such parties in connect
ion with bucIi events as we know will
appreciate it.
With a purchase of 100 pounds of
International Stock Food
A 25 pound pail free and a beautiful set of dishes.
This gives you 125 pounds of the Stock Food and a
set of dishes for the price 100 pounds.
We also guarantee satisfaction or refund your
money, so you are perfectly safe.
Try It For Cattlm, Hone and Hog
Chas. L. Cottlng
D ' ,itt i pnet a lali-tiMm '
Mr Krllyof Lincoln spent Sunday
hi this city.
I. (', .Moss returned home Monday
,fr..ii. Bine Hill.
Sam Liudsey was a pnMuger to
Supeitnr Wednesday.
Iliurv Waller and wife of Cowl s
spent Sunday In lied Cloud.
Ladies - I'or your Suit or Coat go to
Miner Bros. Co. and save money.
Miss (lertrude L. Coon, the able
county superintendent of schools spout
Wednesday hi Cowles.
' .loll li Tomlhisun Is spending a few
dtys in Blue BUI doing a few elec
trical stunts.
' Former Mayor Sam Foe was called
to Cowles Wednesday jinnming owing
to the llln-ss of his father.
i rred Temple uml Jack Wiseeiuver
spent u few days in Superior thU
I week mixing It lip with the hoys.
Mrs. 0. I' Cox entertained the
. A,(, of l(u 'M ,.,
)ul (U1. ()K1 ()U -j'uesdiiv afternoon.
, An cmlpv !U)(, fnlIUy f Su,,0,.lm.
1 s)(;ntSiiMlii;,it( K)(l cln1, vsU,1)K
i U parolllS( ,j, Ki ciiniioy and wife
I . .. ... s t Iie
, imIillllH , nll iLl.t i.o.ind baby
under the vintage of Febitniry llth.
The W. B. C will meet Saturday
afternoon at three o'clock. There will
bo a penny supper ami a Lincoln pro
gram and the G. A. It. is invited to be
A deal was closed Tuesday whereby
O. W. Ferguson becomes the owner of
the W. A. Smith residence. Mr. Smith
contemplates moving on to his farm
near lnavale hi the near future.
Klder Kesler Is holding a series of
revival meetings ut the Brethren
church which are being well attended.
The Klder Is u convincing speaker, nnd
the meetings are proving a success.
Five cent lunches served at the
Home Bakery and we can furnish a
lunch and cigar stand at your sale,
wolf hunt or any other festivity,
adv Victoii E. Si'iN(ii:.
L. Warren, brother of Geo. J. War
reu, left Tuesday morning for Beatrice
to visit relatives before returning to
his home in Lincoln, after spending
some weeks here visiting at the home
of his brother and family.
Josephine, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Guild, who with her
pal ents were spending a few days at
the home of Mrs. J. L. Miner in this
city, while- playing Monday had the
misfortune to fall in such a way as to
cause her to break her arm.
Kd Amaclc, the popular furniture
dealer, accompanied by his brother, I.
T. Ainackand Dr. Mitchell went up to
Oxford Saturday to see their brother
Charley, who is ill with typhoid fever
and to have the Doctor pass his oplu
ion as regards the sick one.
The Uillman Stock Company held
forth at the opera house the first three
evenings this week und presented a
tirst-classentertahimout each evening.
They expect to again pay Red Cloud a
visit next mouth, and will be warmly
welcomed by the theatre golug public.
County Judge Ranney on Wednesday
morning united in marriage at his
ollloe, Earl C. Coon and Miss Pearl
Sawyer. The newly married couple
will go to housekeeping on John
Christian's farm, and take with them
the congratulations of The Chief as
well as a host of friends. .
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Reynolds, former"
ly of this city have antiouuced the
marriage of their daughter, Ethel
Grace to Mr. James F. Thompson, on
Wednesday, February Cth, in the eity
of Omaha. The new married couple
will make their home in Red Oak,
Iowa. Their many friends in this city
extend congratulations.
Chas. Mercer, after having spent
several days in this city visiting his
brother, Marion, left Tuesday -for his
home in Glb,bon. He Intends to move
his family here about the first of the
mouth, where he will engage in the
piano tuuiug business. Chas. will re
ceive a warm welcome from his many
friends here, as besides being a good
fellow, he is a musician of no small
ability, and will be a great aid to Red
Cloud's Cornet Band, which we are
pleased to say has no equal in the
fl-'VA -'VTO
You will be carried
away with the bargains I
am offering you, but you
don't have to carry them
home, I deliver them for
Naval Oranges
15c Per Dozen
18 lbs Sugar $1.00
2 1-2 lb Can Peaches 20c
Good coffee, lb 20c
Large Prunes 2 lbs 25c
It Mill pav you to Investigate.
B. E. McFarland
All thm Phonmm
Geo. Ilollister was hi McCook last
See Cotting's offer on International
Stock Food.
Miss Alio Fhidelson was a Hastings
visitor Saturday.
YV. L. Weosner shipped aearof cattle
to market Wednesday.
Mrs. F. L. Smith Is very sick at her
home north of the city.
Hay Phillips of Hastings is visiting
J. A. Bradford this week.
Try Slieeley's Barber Shop for the
best iu the toiisorial line.
,1. II. Ellluger shipped '2' ears of
cattle to St. Joe Wednesday.
Mrs. Nina llolfeiidtilVer, of Greeley,
Colo, arrived Saturday and spent sev
eral days visiting friends hi this city
Oliver Hedge, erstwhile sheriff mud
all aioiind L'oud fellow, was inixinir
with the boys iu Hastings last Satur
day. J. A. Bradford spent Sunday hi
Hastings visiting his wife who went
there to visit relatives u few days pre
vious. The l E. O's. held a linen shower for
Mrs. Harry Gilliam on Friday night
at the home or Judge Kanuey. All re
port a big time.
Mrs. E. M. Card was a passenger to
Llucoln Saturday to visit her husband
Col. Gard, who is devouring a "Demo
cratic Political Plum." t
Edgar Throne was quite badly ' In
jured Sunday by being kicked by a
horse, but is rapidly getting back to
normal at this writing.
parrel Burden and wife.nud Mrs. J.
A.' Burden arc home from Kansas City
and St. Joe where they purchased their
spring stock of millinery.
Win. Bohrer aud Ed Watt are home
from -Omaha where they attended a
meeting or The Nebraska State Abso
elation of Cement Manufacturers.
Rev. E. N. Tompkins, pastor of the
M. E. church, preached a sermon Sun
day morning on "Abraham Lincoln"
to the old soldiers and the W. R.C.
Dr. Stockman and wife had for their
guests over Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
James Chambers of Glldden, Iowa, and
Mr. and Mrs. Baden of Formosa, Kas.
Carl Jenkins and wife of Beatrice
who have been here for some time
owing to the sickness of Mrs. Jenkins
mother, Mrs. A. Curamlngs, have re-
lumen nome.
The pupils of the Seventh grade'beld
a class party at the. home of L. H
Blaokledge last Friday evening and a
good time is reported by all the young
folks who were present.
J. F. Grimes and wite of Blue Hill
arrived Tuesday evening to preside
over their son's E. L. Grimes' house
hold during the absence of the latter
and wife while in Lincoln.
F. W. Cowden of the Cowden-Kaley
Clothing Co., and II. A. Letsou, man
ager of The Mluer Bros. Co., left Sun
day morning for Chicago and St. Louis
to purchase spring goods for their re
speotive places.
C. E. Strong and family enjoyed a
visit with Bell Smith and wife on
Saturday. Mrs. Smith is a sister of
Mr. Strong and sho and her husband
were enrouto to their hnuie iu Ohio
after spending somo time In Califor
nia. Manager Goo. J. Warren of The
Tepee, has plans underway for the re
modeling and enlarging of tills popu.
lar amusement emporium. New seats
are to be installed and tho place re
decorated which will put The Tepee in
a class to itself.
e Music S ( I ill men's !
Mis W II. i:.ill.-. In- . chili;
The W. ('. I'. V. ni. Hh .Mrs. I'
Wtllllll Mtl'lt jr.Vnl i nlli'i tinn'i
Herbert NiMierlifiimjf tin' linn Inn,
went up to rmtiUlln this mnrimiL.'
Kl't'.l (html and fmlv of Blur III. I
spi'nt Sunday In Bed Cmiid wllli Mi
J. L. M net-.
Miss May Blhi'iinti l"lt Sunday eii-n-lug
for McCook to uslt liicmls for a
few da vs.
Mr. and Mrs. L. tlrhm-. Iidl Wed
Destiny for Lincoln wheie they wl I
visit ivluthcs torn few tl.ijs.
Mi. and Mr. Fred Merlen returned
to Blue Hill Tuesday, after leveral
days spent heie owing to the death of
Mrs. Merti'irs sister Mrs. Meredith.
Constable C. A. Schellak re-adjusted
Ills necktie, tightened his suspenders,
nnd on Tuesday in eonipiiiiy with his
1 ttle daughter, Eva, left for Hustings
where he visited his relatives and
lU'aill went over thoe m-oiii". which
bring- buck the iiieiuoiies of the ban
t'not days and uuee puiiis.
A. !', Atkins n undertaking uml
furniture fame, packed his yrip ninl
left on Wednesday morning tor Kim-su-,
City where he will Inspect the
latest hi the art of furniture, etc., und
secure for I he people of this place
"the very best that Is to be obtained. "
Lew llohcnsce, who keeps the ilnsi
off the cash huok ut the Aigus ollice,
spent a few hours between trains hi
Franklin one evening the last, of the
week, where rumor has it ho is taking
lessons In stenography, shorthand, etc.
and on Saturday left for Hebron to
spend a few days with the home Tolks.
Friday evening at the V. M. C. A',
rooms tin: Itluc Hill Basket Ball (ilrls
were defeated by the home team hi a
gaino of basket, ball, the score stand
ing I to It. Iiolvever the Bed Cloud
boys were beaten by the Blue Hill boys
on the same evening by a score of I to
11, thus dividing the honors equally.
"We use every bit of corn and alfalfa
we raise, and we certainly raise an
enormous amount of both these feeus."
A. F. Pill of lnavale, Xeb., made this
remark, hi talking over the feeding
situation. "I'he amount of alfalfa
raised there might to be sufficient to
feed twicH the amount of stock we
have, but we certainly get away with
it." Tuesday's Kansa, Cite Hullv
Drovers Telegram.
E. J. treated the pupils
of School District N'o. :i, taught by
Miss bay Teel. to a very iiiteiesling
address on the "Lite ol Abinliaiu
Lincoln" on Wednesday afternoon,
Mr. Overingis an orator of well known
anility, and he handled his subject in
his usual free and easy manner, and
the pupils demonstrate! by their strict
attention Unit they thoroughly enjoyed
the address, and that Mr. Overiug hiu.1
used due diligence iu his presentation
of this heavy subject in order that it.
could be properly giasped by these
not fully matured young minds.
There is a story going the rounds
this week about one, Chris. Whlttaker,
a well known blacksmith and imple
ment man of this city, and who up
until last Monday hud always enjoyed
the reputation of being a brave man
even though it is true, perhaps, that
he never participated in the battle of
Bull Buu. It feems that he borrowed
a horse aud buggy from his sister, and
while driving to the depot, whither he
was bent to transact a little business,
the horse became frightened and in
edging to one side, caused the harness
to become tangled up, thus causing
Chas. to feci as though something seri
ous was about to happen, whereupon
he wart seen to desert the rig, and It
was only after a friend had came to
his aid and consented to lead the horse
back' up town, that he was persuaded
to again get iuto the buggy. Such
acts as these deserve a Carnegie medal?
Real Estate IrawTcri..
For the week ending Feb. llth, 101.1.
Compiled by M. W. CarterBonded Ab
stracter, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Ernest Welsch and wife to Elmer
K. Simons, wd, lots 1.1, 14, Blk.
15, Smith and Moore's Add to
Red Cloud 8 1C0
J. S. Gilham and wife to Jacob
H. Elllnger, qcd, netf, dH,
sej, bX nwli 29-2-10 l
John Koenig and wife to Mary
McClelland, wd, lots 19 to 24,
Blk. 9, Rail Road Add to Red
Cloud 800
Oliver Hudson and wife to B. F.
Hudson, wd, lots .1, 4, Blk. 7,
Bosemont 700
Clyde Pitney and wife to Cora
E. Pitney, qcd, sw Bee .1, eJi
se, sec 3, and nw sec 11-2-11
.' 1000
C. F. Gund aud wife to Joseph
Heinrlchs, deed, sv 28-1-12. . 12000
William II. Caulk and wife to A.
II. Bothwell, wd, lots (5, 7, 8,
Blk. 10, Cowles 1250
Luthor C Ruby to Charles A.
Waldo, wd, lot 12, Blk. 11, lna
vale moo
E. U. Overman and wife to Step
hen (louldie, wd, sK mvJ-.j 31. l-
11 :tooo
Stato of Nebraska to C. F. Han
son, deed, swj4 no1.,' sec It). MO 28(1
State of Nebr , to C. F. Hanson,
deed, s 11 wi i 10-1-10 nijn
Mortgages Filed, 3.'l4,8'J.'i.nO.
Mortgages Released, tftloi.QO.
xtmemmjmnowxwwtmwFmmtrt3tmmwurmmimm jwuum
1 V f KoHARR- V
- vT
A Real, First Class
Clothing Bargain
Attend our 20 per cent dis
count sale now on at our store.
Just think of buying nice, new Suits and Overcoats made by
B. Kuppenheimer & Co.
) Clothcraft
Society Brand
At such liberal discounts.
yet to choose from ifoOc
Clothing Company
ryawMmmWaww3 vw amwawamamm'smamB.
The uiideisigiied will sell at Public Auction mi his farm liinlles east
of Bed Cloud. 2 miles east of Lester, and 1 tulle north and ?1 miles
west of Uiiide Buck, on
Monday, Feb. 17th
1, 25 - Head of
Consisting of :i spans of 4-year olds;
balance yearlings and sucklings.
Alio One 6-Year Old Kentucky Pedigreed Jack
Black with whito points, liijf hands high, weight, loot) lbs.
He is a sure fool getter and a splendid worker and I can show .you
many of his colts on day of sale. Some of his 3-year olds weigh
better than 1200 pounds.
lO - Horses, flares
In this bunch you will find
4 Poll Durham Bulls
Reds and Roans
Some farm machinery,
harness, nearly new.
TE1HS Ten months time,
10 per
$ Lunch on the Grounds $
ft Col,
J. II. Kllinger, Col. G.G. Denny, Auct;Cnpt. Sid FJorance.Cler
vAMBHi vtAvv flBHBHBvA
Red Cloud
A. V. Ethorton of Kansas City was
in town Monday visiting relatives and
attending to business alfuirs.
A good assortment
A mu
coily. o
as follows
Mules - 25
0 spans of Jl-year olds,
and Geldings 10
some elegant brood mares, all in
1 set double buggy
cent interest, bankable paper.
Dissolution Notic
The partnership heretofore existing
betwoen Wade Tate and John L.
Christian under the firm name of Tat
, & Christian is this day dissolved by
i mutual consent.
I Bated .fan. t!7th, lDBI
John L Christian.
Kenneth Williams was called bone
from Geneva Saturday by the death of
his sister, Mrs. a. H.-Meredith.
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