The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 13, 1913, Image 3

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    -J&.WiJS$t-i.S. -iT
Munyon Paw-Paw
laxatives or cathar
tics. They coa the
liver iuto activity by
gentle methods, they
do not scour; they do
not gripe; they do not
weaken; but they do
start all the secretions
of the liver and stom
ach in .1 way that soon
puts these organs in a
he.ilthy condition and
Corrects constipation. Munyon's Paw-Paw
Pills arc a tonic to the stomach, liver and
nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken;
they enrich tho blood instead of impover
ishing it; they enable the stomach to get all
the nourishment from food that is put into
It Price 25 cents. All Druggists.
One Ray of 8unshine.
"John, you nro nuro It Is safe In
this yacht?"
"Yes, my love."
"And you know how to sail It?"
"My Railing maBter docs."
"How long will It tako us to
"About two weeks."
"Oh, dear, there's so much to worry
about on a yncht."
"There's ono thing that needn't
cause you any wory."
"What Is that?"
"Tho cook can't leave until wo get
to Liverpool." Louisvlllo Courier
For red, rough, chapped and bleed
ing hands, dry, fissured, Itching1, burn
ing paluiB, and painful finger-ends,
with shapeless nails, a ono-nlght Cutl
cura treatment works' wonders. Di
rections: Soak the hands, on retir
ing, in hot wator and Cutlcura Soap.
Dry, anoint with Cutlcura Ointment,
and wear soft bandages or old, loose
(loves during tho night. These pure,
sweet and gentle emollients preserve
the hands, prevent redness, roughness
and chapping, and impart in a single
night that velvety softness and white
ness bo much desired by women. For
those whose occupations tend to in
jure the hands, Cutlcura Soap and Cu
tlcura Ointment are wonderful.
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston."
At the Studio.
A motor stopped In front of the
photographer's, and a woman lack
ing none of the artificial accessories
deemed necessary to "looks," entered
the studio.
A couple of days later the photogra
pher submitted jroofs for her ap
proval. "Not ono of these picturca looks
anything like me," tho woman in
sisted. The photographer tried in every
way to pacify her. but finding this
an impossibility, lost control of his
"Madam!" ho exclaimed, "did you
read my sign?"
"Well! It doe not say 'cleaning,
dyeing and remodeling.' It says 'por
traits.' "
"Mother, is father in the fruit busi
ness?" "No, son. What put that Idea into
your head?"
"Well, when he took me for a walk
the other day he met Mr. Jones, and
all they talked about was peaches,
pippins and dates." Judge.
"Is Isabel going to a beauty doc
tor?" "Can't you tell she 1b by the way
she 1b changing countenance?"
It is far better to make your mark
In the world than It 1b to be an easy
As a sticker a porous plaster hasn't
anything on a bad habit.
It Paid This Man to Change Food.
"What is called 'good living' eventu
ally brought mo to a condition quite
the reverse of good health,' writes a
N. Y. merchant.
"Improper eating told on mo till my
stomach beenmo so weak that food
nauseated mo, even the lightest and
simplest lunch, and I was much de
pressed after a night of uneasy slum
ber, unfitting mo for business.
"This condition was discouraging,
8B I could find no way to improvo it.
Then I saw tho advertisement of
Grape-Nuts food, and decided to try
It, and becamo delighted with the re
sult. "For tho past threo years I have
ased Grape-Nuts and nothing else for
my breakfast and for lunch beforo re
tiring. It speedily Bet my stomach right
and I congratulate myself that I havo
regained my health, Thero 1b no great
er comfort for a tired man than a
lunch of Grape-Nuts. It insures restful
sleep, and an awakening in tho morn
ing with a feeling of buoyant courage
and hopefulness.
"Grape-Nuts has been a boon to my
whole family. It has made of our 2-year-old
boy, who used to bo unable
to digest much of anything, a robust,
healthy, little rascal weighing 32
pounds. Mankind certainly owes a
debt of gratitude to the expert who
invented this perfect food." Name
given by PostunvCo., Battlo Creek,
Mich, "There's a reason."
Ever read the above IrfferT A ifn
ae nppenra from tine to time. They
are arenulne. true, aad full of bumaa
latcrcat. Adr.
Mndlson's new $6,000 Carnegie
library was formally opened Tuesday.
Tho dates fcr tho farmers' Institute
In ljurt county will bo February 18
and 19.
Ono hundred and twenty-five people
ittended tho Mason City farmers' in
ttltuto. The grand lodge of Catholic Work
men closed a four days' session at
S. P. Henhrook, a former Wymoro
ntan, died recently of llrlght's disease
at Atlanta, Ga.
The fourth nnnunl session of the
Carleton farmers' Institute wns a
marked success,
Andrew Tuckson, living near Oga
lalla, lost fifty-two head of cattle In
one night from anthrax.
There will he a special election In
Oxford for the purpose of voting bonds
for Installing electric light.
Hobcrt Kyd, a pioneer resident of
neatrlce, slipped and fell on tho side
walk, breaking his hip bone.
A movement for a Young Men's
Christian association Is being agitated
at North Bend with good prospects.
The receipts of the "Carnival" given
by tho students for tho benefit of tho
Peru Athletic association wore $253.
The total balance In all funds of
tho state Increased from $fiC6,-i29, De
cember 1, to $(15,3S4 on January .11.
Sam HIlllngHlee. while euttlnb tlin
Der near Lexington, was killed when
1 tree fell upon him, crushing hla
Work hns been discontinued on
Fremont's high school building and
will probably not bo resumed until
The Peru farmers' Institute occurs
February 10 to 13. An exhibit of
farm and household products will bo
a feature.
Hev. J. W. Sapp and iJc. Obcrllcs
of Lincoln havo been conducting a ro
vlval mooting at Xemaha and had
good success.
Hastings Woman's club gave a ban
quet In celebration of Its seventh
birthday, nt which nearly ICO mem
bers were seated.
Tho board of trustees of tho Chris
tian church at Kearney has fixed the
date of dedication of their new sanctu
ary for March 9.
Richardson county added anothci
resourco to her record when C. M
Lee shipped n carload of goats from
his ranch near Fargo.
A movement has been started fot
tho erection of an opera house It
Hastings, possibly a combined opera
house and office building.
Fremont hack line owners will fight
an attempt on the part of taxi owner
to secure a raise by ordlnnnce from
25 cents to 60 cents for fares in the
Tho students of the Wahoo schoolt
have obtained permission from the
city authorities to flood the baseball
park and convert it into a skating
A package of odiferous skunk skins,
claimed to bo "perfume," was present
ed at tho Schuyler postofftco to be
nailed by parcel post It wasn't
Four students of the Beatrice high
school havo been suspended for hang
ing up a banner in the high school
auditorium, contrary to tho orders of
the principal.
W'llllam Grew, an employe of the
Burlington at Alliance, died suddenly
of hemorrhage of the stomach,
thought to have been brought on by
ueavy lifting.
Arrangements have been mnde by
tho Nebraska Fire Prevention associa
tion to Inspect Alliance on February
18; Crawford on February 19, and
Chadron on February 20.
Adjutant General P. L. Hall, Jr.,
proposes n camp of instruction for
officers of tho Nebraska national
guard, to be held near Lincoln, prob
ably In May or Juno of this year.
Preparations aro actively being
made for the commencement' of build
ing operations on the new English'
Lutheran church at West Point as
soon as the weather will permit.
The Rt. Rev. Bishop J. H. Tlhon of
Lincoln addressed a good sized audi
ence at the Paddock theater at Bea
trice on tho subject, "An American
A civil sorvlco examination will be
held In Beatrice, Marffli 1, to examlno
applicants for tho position of post
master of Barneston, to succeed tho
late Mr. Huddart.
The Peru village board has em
ployed Surveyor Sturtevant of Hoi
drego to draft plans for Peru's water
works systom. The proposition will
bo voted upon at tho regular spring
election In April.
Dr. Wllduran, while playing basket
ball at York, collided with Itollln
Fountain In such a manner that ho
received a Jbroken Jaw bono.
HownrdBartrnm was found uncon
scious In tho ynrd at tho homo of A.
Wilkinson In Beatrice and died soon
after. Death was caused by apoplexy.
Ho was BiYty-flve years of ago and was
Tho North Platte high school foot
ball team of 1012 presented a silver
loving cup to Coach Keith Novllle and
Coach James T. Keole In appreciation
of thp valuable services these two
gentlemen rendered the team.
Dr. John Farmer of Valentino has
recolved a unanimous call from the
Presbyterian church of Madison tar
succeed Rev. H, McClenghan, who has
accepted a call from Rapid City, S. D.
In a paper before tho Fremont Mon's
club, President W. H. ClemmonB of
Fremont college declared that man
should Hvo to bo 140 years of ago
"with proper mental 'attitude" and
proper diet.
Tho Sunday school conference of
the Congregational church for tho
Beatrlco district was hold Tuesday
afternoon and evening at tho Congre
gational church of that city.
"An unusually largo number of
Western Canada people aro leaving
or preparing to lenvo to spend tho
Winter In California."
Tho above Item of nows was clip
ped from a Western Canada paper
early In December. In tho same paper
were IteniB of news convoying the In
telligence thnt hundreds of Western
Canadians wero also taking a trip
abroad, spending tho Christmas sea
son "at home," as they yet term tho
old hind Tho Scandinavian clement
participated largely In tho holiday
business of tho railroads nnd tho
steamships, but they all had return
tickets. Early In December tho east
bound trains and boats wero loaded,
and nn estimate furnished by tho rail
road people gavo upwards of twelve
thousand bb tho number who would
mako tho Christinas holiday visit
abroad. This does not mean that these,
peoplo aro leaving to avoid tho cold
ness of tho winter, nor for uny ell
mntlc conditions whatever. They
havo como out to Canada and havo
dono so well that they can afford tho
hundred and fifty or two hundred dol
lara or tnoro that It takes to carry
them ncrosH and back. When they
came to Canada they did not hnvo
that much money all told, but now
they nro wealthy and on their return
will bring some of their friends with
Then thero nro thoso, too, who on
their wheat farms havo mnde suffi
cient money that they can afford to
tako a holiday, and what better winter
holidaying ground could they havo
than California? How mnny In other
farming districts of tho continent
could afford tho money and tho tlmo
thnt these peoplo can? Advertise
Ruth Yes; I got papa to buy a
vacuum cleaner for mother.
Maud How thoughtful!
Ruth Yes. Mother is a little stif
fened up with rheumatism, you know,
and I used to feel so sorry to seo her
trying to uso tho broom that I always
left home on sweeping day.
Knew It All.
An old but sturdy Irishman, who
haB made a reputation as a gang
boss, wns given a Job with a railroad
construction company at Port-au-Prince,
Haiti. Ono day, when the
sun was hotter than UBual, the gang of
black Haitians began to shirk, and as
the chief engineer rode up on his
horse tho Irishman wsb heard to
"Allez you sons of guns allez!"
Then turning to the engineer, he
said: "I curse the day I iver learned
their language."
Every reader of this paper can se
cure absolutely free a box of assorted
biscuits by simply cutting out the cou
pon from their ad appearing In an
other part of this paper and mailing,
it to Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., Omaha,
Neb. Tho firm Is thoroughly reliable.
Take advantago of this Bberal offer
and write them today.
Determined to Be Observed.
"You may announce that I Intend
to retlro to privato life," said the In
dustrious statesman.
"What for?"
"It seems to bo tho only method
Just now by which 1 can attract pub
lic attention."
Important to Mothers
Examlno carefully every bottle of
CASTOHIA, a safo and sure remedy for,
inrants ana children, ana see that it
Bears tho
In TJso For Over 30 Ynnm
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
"Don't you think that wo should
have a more clastic currency?" asked
tho Old Fogy.
"It's clastic enough," replied the
Grouch. "Why don't they mako It
more adhesive?"
the Antliciitla jxnwlcr to be shaken Into the
hots for tlrctl, aching fret. It tiikes the ting
out of coma and bunlonij and make walking
a ilellght. Hold nverywhere, 250. Refine sub
stltutrs. For KHIIK trial satknne, address A.
B. Olmsted, Le itoy. .N. Y. Adv.
The Way of It.
"Havo you got a cook yet?"
"No, but one is .coming today to
see if wo suit her."
for ttm slunutnro of H. W. (i HO VIC. Curi a. Cold
in On Dujr, Uuroa Grip In Two luju, 26c.
Agreeing With Her.
"I wbb a fool when 1 married you!"
"Yes, and you married a fool!"
eJj of lmimjm
I1i left tier ut the gnte, ono tiny,
ll,'fnu' nix iiti-ii she hail tlcnlcd;
Hut h he turnril to go his way
His breast, though pad, wan tilled wltl
"Some time," lip tmlil, "you shall regret j
Home time thu world phull grant nit
t'pou a height my koiiI Im set,
And well won hnuot.H I wilt elultn."
Kho merely mulled ami let him k".
lie went nut In tho world to strive.
TIiiiiikIi foitiuie dealt htm tnniiv u blow
lit hravelv leit Ills hoped allvo.
He tolled for yiaiH with all IiIm might
And thought of her and of hU ow.
Ills gout Htlll gleaming oil tho height,
Anil deep lines forming on IiIh blow.
At last hw tiny of triumph en me,
Ho uiim rewarded with success;
Tim world ni'eoided him the faino
Whli'h he hail Hworn ho woulrt possess:
Through t-piifi'lcxH efforts ho had won
The t-rown of honor for IiIh own;
Tor fploutlld IhlagH which he had dono
Ills 11:11110 o'er nil tho laud wiih luiown
Then, having played n splcntlM part
Ho turned from where IiIh goal was sot
Antl plaited liael: to lirmk her heart,
To overwhelm her with regret,
He found her. but unhappily
Ulcoveretl thnt iihn did not euro:
The erowu of fame was his, but sho
Wus miirrled to a millionaire.
Sweet Alice.
Don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben
Alice whose hair was so
Who always was dressed in tho very
best stylo
And charmed all tho fellows, in
Sweet Alice haB ceased to give glad
ness, Ben Bolt,
She has given up caring at nil;
She went out with a fool for a Joy
ride ono night,
And they tried to run through 0
etono wall.
What He Wanted.
Wadsworth (at tho telephone)
Hello! Is this Main 39G7?
Voice at tho other end Yes. Who
do you want to see?
WadBworth Is Mr. Hammersley
Voice at the other end YeB. Do
you want to talk to him?
Wadsworth No. I -want to kiss
Very Dry.
"Pa, did you over do any dry farm
"YeB. When I was a boy on the
farm back In Ohio they always used
to make me pile the hay away 'In the
mow when tho hired man pitched II
up from tho wagon."
A Fine Word.
"Pa, what 1b tho meaning of verisi
militude?" ; "I don't know exactly, but it Is n
iflne word to drop lu whero you can't
ithlnk of any other that seems to be
A Sign.
When a man is referred to as being
("a diamond in the rough" It Is general
ly a sign that ho wouldn't bo tolerated
In decent society if ho didn't have s
lot 01 money.
What Size, Please?
"I seo that somebody says all worn
en are liars."
"Yes, 1 noticed that Ono of tho re
markablo vthlngs about it is that the
man who said it isn't a shoo clerk."
Larger Family.
"Do you find the cost of living any
higher than it was, say five yean
"Yes, Blr. Twoof my daughters
havo got married since "
Can't Convince Her.
Emerson says nature tolls every se
cret onco. Tho woman who wears s
spurious complexion will not believe
, yCwHt--V.s
J - " -
Are You Subject
to Constipation
Here is a Simple Way of Cor
recting it Instantly Before
it Becomes Chronic.
Very few peoplo ko through life
without Biniiu time or other belni;
troubled with constipation. Thousands
Injuro themselves by the use of
strong cathartics, salt mineral wa
ters, pills and simitar things. They
have temporary value In some enses,
It Is true, but tho good effect Is soon
lost, ami tho more one ttiUes of them
tho less effective they become.
A physic or purgative lu seldom
necessary, and much better nnd more
permanent results can be obtained
by usIiik a scleiitlllo temedy like Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It does not
hide behind a high miuutllng name,
but Is what II In represented to be,
a mild laxative medicine. It Is so
mild that thousands of mothers give
it to tiny Infants, and yet It Is so com
pounded, ami contains such definite
Ingredients that It will have equally
good effect when used by a portion
suffering from the worst chronic con
stipation. In fact, among tho great
est endorsers of Syrup I'optdn are
elderly people who have suffered for
years and found nothing to benefit
them until they took Syrup I'opsln.
It Is 11 fact that millions of families
have Syrup Pepsin constantly In Jhe
house, homes like those of Mrs. G. H
Prultt, Bereu, Ky who used Dr. Cald
well's Syrup Pepsin as a laxative
tonic. Mrs. Prultt writes that It ho
strengthened and cleansed her system
thnt she was (illicitly relieved of a se
vere cough which had troubled her
for mouths. The special value of this
grand laxative tonic Is that It Is suit-
, Literary Ucthrothal.
Inscriptions in complimentary copies
of learned works do not always serve
the graceful purpose to which one
was dedicated by the celebrated Pro
fessor Wilson of lMlnhurgh
When tho suitor for the hand of
Professor Wilson's dnughter had
gained tho young woman's approba
tion, sho, of course, referred him to
her fnther. Having stated his case,
tho young gentleman was asked to
bid the young lady to co'mo to her
father. Her obedlenco wns prompt.
ProfeBsor Wilson had beforo him
for review a ponderous volume, on
tho fly-leaf of which was duly lu
scribed, "With tho author's compli
lie torn this fly-leaf out, pinned It
to his daughter's dress, solemnly led
her to tho anxious lover and went
back to his work. Youth's Compan
ion. Fuller's Earth.
Fuller's earth, so named from Its
earliest uso In fulling wool, 1b a
rather rare, soft, friable rock whoso
valuo depends altogether on Its tex
ture and Its filtering nnd absorbent
properties. It has no definite compo
sition, mlnernlogicnlly, its physical
properties rather than a chemical an
alysis determining Its commercial
value. Fuller's earth was first pro
duced in tho United States In tho
early 'nineties.
When you have a lawsuit to lose
you can ufford to hlro a cheap law
yer. Be
Let us send you a FREE "Surprise
Box" of six assorted varieties of
so you'ean give
Just mail the coupon. Theres no
obligation attached
.-. . . w
... L- ,t "- . .. -W "-'T
Sunshine Graham
Crackers are good and
brown and crisp.
At all good grocers,
10 cents.
Biscuit (ompany
Bahtn ofSatuhin Biscuit
-rr ""'.
-" Z&Sr
' . i8.V..
AV& i -S!
od to the needs of every member of
the family. It Is pleasant-tasting,
mild and non-grlplng. Unllko harsh
physics It works gradually and In a
very brlof time the stomach and
bowel musclcH are trained to do thnlr
work naturally again, when all mcdl
elnen can bo dispensed with.
You can obtain a uottio at any arug
store for fifty cents or one dollar. The
latter size .Is usually bought by fam
ilies who already know Its value. Uc
sults are always guaranteed or money
will ho refunded.
If no member of your fnmlly haa
ever used Syrup Pepsin and you
would like to make n personal trial
of It before buying It In tho regular
way of a druggist, send your address
a postal will do to Dr. W. 11. Cald
well, 2na Washington St., Montlcollo,
111., nnd 11 freo siunplo bottlo will b
mailed you. ,
"Is jour wile a suiriagutto?"
"Yes," leplled .Mr. Meeklon. "To
certain extent. Shu thinks sho ought
to have the ballot, but sho knows a
lot of women who shu Is sure do not
deserve It."
Sometimes They Are Stolen.
"After all, you ought to buy aa
"Iluy .one. child? That would be
difficult. Hut I might try to get one."
Meggendorfer Illaetter (Munich.)
Dr. l'leree's Vleunant Pellets flirt put bb
40 year ago. Tliey ii-gulnto untl Invigorate
Ktiitimeh, liver and bowaU. 8ugiir-xte4
tiny granules. Adv.
Evidently Was.
"Are you fond of a Joke?"
"Is this a propositi?"
Mm. WlnHlnn'n Soothing- Byrup for Children
tertlilng, miflenn tlittitumH, rrtlucm Inrlammar
Uou.ivllnyu pitlu.cuNM wind colic JBe a botttajg)
Platonic love is a good deal like a
gun that you didn't know was loaded.
Backache Rheumatism
Kidneys and Bladder
aj iHttsiqiuuTV
by Mail
' Biscuits
them a good trial
Lmm-WUm Biscuit Coapaay
Oaudia, Nab.
Please sand ma my FREE MSoiw
prise Bos" of assorted Sunshine
f If
-, : m
Address ' )W'
QrocsHa Name l.,..,., ' 'JrJ-
I'd i'l
at 1
Sf ! $
!" .
.. -.i-y.iiAiffiMrcfcftti!!zzr.v tx
PBt&aiwnssiTx, vzzxz?TS':z
9nr atavvinsp awaft. Iv i
mmmmMt ; . t - atM