The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 13, 1913, Image 1

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MBj'iikiSs"'" J' i ?SBWIilMLpiiiy& fP3 fctBli .ai dRawaaHaSuaaaaaaaaHffiaHava
:WKi(ft"-!iffcHiK-G?ti5i'' y5J HMa9BawawalaVJ awflK2Sss&r4ln
TiJffr Mf BrffniMPialfaJ n rfiMB ' liliNyVtf niM ' TaaMaffShiTi'r raWWPPBIiMMpMHy afaaaHiaH!9aawamaLal
"f MgiiPUfr (L-- " JBSWaflmadMMWIWIiBBgMa 'SmaUaW gaEmamamW .j - lafaVafaBEfsEHBaLafafal
hbuflf9bJK5V3 -Tr?,,:r't' i i i "T j is n iiMt iavKaaaaaaaaVnlJCaaaaBK aaaaaaLaaaHaV0Pr'HiaiL- z"afaMa-3LtmBMflaaaaLtmBP H fFii riM HHIIVSmHjIIP
4 Newspaper That film The New FITtjr-twi Weeks Each Year Far 11.50.
It is true that you are not likely to lose your
savings if deposited in any good bank but you
when you deposit where you have the additional
protection of the State Guaranty Law. Such
protection is offered you here.
It .is surely "good business" to deposit where
you get absolutely guaranteed protection, in pref
erence to placing money in a bank that guaran
tees nothing.
The State Guaranty Law is behind every dollar de
posited in this bank, and when you open an account here,
flafaSmatflP W CaBaftafJlaBl'N"W"v m
On and after this date the firm name
of, The Red Cloud Hardware & Imple
ment Company will be discontinued and
the business will be conducted as per
below. An announcement of the lines
carried will be made at an early date.
Our order is already in and some of the
goods are on the. way .to restock our store.
We assure you that we appreciate the
patronage you have given ustjiihdfr the
old firm name and we solicit a continua
tion of it in the future. Our policy will
be to give an honest article at ah honest
price. Call in and see us.
Auto Contest
Grows Daily
Owing to n tack of space again this
week wo arc unable to Hay as much as
wo would like to regarding the Big
Auto Contest, but we wish to say that
it is dally growing in interest, and we
want to call the Contestants attention
to the fact that the days are rapidly
slipping past and they should put forth
their best efforts.
Following is the standing of the
Gertie Cartwright 42,200
Elenor Gilham 40.500
Miss Gertrude Coon . 33.340
Miss Maude Hayes . 28.200
Mrs. L. H. Matkins. . . 21.100
Miss Rose McGuire. 20.300
Mrs. Clara Copley .' 11.725
Mary Christian 11.700
Grace Kinsell 11.000
Mrs. Ida Worden. : . . 10.700
May Elliott 10.700
Edna VanHorn 10.700
Norris Is
For The Bill
etfires MIstRfftrmatUi an HeuM
WKMwrt Measure
Hardware $ Implements
No. IT
Can't Hardly
Tell Who's Boss
The Stickney docs nearly all the work.
Sells itself If you look it over, works so well
you can't afford to discharge it Hired-man, chore-boy and master
workman go when a Stickney gels on the job. There are 57 reasons why.
Come in and see for yourself.
Ed. Hanson
Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co.,
Red Cloud, Neb.
Washington, Keb. 8 (Special.)
"There, seems to be more misinforma
tion over the pending liquor bill,
known as the Kenyon-Shcppard bill,
than any measure with which I have
been familiar during my term in con
gress," said Congressman Norris today.
Mr. Norris is a member of the house
judiciary committee, which has had
the Kenyon-Sltappard bill under con
sideration, and'bas been present at
most of the various hearings which
have been held from time to time dur
ing the past year. ,
"I favor the passage of tfye bill, and
it seems to me that nobody can have
any objection to it except, the boot
Megger and the man who sella bin his
jboofe" continued Mr. Norris. , "H
strikes only at. the' illegal seller of
liquor, and Sxesno' ptniishBaent upon
the shipper. It simply allows the law
of the state to wbieh 'the liquor is
shipped to operate, and allows state
authorities to exercise the right girea
them by their state laws to seise, the
liquor if they wish to do so after it
arrives at its destination before its de
livery to the consignees.
'Under the present law liquor to be
shipped la interstate commerce saust
be plainly labelled, and when it is sent
to anyone known to be in the business
Illegally, everyone can see what it is
when it is taken off the train at the
depot; bat no one can take it because
until its 'delivery it ia in interstate
commerce and'under federal laws not
subject to seiiure. This bill destroys
its interstate character. It nxes no
punishment, but if the state law pro
vides against liquor selling it can be
seized before delivery, and the state
authorities must then prove that it was
intended for illegal purposes before
they can convict.
"The burden of proof is upon the
state or individual seising the liquor
to show that it has been shipped in
for purposes contrary to law. Any
liquor sold to a licensed dealer cannot
be touched and in no way Is the ship
per of liquor, whether it be consigned
to a licensed dealer or a boot logger,
affected by tho provisions of the Ken-yoh-Shenpard
bill. Monday's State
One Thousand Cement
Men at Omaha Show
Omaha, Neb., Feb. 10th. Ono thous
and cement users from Iowa, Kunsas,
Missouri, South Dakota and Nebraska
attended tliu annual convention of the
Nebraska Cement Users Association,
which was held here hist week'. The
cement show was the biggest one ever
held and moio people attended the
show than have attended all former
Editor Resigns
For Four Weeks
We have deHded to turn The Chief
over to tho various organizations of
this city for the next four Issues. We
will give them full sweep and they cnu
conduct this paper as they see lit. The
editor will assume no responsibility
whatever for anything that appears
except the locals and the advertising.
There will be four special editions,
the Drat conducted by the ministers
and churches, the next by tho lawyers,
the third by the business men and the
last by the public schools. Watch for
every issue and learn bow things look
to the other fellow.
Departed This Life
Lesslie Adell Williams was born in
Wynona, Minn., .Tunc 4th., 1890, and
died Fob. 8th., lOI.'t, at the home of her
mother, Mrs. K. N. Williams, In this
She was married to Alva Meridlth
Oct. 11th., 1903. After their marriage
they went to Indiana where they lu
sided for a while after which they re
turned to Nebraska.
To this union there was born three
daughters. These with the husband a
father, mother, brother and two sisters
are left to mourn her death.
The immediate cause of her death
was Peritonitis.
Funeral services were held Monday
afternoon from the llaptlst church, W.
V Cole otllolatiug.
All of her near relatives were here
for the funeral except one sister who
lives in Montana. She was detained
on the account of sickness.
Nebraska Potato Diseases
The Department of Agricultural
Botany is now completing for publica
tion an extensive bulletin on the nature
and control of the dry rot of the potato
a diseasa.prevalent in the sand hill
and high plains regious of western Ne
braska. The disease has been shown.
to be dae to a parasitic 'fungus,' which
enters the mature tubers ' through'
wounds due to the methods of digging
and handling or to other causes, "Dhe
greatest growth of the fungus oeoar
daring storage and many serious- lose
es have been reported by people who.
have attempted to carry large qiantd
ties of these infected potatoe&.throug,hV
the winter.
It has been found posslbleby proper
treatment before storage to reduce' the
losses from this rot from 30ito 4D per
cent down to only 3 or 4 per cent. The
western Nebraska potatoes, have- ex
cellent "baking" quality,, and by tho
use of these new methods it should be
possible to holdthesn potatoes through
the winter and avoid the losses due to
immediate sale of the entire- crop in
the fall. For this balls tin address the
Nebraska Experiment Station at Lin
coln. eMHWt MsW RMaMl
Too busy to.announce subjects this
week. We are doing business for the
King. We need' help. Will you be
one to help? The King's Business de
mands haate.
Wo desire to extend our heartfelt
thanks to tho many kind friends for
the many little acts of kindness and
sympathy shown during our recent
(J. ItASHEii and Family,
A speolal examination will be held
on Saturday, February 15, at Blue Hill
Guide Koclc and Hod Cloud. This ex
amination will cover all subjects for
county certification and will be held
one day only.
Giirmu'DK L. Coon, Co. Supt
lo correct an erronous impression which1 seems
to He in circulation I wish to say thatranv still sell
ing the well known
and Victor records. My stock of these- is. com
plete and fresh and I can supply you with anything
wanted in the Victor line. I expectt to continue to
carry this line and as always to havo a good! complete
stock of both records and machines;,
In comformity with my policy of ALWAYS
hawing the BEST goods FIRSTXammow showing the
This new machine is witK'Outf doubt. absolutely
the finest musical machine ever-placed1 om the market
having many advantages over any other- machine of
any make. It has a Diamond'noihted' reproducer do
ing away with all needle changing-, an Indestructible
record playing twice as long as:any other disc record.
The tone is the most natural'and;no other- machine' is
in the same class for a minute; for fidelity of repro
duction. These are but a fewofi' the; many points of
as usual are the best' ofr their kind. The new
Undestructible Blue Amberol record Splaying four (
minutes when used with the new Diamond pointed
reproducer giving tones and volume of the old disc
I want you to hear, these instruments side by
side, whether you contemplate the. purchase of one or
not and extend to you. a-.-cordial invitation to come
and hear them playedj.
E. H. Newhouse
Je weltr 81 Optometrist
719 idy
New York Editor Pays
High Tribute to Nebraska
Farm fot Rent
210 aero farm for lent 11 miles south
east of Kert Cloud, and t'j miles feouth.
west of Guide Hook. Apply to C. H.
Uogeih 15 lii K btrcut, Lincoln, Nubr.
Omaha, Neb , Feb. lOtli.Tho Seed
Corn campaign of the early months of
1012, whiuh the newspapers of Nebras-
ka made the biggest campaign in the
' country lb tho subject of a three page
htory lu Town Development, a New
lone puuuciuiuii in iif) u u mi my iv,ue.
If every community in tho country
took the interest in the improvement
of agricultural conditions in lt,s itnmo
dlato territory as that dlsplayodjin Ne
braska, tho wealth of the United States
'could be Joubled In a very few years
1 and ovorjMiody would bo tho galuor,
' Such is the opinion reflected by the
New York editor.
CMftrrtatltMl Church.
"The Sword Hathed Tn Heaven or
tho Socret of Progress and Victory,"
will bo the subject of the morning ser
mon. Sunlay School at 10, Vesper
service at 3:30. At the service the
pastor will give a lecture on the Book
of Kccleslastes. Tho subject of the
lecture will be "The Wise Man and bis
starch for Happiness". Everybody
cordially invited to this service and
urged to read the Dook before they
come. Mid-week meeting on Wedncs
diy at 7:110. Subject: The Fifth chap.
tur of First Peter.
John J, Davnk, pastor,
Farm Leans
Seo .1. II Bailey for best rates, terms
and option on farm loins, Sole agent
for Tie vet t, Mattls it liaker.
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