The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 06, 1913, Image 8

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    .UIJHuMKGIiKPAnv , ,
1"rt"'1S?''u'r y
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a - .aw "--r rl"T. "' r' - . -8Jteirt . b
wwwwwn Kgrer.gaiamireswwt
Individual Accountability
Speaking of Individual ticcountabll
ty, a curt en t writer declares that theie
has always been it tendency for men
to claim that their yielding to un evil
bent whs something fur which they
wreie not responsible. In nliteti times
they blamed t lie fttnrs or planets or
tried toHblft their guilt to evil spirits.
Later It came to be beicdlty Unit wr.H
the scapegoat for men's sins, nnd
apparently, to be just in our pun
ishments, we should have punished tlio
grandfathers of our criminals. In
still more recent times vailous physical
injuries hnre been blamed for tendon
cies Tor evil.
Ah often pointed out, it Is c.vltemolv
ouivenient, und decidedly moro reas
suring to conscientious scruples, to
adopt n theory that wrong-doing Is
caused by environment, or by fuctois
beyond our own control, aud thus re
lieve ourselves from the'necesnlty of
shouldering the responsibility. Uut
uch a theory has never been mudu
to stand the test of actualities. Even
where future action of a sociul group
may be predicted with adegreeof deQ
triteness amounting almost to certainty
it cannot be fixed upon the particular
members of the group. For example,
although out of h thorn and people n
certain number will commit suicide
furlug the year, the particular Individ
uals who will make away with thetnscl
Tea cannot be picked out iu advance.
Heredity has been invoked to explain
many a criminal career when other off
spring of the same parents have ex
hibited uo criminal symptoms.
Put it down, then, that, barring ex
xccptional oases whioh merely prove
the rule, freedom of judgment and
choice to the extent of taking the
right path or the wrong path is within
the power of each one of us, and that
the general level of good citizenship
will be raised only by bringing moral
standards of the individual up to the
proper exercise of this power. Oma
ha Bee
He Had One
Every Uicr
Skim Cleanest
Turn Easiest Are Simplest
Most Sanitary Last Longest
Thai is a strong statement but we'd make it stronger
if we knew how, because we are sure that the De
Laval will more than make good every claim.
We don't ask you to take our "say so." We prefer to
let the machine itself talk for us.
Why not let us set one up at your house) You can
test it yourself alongside of any other
machine you like tor capacity, cleanness of
skimming, and ease of operation.
We don't ask you to buy a
De Laval upon 'claims."
Wfi do alk vou la be AY' Uaei
.. 1 ;. t . i Aw IkoIu
sure ana give ic a lair cnai m tv-y By
before you purchase Aw 98 f
any cream separator.
Don t put
ew.aa iilti '.
the World'
a i
m. i mn n -v-rr- .r m'?m
Save Dollars and Cents For You.
Save time, save labor, savo repairs save nil the valuable buttoifnt
' in your milk, and give you fresh, warm skim milk for feeding calves and
pigs. You could not afford to do without one if they sold for twice the
; price, but the price ia right
500 to
Per Hour
at Other
There is nothing cheap about them bat the price. There ia no better
separator sold at any price
and are guaranteed from top to bottom by
rhhrair. Ill Li. .In, NWr. Des Moibm, U. Dubuque, la.
Sold by
GEORGE W. TRINE, Local Agent
Egg, Butter, Cream. Poultry, Hides, Flour and Feed of All Kinds. Highest Market Price Paid For Your Stuff.
"Did you ever have a painter in your
employ that was a hustler?" whh asked
of the head of a house-painting linn
the other day.
"1 had one once that husrted for a
few mluutcs thut I know of," was the
reply after deep thought
'What wns the cause. "
He was painting u cornice on a
bouse on Winder btreet when lie
t truck a ntht, of 400 hornets. 1 was
looking at him. lie did more hustling
in live minutes than all the rest of
my gsug combined." '
"Uut ufter the live minutes'.'" '
Oh, he fell back iuto the old way, of
eVefesw Pulsley Advises Carets! At
testlts ts Seed crs
Omaha, Neb.,' Feb. IU. That the
lU13orop of seed uuru is uot up to uor
tnul U the report of C. W. l'ugsley of
the Nebraska Experiment Station.
While the seed earn Is iu much better
c mdltlon than It was last year, yet It
requires some careful attention, ac
cording to Professor Pugsley. He
states that corn Is full of moisture and
suddcu freeze or continued cold
weather might result iu much of it be
ing badly damaged.
I'.of Pug-dey !iu- a-Ued the Hureuu
of Pujlieit,, .u urge the people of the
tate to use extreme care, to see that
the seed corn is properly stored, und
to test it before It is planted.
He Wai Misunderstood
A Maubattauville lady whh feeding a
Siuugry turnip the other day, when
'she dlhcoveied that he was pocketing
her sllvcrwme. Seizing u levolver,
she exclaimed:
"Drop those spoons, jou scoundiel
and leuve the house; leave It instant-
"Leavo the house, I say, lcavu the
Loue!" set earned the Infuriated wo
man .
I go, madam," said the tramp, nev-
r to return; but before 1 do 1 would
like to say that I did not Intend to
vtake your house."
(Net EASE)
DIs-ense is caused by an Intel fer
ence with the life currents (mental
Impulses) due to pressure on nerves by
u subluxated vertebra (one of the
bones of the spinal column slightly
out of alignment.
Tho Chiropractor locates theCAUSE
and ADJUSTS it, thereby allowing
the mental impulses to tlow and the
result Is health. The Chiropractor
uses uo drugs, no knife and uo ostot
pathy nothing but his hands (and
common sense.
Consultation and spinal analysis
Giaduate of the Palmer School of
"Chiropractic Fountain Head"
Davenport, .... Iowa
Up-stairs, second house north of
High School ou Main street, Ued
Cloud, Nebraska. adv. St
FEMtUART 1st., 1013.
Annual statement of The Cowden-
Kaley Clothing Company.
Merchandise, Fixtures, Accounts and
Cash -.; S29C21.47
Li A 111 LIT! K3
Capital Stock, Surplus and Hills Pay
able 82(1397.02
Widow's Pessten.
'I he recont act of April tilth, 11109
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
$12 per month. Fred Mauier, the at
torney, has all necessary blanks.
Old Saw Reset
Bo sure you are wrong, then apolo
rlze. Woman's Homo. Companion.
Dissolution Notice
The partnership heretofore existing
between Wade Tate nnd John L.
Christian under the firm name of Tate
& Christian 1st tills day dissblved by
mutual cnuseut.
- Dated Jhii 27th, 1013
.loiiN U Cunts i mn.
E., A. Creighton,
N. D.
' V
Reft Cloud Nebraska
Dk Dkardoiif Dk. Asiikr
Chicago Vcterinnry Kansas City
College College
Ind. 244 "fi3 Res. Phones t2T Ind. 233
Drs. Deardorf & Asher
-:- Veterinary Surgeons -:-
Olliee Phones: Ind. 1011; Red ,r7.
For Sale
X well Improved stock ranch, four
miles from Culbortson, Nebr., three
miles from the mail line of the Bur
lington railroad, and only two miles
from tho Republican river, consisting
of 000 acres, all iu a bbdy. About 200
acres, iu cultivation, the balauco the
very best of pasture land. No sandy
3and ou the place. Tho improvements
consist of a good, almost now 0 room
house, besides pantry, closet and three
"porches, milk house, chicken houses,
hog houses, barn, about two years
old, 33x40, with hay mew, two good
wells with windmills, cisterns aud
tanks, mostly all fenced and some lot
nnd yard fences. Price, if sold soon,
113.00 per acre, cash, or 14000 of it
c,ould be carried for four years, at 0
per cent, with options to pay at any
time. Possession cau be given at any
(time. This is a genuine bargain for
soib one wishing a good stock ranch,
atles thau actual value. Address
Oarber, Hutchison & Saladen, Red
Cloud, Nebr. adv
.. 4
Good Things To Eat
VlJ7 E have for you, reliable, fresh groceries. Our
W stock is being renewed every day for your
pleasure, profit and health. Don't you enjoy eating
these days? It is the season of the year when we are
building up for the coming spring's work. Your wants
are constantly in mind. Flour that is right, sugar, coffee,
tea. fruits of all kinds, and everything your heart can
wish, and appetite suggest, we have. You know our
prices are right and the quality always the best.
UU1 Netlce.
Notice U hereby iilvcn that Andrew F.
Kraiiso a reshlent ol Itosoinont, Nebraska
liMlllcdjn tliuoltlccof the county clerk ol
V (.'inter County, Nehrankn nu application by
pptltlcm ol certain perHoiui claiming to lie a
majority ot tho renUlont tree-holders ot Oak
Creek Precinct, Webster County, Nobrnikn,
pray lni; the Hoard ol County Coinmliwloners
ot ald County, to grant hi in a license to sell
mnU, xplrltuous and vinous liquors at Lot 8,
lllock 8, In tho town ol Hotemont, In said
Onk Creek 1'rcelnct.
I have Hot Wednesday, tho 19th day ot I'eb-
ruary, tHKI, at tho hour ot Two o'cloek In the
afternoon at the Court House In Red Cloud,
an tlio time and place tor hearing on mild ap
plication. ',
Aliy person deilrlug to remonstrate or ob
ject to the granting ot said license, must tile
their objections In writing with me on or be
foro'tho above date set lor hearing.
Hated this 1 1th dny ot January, 191 J.
County Clerk ot
(Seal) Webster County.
You Will Find It Here
Fresh Oysters served to order at
Warren's Restaurant.
When In need of good printing call
at the' Chief office.
Fresh candy, peanuts and cigars at
Warren's Restaurant.
When, In town get your dinner at
Warren's Restaurant.
91.00 to 92.00 for good narrow stripe
fur.kj. O. CAr.uwKtx. .
Fob Sai.k White Plymouth Rock
Cockerelis Joseph Tppham. adv
Men's, Women's nnd Children's
Shoes nt 20 per cent discount at Miner
HtOb. Co.
Special uttonliou given to diseases
of eye and ear. Glusses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nob.
Wo have just iccclvcd O'new line
ot tlio latest designs iu up-to-date
wedding stationery, .lie sure to see
Dr. R. l Raines now has oftices in
the new block Hours in to 12 h. m.
and 3. to Op, m. Culls attended day
or uiglit.
For anything and everything in
Winter Merchandise go to Miner Jiros.
Co. for It will certainly be a saving of
money to you
The Chief is recognised as the best
advertising medium in Webster county
and as the best, uewiest and most up-to-date
paper in Red Cloud.
We have the exclusive sale of two
acres of laud adjoining the City limits
good house, barn, fruit trees, alfalfa,
city water and electric lights.
Gariikii, Hutchison & Saladkn.
Drs Riddile & Foote of Hastings
will meet Eye, Ear, Nose und Throat
patients and those needing glasses
fitted at Red Cloud ou Feb. nth, at Dr.
Cross' otllce. adv
A Baboain: My residence property
on Webster St., near 4th avenue. First
good offer takes it. Don't be back
ward make mo an offer. Address
Geo. F. Newhouse, The Dalles, Oregon
For the Rest Potatoes grown order
from The Miner Bros. Co., for they
have those flue Home Grown Early
Oblpe. Take no others as none are so
goodis these aud all potatoes are sold
by weight uot by measure, adv.
Notice To Bridge Builders
Notice Is hereby given that seated propo
sals will be received at.the offlco ot tho Coun
ty Clerk In the City ol Hod Cloud, Webster
County, Nebraska, tor the furnishing ot all
material and the erection and completion ot
Ilrldgcs required by Webster County tor ono
year, (I), to-wlt: 191!), according to plans and
specifications on tlio In tho County Clerk's
i:ach bid must bo made according to law
and acompanled by a certified check for the
sum ot loOO.OO on a local Hank as a guarantee
that If awarded the contract the contractor
wll outer same with proper bond as required
by law. Said bids to be opened at 2 O'clock
1. M. February 18th, 1UI3. The Hoard re
serves tbe right to reject a-iy and all bids,
aid bids, shall bent a specified sum per line
al foot for the Substructure of all such
Hrldges, nnd at specified sum per lineal foot
tor the s iperstructureot all such bridges and
approaches, aud at a specified sum per line
al foot for all piling In the Substructure of
all bridges and approaches, and at a speci
fied sum per foot (board measure) tor all
caps, sway braces, and other wood material
used In construction of sueh bridges and ap
proaches, and at a specified sum per pound
for all material lu tho substructure of all
combination bridges. And for Concrete
Bridges and etc. County excavates over
8.0o;to be paid by County not to exceed liOO
per day, und to be hauled by builder up to
2 miles, without cost to County, all over 2
miles the extra milage to be psld by County
aa Agreed on between bidder and Bridge
Committee, all bids must be per cubit toot
tor Substructure and Superstructure! also
bids on 3 and 4 foot cement culverts per
lineal foot. " '. ' ?-''
Said bids shatl be submitted according to
plans and specifications adoptel and on. file
and open to Inspection lri the ofllc'e'ol the
County Clerk: at Red Cloud Nebraska, Did
ders to furnish bond as required by law and
by tho conditions herein named. All bids to
be to be on file by 10 O'clock A, I, February
18th mm.
Ily Order Of Tho County Hoard Of 'county
K. V. Uoss,
(Skai.) County Clerk.
Dated January Itith lin:t.
" . Ml"!'.
Uftal Notice,
In the Dlittrict Court of Webster Comity,
' Nebraska.,
Marcus McConkey, Plaintiff.
VH .
I.candcrN. Kdson, Tho unknown Heirs
aud Devisees of Mrs. I). M. Kdson1 Deccas;
cd, It. K. Welborn, The -unknown Heirs
and Devisees of J, S. Hot h rock, Deceased,
It. P. Hutchison, J. F. Wllllsfns, F. II
Anson, James Harkloy, Tho unknown
Heirs and Dovlsecsof Philip Harkloy, De
ceased, D. F. Itudd. Charles K, Texter,
Manley McNItt, The unknown Heirs and
Dovlseas of William. Jackson, Deceas
ed, et al. Defendants,
Take notice, that ou tho 19th. day ol De.
cembcr 1912 Marcus McConkey, plalntltr,
herein, tiled his petition In tho alove entitled
action In tho District Court ot Webster Coun
ty, Nebraska, against said defendants, tho
object and prayer ot which, Is to quite and
confirm tho tltlo to lllock s, Fourteen, Fif
teen, Sixteen, Sovcntcen and the West Half
of Eighteen, all In Kallroad Addition to Hed
Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska, In plain
tlir and to forecloso each of said defendants
from any right or Intorest In said premises
and to bar each of said defendants from
asserting any right or claim to said premlsos
or'any part thereof.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 3rd. day of March 1913.
w Mahcuh Mcconkkv, Plalntltr.
?' Hv Fiirii Maukkk, Ills Atty.
For that sick auimalcall Wedumkyer
at tbe brick barn. Prompt and satis
factory services. adv.
I have taken back my Offlco and
will remain In Red Cloud. Calls
promptly attended day or night Dr.
R. F, Raines. adv.
JJ. is a dreadful thing
Pr rlmm for the man without
insurance. ' Evtery time he sees the
engines racing along his heart comes
up in tlis throat if the Bre is anywhere
near lib. place Whatfolly what mis
taken economy.
WESSHLST ,8 80 8mftU that it
INBUI9ANCK need hardly be
considered. Tbe freedom from worry
alone is worth it many times over
Have us insure you to-day.
R9llabl0 tnsursne:
HI mmM
We Aim To
Chute Our Coal
Into Your Bins!
We Don't Pull The
Trigger; However,
Until We Have Your
We Hit The Mark With
The Best Ammunition
For Heating Purposes!
Saunders Bros
. ASkfcJpf.
V fr . M .
.to , t -j i., Jjii vi '
wB&& ..
rrrmNa'Tfljfinii "T-iimr'TViffiil Mi
W! r-vJU,
. r. e&A Wr