The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 06, 1913, Image 5

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1 1 HOMENEWS 1 1
1 ' jE. Bulletin of The Week's Doings l
5 '
Buy Furs now lit Miner Bros. Co.
Prank Frlsbie went to Kansas City
Miss Etta Fergu'ou is homo from
Ed Piatt whs passenger to Omaha
Joe Grafton of Orleans is in the city
this week.
Mrs. WeldermBii is in Denver visit
ing her son.
See Cottlng's offer on International
Stook Food.
Frank Bloom of Hastings whs in
town Tuesday.
Will Coons of Guide Rock whs in
town Monday.
John Sennits', of Guide Rojk was in
town Tuesday.
1. V. Edsou whs in Blue Hill Satur
day on business.
Geo. V. Llndsey was a rassjngerto
Ilastjngs Friday.
Miss Fanutc Mlksch was u Superior
visitor batt.rday.
F. W. Cowdon was h passenger to
Hastings Saturday.
Lee Keith of Holdrege visited frleuds
(?) In town Monday.
Will Robnrtson was in St. Joe and
Lincoln this week
Mrs. Cliff Fogel of St Joe, Mo., ar
rived in town Friday.
Clarence Carpenter and wife are
home from Falls City.
Try Sheclcy's Barber Shop for the
best in the tonsorial line.
Floyd Turnure is home from Lincoln
this week visiting his parents.
Miss Inez Boner returned to her
studies at Kansas City Sunday.
Ladles For your Suit or Coat go to
Miner Bros. Co. and save money.
IX E Saunders is in Omaha this
week taking iu the Cement Show.
Mr. Riiicholt of St. Francis, Kas.,
was In town Monday visiting friends'
Mis. R. W Koontz Is very sick nt
her home on Webster street this week.
Mrs. May Cramer left for Lincoln
where she will make her future home.
D. E. Wilson of Lincoln visited Mrs.
Louis McFarland the last of the week.
Geo. J. Warren anil wife were in
Lincoln the first of the week visiting
elntiv8.- j ''
Kenneth Williams of Geneva was in
the city the first of the week visiting
his mother.
Mrs. J. A Burden and Barrel Burden
Hnd wife are in St. Joe, Mo , this week
on business.
Mrs Will Harris and daughter of
Giltner are visiting relatives in the
city this week.
Lee McArthur was in St. Joe Mon
day. Ho accompanied his father's
cattle to market.
The W. C. T. V., will meet with Mrs
P. A Wullbrandt next Wednesday af
ternoon,' Feb. 12th
C D. Robinson is home from Lincoln
where he attended the state meeting
of county treasurers.
Mrs. Augusta Sohultz and children
of McCook arrived in town Monday to
make their future home here.
Ernest Strnyer and wife of Orleans
are In town called here by the serious
Illness of Mr. Strnyer's mother.
W. H. Taber came in from Shenan
doah, Iowa, Saturday where he has
beeu laid up with a broken ankle.
Mrs. D. C. Jenkins of Beatrice was
called to the bedside of her mother
Mrs. A. Cummlngs, Saturday, who Is
very sick.
Win, Bolirer was a passenger to
Omaha to attend the Nebraska Cement
Dealers' meeting He will have an ex
hibit on the floor.
The G. A. R. and W. R. C. are re
quested to meet at the hall Sunday,
, Feb. Otb., at 10:30 sharp and march to
the M.' E. church where Rev. Tompkins
'.will give an address on the' Life of
; Lincoln.
m H-v"v MI'vv
With a purchase of 100 pounds of
Intornmtlontl Stock Food
A 25 pound pail free and a beautiful set of dishes.
This gives you 125 pounds of the Stock Food and a
set of dishes for the price 100 pounds.
We also guarantee satisfaction or refund your
money, so you are perfectly safe.
Try It For Cattlm, Horaaa and Hog
Chas. L. Cottlng
Dr. Mitcliell ison the sick list this
.1. 1). Kulm is the new night eleik nt
the depot.
W K. Herilck was in Guide Hock
Mis. Anna Clark spent Wednesday
In Hastings.
Geo. Chambers of Hastings was iu
town Monday.
rattier Htgerald was a passenger
to Superior Tuesday.
W. V.Beal and wife left the tlrst of
the week for Lincoln.
Rudolph Streit was attending to
business iu town Tuesday
A baby girl art ived at the homo of
Ben McFarland on Monday.
J. A- McArthur was a passenger to
Rivcrton Wednesday night.
Jas. Sllvey is spending the week in
Brunlng on business.
Elmer Simons of Cowles spent Wed
nesday in the city on business.
Homer Baker was a passenger to
Superior Wednesday morning.
Ed. Garber spent Wednesday In
Guide Bock visiting his mother.
Mrs. Fiank Mixer entertained the
Xiuas Club Wednesday afternoon.
W. M. Burton of Heartwell, Nebras
ka, was a Red Cloud visitor Tuesday.
Chae. Mercer of Gibbon is In town
visiting his brother, Mat ion, this week.
Clias Stelllus of Grand Island visit
ed relatives at this place the first of
the week.
Mrs. G. A. Miller is spending the
week itf Blverton this week visiting
her parents.
Mrs. Si Jamison and baby arrived
home Thursday from a visit with rela
tives in Kansas.
The February Birthday Club held
their yearly gathering at the home of
Mrs. Bogenrlef this afternoon.
A. E. Atkins and family are enjoy
ing a visit with his parents, M. B.
Atkins and wife of Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bloom of Hast
ings are at the home of Andy Sodcr-
lin, Mrs. Soderlln being very ill with
G. S. Albright came down from
Kearney Tuesday aud Is moving to
that place where he has accepted a
position with the Gaston Music Co.
Senator Geo. W. Hummel was called
home from the legislature Wednesday
to conduct the funeral of John Raster.
He return to Lincoln this morning.
Vale Fox resigned his position nt
Bloomiugton the first of the week and
lei t Wednesday for St. Joe where he
has accepted a position with a large
millinery ouse.J ' ' "
Five cent lunches served at the
Home Bakery and we can furnish a
lunch and cigar stand at your sale,
wolf hunt or any other festivity,
adv Victoii E. Si'JtiNGKit.
Mr. V. W. Cowdeu will make his
semi-annual visit to the great clothing
markets located in Chicago next Sun
day. The Cowdeu-Kaley Clothing Co.,
realize the benefit of selecting their
suits and all men's wear right from the
wholesale bouses direct. Mr. Cowden
Is a discriminating buyer and knows
the need's and taste of the purchasers
in this community. This trip he will
also visit the market in St. Louis and
he will be able to select the very best
materials that can be found.
Mr. Harry A. Letson, mauager of
the Miner Bros., general merchandise
store will leave Sunday for the mark
ets In St. Louis and Chicago. He ex
pects to be gotte about ten days and
while' absent will purchase seasonable
merchandise for the spring trade. He
informs us that market conditions are
such this year that dependable goods
can be bought at very low figures
and he expects to give Red Cloud trade
the advantage of all the bargains.
The following shipped stook Sunday:
Weesner & Koontz 6 cars of hogs to
Kansas City; J. L. Christian 2 cars of
cattle to KansHS IClty; C. O Peterson
1 car of cattle to Kansas City; J. A.
McArthur 1 car of cattle' to St. Joe; J.
W. Robertson 2 cars of cattle to St.
Joe; C. J. Platt.l car of cattle to Kan
City; Amboy Milling Co., 2 cars of hos
to Kansas City; C. A. Post 1 car of live
poultry to Chicago; F. L. Dixon 1
emigrant oar to Imperial, Nebr.
Aaaaaaa j "' '
waFaaa I.ih
Special Tiiis Week
Special Prices on
Canned Goods
Special on Sugar
18 lbs. $1.00 9 lbs. 50c
4 1-2 lbs. 25c
Special on
Naval Oranges
15c Per Dozen
These Ontuftes art free frem Treat.
B. E. McFarland
All tha Phonaa
Dan Garber of Blverton was on our
streets this week. The "Corn King"
shelled his corn last week and now his
trials and tribulations are over until
spring work begins on the farm.
The Blverton High school basket
ball boys came down last Thursday
evening and played our High 6chool
boys at the Y. M. C. A. The Blverton
team won the game by a score of 28 to
This is February and several great
events have ocean ed, especially one
which happened 51) yerrs ago the
birth of the hog editor on the 4th
Commercial Advertiser.
How deeply we lament tho fact that
this great event did not occur two
days earlier, thus permitting the citi
zens of this greut and glotious country
an opportunity of celebrating this said
great event In connection with Ground
Hog Day. As it is with Washington's
birthday, also, this mouth, makes it
most enough "great events" as to be
(From Smith County)
Fred Brown and E. E. Spurrier are
repairing the Pawnee church this week.
Fay and Oval Upp have gone to
Yuma County, Colorado to visit rela
tives. Miss Nora Dunn, who has been here
visiting relatives, has returned to Lin
coln. Fred Hooper, who was visiting in
Missouri, was called home on account
of the illness of his wife.
. Mrs, James Campbell of Womer was
operated on at her home last week and
the operation is proving successful so
far. The Doctors removed several
large gall stones.
Two weeks after Jess Green return
ed from Kansas City where he had
gone with a car of cattle he was takeu
quite sick. Dr. J. B. Dykes the attend
ing physician soon found he had a case
of Smallpox. Mr. Green has been sick
over a week now and is improving
slowly. . ,
Real Estate I rusrera.
For the week ending Feb. 4th, 10)3.
Compiled by M. W. Carter.'Bonde'd Ab
stracter, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Lydla L. Corbett and Husb., to
Anna l'olniokv, wd, lots 5 to 8,
Blk. 1, Piatt's Add to Red
Cloud 13100
Nelson Bartlett and wife to
Myrtle Uather, wd, lota 7 to 10,
Blk. 2, Bladen 4000
Adnirou J. White and wife to
Florence G. A mack, wd, wj
nw K, sec. 12-8-11 2200
Walter L. Uhea aud wife to A,
A. Bushee, wd, lot 8, Blk. 4,
Spence's Addition to Bladen.... 400
Chester U, I'arkisou to Jouu Dar
win, wd, lot 11, Roberts Add to
Guide Bock 1200
Anua M, BocutjeJ to. Charles
Trautm nu, wd, lots 2 to 0,111k.
ft, (irussells Sub. Div. to Roll
rer's Add Blue Hill 210
F. T. llopka aud wife to John 1.
Duneau, wd, lot 27, lilk.t), Blue
Hill 3200
Moitgages Filed, 817,730.00.
Mortgages Uclcased, SlJjOflO.OO.
Farm Fer Rcit
210 aero farm for rent 11 miles south
east of Red Cloud, and (Ms inileasouth.
itrncit nf ftnlrln 1Yrw,b Ati.tli. in f V '
Rogers 1542 K street, Lincoln, Nebr.
City Treasurer's Statement
Folium i y I, IIH.'I.
Hon. Mayor and City Council,
Red Cloud, Nob.
1 .submit hoiowith report
of the condition of your troasuiy fioui
Jan. 7, HUH to Feb. I, 1013.
Occupation Fund
Am't. on hand dan. 7, Ma .... $ 102 4H
No lecolpts
Disbursements.. .. . . 130 01
Balntice Feb 4 Mil 87
Water Fund
Am't. on hand .Ian. 7, M3 4 44
Receipts 484 SO
Balance Feb. 4, 489 03
Water Levy Fund
Am't. on hand Jan. 7, '13 14 84
No rocelpts No Disbursements
Uncalled warrants outstanding 8513.07
General Fund
Am't. on hand Jan. 7, M3 ti8'.t 2o
Receipts none
Dlsbutseincuts ... 773 tW
Ok-cidraft Feb. 4, lsl 13
Registered wirinnt outstanding foi
fOU but same called for pymetit Doc
27, M'J and not yet pretexted.
Klectric Light Fund
Am't. on hand Jan. 7, 'III . . llsO Ilti
Receipts .... p:,o 00
2130 30
Disbursements ' 147 04
Balaiii'o Feb. 4, t83 3J
Electric Light Levy
Am't. on bond Jan. 7, '13 30 42
No Receipts No Disbursements
Balance :i0 42
Registered warrants outstanding un
called ?S5G 02.
Judgment Fund
Am't. on hand Jan. 7, '13 0 03
Receipts 1210 73
1217 30
1215 00
2 :t(i
Balance Feb. 4,
Firemen's Fund
Am't. on hand Jan 7, '13 2(C) 20
Receipts 10 00
Balance Feb. 1, 215 20
Occupation Fund 8311 S7
Water Fund 4m 03
Water Levy It Si
General-Overdraft lsl 4j
Klectric Light 0s3 32
E. L. Levy 30 12
Judgment 2 3G
Firemen 2J5 20
S1809 01
S. R. Floiianck, City Treasurer.
City Council Meets
February 5, 1013.
Council met iu regular session with
Mayor Turnure presiding and all couu
oilmen present.
Minutes of the previous meeting was
read and approved.
. The report of S. R Floranco city
treasurer was read and ordered placed
on flic.
The clerk reported the list of all
delinquent light aud water consumers
and the city attorney was Instructed
to collect or sue these accounts.
The matter of refunding 14000 elec
tric light bond was laid over until
next meeting.
The following claims were allowed:
Anchor Packing Co., S 20 35
GnyZelgler 120 00
Cliff Jay 70 18
W. A.I'atteu C5 00
Chas. Fox 19 90
Carrie Fry 05 OS
O. C. Teel 50 00
S. R. Florance 304 72
A. C. Slaby Go 00
Mid West Eleo. Co., 3d
Sunderland Mfg. Co., 20 40
Mayer Coal Co 503 07
Motion to adjourn.
aallet March Netlcet.
Our special meetings that just clos
el were a great success and there are
only good words and best wishes for
our brother Relsner. We did not see
the number get into the kingdom that
we had hoped to see, but we bellve that
we will see results later.
We now settle down to the regular
work and if we are to have the best re
salts from the meetings It will be be
cause we all settle down to work for
the Master and- his Kingdom as we
never have before.
Regular services next Sabbath.
S. S. at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m.
The subject for the morning sermon
will bo 'Perseverance" and In the
evening "If the World was like Me."
Services at the home of A. E. Sutton
av. 3 p.m.
A special examination will be held
on Saturday, February 15, at Blue Hill
Guide Rock and Red Cloud. This ex
amination will cover all subjects for
county certification and will be held
one day only.
Gkrtrude L. Coon, Co. Supt
Can Annreciate
I A Real, First Class
morning Bargain
Attend our 20 per cent dis
count sale now on at our store.
Just think of buying nice, new Suits and Overcoats made by
B. Kuppenheimer & Co.
Society Brand
At such liberal discounts. A good assortment
yet to choose from ifooc A" mil eaily. a
Cowden-Kaley f
cr. .rrrm
Tho uudeisigned will sell at Public Auction on his farm tl miles east
of Red Cloud, 2 miles east of Lester, and 1 mile north and 3 miles
west of (Julde Rock, on
Monday, Feb. 17th
l? 25 - Head of Mules - 25
L Consisting of :i spans of 4-year olds; 0 spsns of 3-year olds,
balauce vearlluirs and sucklinus.
Also One 6-Year Old
litack with white points, lfS,1 hands high, weight 1000 lbs.
He is a sure foal getter and a splendid worker anil I can show you
many of his colts on day of sale. Some of his 2-year olds weigh
better than 1200 pounds
10 - Horses, flares
In this bunch you will find
4 Poll Durham Bulls 4
Reds and Roans
Some farm machinery, 1 set double buf gy
harness, nearly new.
IIWI-Ten mouths time, 10 per cent interest, bankable paper.
J Lunch on the Grounds
. J. II. Elllnger, Col. G. G. Denny, Auct;Cnpt. Sid Florance, Cleii
vaAMHBHP ww WaaaaaaaaaaWySlaaWJ
Weather Summary For January.
Maximum, 01) degiees on the -JDlh.
Minimum, 22 below on the 3th.
Greatest dully range 1 5 degiees ou
the 20th.
Total, 0.21 inches; greatest iu 21
hours, 0 14 inches ou (lie Tth.
Snow, total fall h Inches.
Number of days with ,01 inch or
more precipitation, 2.
Clear, 18; partly cloudy, 3; cloudy 1')
as follows
Kentucky Pedigreed Jack
and Geldings -10
some elegant brood mares, all in
Prevailing wind direction, north
west 13 days.
Chas. S. Ludlow.
Farm Loans
At Lowest Interest, bestoptloi, least
expense. Call for mo at State Bank,
Red Cloud. C. P. CatiikR.
The ChleMttat W Jtff.
i '
WS&-' ,r?isr
. h A.-tS $' A. 't, f I1.!,, .. " '