;i8j& ' v" , K Swttdu A. - ' '.ir- V, r.o IS m A DO, w , & -.$ '$ Z, v fsrtf 7,2- ToV' oua- T o'Moj. IZf -o, i. "a qk'jya v v. .-.aaflD,.& . VIKf.aeVJIM1' l . o sssmKR$SKS!BSmsssssMm BOY OBEYED ORDERS GIVEN Meant Well, But Information Was Not Welcomed by Hotel Manager Just at That Time. A certain New York hotel manager Is one of those nervous men who con stantly warn their employes against keeping them in Ignorance of any happening around the place. Ho hired a new bell boy recently, and gave him tho UBual warning: "Remember," he warned, "If any thing happens around here I'm to be the first person to know about It." Soon after that he was showing three haughty Daughters of tho Con federacy one of the best rooms In tho place, when tho new bell boy rushed In with his hair on end. ' "Something's happened!" ho yelled. Tho threo Daughters of the Con federacy turned coldly, and the man ager,' anxious to get rid of tho boy, demanded to know the trouble. "That old cat down stairs," said the boy, "has just bad klttensl What shall we do?" The manager's suggestion was rough. Flattery. "It Is an easy matter for an agent to sell Gupp an edition de luxe set of books." "How so?" "All the agent has to say Is, 'Mr. Uupp. you look like a man of Intelli gence.' " Higher 'Up. "I suppose you have tried motoring, Judge?" he asked. "No, I have not," replied the Judge, "but I have tried a lot of people who have." Pathfinder. Appropriate Connections. "So Miss Jiggers had an eye to the vaudeville stage." "Yes, but she got the book." Its Kind. "Don't you think this Peace Prise Idea is a grand thing? "Truly, it Is a Nobel thought" Constipation causes and apjrravatea manyj erioua uiovaAVB. it is iiiuruuuiy oureu vj Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The favorite family laxative. Adv. Silence may be golden, but silver will shut a man's mouth just as ef fectively. P FOLEY'S M COMPOUNDERS STOPS COUGHS - CURES COLDS Coatalea No OpUtaa la Saf For Children pannsmsss ' For Coupons Out of the HEEI Duke's Mixture Sack Many men are Retting untold pleasure out of the Lieeetl&Afutr Duke's Mixture sack. Each 5c package holds one and a half ounces of choice VirjrinU and North Carolina leaf the kind you will like, no matter how you smoke it. j mmm Duke's Mixture, made by the liggtii & Myers Tobacco Co. at Dur ham, N. C, is everywhere a favorite with smokers who want the true taste of pure, mild, selected tobacco. ,. 7!9n ak,n? h' brand the leader of i Its kind. Pay what you will, you cannot Set better granulated tobacco than Duke's lixturo. You still get the same bljr one and a half ounce sack for Ac, and with each sack you now get a present coupon, FREE. A Save the Present Coupons 3 With the coupons you can get many handsome, desirable presents articles suitable for men, women, boys and girls. Something for every member of the household. Special offer for February and March oniy Our new illustrated catalogue of pres ents will bo sent Free to anyone who sends us their name and address. With tags rem HORSE SHOE. J. T TINSLEyS NATURAL l2EAPr GRANGER ROSES (lOe tin dovbli ctmptm). PICK PLUG CUT. PIEDMONT CIGARETTES, CUX CIGAR. ETTES, and oUur Ugt or content uiuat by ui. Address Prwahm Dept iaSVMa aSi m m -. 3t.Loala,Mo. HE KNEW. Smith Friends are a great consola tion.. Jones Not If you're broke. . When the Peanuts Ran Out. For two hours an old back country man, who had never before seen an elephant, had been standing before a row of them In enrapt silence deal ing out peanuts one at a time. When the last was gone and no more forth coming, Jumbo, the largest elephant, reached over and removed tho enter tainer's bat from his head to the top of a lion's cage nearby. For the first time in two hours the old man expressed his emotions in words: "You old two-tailed Indian rubber nuisance you!" he exclaimed, Indignantly. "It I knew which end your head was on, I'd slap yuor face." Friendly Blow. Louis Drownlow, Washington news paper man, paused In a drug store In Greensboro, N. C, not so long ago, to aBk for a match. While he was there a young colored chap came running In with' a big gash the whole length of his skull, and apparently a good deal put out about some accident that had befallen him. "What's happened to you?" asked Drownlow, excitedly but sympathetic ally. "A friend bit me with a hatchet,' replied the bleeding stranger. Not That Crazy. "This bill Is too high," said tho man to his lawyer. "Out didn't I provo to tho court that you were crazy and get you ac quitted?" replied tho lawyer. "You did. Dut you could never proyo that I'm crazy enough to pay such a bill as that." Yonkers States man. His Status. "Is that druggist well thought of In the community?" "Sure. Isn't he a pillar of the church?" i flsMs! sr MIIDNATIONAL SUNMfSCHOOL . Lesson (ny E. O. SKt.UCnS, Director of Kvo iiIiir Department Tlio Moody lllblo In xtltuto of Chicago,) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 9. GOD'S COVENANT WITH NOAH. LKRBON TEXT-Ocn. 9:8-17. (1 OLD EN TEXT-"I do net my bow 111 the cloud iind It nhntl lie for ti token of n "ovt'iintit between mo nnd the earth." Qen. 9:13. I. Verses 8-11. .At tho conclusion ol the lesson of Inst week Nonli wtB em barked in the ark and tho flood wns over tlto earth. Uotween that tlnio and tho tlmo of tills lesson Nonh made three uttempt to ascertain if tho tlmo had arrived for him to leavo tho Ark. At last Cod gave hi in com mand (8:16, 16) to "go forth," but ho did not go empty bunded. Nonh had taken his all in the nrk nnd It proved to bo a most pro (It able invcHtment. Though shut up IfiO dnyn (7:24), God must have been in the hearts of that little company iih they stepped forth upon tho dry lnntl. What nn over powering Henso of God'a gracious mercy. What a recollection of God's awful wrath. What a trembling leant there be n repetition of this disaster. And what an amazement In Contem plating the mighty work of founding a new race. Noah's Offering. The first net on Noah's pnrt upon leaving the ark was to build an altar unto God and to offer a burnt offering (8:20). Thus we see that God's cov enant with Noah wns based upon tho ground of shed blood (Heb. 9:15-22), and as such it was an acceptable of fering, "a sweet smelling sacrifice" (8:21), because It was an expression of entire consecration to God, Phil. 4:18. This offering is, of course, a typo of Christ who is the "Lnmb slain from tho foundation of tho world." As Noah's offering, see 8:21, averted a rightful penalty, even so tho offering of Christ redeems us from the curso of sin which is our just duo, Gal. 3:13. As they look about upon tho cleansed earth, for thnro In no sin present except that of their own hearts, they nro to us a type of that now life into which wo enter through Jesus Christ, see I. Peter a: 20, 21. A study of covenants and of coven ant making ceremonies Is always in tensely Interesting. In tho IMbllcal meaning a covenant Is a compact or agreement botwecn two parties, (1) between God and man, (2) between man and roan. In thlB covenant God bestowed tho benefit of an assurance, though Noah had had certain condi tions imposed upon him, the fulfilling of which brought him to this plnco where he might recclvo this assur ance. God's covenant with Noah was ono of eight great covenants, (1) tho ono mnde In Eden, Gen. 1:28; (2) tho Adamic, Gen. 3:15; (3) this with Noah, Gen. 8:21, 22; (4) ono with Abraham, Gen. 15:18; (5) that with Moses, Ex. 19:25; (C) onq with the Israelites, Deut. 36:3; (7) that with David, 2 Sam. 7:16; (8) the new cov enant, Heb. 8:8. Tho main elements of Ala covennnt are, (a) tho removal of tho curee, 8:21; (b) tho assuranco of returning harvests and regular sea son, 8:22; (c) the promise of an abundant progeny, 9:1; (d) the domi nation of animal llfo, 9:2; (o) provi sion for food, both flesh and herd, 9: 3; (f) provision for sacrifice and wor ship, 9:4; (g) tho safety of human life, 9:5; (h)vthe administration ol Justice, 9:6. God's Promise. Nonh's life of obedience Before h entered the ark had elicited God's promise that he would establish a covenant with him, see Eph. 6:18; .and so God today holds before all men tho promise of a new and better covenant Into which they also may enter If the; will, Heb. 8:8. God has -frequently used this covenant as an illustration of his lovo and his faith fulness towards his peoplo, Isa. fi: 9, 10, and thlB covenant Included God's caro for the beasts as well as man, verses 10, 15, 16, see also Ps. 36:5, 6; Jonah 4:11 This Is a good thought to emphasize with the younger pupils. II. Verses 12-17. As though Jo hovah would make assurance doubly secure, ho not only made a covenant but appointed a token, a sign, of that covenant, whereby tho covenant is to be remembered, read Gen. 17:11; Ex. 12:13, 2:12; Matt, 26:23-28; I. Cor. 11: 23-25. Wo must beware of read ing Into this passage any suggestion that this is tho first appearance of a rainbow upon the earth; there Is no such suggestion in tho text, but rath er God took tho rainbow which was Bet in the cloud and made of it a token of the covenant he had made with Noah. Whenevor wo behold n rainbow we ought to remember that his covenant wob not alone to Noah, bu to us, his seed. The rainbow was formed of that snmo rain which had produced the flood. "After the appearance of an entire rainbow, ob a rule, no rain of long duration follows." Tho rainbow is proof that tho rain la partial and that tho Bun of God's morcy is shin ing. It lights up what had Just been dark and fateful. Rainbows can bo seen in all parts of the earth, so Is his mercy all embracing. A rainbow is beautiful nnd attractive, nnd so is Jesus tho chief among ten thousand and tho ono altogether lovely. An arch Ib thn strongest form of ma eonry construction. CUT THIS OUT Recipe tlut Breaks a Cold In a Day nnd Cures Any Curable Cough. , '""V yf driii:(jlst eot half cnimw or oiui... rum (.'oiinmimd (Concontr.itrd lino) nnd two ounros of Olycprlnc. Inke Hipso two Itinredtpnti- homn nnd nut thrin into u tuiir pint of :ood wIiIm key: Hhiikf w .-!! mid nop In iIohpm of ono to two triiMimonftil-' nflrr each menl nnd nt bedtime," Hitinller doses to ehll dren noeordltiK to ne. Hut he miro to Ket onlv the genuine Olobo Title Com. pound U'oncPMintcd Pine). I "noli hnll miner bottle eoiiii-H in a nealed tin nerov top rune. If your drilKKlM does not have It he will iinlrkiv net It. Many mix tuieH nro of larRo nunntlly nud cheaper, but It l rlky to experiment. This formula come from n lettable doctor nnd Is certain. This was first jmli. Ilshed here six years iiro nnd local ilrin-KlMn nay It has been In constant detiMtid ever since. Published bv tho Jjlobo rhnrnineeullcal laboratories of t lilcupo, Watered Stock. Two old cronies hnd been bIUIiik In n cafe on Cortlnndt strcot ono Satur day afternon for several hours and wore pretty milch tho ivorso for their IctiKthy tetc-n-lctc. "What Is your nationality, anyway, Jim?" asked one. "Well, I'll tell you, Hob. My father came from Glasgow, bo you seo I'm half Scotch " "And tho other hnlf seltzer, I guess." put In IiIh companion. Satur day Evening Post. Proved. "Is that dainty Hush on Clara's rheeks her own?" "No; she took It out of sister's. bo' Addressed to Women That Backache of Yours Is one of nature's warnings when all the joy of living has vanished because of trouble peculiar to womankind. Don't disregard this warning. Don't procrastinate. Now is the time to take steps to regain health and strength. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription NO ALCOHOL NO NARCOTICS Ha3 been recommended for over forty years as a remedy for ailments peculiar to women. Thousands of grateful women have testified to its effectiveness. You, too, will find it beneficial. As made up by improved and exact processes, the "Favorite Prescription" is a most efficient remedy for regulating all the womanly functions, correcting displacements, as prolapsus, antcversion and retroversion, overcoming painful periods, toning up the nerves and bringing about a perfect state of health. M t This tonic, la liquid form, wm deviled over 40 years ago for the womanly tyttetn, by R.V. Fierce. M. DM and haa in tablet form from Every woman ought to possess Dr. Pierce's great book, the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a magnificent thousand-page illustrated volume. It teaches mothers how to care for their children and themselves. It is the best doctor to have in the house in case of emergency. Over half a million copies were sold at $1.50 each, but ono free copy in cloth covers will be sent on receipt of SI one-cent stamps to pay the cost of wrapping and mailing only. Address Address Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel Buffalo, New York IrUM Wffliur raaVaffal MM HARDWARE bearing our DOUBLE GUARANTEE TAG will always be replaced by your dealer if for any reason it should prove unMtufactory. OurDOUBLEGU ARANTEE QUAL ITY TAG insures satisfaction. Bayer ikaala kaow Maker's MM Time Tried Wright & WUhelmy Co. I AtV W r PUTNAM FADELESS DYES SoIoriMregoodsbriihterandfastercotonihanairrotherdye. One 10c package color all fiber. TheydyelncoldwaterbeKertliMajrerkerelM. Yeaeaa r any garment without riptring apart. Writ tor free booklet How to Pre. Bleach and Mix Color. HONKOE OBUO COMPANY. Qeiey. IB. Strenuous Salutations. "No wonder them city people, com-1 Main nbout beln' nil worn out with heir soelnl duties." vouchsafed n .H...I...... .illlfMH tt Wn I'iviirltnlilml I 'When I was down, to New York I lurn' near unj'lnted my. neck tryln' to low to everybody 1 met on the itreets.'--Judg. There In no policy like politeness; md a good manner Is tho best thlnp, in the world, either to get one n good name or to rupply the want of It. lulwer I.yttou King Ferdinand Alms High, King Ferdinand Is said to he mnk ng not only a change of religion hut i change of natnn to Simeon II, when lo ussumefl the title of emperor ol )ulgarlu. Tho first Simeon Ih still Hip latlnnnl hero, and his reign, which jegan In 803, was Hulgarla'n "golden ige," when, oh Gibbon states, she tooh i place nmotig tho great powers ol Quropu. Women nro constantly the dupes, oi .he victims, of their extrano sonnl .lvent'MH. llonoro Do llalzac. Uruguay Bars Gypsies. A party of gypsies woio refused ad nlsslon Into Uruguay recently undei ho law of .lime 10, 1SH0, nnd tho do :re of December 10. 1894, whirl rends: "It Is also declnrc.d as prohlb ted immigrants Asiatics. African! mil Indlvtdualb generally known tin ler thu names of zlngarns (gypsies! ind liohemlans." benefited many thousand women. Now dealer ia medicine, or end 50 one-cent A Case la Kind "I wrote to you about In month obo for your kind advice In regard to my ease," write Mr. LiMle White. At time I wa hardly nhte to be on my feet. I believe 1 had every pain nnd ache n woman could hive. Had a very bad caie of uterine dlieaae. Ovarle were very much dlaeaiea and my back wa very weak. 1 tuUered a great deal with nervou htadachti, In fact fl tiff.l all nv. 1 tnm lowed your direction a clocly a I could, and wa well pleated with the reatilu. I have taken your 'Favorite Prescription' and 'Oolden Medical Dlacovery' for about three month and can now y that my health wa never better, lean highly recommend Doctor Pierce' rcmedi to any woman suffering from female dlaeaae, and I do recommend them to every on 1 aee. Have Induced eeveral to try your wonderful medicine." Addrcs furnished on request. i - When You Buy Hardware Buy that which Bears Our Double Guarantee Quality Tag You will then have Hardware Satisfaction As all Cabinet Makers and workers in wood know. scraping is fatiguing work. STANLEY Scrapers have been the standard for years. Their use will lighten your labor and improve your work. Only a few shown here. Several other styles to choose from. Catalogue No. 34-C tells you all about them. A postal brings it. AtarilItul(wSii(aVvelCix Nw Erjtain. Conn. USA. MAYDOLE KNOWN AS I David Maydole Hammer experience has taught them into making Hammers to satisfy the most exacting. They know how to build the Hammer that satisfies. We attach to it our DOUBLE GUARANTEE QUALITY TAG. mwto Russell Jennings Double Spur Auger , Bits Cut Quick.Qcar and Clean Easy. Just the tool the carpenter relies upon for satisfactory work. They have been in practical use for years. Theirs is the Best Auger Bit. Ask your dealer for Russell Jennings Augec Bits with our Double Guarantee Quality Tag. ' I CONSTIPATION Munon's Paw-Paw laxatives or c.Uliar tlcn. They co.w tho liver into activity by gentlu methods, they do not scour: they do not gripo;they do not weaken; but tlicy do .start all lllc secretions of thu liver and Mom null in a way that soou puis tlies) organs in a healthy condition nnd corrects constipation. Munyon's Paw-Paw Pills nro a tonic to tho stomach, liver and nerves. They invigorate instead of weaken; they enrich tho bUxnl instead of impover ishing it; they enable tho stomach to get all tho nourishment from food that is put into it. Price as cents All Druggists r 1 Tbc Man Who Pal the EEslnFEET Look for Tills Trnde-Mntk Pic ture oil tlie l.abcl when buying- ALLEN'S F00TEASE KuS The Antlfciitlc Powder for Ten. Tnuii-Mmt. drr, Achilla I'cct. hold every, whcie. 2sc. nniplc I'Ultlt. Address, ALLEN S. OLMSTLO, Lc Roy, N. Y. Aaonl Wanlail wh" know thejr run Fell Inert Agents named tlMi nn,Iu IiukI thai will Mniht ltmMlKiitl(n, Helrmllcl etitilnrtn fur men wlm i-nn inukeiiiMHl. I'nr-tiiriwillimnt pun IniM-rn. Pl. III .ill ill (.till (llirT, lint II, Main, H.rM DEFIANCE STIRCH-:;: 7J. othrr iiarchfli only W ounce nnmo prim m DKFIANCK" ! SUPERIOR QUALITY. it can also be obtained lUmpi trial box. NAIL HAMMERS QUALITY EVERYWHERE Co. have put the best that 67 years '"'uM;"' i ' for a J 'i'A1 &wg 'Lx. rf .rffMi, ' - j - &l W i '2iA . iL !& S &$&&&&tf)M S.i.rv.