The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 30, 1913, Image 7

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Mrs. Stewart Tells How She
Suffered from 16to45 yean
old How Finally Cured.
Euphemia, Ohio. " Because of total
Ignorance of how to care for myself
rhen verging into womanhood, and from
taking cold when going to school, I suf
fered from a displacement, and each
month I had severe pains and nausea
which always meant a lay-off from work
for two to four days from the time I,
was 16 years old.
"I went to Kansas to live with my sis
ter and while there a doctor told me of
the Pinkham remedies but I did not use
them then aa my faith in patent medi
cines was limited. After my sister died
I came home to Ohio to live and that
has been my home for the last 18 years.
"The Change of Lif o came when I was
47 yean old and about this time I saw
my physical condition plainly described
In one of your advertisements. Then I
began using Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound and I cannot tell you
or any ono tho relief It gave me in the
first thrco months. It put mo right'
where I need not lay off every month
and during tho lost 18 years I have not
paid out two dollars to a doctor, and havo
been blest with exccllenthealth forawo
womon of my ago and I con thank Lydia
"Since tho Chango of Life is over I
have been a maternity nurso and being
wholly Bclf-Bupnorting I cannot over
estimate the value of good health, t
have now earned a comfortable littlo
home just by sewing and nursing since
I won 62 years old. I have recommended
the Compound to many with good re
sults, as it is excellent to take before
nd after childbirth." Misa Evelyn
Adelia Stewart, Euphcmia, Ohio.
If you want special advice write to
lydia E. Pinkham Meildie Co. (conn
deatlal) Lynn, Mass. Toor letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held In strict confidence
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
"act surely and
cenuy on tne
liver. Cure
ache, Dlzzi-
ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
f you feel "out of iorUM-"ron down" or "tot the
Blet,Mnn"er front Rldner.bladder.nerron dUeaaea,
write for my fHKalbook. Ill tne mom inttraetiTa
aedlcal book aver written. It Milt all about tbeae
Ad youean decide foryunnelf If Itl the remedy for
your ailment, iwd i irna m nni. u .uauinieiT
FHIStL No"follnw-op"clrrnlr. Dr.t.eClerrMed.
Co., uayenuocK na., iiatupatcau.
quickly relieve era
. Irritation earned.
by dun, tun or
. IJooklatfna
Not on the Program.
A littlo four-year-old girl, whose par
ents had been discussing an approach
ing meeting in connection with the
6oclety for the Prevention of Cruelty,
to Children, begged to be taken. Her
mother explained that the meeting
would not amuse her, but she persist
ed In her demand, and finally her
mother agreed to take her If she prom
ised to be very quiet
She was very good throughout the
greater part ot the -proceedings, but
after listening patiently to the,
speeches for some time she whispered
to her mother:
"Mummy, this Is dull! When U the
cruelty going to begin?"
Fair to All.
"Recently, 'says a Richmond man,
"I received an Invitation to the mar
riage of a your.g colored couple for
merly In my employ. I am quite sure
that all persons similarly favored were
left In little doubt as to the attitude
of the couplo. The invitation ran as
" 'You are Invited to the marriage
of Mr. Henry Clay Darker and Miss
Josephlno Mortimer Dixon at tho
house of the bride's mother. All who
cannot come may send." Llpplncott's
In another part of this papor you
will find a largo ad of tho Loose-Wiles
Ulscuit Co., Omaha, Neb. They offer
to send to any reader a box of assort
ed biscuits absolutely free. Don't mlsa
this opportunity. Cut out the coupon
from their ad and mail It today.
The Reason.
"Why 1b consistency considered
such a Jewel?"
"llocauBo It 1b rare."
Married men like to board anil
pretend that they aro doing light
Backache Rheumatism
Kidneys and Bladder
DMlCoDfaSyrup. TutctOood. tlu
In lira. Said by Drat (ltd.
sstrSE -r!rMrr-wT---i :
BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV bbbbI arl .
Events of Importance as They Trans
pire In Both Branches
of Congress.
The Senate. Not in session. Moots
at noon Monday.
Shipping Intrrrsts before commcrc
commission opposed proposed change
In Harbor law.
The House. Shipping trust commit
tee in session.
Ways and means commit teo con
tinued Its hearing on revision of flax,
temp nnrt jute schedule of tariff.
Adopted conference report on immi
gration bill, lfiti to 71.
Resumed consideration of rivers and
harbors appropriation bill.
Adjourned 6:50 p. in. until noon
Sunday for eulogies on the late Rep
resentative ttorge R. Maltby of Ne r
Thr Senate Adopted resolutions au
thoring naval nffaltH committee to
investigate wisdom of placing naval
observatory In bands of scientists Ir
respective of navy connections.
Democrats In caucus realllrmcd de
termination to hold up all President
Taft's appointments "orept army,
naval and diplomatic.
Senator McCiunbor unsuccessfully
sought to huw eight-hour law amend
ment vote reconsidered.
Regan consideration of Lever agri
cultural extension bill.
Adjourned at :!:15 p. m. until noon
The House Consideration of con
fcreneo report on immigration bill
wub objected to and notice was given
that It would be called up Saturday.
.Manufacturers of (lux, hemp. Jute,
etc., before tariff revision hearing
iwayn and means committee.
.lames J. Hill and several banker?
lexumined by "money trust" investl
'gating committee.
Merchant marine committee con
(tinned Its Investigation Into alleged
steamship pools.
Immediate action on North river
pier o.xteuslon bills was urged before
commerce committee.
Samuel (tampers asked judiciary
committee to postpone action on
workmen's compensation bill.
Representative Cannon spoke In fa
vor of Lincoln memorial structure bill
Appropriation of $1,000,000 for rellel
of Ohio valley tloor sufferers provided
in resolutions Introduced by Repre
sentative Stanley.
Adjourned at 0:30 p. m. until 11 a.
m. Saturday.
Tho Senate Campaign funds Inves
tigating committee heard C. P. J
Mooney regarding Archbold letters.
Considered miscellaneous legls
Adopted motion to hold eulogies on
late Senator Rayner of Maryland Feb
ruary 22.
Passed Penrose bill to promote ef
flclency of naval militia.
Adjourned at 2:04 until noon Fri
day. Tho House Prepared to begin do
bate on rivers and harbors appropria
tion bill.
Cotton tariff revision hearing con
tinued by ways and means commit
tee. "Money trust" Investigating com
mittee heard tho last bankers on its
list of witnesses.
Representative Moore, before pub
lic buildings committee, urged $1,000,
000 appropriation for new custom
house at Philadelphia.
Shipping pool Investigating com
mittee heard testimony on trans-At-Jantlc
lines traffic.
Interstate commerce committee
(heard protests of Louisville & Nash
.vllle railroad representatives on Stan
jley terminal facilities.
Disagreed to senate amendment to
executive and judicial appropriation
bill and asked for a conference.
Resumed consideration of rivers and
harbors appropriation bill. '
Adjourned at G:40 p. m. to 11 a. m.
Hotels Ask Police Protection.
New York. Harrnssed by continued
disturbances at the doors of their hos
telrles and restaurants, members of
tho hotelmcn'B association have Issued
a defiant statement to the several;
thousand waiters and hotel workers on'
strike, declaring there could bo no
recognition of the union and that they
would not grant the other demands of
tho wniters. Tho managors called on
Commissioner Waldo for police pro
tection. Annapolis, Md. The body of the
famous naval hero of the revolution,
John Paul Jones, which has reposed in
Bancroft hall at tho naval academy
since It wns brought hero from France
several yearn ago, has boon trans
ferred to tho crypt prepared for It
under tho chapel.
Have Done Great Thing.
Washington. The "greatest, moral
victory In the history of tho Osago
tribe," was tho way Acting Commls
isloner of Indian Affairs Abbott char
.notorized the election of a new tribal
council to succeed that deposed re
cently by Secretary Fisher on tho
chargo that "undue Influence" had
boen exerted over It by tho Undo
Sam Oil company In trying to obtain
leases to Osage oil lands. "Fred
(Lookout, who was elected chief," said
Commissioner Abbott, "Is a hard work
ing; farmer
Brief Mention of the Work Being Don?
by Nebraska Solons In the
Houses of Legislature.
Norris Elected Senator.
Lincoln. (leorgo W. Norris wns de
clared to be the unanimous choice of
both tho houses of tho legislature
Tuesday morning for United States
senator, and his election was formal
ly ratified Wednesday. Kvery senator
voted for Norris, democratic and re
publican alike, while the entire mem
bership of the house voted for him
excepting two absent representatives.
In tlie senate the proceedings were
eery Informal. The only explained
rote was that of fenator Klein, dem-
yf-c'-, 3aamslSBBw
-Nv 'ii'WaVW
;,-k ' i
,?? m
".'. S f.
'jlVi- '.
Elected by the Legislature as United
States Senator from Nebraska.
ocrat, who said that although bo was
not bound by statement No. 1, ho
wanted the people to rule and there
foro voted for the republican senator.
No demonstration accompanied the
voting or tho declaration of tho sec
retary of tho senate that Norris was
tho choice of that body.
Tho total number of senate em
ployes has reached fifty-eight, and,
with tho exception of a few which
will bo added from time to time a
emergency demands, will lkely not go
very much higher. Tho employes
chosen are:
Bill ClerkB H. C. Shultz and Ben
Stewart, Omaha; J. A. Rodman, Sid
ney; Chester Dobbo, Beatrice; J. It.
Forbes, Wayne; David Meeker, Im
perial. Clerk Committee on Engrossed
Bills Mrs. M. M. Harris, Lincoln.
Engrossing Clerks Mrs. Anna K,
Edwards, Omaha, and Mrs. Bertha
Mann, Crete.
Custodians Alfred Hnld, Omaha;
George Cathroe, Omaha; Oeorgo Ken
nedy, Genoa;; M. Ix)gasa, Omaha;
Henry Bessey, Wllber.
Engrossing Clerks Mrs. William
Hunter. Lincoln; Miss Stella Dolan
and Miss Vcrna Leonard, Platts
mouth. Stenographers Miss Laura Chris
tenson, Lincoln; M8 Agnes A. Scott,
Lincoln; Mrs. Allco J. Collins, Lin
coln. 8mlth Bill Passes Senate.
Tho senate has passed tho Smith
bill providing for an annual occupa
tion tax for express companies doing
business in the state. The bill pro
vides that 2 per cent of tho groBs re
ceipts of the company shall be levied
against It regularly, such receipts to
bo- thoso resulting from business
transacted at stations In Nebraska.
Declines the Appointment.
Ex-Goveronr A. C. Shallonbergcr
has declined tho appointment as a
member of tho board of control ten
dered him by (io'vornor Morehead.
Ho sent a telegram to the governor
Saturday In which ho stated that It
would bo impossible for him to accept.
Neglected children, whoso parents
aro proper guardians, but financially
unablo to provide a living for their
offspring, can remain at homo and still
havo tho expenso of their keep paid
by county boards, tinder tho provisions
of a bill Introduced by Senator Rob
ertson of Holt county. Tho measure
Is an nmendment to tho statute relat
ing to tho matter of caring for de
pendent and neglected children. The
state charities association Is support
lng the measuro and will endeavor tc
securo its passage at tho present ses
sion. The election of a United StntOB sen
ator and tho first consideration of
proposed legislation will featuro tho
week'B sessions of tho atato legisla
ture. Georgo W. Norris will bo
elcctcdj senator In all proboblllty. Tho
votes will bo cast under tho Oregon
plan, In accordance with tho people's
voto, November fi, and thoro Is no un
certainty as to tho result. Instead of
sweating In smoky hotel lobbies, trad
ing and bartering senatorial votes,
members of tho legislature peacefully
spent tho week-end In sundry occupa
tions boOttlng the day.
Ti i"- -i - ' -'itr1iVrf ViSirr
The closing of tho year 1912 tint
brought out the usual bank statements
accompanied b the addresses of tho
Presidents and General Muuugers of
these Institutions. Their readlug 1b
Interesting as they show In a striking
manner the prosperity of tho country,
and dent with economic matters In n
first hand way. Those who know any
thing of Canadlnn banking methods
know the stability of these Institu
tions, urn! the high character of the
meu who are placed In chargo. In
discussing tho laud situation tho Pros,
idout of the Union Bank of Canada,
whoso brunches are to be found In all
parts of the Canadian West, said:
"A good deal bus boen Bald ubout
speculation In land. Tho Increase in
land values bus added enormously to
the assetH of Western business, ami
has to soino extent formed a basl3 for
.extended credit, but this Ib not felt to
be a drawback when tho value Is real
niul convertible. Wo consider that n
business standing which Is strength
ened and enhanced by property hold
ings Is entitled to a teasouablo en
largement of credit for legitimate busi
ness operations."
It will thus bo seen that tho banks
rccognizo tho certain rise in tho value
of farm lands In Western Canada.
When the facts aro known of tho won
derful produclug (lunlitlca ot farm
lands in tho Provinces of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Albcrtu, It Ib sim
ple to understand tho liberal stand
taken by the banks.
Living not far from Lashburn, Sask.,
Is a farmer namod Clarko who in 1912
secured a crop of Marquis Wheat,
yielding 70 bushels per acre. ThlB
is spoken of as a record yield, and this
Is doubtless true, but Beveral caBCB
have been brought to notlco whero
yields almost as largo have been pro
duced, and in different partB of tho
country, i During tho past year thero
havo been reported many yields of
from 33 to 45 bushels of wheat to tho
acre. OntB, too, wcro a success
ful crop, and so waii the barley
crop. Wheat that would yield 40
bushels per acre, would bring on tho
market 70c (a fair tlguro) per bushel,
a gross return of $28.00 per ncro. Al
low $12.00 per aero (an outside figure)
thero would bo a balanco of $16.00 per
aero net profit. This llguro Bhould
satisfy anyone having land that cost
less than $100.00 per acre. Very much
less return than this proves satisfac
tory to thoso holding landa in Iowa
and Illinois worth from $260 to $300
per acre.
The latest Government returns give
an approximate estimate of four hun
dred thousand of an immigration to
Canada during 1912. Of this number
200,000 will be from the United States.
Most ot these are of- the farming clasB
and it is not difficult to understand
why farming lands in Canada will ad
vance from ton to twenty per cent
within the next twelve months'. There
fore investment In Western Canadian
lands Ib not looked upon as being in
tho speculative class. ThoBo fortunate
enough to secure free homesteads in
Canada will acquire in the intrinsic
value of tho land alone the best pos
sible start for a splendid future. Ad
vertisement A Diplomat.
Son Pa, is a diplomat a man who
knowB how to hold his tongue?
Father No, my boy. A diplomat Is
a man who knows how to hold hla
We feel sorry for the man who haa
a nagging wife to fuss over the ashes
from his pipe dreams.
Have You
Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery
You can learn nil about hynlono, anatomy, medlclno, etc., from the
Peoplo'a Common Senso Medical Adviaer, by Dr. It. V. Picrco, a nowly
revised, un-to-dato edition of which is now ofTored, in cloth covers,
post-paid, for 81 cents in ono-cent stamps, to cover cost of wrapping
j, and mailing only. Address, Dr. Tierco's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Don't be poisoned by sluggish bowels. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach,
Jlver and bowels. Sugar coated, tiny granules.
tlsr", amia'.MJ!. '.irna , i-
w rmmUB&'
Jooac WaJ(a Bwcvrr (JihimtP Today
Osaka, Neb.
Please send me FREE my "Surprise Box" of
Assorted Sunshine Biscuits.
Grocer's Name
Takhoma Biscuit
19 wonderfully Rood crisp and flaky.
Made to break evenly in center to a size
handy for eating. Air-tight packages.
Sunshine Biscuits in all styles arc making
friends everywhere. They come in kinds
to suit every occasion every taste all
full-flavored all delicious.
M 'ta ltff Ma i mmmmmtm JT AaMaMMAM
There's a Free "Surprise
the coupon.
Baktn of
. n. ,j;w
1 1 in
"That howwid Miss Giggles really
laughed at mo lawst oventng, doncher
know?" "Well, never mind her she often
laughs at nothing."
Of Course.
"What did your lawyer say when
you stated your purpose to him?"
"He said It was feoslble."
It takes a genius to save money or
write good poetry.
a Disordered
Stomach and liver?
Do you start the day feeling that the whole world is against
you? You cannot nope to "make good" under these cir
cumstances. Nobody can. You must have a clear brain
and every organ in perfect trim to do justice to yourself, i
Will Bring Quick Relief
Dr. R. V. Pierce found years ago that a glyceric1
extract of Golden Seal and Oregon grape roots,
queen's root and bloodrootwith black cherry bark,
would aid in the assimilation of the food in the
stomach, correct liver ills and in nature's own way
enrich the blood, tone the entire system and con
sequently help in tho restoration of perfect health. Many
who have used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tes
tify that they havo been restored to health when suffering
from stomach and liver ills. Let this famous old medicine
start today to lead you to health and strength.
Now if you prefer you can obtain Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription tablets of your druggist
at$l per box, also in 50c etec or tend GO one-cent
stamps to It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, for a trial box,.
,, A, i,.
a tmwmmmmmmm
Box" of six kinds for you. Mail
Qiscurr (pMHunr
William II. Maxwell, the nuportn
teudent ot New York's schools, said
tho other day, apropos of certala
demagogic proposals:
"Hut tho best definition of a dema
gogue will always remain that of
little girl of seven, who said:
" 'A demagogue Is a vessel contala
lng beer nnd other liquids.'"
Trouble for the Future.
First M. D. (from bedside f
wealthy bachelor) Ho la sloping naU
orally bo will recover. Second It.
D. Yen, tho worst Is over. Pint
M. D No, the worst la yot to com.
Second M. D. How is that? First
M. -D. Wo havo yet to break
nows to his relatives. Life.
Almost Thrown Away.
"The fish I had from yesterday
wasn't fit to cat. I was obliged ta
give it to my servants!" Londoa
Allrn'a Toot-uuae, tne Antlaeptlo powder Urn
tired, aching, awollen, ntrvuua feet, illvaa
reat and comfort. Makea walking a dtllcat.
Sold everywhere, ago. Don't accept any aufe
atllute. For KRKB aampla addreaa Alien av
Oiroited, I.e Itoy. N. Y. Adv.
Real Teat
Gabe How do you tell a genula
diamond from a fakeT
Steve Try to bock It
Gave HIM Up
"I was attacked with a aereia
B arrow dl.eue, wblch wu caowa
Tatlltordenxl etomach and Ur
' cr." write e Ms. Ja. V. Utez.t, ot
"All uif friend thought I would
dio and tho bent thlclan cava
mo tin, I waa adTlMMl to try Or.
J'lorto'n OolJeo Uedlral UIeor
err, and derived much benefit
from (WW. My caso nod ran to
lour, It bermno o chronic,
that noUilnir would effect a par
maofnt euro, but Dr. Pierce's
medicine hn dona much for aja.
and I hlirhlr racnmmiiiul It. ff
boartlir adrlaa it tueaa a carina
tonic and further advlaa alllna
puopla tolakaUr. Pterca's nadC
clnea before their limn bare
Tha ffcxafrlai ix
ffci., mJikirJsA..Ji